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聽電影學(xué)英語 鋼琴師19

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語 鋼琴師



[00:04.88]You're pulling my leg 你開玩笑呢吧
[00:06.93]You've seen nothing but the ocean 自從你出生那天起
[00:08.39]since the day you were born 你就一直對著海著呢
[00:09.85]But from here 只從船上看過啊
[00:13.27]I want to see it from there 我想從陸地上看看海的樣子
[00:14.81]It's not the same thing at all 換個角度 和從船上看根本就是兩碼事
[00:16.35]Wait till we dock lean over the side 那你就等我們靠岸的時候
[00:18.36]take a good look 好好看看吧
[00:19.84]It's the same thing 其實都一樣
[00:21.32]No, it's not 不 不一樣的
[00:23.99]From land, you can hear its voice 在岸上 你是可以聽到大海的聲音的
[00:26.05]You don't hear that from a ship 那是一種無法從船上聽到的聲音
[00:29.11]What do you mean, its voice? 什么叫"大海的聲音"啊
[00:31.33]Its voice 大海的聲音
[00:37.00]It's like... 就像...
[00:40.67]a big scream... 就像是一聲震耳欲聾的驚叫
[00:44.50]telling you that life is immense 像對生命的廣博的驚嘆
[00:48.84]Once you've heard it, then you know 一旦你聆聽過這樣的聲音 你就會知道
[00:50.22]what you have to do to go on living 怎么樣才有繼續(xù)生活下去的動力和激情
[00:54.39]I could stay here forever 雖然我可以永遠(yuǎn)待在船上
[00:58.31]But the ocean would never tell me a thing 但這樣大海是不會給我任何啟示的
[01:03.56]But if I get off live on land for a couple of years 倘若我下船 去陸地上感受幾年 生活幾年
[01:07.44]then I'll be normal 我就會是正常的了
[01:09.74]just like the others 像其他人一樣
[01:12.40]Then maybe one day 然后或許有一天
[01:15.49]I'll make it to the coast look up, see the ocean 我會到海岸邊去 仰望大海 瞧瞧它的樣子
[01:18.58]and hear it scream 然后聆聽大海的咆哮
[01:21.87]I don't know who's been telling you this bullshit 我不知道這些亂七八糟的都是誰告訴你的
[01:24.37]or if you're just making it up 或者是你自己莫名其妙的想出來的
[01:26.33]But you want to know what I think? 但是你想知道我的想法嗎
[01:28.09]I think... 我的想法就是...
[01:30.38]the real reason you want off this ship is the girl 真正讓你有下船的沖動的原因 是那個女孩
[01:35.38]It's always the girl 只有那個女孩是你想下船的原因
[01:37.43]But even if it's not the reason that suits me just fine 但就算不是這個原因的話我也無所謂
[01:41.10]Because I've always wanted you to leave this ship 因為我一直都想讓你離開這艘船
[01:44.14]and play for the people on land 為陸地上的觀眾演奏
[01:46.14]and marry a nice woman and have children 然后再娶個好妻子 成家立業(yè) 兒孫滿堂
[01:49.77]and all those things in life which are not immense 我希望你能擁有的是那些生命中不那么"廣博"的
[01:55.99]but are worth the effort 但卻是值得你為之奮斗的
[01:59.53]You'll come visit me won't you, Max? On land? 你會來看我吧 麥克斯 去陸地上我的家
[02:04.41]Of course 當(dāng)然了
[02:07.87]That way, you'll introduce me 我去看你的時候 你要向我介紹
[02:10.29]to the mother of your children 你孩子的母親
[02:12.71]And invite me for Sunday dinner 還要邀請我和你們一起共進(jìn)星期日的晚餐
[02:15.88]I'll bring the dessert and a bottle of wine 我會帶些甜點(diǎn)外加一瓶酒
[02:19.01]and you'll tell me I shouldn't have 然后你就會對我說用不著這么客氣
[02:22.43]and while you're showing me around 當(dāng)你向我介紹帶著我參觀
[02:25.26]your house shaped like a ship 你那所建的似船一樣的房子
[02:28.10]your wife will be cooking a turkey 你妻子在為大家烤火雞
[02:30.73]And then we'll sit at the table 然后我們都會坐在桌旁
[02:32.19]and I'll tell her she's an excellent cook 我會夸贊她的廚藝
[02:35.98]and she'll say how you talk about me all the time 她會對我說你總會對她提起有關(guān)于我的事
[02:42.61]You know I'm going to give you my camel coat 知道么 我打算把我的駱駝大衣送你了
[02:47.66]You'll cut a fine figure when you get down there 等你下船的時候你穿著它肯定特帥
[02:53.79]How many people I have seen 我見過無數(shù)次人們在
[02:55.48]saying goodbye on the docks 在碼頭上互相道別之后卻
[02:57.17]without giving a damn 立即轉(zhuǎn)身離去 神色漠然
[03:00.09]But when I said goodbye to Nineteen Hundred 但是當(dāng)我與1900到了說再見的時候
[03:02.61]it was a real blow 道別卻成了最傷感的事情
[03:05.13]We laughed and kept saying "See you soon" 雖然我們互相笑著說"回見"
[03:08.47]But inside we both knew we'd never see each other again 但是我們都心知肚明 分離即永別
[03:30.20]Goodbye, Nineteen Hundred! Take care 再見了 1900 多保重
[03:32.57]Good luck Have a good time 祝你好運(yùn) 好好玩
[03:37.75]Take care Nineteen Hundred, take care 保重 1900 千萬保重
[03:39.87]Write us a letter sometimes 時不時地給我們寫信啊
[03:41.46]Give my regards to Broadway 代我向百老匯問好啊
[04:17.57]What'd he do, step in shit? 他怎么了 踩著屎了不成
[04:20.91]Maybe he just forgot something 說不定他忘拿什么東西了吧
[04:22.45]Maybe he's forgotten why he's getting off 也有可能忘了為何下船

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