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大學(xué)英語(yǔ)6級(jí)考試聽力直通249分 01




[00:12.46]MODEL TEST 1

[00:14.96]Section A

[00:18.63]In this section,


[00:21.96]you will hear 8 short conversations

[00:23.14]and 2 long conversations.

[00:26.20]At the end of each conversation,

[00:28.36]one or more questions will be asked about what was said.

[00:33.12]Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.

[00:38.53]After each question there will be a pause.

[00:42.46]During the pause,

[00:44.78]you must read the four choices

[00:45.99]marked A), B), C), and D),

[00:50.16]and decide which is the best answer.

[00:52.89]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2

[00:58.14]with a single line through the centre.

[01:01.68]now let's begin with the eight short conversation

[01:08.99]11. W: A cat scratched me with its claws!

[01:13.16]M: I am sorry to hear it,

[01:14.79]but I am afraid to tell you that you should have a vaccine.

[01:19.12]Q: What does the man mean?

[01:37.24]12. W: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the disaster?

[01:43.58]M: Yes. They have been searching the area for hours

[01:47.15]and they will keep searching.

[01:49.62]Q: What has happened according to the conversation?

[02:08.63]13. M: Your city is worth its name-- -tourist attraction. I do love it!

[02:16.76]W: Well, you said that. But none of the people in your group

[02:20.07]would agree with you.

[02:22.05]Q: what can we learn from the conversation?

[02:41.07]14. W: Oh, dear! I’m starving and I can’t walk any farther.

[02:48.05]Why not go to the restaurant and get something to eat.

[02:51.33]M: I can not agree with you more!

[02:54.34]Q: What is the man’s attitude towards the woman’s advice?

[03:13.86]15. W: how do you like the performance?

[03:17.91]M: Generally speaking, it was quite good.

[03:20.84]The part of secretary is played wonderfully,

[03:23.70]but I think the man who plays the boss is too dramatic to be realistic.

[03:29.53]Q: Where does the conversation take place?

[03:46.91]16. M: Good morning. This is David speaking.

[03:51.49]I’m just ringing to confirm my appointment

[03:53.70]with Mr. Harry for this afternoon.

[03:56.36]W: well, he is expecting you at 4 o’clock.

[03:59.95]Q: Why is the man making the call?

[04:17.94]17. M: Altogether you need 50 credits to obtain the degree.

[04:24.68]W: I have taken 15 courses in the first school year

[04:29.05]and received 30 credits.

[04:31.10]There won’t be too much work left in the second year then.

[04:35.56]Q: How many more credits does the woman need to get a degree?

[04:55.26]18. W: I feel my eyes filling with tears.

[05:00.39]It is too hard to say goodbye.

[05:03.49]M: Do not cry. We will keep in touch with each other

[05:06.49]and I’ll fly over to see you at Christmas!

[05:09.99]Q: Where does the conversation take place?

[05:19.97]Now you will hear the two long conversations

[05:28.79]Conversation One

[05:31.69]M: Excuse me.

[05:32.93]Who is in charge of changing housing arrangement on the campus?

[05:37.09]W: I am. And what’s up?

[05:39.24]M: My roommate is up till two or three in the morning every single night.

[05:43.96]If I don’t change a room,

[05:45.55]I’m definitely going to fail half of my courses this term.

[05:50.39]W: He must be tired during the day then.

[05:53.08]M: I have no idea, but I am tired during the day.

[05:56.97]Sometimes I fall asleep in class!

[06:00.08]W: well, the point is that it is not a problem

[06:03.77]we would normally move someone for.

[06:06.44]But if it has affected your academic courses,

[06:09.17]I think it is quite reasonable.

[06:11.27]M: I have fill out an application for housing relocation.

[06:14.65]W: Wait a second… There is no spare room available.

[06:19.91]M: Do I have any other options?

[06:22.62]W: The only one I can figure out is moving off campus.

[06:27.50]M: But if I did that,

[06:29.18]I’d have to forfeit all the money I have paid for housing this term,

[06:32.56]wouldn’t I?

[06:34.45]W: Not necessarily.

[06:35.90]Under this situation,

[06:37.49]the university will refund the housing costs

[06:40.31]for the reminder of the term and let you move out.

[06:43.99]M: That’ great!

[06:45.28]It will ease me a lot in paying the rent.

[06:48.87]W: We have off-campus housing department that can help you

[06:52.77]as soon as you have made up your mind.

[06:55.45]They are right next door.

[06:57.11]M: That is my next stop.

[06:59.99]W: You’d better apply for the prorated refund right away.

[07:03.25]M: Ok.

[07:05.88]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation

[07:09.89]you have just heard.

[07:13.42]19. Why does the man want to have a change of dorm?

[07:34.34]20. What is the solution to the man’s problem?

[07:54.78]21. What is the man going to do next?

[08:14.87]22. What does the woman suggest the man do at last?

[08:35.77]Conversation Two

[08:38.29]W: You look so depressed.

[08:40.33]What on earth happened?

[08:42.46]M: The council rejected my building plans.

[08:45.96]W: That is strange!

[08:47.54]M: They stated that my plans do harm to the environment.

[08:51.05]W: I guess recently the government is really

[08:54.02]paying attention to environmental issues.

[08:57.01]Mankind has definitely been responsible for altering the environment

[09:01.48]in ways that can never be undone.

[09:04.40]M: I can understand their concerns,

[09:06.34]but it’s only a very small project,

[09:09.66]what difference would it make?

[09:12.42]W: You could ask the same question about recycling:

[09:15.50]what difference does it make?

[09:17.79]The difference is made when everybody

[09:20.17]around the world cooperates together.

[09:23.87]M: I’ve never recycled in my life.

[09:26.76]W: It is not hard,

[09:28.39]and it’s definitely beneficial.

[09:31.03]If everyone sorted their paper and plastics each week,

[09:33.65]mankind would make a smaller impression on the earth.

[09:37.03]M: I don’t think one person makes a difference.

[09:40.40]W: If everyone thought that way,

[09:42.82]nothing would ever get done.

[09:45.22]It is when people work together,

[09:47.25]and do their bit, that success is achieved.

[09:51.72]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation

[09:55.96]you have just heard.

[09:58.47]23. Why is the plans rejected?

[10:18.41]24. What does the woman’s suggest in the conversation?

[10:38.47]25. Which statement does the woman most likely agree with?

[10:59.73]Section B


[11:03.39]In this section,

[11:04.56]you will hear 3 short passages.

[11:07.52]At the end of each passage,

[11:09.89]you will hear some questions.

[11:12.53]Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.

[11:18.09]After you hear a question,

[11:19.89]you must choose the best answer from the four choices

[11:23.91]marked A), B), C) and D).

[11:27.61]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2

[11:33.15]with a single line through the centre.

[11:36.62]Passage One

[11:38.78]To be successful in a job interview,

[11:41.39]you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

[11:45.87]You need to create a good image in the limited time available,

[11:50.08]usually from 30 to 45 minutes.

[11:53.67]You must make a positive impression

[11:55.82]which the interviewer will remember

[11:58.01]while he interviews other candidates.

[12:00.59]The following are some qualities you should especially pay attention to

[12:05.16]during an interview.

[12:06.90]First of all, you should take care to appear to be properly dressed.

[12:11.60]The right clothes worn at the right time

[12:13.74]can win respect of the interviewer

[12:15.90]and his confidence in your judgment.

[12:18.81]It may not be true that clothes make the man,

[12:21.90]but the first and often last impression of you

[12:25.28]is determined by the clothes you wear.

[12:28.18]Secondly, you should pay close attention to your manner of speaking,

[12:32.40]since speech is a reflection of personality.

[12:36.05]You should reflect confidence by speaking

[12:38.38]in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard,

[12:41.27]without being aggressive or overpowering.

[12:44.62]You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably

[12:46.97]about the requirements of the position you are applying for,

[12:50.69]to be really impressive, you must convey a sense of self-confidence

[12:55.16]and enthusiasm for work.

[12:58.10]If you display these characteristics,

[13:00.49]with just a little luck, you’ll certainly succeed

[13:04.04]in the typical personal interview.

[13:07.45]Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage

[13:11.44]you have just heard.

[13:15.00]26. How long does an interview usually last

[13:18.84]according to the passage?

[13:36.25]27. According to the passage, what is a proper way of speaking

[13:41.06]during an interview?

[13:58.63]28. Why should we wear proper clothes during an interview?

[14:19.78]29. Which statement can not be applied according to the passage?

[14:41.31]Passage Two

[14:43.15]A poorly trained manager can make an employee's life miserable.

[14:48.45]In 99 out of 100 cases,

[14:51.83]the reason employees feel demoralized

[14:54.82]and no longer like their jobs is because they have a new boss

[14:59.29]who doesn't appreciate them,

[15:01.41]doesn't listen to them,

[15:03.28]or generally erodes their self-esteem.

[15:06.43]Three basic skills that every manager should use

[15:09.58]in order to be effective on the job are:

[15:11.74]being specific, enhancing others' self-esteem and listening effectively.

[15:18.80]Being specific means giving work instructions

[15:21.93]that are precise,

[15:23.47]and being clear about what is to be done

[15:27.00]and the results to be achieved.

[15:29.02]Being specific means describing the behaviors of people

[15:33.29]rather than labeling people.

[15:35.94]It includes giving both positive feedback

[15:38.33]that tells them what to repeat

[15:40.39]and corrective feedback that is firm, yet non-critical.

[15:44.81]Then it comes down to building the employees up.

[15:48.81]Self-esteem is a private, individual matter.

[15:52.20]It is not fixed, but goes up and down from day to day,

[15:55.68]or even from hour to hour.

[15:58.31]Thus, enhancing self-esteem is no easy task.

[16:02.42]Managers can't "make" people feel good about themselves.

[16:06.65]Rather, self-esteem is like a door that's locked from the inside.

[16:12.54]A final skill that today's managers need more than ever is listening.

[16:17.77]Listening may seem like a commonplace skill,

[16:20.72]but it is not practiced nearly

[16:22.81]as much as it needs to be in business today.

[16:26.33]People tend to think about what they are going to say in rebuttal

[16:29.22]when another person is talking,

[16:31.77]instead of focusing on what that person is saying

[16:34.26]and what he or she means.

[16:36.80]Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage

[16:40.34]you have just heard.

[16:43.24]30. Which statement is not a reason

[16:47.32]why employees feel demoralized?

[17:05.86]31. Which is not a skill the manager should have

[17:11.76]according to the passage?

[17:28.44]32. Listening to others, what people tend to do?

[17:49.72]Passage Three

[17:51.48]Why is it that whenever you pop into a supermarket

[17:54.95]for a pound of butter and a tin of baked beans,

[17:58.86]you end up spending twenty pounds-or more?

[18:02.08]The good news is that

[18:03.95]it is not because there is something wrong with you.

[18:07.02]Most of us do it.

[18:09.00]The bad news is that

[18:10.60]from the moment that you step inside a store,

[18:13.32]you haven't got a chance.

[18:15.98]Shops have spent a great deal of time and money

[18:18.57]researching the psychology of the shopper.

[18:21.86]They're using increasingly sophisticated methods to make us buy.

[18:27.89]A good supermarket environment is one

[18:31.10]in which you feel relaxed and comfortable.

[18:34.90]In the 60's, when supermarkets first took off in Britain,

[18:39.44]aisles were deliberately very narrow

[18:42.04]so that no shelf space was wasted.

[18:45.06]However, that's all changed now.

[18:48.40]the idea is to keep you relaxed-though not too relaxed.

[18:53.62]Consequently, lighting is designed to be relaxing,

[18:57.61]but not enough to send you to sleep.

[19:00.69]Similarly, the background music

[19:03.23]which is there to cover up the threatening sound of the hustle and bustle,

[19:07.97]should be pleasant and put you at ease

[19:11.10]but always have a fairly brisk beat to keep you moving.

[19:16.08]Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage

[19:20.27]you have just heard.

[19:22.30]33. What usually happens when people go to a shopping?

[19:43.60]34. Why do the shops research the psychology of the shopper?

[20:05.59]35. Which is not the method to make people feel relaxed?

[20:26.03]Section C


[20:29.28]In this section,

[20:30.64]you will hear a passage three times.

[20:33.75]When the passage is read for the first time,

[20:36.86]you should listen carefully for its general idea.

[20:40.86]When the passage is read for the second time,

[20:43.55]you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43

[20:50.07]with the exact words you have just heard.

[20:53.78]For blanks numbered from 44 to 46

[20:57.27]you are required to fill in the missing information.

[21:01.36]For these blanks,

[21:02.82]you can either use the exact words you have just heard

[21:06.04]or write down the main points in your own words.

[21:10.65]Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,

[21:14.34]you should check what you have written.

[21:19.34]now listen to the passage

[21:21.11]Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west

[21:24.63]is providing hard evidence for the health benefits

[21:28.55]long associated with drinking green tea.

[21:32.10]The Chinese have known about the medical benefits

[21:34.94]of green tea since ancient times,

[21:38.06]using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.

[21:42.54]Scientific research shows us that

[21:44.94]this herbal supplement can actually help the body get rid of excess fat.

[21:50.42]The result, as desired is of course,

[21:53.58]is achievement of weight loss.

[21:56.48]Even if you do not like the taste it is a good way

[21:58.55]to take advantage of the health benefits.

[22:01.94]Green tea doesn't taste anything like the tea you usually drink.

[22:06.12]Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar.

[22:10.53]Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor.

[22:16.23]There are several different varieties of green tea each

[22:19.86]with its own flavor;

[22:22.17]however they all seem to have one flavor quality in common.

[22:26.41]Green tea is brewed just like you would brew the tea you normally drink,

[22:31.28]except you will not want the water to boil.

[22:34.67]You will want to brew you tea

[22:36.35]when the water is on the verge of boiling.

[22:39.64]Green tea is a more delicate tea

[22:42.32]so you want to the water to be a little cooler.

[22:45.42]To date, the only negative side effect

[22:48.23]reported from drinking green tea is insomnia

[22:51.74]due to the fact that it contains caffeine.

[22:55.08]However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee.

[23:04.30]Now, the passage will be read again

[23:09.20]Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west

[23:13.65]is providing hard evidence for the health benefits

[23:17.39]long associated with drinking green tea.

[23:20.97]The Chinese have known about the medical benefits

[23:23.70]of green tea since ancient times,

[23:26.81]using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.

[23:31.33]Scientific research shows us that

[23:33.76]this herbal supplement can actually help the body get rid of excess fat.

[23:39.09]The result, as desired is of course,

[23:42.37]is achievement of weight loss.

[23:45.26]Even if you do not like the taste it is a good way

[23:47.37]to take advantage of the health benefits.

[23:50.34]Green tea doesn't taste anything like the tea you usually drink.

[23:54.90]Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar.

[23:59.47]Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor.

[24:05.29]There are several different varieties of green tea each

[24:10.36]with its own flavor;

[24:11.96]however they all seem to have one flavor quality in common.


[25:15.11]Green tea is brewed just like you would brew the tea you normally drink,

[25:19.60]except you will not want the water to boil.

[25:23.00]You will want to brew you tea

[25:25.24]when the water is on the verge of boiling.


[26:27.67]Green tea is a more delicate tea

[26:30.33]so you want to the water to be a little cooler.

[26:33.31]To date, the only negative side effect

[26:36.51]reported from drinking green tea is insomnia

[26:40.03]due to the fact that it contains caffeine.


[27:42.36]However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee.

[27:48.65]Now the passage will be read for the third time

[27:55.65]Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west

[27:59.84]is providing hard evidence for the health benefits

[28:03.31]long associated with drinking green tea.

[28:07.24]The Chinese have known about the medical benefits

[28:09.97]of green tea since ancient times,

[28:13.15]using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.

[28:17.66]Scientific research shows us that

[28:20.03]this herbal supplement can actually help the body get rid of excess fat.

[28:25.45]The result, as desired is of course,

[28:28.72]is achievement of weight loss.

[28:30.95]Even if you do not like the taste it is a good way

[28:33.70]to take advantage of the health benefits.

[28:36.70]Green tea doesn't taste anything like the tea you usually drink.

[28:41.30]Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar.

[28:45.82]Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor.

[28:51.63]There are several different varieties of green tea each

[28:54.80]with its own flavor;

[28:56.92]however they all seem to have one flavor quality in common.

[29:01.63]Green tea is brewed just like you would brew the tea you normally drink,

[29:06.37]except you will not want the water to boil.

[29:09.77]You will want to brew you tea

[29:11.45]when the water is on the verge of boiling.

[29:14.73]Green tea is a more delicate tea

[29:17.31]so you want to the water to be a little cooler.

[29:19.95]To date, the only negative side effect

[29:23.46]reported from drinking green tea is insomnia

[29:26.75]due to the fact that it contains caffeine.

[29:30.06]However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee.

[29:38.54]This is the end of listending comprehension


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