第23單元 從加州到墨西哥
Frank waved goodbye to all his friends there to wish him off. He jumped on his bike and started to pedal. First he would pedal to the end of his block and then to the outskirt of town and then right out of the state of California.
Frank was riding his bike all the way along the coast to Mexico. The first day of his trip was good. The weather was nice and there were few hills. In fact, his first week was good, with the exception of a flat tire and mild sunburn.
Halfway into his second week, Frank began to feel tired. A storm was coming. There was nowhere for him to stop for miles. He kept pedaling even though his legs were sore and tired. Then it began to rain a heavy, cold rain.
Frank could hardly see. His breath was getting short, his chest hurt. He had to keep going.Frank drove all through the night. By morning the storm had quit and the sun was out as Frank arrived at the Mexican border, tired and sore.
He had made it. He had biked all the way to Mexico!