[00:01.08]Previously on Lost:
[00:02.80]That's a satellite phone.
[00:04.32]From where did you take off?
[00:05.88]A freighter. About 80 nautical miles west of here.
[00:09.48]I'm part of a search-and-recovery team.
[00:11.40]Ben is using one of the Dharma stations to block all the signals.
[00:14.60]It's an underwater Dharma station. We swim in.
[00:16.96]I'll do it.
[00:18.04]While I'm gone, don't worry about me.
[00:21.12]How long will it take you to reach their camp?
[00:23.40]If I take my ten best we can hit them by nightfall.
[00:25.84]If any of them are stupid enough to get in your way, kill them.
[00:30.56]We camouflage the dynamite next to the tents, target it from the tree line.
[00:34.60]When your people show up tomorrow we'll be ready.
[00:37.24]- No, they're coming tonight! - You lead everyone to the radio tower.
[00:40.80]Can't risk losing the chance to contact Naomi's boat.
[00:43.52]Everything has to happen at the same time.
[00:45.60]What I saw, Charlie,
[00:47.04]was Claire and her baby getting into a helicopter that leaves this island.
[00:50.56]This time, you have to die.
[00:52.44]If you don't, there won't be any rescue.
[01:01.96]I'm alive!
[01:23.60]Would you put your seatback up, please? 請把安全帶系好 好嗎?
[01:26.96]Would you fasten your seat belt, please?
[01:29.84]Excuse me. Excuse me. 麻煩一下
[01:32.28]Can I get another one of those, please? 請再給我來一杯好嗎 謝謝
[01:34.76]I'm sorry, sir. We'll be landing in 20 minutes. 先生 不好意思 還有20分鐘就降落了
[01:37.24]- Well, 20 minutes is a long time. - How about a newspaper instead? 20分鐘也很長了
[01:40.52]And if you could buckle your seat belt, sir? 另外 請系好您的安全帶好嗎?
[01:43.56]Please fasten your seat belt. Thank you. 請系好您的安全帶 謝謝
[01:54.80]Sorry about the bumps, folks. 顛簸給您帶來不適 為此表示道歉 飛機正通過一片湍流區(qū)
[01:56.64]We're hitting warm air as we descend into Los Angeles. 我們即將到達洛衫磯
[01:59.64]Please keep those seat belts fastened. We'll have you on the ground shortly. 請系好您的安全帶
[03:13.76]You've reached 310-555-0148.
[03:18.36]Please leave a message.
[03:20.24]Hey. It's me. 嗨 是我
[03:24.68]I... 我...我剛剛看到...
[03:29.20]I just read...
[04:38.48]Oh, forgive me.
[04:49.28]Mom! Mom! Mom!
[04:53.12]- Help! - Mom!
[05:21.76]You have everything you need? 東西都齊全了嗎?
[05:23.40]No. But I've made the best out of what we have. 沒有 但我把能利用的都利用上了
[05:28.24]- Bernard and Jin? - They're both excellent shots. Jin也加入了?
[05:29.72]他們射擊都很準 而且也都很積極
[05:31.68]And highly motivated.
[05:35.04]The dynamite's in place. We won't miss. 炸藥都擺好位置了 我們不會射偏的
[05:38.32]Jack, no matter what happens here, I want you to keep moving. Jack 不管發(fā)生了什么 你要一直朝前走
[05:41.48]Keep moving for that radio tower. Don't turn back for any reason. 直到找到無線電塔
[05:46.76]I'm willing to give my life if it means rescue. 為了拯救大家我愿意犧牲
[05:49.24]But I am not giving it up for nothing. You understand? 但我可不想白死 你明白嗎?
[05:57.84]Yeah. I understand. 是 我知道了
[06:06.04]- Then, good luck. - You too. 保重
[06:17.84]If I'd help you with your SOS sign, would you change your mind? 如果我告訴你 我愿意幫你搭那SOS標記
[06:22.16]- No, ma'am. - Then I want you to say it again. 不會 親愛的
[06:25.04]- Rose... - Say it, Bernard. 你再說一遍
[06:25.08]- Rose... - Bernald 說
[06:28.20]I am a dentist. I am not Rambo. 我不是什么蘭博 我只是一個牙醫(yī) (蘭博: 史泰龍電影中勇敢的斗士角色)
[06:31.36]And don't you forget it. 別忘了這一點就好
[06:49.32]- Charlie's gonna be fine. - Yeah. Of course he is. Charlie會沒事的
[06:56.20]跟緊Jack 累了就休息一會
[07:15.32]Because we have to go home. 因為 我們得回家
[07:36.20]All right. 好了 我們出發(fā)吧
[07:39.04]Let's do it.
[08:52.56]Jack, can I ask you a question? - Jack 我能問你個問題嗎? - 當然
[08:55.76]Sure. 在你成為摩西之前是干什么的? (圣經(jīng)中以色列人的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者)
[08:56.88]What did you do for a living before you became Moses?
[09:00.92]- I was a doctor. - Right. 'Course you were. 我是個醫(yī)生
[09:02.14]是啊 當然了
[09:03.84]Well, I need your attention for a minute, doctor. 我想讓你看看這個 醫(yī)生
[09:08.72]Is she OK? 她可靠嗎?
[09:11.56]- Why wouldn't she be? - Because none of your people trust her. 有什么不可靠的?
[09:13.50]因為你們似乎沒人相信她 我沒有惡意
[09:15.44]No offence.
[09:17.04]- Catch up to me when you're done. - Juliet... 不如你們說完了 再來趕上我吧
[09:19.44]It's fine. Juliet...
[09:24.28]I need to show you how this gadget works, 我想告訴你如何操作這個 以防我有什么意外
[09:26.52]in case anything happens to me.
[09:28.32]You need to be able to call my boat. 你得學(xué)會用它來聯(lián)絡(luò)我的船
[09:31.36]OK. Show me. 好吧 給我看看
[09:32.96]It's actually simple. Turn her on here. 這很簡單
[09:35.40]This opens a direct channel to the freighter. 按這里啟動
[09:35.34]這里控制日志 這里選擇頻道
[09:38.08]Give her a tap here, 點這里 等它"吡"的一聲后 就可以通話
[09:39.44]- wait for the beep and say hello. - That's it?
[09:43.12]That's it. 就這么簡單?
[09:44.32]Once the rock star turns off whatever's jamming us up, 沒錯
[09:47.32]this red light will turn a lovely shade of green. 這個紅燈會變成暗綠色
[09:50.56]- That'll be any time now, yeah? - Hopefully. 只是還不到時候
[10:06.84]Who are you? 你是誰?
[10:09.76]Look, if you tell us how you got down here, we won't hurt you. 聽著 如果你告訴我們你是怎么下來的 我們不會傷害你
[10:14.68]I came in my invisible submarine. Don't you see it? 我開著我的隱形潛水艇來的 你們沒看見嗎?
[10:18.32]- Hey! Take it easy. - Take it easy? He's one of them! 嘿! 別著急
[10:23.24]Why are you here? How did you find out about this station? 你來這里干什么?
[10:29.68]Juliet told us. Juliet告訴我們的
[10:32.56]She's one of us now, in case you hadn't heard. 她現(xiàn)在和我們一伙了
[10:36.80]Stop. 住手!
[10:39.96]- We gotta call Ben. - Yeah. 我們得呼叫Ben
[10:43.96]Let's call Ben. 沒錯 去呼叫Ben吧
[10:48.96]Come on. 過來
[11:02.48]You're inside a room full of equipment. 你在一間堆滿儀器的房間里
[11:04.60]There's a blinking yellow light above a switch. 開關(guān)上方有一個閃爍的黃燈
[11:07.96]You flip the switch. The light goes off. 你關(guān)上開關(guān)后 黃燈滅了
[11:13.28]And you drown. 然后你就淹死了
[11:23.04]Ben. Come in, Ben. Ben 能聽到嗎?
[11:26.68]- Hello? - Ben. It's Bonnie. 喂?
[11:29.92]Ben, are you there? Ben 是你嗎? 能聽到嗎?
[11:32.24]Can you hear me, Ben?
[11:36.20]Why are you breaking radio silence? 為什么要打破無線電靜默?
[11:38.36]- One of them's down here. - I'm sorry. What? 有個他們的人到這里來了
[11:40.96]We've got him tied up, but he's here. One of them swam down here. 沒聽清楚 什么?
[11:41.10]我們把他綁起來了 他們派了個人到這里來
[11:44.56]- Who? Which one? - He won't tell us. 誰? 哪一個?
[11:46.96]It's Charlie! Tell him I said hi! 他不說
[11:47.10]是我Charlie 告訴他 替我問好
[11:50.12]How did? 他...他怎么知道這個地方的?
[11:52.12]- How does he know about the station? - He said Juliet told them. 他說是Juliet告訴他們的
[12:03.00]All right, sit tight. Don't do anything. I'm sending help. 好吧 什么也不要做 我馬上派人過去
[12:06.60]Go to the Looking Glass and find out what Charlie is doing down there. 我命令你立刻趕到干擾站 查清楚Charlie干什么去了
[12:10.20]You told us the Looking Glass was inoperable, flooded. 你告訴過我們干擾站已經(jīng)毀了 被淹沒了
[12:14.32]I lied. 我說謊了 Mikhail 我要你現(xiàn)在就去!
[12:15.64]Mikhail, I need you to go, now!
[12:19.28]I can be there by dawn. 我黎明前就能趕到
[12:21.84]But if Juliet told them about the Looking Glass, 但如果Juliet把干擾站的事情都說出來了 她還會說出什么呢?
[12:24.68]what else did she tell them?
[12:33.20]Ryan, come in. Ryan, are you there? 呼叫Ryan 請回答
[12:34.78]Ryan 你能聽到嗎?
[12:47.36]- Your walkies all off? - Yes, sir. 對講機都關(guān)了嗎?
[12:48.30]是的 長官
[12:51.40]Did you get a good look? 你看清了嗎?
[12:52.96]The tents are marked with white coral. Three of them. Juliet did her job. Julie干得不錯 帳篷都標記好了
[12:56.84]All right. Let's do this. 好吧 我們動手吧
[13:53.36]It's empty! 帳篷是空的!
[13:55.36]Get away from the tent! 快離開帳篷!
[13:59.96]- It's a trap! - Please, God. 是個陷阱 快撤!
[14:01.60]Get away from the... 保佑我打中吧
[14:05.12]Move! Move! 撤退 快撤退
[14:08.44]Tree line!
[14:21.76]I got your man! Drop your weapons! 我抓住了你們的人 快放下武器
[14:34.52]I got your man! 我抓住了你們的人! 現(xiàn)在停手吧!
[14:37.68]It's over!
[14:41.08]Don't. Finger off the trigger. 別動 把手指從扳機上拿下來
[14:52.04]Was that gunfire? 應(yīng)該有3聲爆炸的
[14:53.28]There were supposed to be three explosions.
[14:57.64]- Yeah. - There was.
[15:04.12]It didn't work. 搞砸了
[15:11.24]Dr Leon to surgery. Dr Leon to surgery.
[15:15.32]- There ya go. Good as new. - Thanks. 好了 完全看不出來了
[15:18.48]The news people are waiting outside. 謝謝
[15:18.52]記者們都在外面等你呢 你是一個人來的么?
[15:20.64]- You being a hero, and all. - Great.
[15:25.72]- The woman, how is she? - She's been stabilised. 那個女人怎么樣了?
[15:27.96]她傷勢已經(jīng)穩(wěn)定了 多虧你在橋上
[15:29.92]- Thank God you were on that bridge. - Right.
[15:34.36]Sorry, no visitors in the ER. 抱歉 這里不準訪問
[15:39.56]It's OK. She... 沒關(guān)系 她是我前妻
[15:43.32]We used to be married.
[15:46.04]Come on in. 請進來吧
[15:50.88]What happened? 出什么事了?
[15:54.44]It was a... a car accident. 唔...出了場車禍
[15:59.84]Are you OK? 你沒事吧?
[16:03.80]Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. 沒事 我很好
[16:07.60]Are you drinking again? - 你又喝酒了? - 沒有
[16:12.16]- No. - Are you, Jack? - 真的么 Jack? - 是的 我沒有!
[16:18.04]Why did you come down here, Sarah? 你怎么過來了 Sarah?
[16:21.12]I'm still listed as your emergency contact. 我還在緊急聯(lián)系人名單里
[16:30.28]What were you doing driving around at 2:00 in the morning? 你在干嗎? 凌晨兩點鐘在公路上開車?
[16:52.04]Do you think maybe you could give me a lift home? 我想也許能借助你家
[16:58.84]I don't think that would be appropriate. 我想這樣不太好吧
[17:04.80]Well... 沒關(guān)系 謝謝你能來 Sarah
[17:09.04]...thanks for coming down, Sarah.
[17:12.72]Goodbye, Jack. 再見 Jack
[17:28.80]Why were there only two explosions? 為什么只有2聲爆炸?
[17:31.28]They didn't have to blow the third. 也許他們不需要第三次爆炸就完成任務(wù)了
[17:33.12]- But those gunshots... - It's OK, Rose. - 但那些槍聲是怎么... - 他會沒事的 Rose
[17:35.60]- Do you believe that? - Listen, 你相信嗎?
[17:37.32]they had no idea that we were waiting for them. 聽著 他們不知道我們在這里等他們
[17:40.32]Sayid's with your husbands. They're fine. Sayid 還有你的丈夫
[17:42.64]They're a couple hours behind us. 他們會沒事的 幾個小時后就會趕上我們
[17:44.40]Then we should wait for them here. You go on... 我們應(yīng)該在這里等他們 你...
[17:45.60]不行! 誰也不能掉隊
[17:47.44]No one gets left behind. 如果你再說什么同生共死之類的話 Jack 我就給你一巴掌
[17:48.76]If you say, "Live together, die alone," I'm gonna punch you in your face.
[17:54.64]Fair enough, Rose. Fair enough. 很好 Rose 很好
[17:58.44]But we have a plan. And for all we know, it worked. 但我們有個計劃 如果它成功了
[18:03.96]It's gonna be OK. Everything's gonna be all right. 我們大家都會沒事的
[18:08.32]Let's just keep moving, OK? 我們出發(fā)吧 好嗎?
[18:21.28]It's OK. Let's go. 沒事的 我們出發(fā)吧
[18:30.72]I'm gonna ask you this one more time. Why are you here? 我再問你一遍 你來這里干什么?
[18:37.76]I'm here to turn off your jamming equipment. 我來這里
[18:41.52]It's in there, next to the flashing yellow light. 就在那里 在那個一閃一閃的黃色燈泡旁
[18:44.88]- How do you know about that? - I know because I know. 你怎么知道的
[18:48.00]Whatever you ladies do to me, I'm going to turn it off. 無論你們怎么對我 我都要把它關(guān)掉
[18:51.28]- You are? - I most definitely am. 你會么?
[18:53.12]- So, what's the code? - What? 我當然會
[18:56.60]Charlie, if you're gonna turn off the jamming equipment, 什么?
[18:57.12]Charlie 你要關(guān)掉這個干擾設(shè)備
[18:59.64]you're gonna need the code. 就要有密碼
[19:01.12]And only three people know it: 只有三個人知道密碼 我 她 還有Ben
[19:03.40]Me, her and Ben.
[19:11.40]Well, I guess I won't need the code, 那么
[19:14.48]since this entire station's gonna be flooded, anyway. 我想我不需要密碼
[19:20.88]I turn off your little jammer, 只要把這個小開關(guān)一關(guān)
[19:22.56]and the helicopters rescue all my friends. 直升飛機就會來救我的朋友
[19:24.88]But if this station floods, what happens to you? 這里淹了的話 你怎么辦?
[19:32.88]I die. 我會死
[19:40.68]- What? - They're all dead! 什么?
[19:42.56]Diane, Ivan, all of them, dead! Shephard and his people, they're gone! 他們都死了 Diane Ivan
[19:44.56]是Shephard他們干的 他們都跑了!
[19:46.76]- Gone? Where? - I don't know! 跑了? 跑哪兒?
[19:48.48]Did you hear me? They killed seven of our... 我不知道 你聽到我說話了嗎?
[19:51.08]Tom! Calm down and tell him the good news. 他們殺了我們七個人
[19:51.48]Tom! 冷靜點!告訴他好消息
[19:53.84]- What good news? - We caught three of 'em. 什么好消息?
[19:57.28]The ones that stayed to blow up the tents. Ben, they knew we were coming. 他們留下來炸那些帳篷的
[19:59.24]Ben 他們早知道我們要來
[20:01.20]It was Juliet. She betrayed us. 是Juliet
[20:04.28]- What? - Just figure out where she is, Tom! 她背叛了我們
[20:04.72]給我把Juliet找出來 Tom
[20:07.96]Get up. OK, junior. Where the hell did? 起來
[20:09.12]小子 她到哪里...
[20:16.08]- They're not talking. - Who do you have? 他們不肯說
[20:18.20]Jarrah, Kwon and the dentist. 你們抓了誰?
[20:17.96]Jarrah Kwon 和那個牙醫(yī)
[20:20.72]Shoot Kwon. 殺了kwon
[20:24.04]- What? - You want them to answer? 什么?
[20:25.76]Kill Kwon. Do it now. 想讓他們回答 就殺Kwon 快動手
[20:28.72]I don't know what that means, but I'm sure it's lovely. 不知道你在說什么 不過一定很好聽
[20:32.48]- No! Wait! No! - No! No talk! - 不 等等 - 不要說
[20:34.36]- Please! - Talk to me. Nobody gets hurt. - 別 求求你 - 告訴我 就不殺你們
[20:36.56]- Tell me where your people are. - He's lying. He's going to kill us. 告訴我你們其他人去哪了
[20:37.60]Bernard 他騙人 他會把我們都殺了的
[20:41.04]Where are they? 他們在哪里?
[20:47.76]Sayonara. 再見
[20:50.16]The radio tower. They're hiking to a radio tower. 無線電發(fā)射塔
[20:56.48]- Why in the hell are they going there? - A woman parachuted here. 他們?nèi)ツ抢锔墒裁?br />
[21:01.12]She has a satellite phone and they're gonna call her ship. 她有一部衛(wèi)星定位電話 他們會聯(lián)絡(luò)她的船
[21:04.76]Juliet thought we were coming tomorrow. So why were they waiting for us tonight? Juliet只知道我們明天去
[21:09.92]You heard him. How'd you know? 你聽到他說的
[21:14.32]A kid told us. He came in a canoe and he warned us. 一個孩子
[21:15.68]他告訴我們的 他劃著獨木舟來警告我們
[21:19.44]What kid? 哪個孩子?
[21:21.36]Karl. He said his name was Karl. Kar 他說他叫Karl
[21:24.08]You heard that, Ben? 聽到了嗎 Ben?
[21:27.00]Ben? Ben!
[21:28.28]I heard. 聽到了
[21:37.92]What do you want us to do? Kill 'em? 我們怎么做?殺了他們?
[21:42.24]No. Not yet. 不
[21:54.16]We're going to the radio tower? 我們要去無線電發(fā)射塔?
[21:55.92]Not we, Richard. Me. 不是我們 Richard 是我
[21:57.68]You're going to take everyone to the Temple as planned. 你按原計劃 把大家?guī)У浇烫媚侨?br />
[22:00.48]Now might not be the best time to go tromping off on your own. 你現(xiàn)在一個人去可不是時候
[22:03.60]And why not? 是么?為什么不是?
[22:04.72]People are asking questions. 因為人們都在懷疑 Ben
[22:06.36]About leaving home, about what happened to Locke, about Jacob. 為什么要背井離鄉(xiāng)?
[22:07.40]Locke怎么了? 還有Jacob的事?
[22:11.40]Not to mention the rumour that everyone who went down to the beach is dead. 更不用提那些謠言
[22:15.72]They're not all dead. 還有人活著
[22:22.84]Where are you going? 你去哪?
[22:24.16]Hello, Alex. Alex 你好啊
[22:26.44]I asked where you were going. 我在問你 你要去哪里?
[22:28.28]I thought I might go for a walk. 我想我得去走走
[22:30.12]See if I can't find Jack and all his friends. 看我能不能找到Jack他們
[22:33.80]I'm coming with you. 我也去
[22:36.24]- All right. - What? 好的
[22:38.52]I said, all right. - 什么? - 我說好的
[22:40.24]In fact, I think it's a good idea. 我覺得這主意不錯
[22:43.28]You do wanna see Karl again. Don't you? 你想見Karl 不是么?
[22:48.24]Get your pack. I'm leaving in ten minutes. 帶上你的包 10分鐘以后就走
[22:54.88]There's 40 of them. And you're alone. 他們有40個人 你才1個
[22:57.36]They're gonna do whatever it takes to get off the island. 他們千方百計要離開這個島
[23:00.40]What do you think's gonna happen when you get there? 你說到那里會發(fā)生什么?
[23:04.36]I'm gonna talk them out of it. 我會說服他們
[23:33.84]- Something's wrong. - Lots of things are wrong, Kate. 有點不對勁
[23:38.00]Jin, Bernard, Sayid, they should've caught up to us by now. 很多事都不對勁 Kate
[23:38.16]Jin Bernard和Sayid 他們現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該趕上我們了
[23:42.04]I wanna make sure they're all right. 我要回去 看看他們有沒有事
[23:44.12]- 'Course you do. - What's that supposed to mean? 就知道你要這么做
[23:46.88]It means, Kate, there's always someone to go back for. 你什么意思?
[23:46.68]我是說 Kate 你總有要回去找的人
[23:51.28]- What's the matter with you? - Nothing. - 你怎么了? - 沒事
[23:53.36]- Nothing? - I'm fine. - 沒事 - 我挺好
[23:54.48]Why don't you just tell me what happened? 為什么不告訴我發(fā)生了什么?
[24:03.48]- What'd you do that for? - To wake you up! - 你干什么? - 讓你清醒一下
[24:05.96]Ever since you got that tape from Locke, it's like you've been sleepwalking. 自從你從Locke那拿到那盤磁帶 你就變得像夢游一樣
[24:10.12]You don't care about our friends? Fine. 你不關(guān)心我們的朋友 隨便你
[24:12.32]But it's like you don't care about anything anymore. 但你現(xiàn)在似乎什么都不關(guān)心了
[24:16.04]And since when did you start calling me "Kate"? 你什么時候又開始叫我"Kate"了?
[24:23.00]You know... they sent Juliet to check out Sun. 你知道么
[24:31.04]But she was there to check and see if I'm pregnant too. 但她也是來檢查我有沒有懷孕的
[24:37.64]Well, let's hope you're not. 那希望你沒懷孕
[24:53.80]The light still red? 燈還是紅色的么?
[26:07.64]- 是的! - 不 你沒有!
[26:16.00]Des! Des! Des! Des!
[26:18.56]Charlie! Bloody hell! You all right? Charlie! 該死的 你還好么?
[26:21.44]Not for long, if you don't get out of here. You have to hide! 如果你不走 我就不好了
[26:24.44]There's people in there! Quick! Hide! Hide! Hide! Go, go, go! 你趕緊躲起來 躲起來 那里面有人
[26:24.84]趕緊躲起來 躲起來! 走! 走!
[26:28.28]Who's he talking to? 他跟誰說話呢?
[26:30.92]Acting like you're stupid * Acting like it's stupid stupid people wearing *
[26:33.24]Stupid people wearing expensive...
[26:35.16]- Who were you talking to? - I wasn't talking. I was singing. 你跟誰說話呢?
[26:38.80]You all, everybody You all, everybody 我唱歌呢
[26:38.64]* You all, everybody *
[26:41.04]* You all, everybody *
[26:44.28]You all, everybody You all, everybody... * You all, everybody *
[26:46.48]* You all, everybody *
[26:50.48]- Shut up. - Right. OK. You got it. 閉嘴
[26:51.28]好的 明白了
[26:54.88]Come on. 過來
[27:31.84]Can I help you? 需要我?guī)兔γ?
[27:35.32]Just checking her chart. 我看她病歷呢
[27:36.96]I'm sorry, I'm Dr Hamill. Rob. The new chief of surgery. 不好意思 我是Hamill Rob醫(yī)生
[27:39.96]- I don't think we've met yet. - Jack Shephard. 這里的新主任 我似乎沒見過你
[27:41.00]Jack Shephard
[27:42.52]Dr Shephard, the hero. Twice over. Shephard醫(yī)生 大英雄
[27:48.72]Are you all right? 你還好么?
[27:50.04]After last night, I'm surprised you'd even want to come in. 昨晚之后 我很驚訝你還要進來
[27:53.36]Talk about right place, right time? This woman is very lucky you were there. 對的時間 對的地點 是么?
[27:55.40]這個女真幸運 在那遇上你
[27:57.36]Then she wouldn't have a fractured back that was impinging upon her spinal cord. 如果她幸運 她后背就不會骨折了
[28:01.40]I'd like to operate first thing in the morning. 我想一早就來做手術(shù)
[28:06.52]- You want to operate? - Yes. 你想要做手術(shù)?
[28:09.20]I'm sorry, Jack, this isn't your patient. 是的
[28:09.04]對不起 Jack 她不是你的病人
[28:11.40]We are aware of the issues. 她的情況我們都了解 Gary nadler 6點給她做手術(shù)
[28:12.88]Gary Nadler's doing the surgery at 6:00am.
[28:20.20]With all due respect, Dr Hamill, I'd rather do it myself. 請恕我冒犯
[28:21.40]Hamill醫(yī)生 我寧愿自己做
[28:25.80]Last night you pulled this woman's eight-year-old son out of a flaming car, Jack 昨晚...
[28:28.40]你把這個女人她8歲大的孩子 從著火的車里救出來
[28:30.96]then you went back for her. 然后又去救她
[28:34.68]- I think you've done enough. - I wanna do this surgery. 你做的夠多了
[28:39.36]Look, everything's under control here. She'll be fine. 聽著 這里盡在掌握
[28:43.72]Go home. Have a drink. You deserve it. 你回家吧
[28:52.16]The chart please, Jack. 病歷給我 Jack
[29:02.08]You call me. I want to know what happens. 你要給我打電話
[29:15.20]The 6th Street bridge was shut down for several hours, 今晨由于一起兩人受傷的交通事故
[29:18.12]in the wake of a fiery car accident that left two injured. 第六大街橋梁臨時封閉了幾小時
[29:21.16]An unidentified 40-year-old woman and her son. 傷者為一名40歲女性和她的兒子
[29:24.36]Fortunately for the two, Dr Jack Shephard 幸運的是
[29:26.76]was near the scene, pulled the victims from the burning wreckage, Jack shephard醫(yī)生當時正在事發(fā)現(xiàn)場
[29:30.32]and treated them at the scene until paramedics arrived. 并在救護人員抵達前 進行了簡單急救
[29:33.44]The victims were later transported to St. Sebastian Hospital. 而后傷者被轉(zhuǎn)動到圣賽巴斯帝安醫(yī)院
[29:36.72]Further details of their condition have not been released. 具體情況有待進一步查明
[29:49.00]- I'm going back. - What? 我要回去
[29:52.08]- I'm going back to the beach. - No way. We keep moving. 什么?
[29:55.76]I ain't asking permission. 我們要繼續(xù)走
[30:04.12]Look, you got a job to do here. 聽著 你在這有任務(wù)
[30:05.88]I ain't gonna stand in your way of you doing it. 我不想在這阻礙你 你也不需要我
[30:08.72]But you sure don't need me.
[30:10.32]What do you think you're gonna get done, alone and unarmed? 你知道這樣會有什么后果么? 獨自徒手回去?
[30:13.44]- He won't be alone. I'll go with him. - No. - 他不會一個人 我跟著他 - 不
[30:19.68]Twenty minutes ago, you weren't even going, 20分鐘前 你還一心想要走
[30:22.08]and now you're telling Jack... - 現(xiàn)在你又突然對Jack說... - 我不想和你走
[30:23.76]I didn't want to go with you.
[30:28.08]Sawyer, it's a suicide mission without guns. Sawyer 沒有槍等于去自殺
[30:30.52]I know where there are some guns. 我知道哪有槍
[30:33.04]There's a hidden cache a couple miles from here. 離這幾英里 有個隱秘地點
[30:35.56]I can take us back to the beach on a route past it. 我可以回海灘時順路去那
[30:38.48]Juliet, you don't have to do that. Juliet 你沒必要這么做
[30:41.08]Yeah, Jack, I kinda do. 不 Jack 只能這么做了
[30:52.32]Let's do this. 咱們走吧
[30:58.72]- Don't do anything stupid. - I won't if you won't. 不要做傻事
[31:01.08]你不做 我就不做
[31:11.92]Don't wait up. 不用等我
[31:28.96]- The last of the ailing souls... - I told you to shut up! - * The last of the ailing souls * - 啊! 說過了讓你閉嘴!
[31:33.16]You know when you get a tune stuck in your head? 有時候腦子里會蹦出一些曲調(diào)
[31:35.56]This song just started coming to me. 這首歌我剛獲得了點兒靈感
[31:37.52]It's almost finished. 只要再有個過橋 就完成了
[31:38.76]- I just need to find the bridge. - Get the spear gun.
[31:41.68]- What? Why? - Because I want it to hurt. - 把魚叉槍拿來 - 什么? 干什么?
[31:43.72]- No. Ben said we have to... - You don't wanna get it? I will. 因為我想要流點血
[31:43.48]- 不 Ben讓我們... - 你不去拿? 我自己來
[31:47.48]Bonnie! Bonnie
[31:50.28]I'll shut up! I'll shut up! I'll shut up! 我會閉嘴的
[31:51.12]我會閉嘴的 我會的
[31:57.04]Mikhail? Mikhail?
[32:00.60]I thought you two were on assignment in Canada. 我還以為你們兩個 在加拿大執(zhí)行任務(wù)呢
[32:07.12]He made us promise not to tell anyone. 他叫我們保證不告訴任何人
[32:09.84]- Hello again. - Where is the other one? - 又見面了 - 另外一個在哪?
[32:12.72]- What? - This idiot swam down from a boat. - 什么? - 這個傻瓜是從船上潛下來的
[32:15.52]I was just shooting at his friend. He dove down here. 我剛在射擊他的同伙
[32:19.32]- He's alone. - Are you sure about that? - 他就潛到這來了 - 他就一個人
[32:22.88]Here's a better question to ask, Cyclops. 這兒有一個更好的問題 獨眼龍
[32:25.20]Why did your little friend Ben tell you people 為什么你那好朋友Ben要撒謊 騙你們說這個站點被淹沒了呢?
[32:27.64]that this entire station was flooded when it isn't?
[32:30.36]Or why these two have been jamming transmissions off the island? 或者為什么這兩個人 要屏蔽掉這個島的一切信號?
[32:34.52]What? Is that true? 什么?
[32:39.12]- That's Ben. - I'll get it. - 那是ben - 我來接
[32:47.36]You have to understand. Everything I did, I did for the island. 你必須要理解 我所做的一切都是為了這個島
[32:50.68]The island told you it was necessary to jam your own people? 這個島也告訴你要干擾自己人嗎?
[32:53.92]Yes, it did. You've always been a loyalist, Mikhail. 是的
[32:55.40]Mikhail 你一直是最忠誠的 現(xiàn)在我要你相信我
[32:57.20]Now I'm asking you to trust me, to trust Jacob, who told me to do this.
[32:58.76]相信指導(dǎo)我的人 Jacob
[33:01.56]Why would Jacob ask you to lie to your own people? 為什么Jacob會讓你來欺騙自己人?
[33:04.08]Because this island is under assault 因為這個島一直在被無比強大的力量襲擊 在未來很久我們都必須這樣做
[33:06.12]by forces stronger than anything it's had to deal with in many years.
[33:09.80]And we are meant to protect it, Mikhail, by any means necessary. 所以我們一定要保護它 Mikhail 不惜任何代價
[33:13.28]The jamming was for everyone's security. 干擾信號是為了大家的安全
[33:16.76]We are in a serious situation here. 我們現(xiàn)在處于特殊時期
[33:21.80]So why not trust me? 那為什么不相信我?
[33:24.00]I made a mistake. 我犯個錯誤
[33:26.32]I should have told you and I apologise. 我應(yīng)該告訴你的 我道歉
[33:31.80]Mikhail? Are you still there? Mikhail 你在聽嗎?
[33:38.56]Yes. 在
[33:42.28]I need you to help me. 我需要你幫助我
[33:45.92]I need you to help me clean up this mess that I've made. 我需要你幫我清理 我制造的混局
[33:51.32]I need you to kill Charlie. 我需要你殺了Charlie
[33:54.48]Make sure that the jamming mechanism continues to function at all costs. 確保干擾設(shè)備繼續(xù)正常運轉(zhuǎn)
[33:58.48]We can't risk Greta and Bonnie telling the others what we've done. 我們不能保證greta和bonnie 不會告訴別人我們的所作所為
[34:01.96]So you'll have to take care of them too. 所以你也得把她們清理了
[34:08.56]How do I know you didn't say the same thing to them about me? 我怎么知道你沒有對她們 也下了同樣的命令?
[34:11.60]Because if I had, Mikhail, you'd already be dead. 如果是這樣的話 你已經(jīng)死了 Mikhail
[34:38.64]You OK? 你沒事吧?
[34:41.68]Yeah. I just got a rock in my shoe. 沒事 只是...
[34:54.12]He didn't mean it, you know. 他不是那個意思
[34:57.60]- What? - Sawyer. - 什么? - Sawyer
[35:00.56]When he said that he didn't want you to come go him, he didn't mean it. 他說他不想你跟他一起走 他不是那個意思
[35:04.08]If he didn't mean it, why'd he say it? 如果他不是那個意思 他干嘛那么說?
[35:07.08]He was trying to protect you. 他是想保護你
[35:12.20]That's why I asked you not to come back for me. 這也是我讓你別回來找我的原因
[35:19.80]Hey. Why are you sticking up for Sawyer? 嘿
[35:24.24]He'd never do it for you. 你為什么替Sawyer說話?
[35:32.36]Because I love you. 因為我愛你
[35:55.52]When you pulled us out of those polar bear cages 把我們趕出北極熊籠子 又用鏈子串在一起
[35:58.00]and put us on the chain gang,
[36:00.32]what did you have us breaking all those rocks for? 又讓我們?nèi)デ媚切┦^ 是為什么?
[36:02.92]- We were building a runway. - A runway? For what? 我們在建飛機跑道
[36:04.32]飛機跑道? 干什么用的?
[36:06.80]The aliens. 那些外國人
[36:10.00]I don't know what for. Do you think they told me everything? 我也不太清楚 你覺得他們會告訴我所有事嗎?
[36:13.28]Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. 是嗎 隨便你怎么說
[36:17.00]- So you screwing Jack yet? - No. Are you? - 你和Jack在一起? - 沒有
[36:23.00]- How far away are these guns? - There aren't any guns. 我們離那些槍還有多遠?
[36:27.40]- What? - I lied. 什么?
[36:29.52]- You lied? - It was the only way he'd let us go. - 我撒了謊 - 你說謊
[36:39.16]So why are you going back? 那你為什么要回來?
[36:41.40]Karma. 命運
[36:43.64]Why are you going back, James? 那你為什么要回來 James?
[36:46.56]Hey! 喂
[36:49.92]Hey, guys! Wait up! 等下我 伙計們
[36:53.72]- What the hell do you want? - I'm coming with you guys. 你想要干什么
[36:57.76]No way, not a chance.
[36:59.24]Come on, I can help! They're my friends too, man. 拜托 我能幫上忙的
[37:03.44]Charlie wouldn't let me go with him. Charlie不讓我去幫他
[37:05.48]And Jack's too busy leading to even talk to me. Jack忙著指揮 連和我說話的空都沒有
[37:10.00]I just wanna help. Please? 拜托 我只是想幫忙?
[37:14.28]For God sakes, Hugo, look at you. You're just gonna get in the way. 看在上帝的份上 Hugo 看看你 你只會礙事
[37:19.72]You wanna get us killed? 你想害死我們嗎?
[37:25.12]Come on. 我們走
[37:40.56]If we head north, we should get to them before they reach the tower. 如果我們向北走 可以在他們到達發(fā)射塔前趕上他們
[37:45.64]Why did you let me come? 你為什么讓我跟著來?
[37:47.16]I let you come because I'm delivering you to your new family. 因為我要把你送到你的新家
[37:51.92]I let you come because you betrayed me, Alex. 我讓你來是因為你背叛了我 Alex
[37:55.20]You locked Karl in a cage. 你把Karl鎖在一個籠子里
[37:57.04]You put him in a room and tried to brainwash him. 把他關(guān)在一個房間里給他洗腦
[38:00.48]I didn't want him to get you pregnant. 我不想讓他讓你懷孕
[38:03.64]I suppose I overreacted. 我想我有點過激了
[38:07.68]- We'd better get going. - Ben... - 我們得出發(fā)了 - Ben?
[38:10.72]Why do you have to stop them? Why won't you just let them leave? 你為什么要阻止他們?
[38:17.72]Because I can't, Alex. Alex 因為我就是不能
[39:56.76]Don't, John. 不要這樣 John
[40:05.24]Put the gun down. 把槍放下
[40:10.44]Walt. - Walt? - 現(xiàn)在站起來 John
[40:11.68]Now, get up, John.
[40:16.32]He shot me, and I can't move my legs. 他打中了我 我的腿不能動了
[40:21.00]You can move your legs. Now, get out of the ditch, John. 你能的
[40:22.24]John 現(xiàn)在就從那壕溝里出來吧
[40:25.84]Why? 為什么?
[40:27.36]Because you have work to do. 因為你有任務(wù)要完成