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大學英語6級考試聽力直通249分 03




[00:12.05]MODEL TEST 3

[00:14.51]Section A


[00:17.66]In this section,

[00:19.54]you will hear 8 short conversations

[00:22.45]and 2 long conversations.

[00:25.47]At the end of each conversation,

[00:27.61]one or more questions will be asked

[00:30.01]about what was said. Both the conversation

[00:32.46]and the questions will be spoken only once.

[00:38.00]After each question there will be a pause.

[00:41.79]During the pause, you must read the four choices

[00:45.29]marked A), B), C), and D),

[00:49.70]and decide which is the best answer.

[00:52.88]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2

[00:57.85]with a single line through the centre.

[01:00.56]now let's begin with the 8 short conversations

[01:07.25]11. M: It's been hot and humid for three weeks straight.

[01:12.93]I wish it'd light up.

[01:15.44]W: I love summer weather, but there is a limit

[01:19.85]Q: What does the woman mean?

[01:36.63]12.M: I'm trying to find someone

[01:40.58]to come with me to the new sculpture exhibit

[01:42.95]in the art museum on Saturday.

[01:45.69]W: I'm not too crazy about art myself,

[01:48.68]but what about Mary?

[01:50.43]She's taking an art history course

[01:52.26]and seems to be enjoying it.

[01:54.71]Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

[02:15.11]13. M: Now suppose I was to stay at home

[02:19.87]and do all the housework and look after the children

[02:23.46]while my wife went out to work.

[02:26.68]What would you think about that?

[02:29.28]W: If I'm going to be logical, no.

[02:33.18]Q: What does the woman mean?

[02:51.37]14. W: These tomatoes are huge and fat.

[02:56.37]You must have watered and fertilized them a lot.

[02:59.61]M: Yes, I did. They ought to be ripe enough

[03:03.11]to pick by the next Friday when we have our party.

[03:06.86]Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

[03:27.51]15. M: I'm really enjoying that literature with Professor Benson.

[03:33.81]Was the lecture this morning interesting?

[03:37.13]W: To tell you the truth,

[03:38.80]I was so exhausted from staying up last night

[03:41.78]to finish the reading that I didn't get much out of it.

[03:45.71]Q: What does the woman mean?

[04:03.59]16. M: I'm sorry, Miss.

[04:07.61]You'll have to come with us.

[04:09.63]Hidden cameras have detected what you have done.

[04:13.40]Leave the merchandise here.

[04:15.85]W: I'll come along,

[04:17.21]but I assure you that I can prove my innocence.

[04:21.09]Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?

[04:41.33]17.W: I don't know why,

[04:44.78]but since I saw Williams on TV,

[04:47.60]I don't feel so bad about myself now.

[04:50.01]M: Well, they say laughter is the best medicine.

[04:54.29]Q: What can be inferred about the show

[04:56.73]the woman just watched?

[05:15.99]18.M: Did you see that new art work?

[05:20.81]You know that poster they just put up in the cafeteria;

[05:23.43]I wonder whose bright idea that was.

[05:26.48]W: You know there's nothing wrong with the poster itself,

[05:30.05]it just doesn't go with the colors in the cafeteria.

[05:33.83]Q: What do we learn about the poster

[05:36.36]from the conversation?

[05:52.15]Now you will hear the two long conversations

[05:56.85]Conversation One

[05:59.60]M: Excuse me. Are you going to buy a concert tickets?

[06:03.54]W: Yes, I am. So are all these people in front of me.

[06:07.78]M: Have you been here long?

[06:09.71]W: About 45 minutes. I've moved forward

[06:12.88]a total of about 3 feet in that time

[06:15.99]M: You are kidding.

[06:17.40]W: Not at all.

[06:18.79]There was a couple up ahead of me

[06:20.38]who got so disgusted and they finally gave up and left.

[06:24.00]They said they'd been waiting for more than an hour

[06:27.29]M: Terrific. Does anyone know what's causing the delay?

[06:31.85]W: If so, no one has let us know.

[06:34.91]It could be that there aren't enough people

[06:37.06]sellin tickets this afternoon.

[06:39.25]Or maybe their computer is down.

[06:41.68]I'm sure the concert hasn't been cancelled.

[06:45.11]M: I just hope they don't run out of tickets

[06:47.55]before I get up there.

[06:50.11]W: That really would be annoying, wouldn't it?

[06:53.05]M: I guess I should have come before lunch.

[06:56.18]Or has it been like this all day?

[06:59.33]W: Apparently it has.

[07:01.47]In fact, before I came

[07:03.43]I tried calling to charge my tickets over the phone,

[07:06.88]just to avoid this long wait.

[07:09.06]But they are not taking phone orders,

[07:11.31]or checks, or credit cards.

[07:14.29]It's cash or nothing,

[07:15.75]and you have to come in person.

[07:18.15]M: Well, there are two more hours

[07:20.39]before the tickets office closes.

[07:23.37]Tickets for a good concert are worth waiting for.

[07:26.98]So I think I'll just make myself comfortable.

[07:30.66]Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation

[07:34.55]you have just heard.

[07:37.21]19. What do we learn about the woman's opinion

[07:41.57]about what's happening?

[07:59.37]20. How are people expected to purchase their tickets?

[08:19.73]21. What will the man probably do next?

[08:39.14]Conversation Two

[08:41.87]M: You like living in the city, don't you?

[08:44.72]W: Oh, I love it. It's so convenient.

[08:47.92]I can take the bus to work,

[08:49.67]or the subway, or the taxi.

[08:52.07]And there is so much to do.

[08:53.93]M: I know what you mean.

[08:55.62]I'd like to live in the city, too,

[08:58.21]but to live in the suburbs is better for children.

[09:01.83]W: Well, there are a lot of good things about suburban living.

[09:05.17]But, as a working woman,

[09:07.40]I think a city has all the conveniences -

[09:10.52]including the best food and fastest news.

[09:13.94]M: But there are more trees,

[09:16.26]grass and fresh air in the suburbs.

[09:19.23]W: Yeah,

[09:20.12]but living in a city, it's convenient to go everywhere.

[09:24.23]There are lots of movie houses, theaters and so on.

[09:28.18]You can take them to the suburbs on the weekends.

[09:30.97]M: Yeah, children are the right age.

[09:33.80]There are lots of things for them here.

[09:35.96]W: You are right.

[09:37.39]They are at the library in Brooklyn.

[09:39.46]And they come back home for lunch,

[09:41.12]then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History.

[09:44.18]There is so much for young people to see and do.

[09:47.23]M: Not just for young people.

[09:49.44]What about me?

[09:50.82]I've never been to the Museum of Natural History.

[09:53.72]W: Neither have I.

[09:55.53]When I was a child,

[09:56.78]I used to go to the Museum of Art.

[09:59.01]M: I've been there several times.

[10:02.25]Twice with children.

[10:04.31]W: Well, I have an idea.

[10:06.11]Next weekend, we go to the Museum of Natural History.

[10:09.65]M: Ok, that's really a very nice idea.

[10:13.83]Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation

[10:17.71]you have just heard.

[10:20.13]22. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

[10:40.46]23. What does the man think of living in the suburbs?

[11:01.14]24. What is the man's opinion of the city?

[11:20.70]25. What do we know about the woman

[11:24.75]according to the conversation?

[11:41.13]Section B


[11:44.88]In this section,

[11:46.16]you will hear 3 short passages.

[11:49.31]At the end of each passage,

[11:51.41]you will hear some questions.

[11:54.01]Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.

[11:59.51]After you hear a question,

[12:01.43]you must choose the best answer from the four choices

[12:05.36]marked A), B), C) and D).

[12:09.69]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2

[12:14.56]with a single line through the centre.

[12:18.65]Passage One

[12:20.40]Stress is a very normal part of life.

[12:23.50]Most people feel stress at some time in their lives.

[12:27.99]It doesn’t come from an event itself,

[12:31.44]that is, from the things that are happening in our lives.

[12:35.33]It comes form the meaning we give to what has happened.

[12:40.34]We can experience stress any time

[12:42.88]we don’t feel we have control.

[12:45.30]It is the body’s way of showing anxiety or worry.

[12:50.16]Stress is not just caused by our mental or emotional condition,

[12:55.62]it is also influenced by how tired we are,

[12:59.45]whether we get enough physical exercise,

[13:02.33]and whether we can relax.

[13:04.70]If we feel stressed,

[13:06.61]there are several things that we can do.

[13:09.60]First, we need to learn how to relax

[13:12.86]and breathe slowly and smoothly.

[13:16.26]We can also take some time out of our worried,

[13:19.24]busy schedule to notice the small things in life.

[13:23.46]Smell the air, look at the flowers,

[13:26.59]notice the small designs in the leaves on a tree-

[13:30.77]these activities can do much to quiet us

[13:33.96]and to give ourselves a small break in a busy schedule.

[13:40.01]We need to take care of our bodies.

[13:43.03]Being tired makes it easier for us to get sick

[13:47.08]and to develop physical problems related to stress.

[13:51.21]We need to get enough rest, eat well,

[13:54.25]and do some regular exercise.

[13:57.21]Finally, we need to find out

[13:59.18]what is causing the stress in our lives.

[14:02.69]Once we have found it,

[14:04.69]we need to begin to change that part of our lives.

[14:08.63]If we believe that we can control stress,

[14:12.15]we can begin to control our lives.

[14:16.12]Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage

[14:20.08]you have just heard.

[14:22.57]26. Which of the following causes stress

[14:25.99]according to the speaker?

[14:43.39]27. When can we experience stress?

[15:03.25]28. What can help us get rid of stress?

[15:22.62]Passage Two

[15:24.67]Our topic today is about fleas

[15:27.31]that plague all of us who have cats and dogs in our homes.

[15:31.55]You may be surprised to find out

[15:33.58]that there are about 1 500 species of fleas,

[15:38.77]and that each species has its own preferred host.

[15:42.66]Fleas are, in fact, quite adept at finding their hosts.

[15:47.68]In an experiment, 270 fleas from rabbits were marked

[15:52.61]and then let loose in a large meadow.

[15:55.54]After a few days,

[15:57.10]a full half of the fleas had found rabbits to live on.

[16:01.60]Fleas also have a very interesting flexible diet.

[16:05.71]They can go for many months without eating if they have to,

[16:09.49]and they will change hosts in order to get more food,

[16:12.80]even if they don't like the taste of their new host

[16:15.47]as much as the old! Their jumping ability is incredible ,too.

[16:20.40]You may know this from your own experience.

[16:23.20]Some fleas can jump as high as 13 inches,

[16:27.18]which is quite a lot for such a small creature.

[16:30.97]This jumping ability comes from their relatively large muscular legs

[16:36.05]that are equipped with resilin,

[16:38.46]a kind of natural rubber.

[16:40.65]The elastic properties of this resilin

[16:44.01]have not yet been equaled in any artificial substance.

[16:47.56]Though the fleas on your cat or dog are not dangerous to you,

[16:51.68]some fleas carry diseases.

[16:54.43]It is the rat flea that is responsible for carrying some fatal plagues.

[16:59.50]These fleas have been in part responsible

[17:02.30]for the Great Plague of Europe in 500 A D

[17:06.15]that spread from Ethiopia, Byzantium to Europe.

[17:10.68]They are also part of the cause

[17:13.33]of Black Death in China and Europe.

[17:16.36]Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage

[17:20.15]you have just heard.

[17:24.48]29.According to the passage,

[17:26.40]in what way are fleas flexible in their diets?

[17:46.89]30.According to the talk, what is resilin?

[18:06.19]31.According to the speaker,

[18:09.72]which flea has been responsible for deaths?

[18:29.24]32. According to the speaker,

[18:31.36]where did the Great Plague spread in the sixth century?

[18:49.81]Passage Three

[18:51.81]Through the years of being an advisor at the university,

[18:55.70]I've often been requested to give suggestions about

[18:59.16]how to handle "information anxiety".

[19:02.81]Now let me give you some advice.

[19:05.82]First of all, what is "information anxiety"?

[19:10.38]Well, as you know, we are bombarded daily by books,

[19:14.47]magazines, newspapers, television, and radio.

[19:19.38]We are hit with bills, letters, and reports.

[19:23.23]All of this can cause quite a lot of anxiety.

[19:27.09]It's because we are living in the "information age"

[19:30.79]that we get this bombardment of information everyday.

[19:35.56]So today let me give you some organizing tips

[19:39.56]that should make your life easier.

[19:42.82]First of all, when you get your mail,

[19:45.41]open it and sort it right away.

[19:48.30]Get rid of all junk inserts,

[19:50.59]and then sort the mail into four categories:

[19:53.70]to do, to pay, to read, and to file.

[19:59.56]Be realistic about your reading.

[20:02.29]Check the magazines you subscribe to on a regular basis.

[20:06.73]If you find yourself falling behind in your reading,

[20:09.93]let some of those subscriptions go.

[20:13.14]And if you are one of those people

[20:15.89]who like to clip out articles to read later,

[20:18.83]then do some screening first

[20:21.63]and be sure to clip only the most important articles

[20:24.46]for reading later.

[20:26.95]You should have a filing system,

[20:29.37]but don't use your files as a dumping ground.

[20:33.81]Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers

[20:36.74]at least once a year, more often if possible.

[20:41.00]Spend five or ten minutes each day

[20:43.59]cleaning up your desk and prioritizing your work

[20:46.82]for the next day.

[20:49.13]The following day will get off to a much better start

[20:52.39]if your desk is organized and you are not faced

[20:56.41]with overwhelming piles of paper.

[21:00.19]Don't use the top of your desk as a storage area.

[21:05.06]It should be a work area, with plenty of room to work.

[21:10.91]Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage

[21:15.72]you have just head.

[21:18.50]33.According to the speaker,

[21:21.80]what should the listeners do when they first get their mail?

[21:40.11]34.What should people do with their magazine subscriptions?

[22:00.94]35.How often does the speaker suggest

[22:04.72]that the listeners clean out their files?

[22:24.39]Section C


[22:27.32]In this section,

[22:28.73]you will hear a passage three times.

[22:32.24]When the passage is read for the first time,

[22:34.88]you should listen carefully for its general idea.

[22:38.77]When the passage is read for the second time,

[22:41.43]you are required to fill in the blanks

[22:44.77]numbered from 36 to 43

[22:48.10]with the exact words you have just heard.

[22:51.90]For blanks numbered from 44 to 46

[22:55.52]you are required to fill in the missing information.

[22:59.32]For these blanks,

[23:00.89]you can either use the exact words

[23:03.07]you have just heard or write down the main points

[23:06.93]in your own words.

[23:08.85]Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,

[23:12.37]you should check what you have written.

[23:16.63]Now, listen to the passage

[23:20.72]Nursing, as a typically female profession,

[23:23.91]must deal constantly with the false impression

[23:26.71]that nurses are there to wait on the physician.

[23:30.32]As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only.

[23:34.81]We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician.

[23:39.76]We provide health teaching,

[23:41.45]assess physical as well as emotional problems,

[23:44.61]coordinate patient related services,

[23:47.96]and make all our nursing decision

[23:50.43]based upon what is best or suitable for the patient.

[23:54.02]If in any circumstance

[23:55.76]we feel that a physician’s order is inappropriate or unsafe,

[24:00.34]we have a legal responsibility to question that order,

[24:04.23]or refuse to carry it out.

[24:06.91]Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off.

[24:11.22]All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession.

[24:16.25]The emotional and physical stress,

[24:18.87]however, that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason

[24:22.46]for a large amount of the career dissatisfaction.

[24:25.86]It is sometimes required that we work overtime,

[24:28.90]and that we change shifts four or five times a month.

[24:33.04]That destructs our sleeping and eating habits,

[24:35.64]and isolates us from everything

[24:37.74]except job related friends and activities.

[24:40.88]The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically

[24:43.99]by these situations.

[24:45.86]Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates,

[24:48.97]as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system.

[24:53.98]Consumers of medically related services

[24:56.60]have evidently not been affected enough

[24:59.08]yet to demand changes in our medical system.

[25:02.01]But if trends continue as predicted,

[25:04.91]they will find that.

[25:05.86]Most critical hospital care will be provided by new,

[25:08.45]inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses.

[25:18.64]Now the passage will be read again

[25:25.36]Nursing, as a typically female profession,

[25:28.62]must deal constantly with the false impression

[25:31.41]that nurses are there to wait on the physician.

[25:34.77]As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only.

[25:39.45]We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician.

[25:44.16]We provide health teaching,

[25:46.00]assess physical as well as emotional problems,

[25:49.09]coordinate patient related services,

[25:51.73]and make all our nursing decision

[25:55.33]based upon what is best or suitable for the patient.

[25:58.64]If in any circumstance

[26:00.35]we feel that a physician’s order is inappropriate or unsafe,

[26:05.04]we have a legal responsibility to question that order,

[26:08.68]or refuse to carry it out.

[26:11.54]Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off.

[26:15.82]All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession.

[26:20.86]The emotional and physical stress,

[26:22.90]however, that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason

[26:26.90]for a large amount of the career dissatisfaction.

[26:30.54]It is sometimes required that we work overtime,

[26:33.79]and that we change shifts four or five times a month.

[26:37.55]That destructs our sleeping and eating habits,

[26:40.25]and isolates us from everything

[26:42.77]except job related friends and activities.


[27:45.67]The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically

[27:48.73]by these situations.

[27:50.58]Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates,

[27:53.73]as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system.

[27:58.81]Consumers of medically related services

[28:01.47]have evidently not been affected enough

[28:06.68]yet to demand changes in our medical system.


[29:07.38]But if trends continue as predicted,

[29:09.79]they will find that

[29:10.96]Most critical hospital care will be provided by new,

[29:14.22]inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses.


[30:23.07]Now the passage will be read for the third time

[30:31.64]Nursing, as a typically female profession,

[30:34.78]must deal constantly with the false impression

[30:37.50]that nurses are there to wait on the physician.

[30:40.96]As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only.

[30:45.58]We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician.

[30:50.33]We provide health teaching,

[30:52.22]assess physical as well as emotional problems,

[30:55.39]coordinate patient related services,

[30:58.71]and make all our nursing decision

[31:00.95]based upon what is best or suitable for the patient.

[31:04.73]If in any circumstance

[31:06.55]we feel that a physician’s order is inappropriate or unsafe,

[31:11.10]we have a legal responsibility to question that order,

[31:14.93]or refuse to carry it out.

[31:17.67]Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off.

[31:21.05]All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession.

[31:26.86]The emotional and physical stress,

[31:29.03]however, that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason

[31:33.10]for a large amount of the career dissatisfaction.

[31:36.60]It is sometimes required that we work overtime,

[31:39.49]and that we change shifts four or five times a month.

[31:43.70]That destructs our sleeping and eating habits,

[31:46.41]and isolates us from everything

[31:48.38]except job related friends and activities.

[31:51.58]The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically

[31:54.88]by these situations.

[31:56.56]Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates,

[31:59.33]as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system.

[32:04.67]Consumers of medically related services

[32:07.41]have evidently not been affected enough

[32:10.00]yet to demand changes in our medical system.

[32:13.00]But if trends continue as predicted,

[32:15.70]they will find that.

[32:17.30]Most critical hospital care will be provided by new,

[32:19.29]inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses.

[32:27.76]This is the end of listening comprehension

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