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外研社新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)高中英語第三冊(cè) Model2-3




[00:01.00]Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries

[00:09.22]Vocabulary and Listening

[00:11.93]Activity 3 Check the meaning of these words

[00:16.06]Now listen to the conversation and tick the topics you hear.

[02:34.36]Activity 4 Listen again check your answer to Activity 2

[04:55.56]Culture Corner

[05:00.90]Read the passage and answer these questions

[05:04.01]1.What happened when two towns have a town twinning agreement?

[05:11.18]2.Does your hometown have a twin town?

[05:16.79]Do you think it is a good idea? Say why or why not.

[05:21.70]Town Twinning

[05:24.54]How are Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France similar?


[05:32.13]they're both medium- sized towns of between 100,000 and 200,000 inhabitants.

[05:38.72]They both have universities and industries.

[05:41.84]Tourism is important to both of them,

[05:45.00]and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside

[05:48.81]in the region.

[05:49.86]But they share something else:they have a town twinning agreement.

[05:56.24]Town twinning is not a new idea,

[05:59.72]but it has become more popular in recent years

[06:03.02]because it's now easier to find out about

[06:06.01]and visit other countries and towns.

[06:08.38]It's an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,

[06:15.06]and which have similar features such as tourism, industry,

[06:20.06]culture and entertainment.

[06:22.12]Town twinning agreements encourage people

[06:26.53]from the two towns to visit each other.

[06:28.98]There are visits and exchanges between schools,theatre groups

[06:34.74]and sports teams.

[06:36.31]Visitors from the foreign town

[06:39.08]usually stay in the private homes of the town they are visiting.

[06:42.86]There is usually a big party for the visitors.

[06:46.63]Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students

[06:53.36]and people who want to practise speaking another language.

[06:56.81]This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks

[07:01.87]means that you have to speak their language,

[07:05.21]and as a result you improve fast.

[07:08.21]Module 2 Word List

[07:17.55]hunger n. 饑餓

[07:19.59]income n. 收入

[07:22.79]poverty n. 貧窮

[07:25.12]human n.(與動(dòng)物等對(duì)比的)人

[07:28.55]development n.發(fā)展

[07:31.43]index n. 指數(shù)

[07:33.99]measure vt. 測(cè)定;測(cè)量;評(píng)估

[07:36.45]goal n. 目標(biāo)

[07:39.29]expectancy n.(根據(jù)概率得出的)預(yù)期數(shù)額

[07:42.84]position n.位置

[07:45.29]educate vt.教育;培養(yǎng); 訓(xùn)練

[07:48.58]figure n. 數(shù)字

[07:51.50]household n.一家人; 家庭

[07:54.25]homeless adj.無家可歸的

[07:57.06]charity n. 慈善團(tuán)體

[08:00.81]crowded adj.擁擠的

[08:03.26]freeway n.高速公路

[08:05.80]inhabitant n. 居民

[08:09.18]similarity n.類似;相似

[08:14.60]unfortunate adj.不幸的;遺憾的

[08:17.39]location n. 位置;所在地

[08:20.12]tourism n. 旅游業(yè)

[08:22.98]transport n.交通工具

[08:27.06]industrial adj.工業(yè)的

[08:29.53]polluted adj.受到污染的

[08:32.90]smart adj.漂亮的;整潔的; 時(shí)髦的

[08:35.49]vast adj.巨大的,龐大的,浩瀚的

[08:39.63]entertainment n.娛樂

[08:43.93]exchange n.交換

[08:46.52]Module 3 The Vilence of Nature

[08:56.88]Reading and Vocabulary

[08:59.38]Activity 1

[09:00.90]Read about the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the words.

[09:05.57]The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current which starts

[09:12.84]in the Gulf of Mexico and flows northeast across the Atlantic.

[09:17.82]It also travels past the east coast of the United States

[09:22.54]towards eastern Canada.

[09:24.61]It is one of the strongest currents anywhere in the world.

[09:29.28]Because of the Gulf Stream, the United Kingdom

[09:33.56]and other places in Europe are much warmer

[09:36.52]than parts of Canada on the same latitude.

[09:41.09]Activity 2

[09:47.02]Read the passages on page 23 and answer the questions.

[09:51.91]1.How strong are tornado winds?

[09:57.66]2.What can happen to furniture

[10:03.79]when a house is destroyed by a tornado?

[10:06.67]3.How many tornadoes are there in the US every year?

[10:14.68]4.How many people died in the worst tornado of all time?

[10:24.25]5.What happens at sea during a hurricane?

[10:32.28]6.When was the worst hurricane of all time?

[10:39.63]7.Was the actor Charges Coghlan killed in it?

[10:48.09]8.What happened to him after the hurricane?

[10:54.36]What is a Tornado?

[10:58.95]A tornado is a rotating column of air

[11:03.86]from a thunderstorm to the ground.

[11:05.92]The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.

[11:11.52]Almost all of them occur in the US,

[11:16.18]in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north.

[11:21.80]Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses

[11:28.17]and put them down in the next street- or even in the next town.

[11:33.29]They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feather of a chicken

[11:39.81]They can destroy houses,

[11:42.47]but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.

[11:46.16]On average,there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year,

[11:52.49]causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.

[11:58.34]The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,

[12:04.73]affecting three US states:Missouri, Illinois and Indiana.

[12:11.94]By the time it ended,

[12:14.39]more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.

[12:22.97]What is a Hurricane?

[12:25.55]Hurricanes are strong tropical storms,

[12:29.70]and they usually occur in the southern Atlantic Ocean,

[12:33.72]the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

[12:37.09]There are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more,

[12:42.70]which cause huge waves, heavy rain and floods.

[12:47.06]There are on average six Atlantic hurricanes each year

[12:52.54]and they usually affect the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine.

[12:57.27]The worst hurricane disaster of all time

[13:00.87]occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas.

[13:05.73]Winds of 200 kilometres per hour

[13:09.38]and five-metre high waves hit the city.

[13:12.85]The disaster killed 6,000 people in a population of 37,000

[13:19.26]and destroyed 3,600 buildings.

[13:23.21]An Extraordinary Event

[13:27.94]This is a story about the 1900 Galveston hurricane.

[13:34.27]Charles Coghlan was a nineteenth-century Irish actor

[13:39.54]who went to live in Canada.

[13:41.88]He then moved to New York, where he became famous.

[13:46.36]By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston,

[13:51.13]where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane struck.

[13:57.90]The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed

[14:03.00]by the hurricane and Coghlan's coffin ended up in the sea.

[14:07.44]Eight years later, the coffin was found by fishermen in the sea

[14:13.97]near his home on Prince Edward Island in the east of Canada.

[14:18.95]The Gulf Stream had carried it 3,000 kilometres

[14:25.17]up the eastern US coast to Prince Edward Island.

[14:29.54]Coghlan travelled back to Canada-after he had been buried in Texas!

[14:36.41]Listening and Vocabulary

[14:44.41]Activity 4 Listen and answer these questions.


[17:23.39]Listen and underline the words which the speaker stresses.

[17:28.04]These key words contain the main ideas.

[17:31.85]And now, more information about the volcanic eruption

[17:38.20]on the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean Sea

[17:42.47]which took place at Sam on December 26th, one week ago.

[17:49.45]We spoke to local journalist

[17:53.34]and he told us that no one had been killed in the incident.

[17:58.59]According to the journalist,

[18:01.71]more than half the island's 11,000 residents

[18:06.28]had left the island four months earlier.

[18:09.93]Now read the passage aloud.

[18:14.76]Make sure you stress the key words.

[18:18.06]Culture Corner

[18:24.21]Activity 1 Read the aricle and answer these questions.

[18:30.32]1.Where was the worst Chinese earthquake?

[18:36.00]2. What was the most dangerous thing

[18:41.33]about the California Earthquake of 1906?

[18:45.90]3.Is it possible that there could be another earthquake there?

[18:51.79]Earthquake Surround the Pacific

[18:56.79]About 400 earthquakes occur worldwide every day,

[19:01.38]more than a hundred thousand in a year.

[19:04.80]China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions

[19:09.77]in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.

[19:13.85]The most serious of these occurred in Hua County

[19:18.18]in Shaanxi Province in 1556.

[19:21.04]The earthquake affected eight provinces in Central China.

[19:25.93]It covered an area of 800 square kilometres.

[19:30.79]In some communities, 60 percent of the population were killed.

[19:36.13]In all, 830,000 people lost their lives.

[19:42.00]The California Earthquake of the 18th of April 1906

[19:48.04]is the worst earthquake that has ever happened in the United States.

[19:52.63]It took place at 5:15 a.m., and lasted for only a minute.


[20:00.08]it caused the worst natural disaster in the nation's history.

[20:04.29]Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage.

[20:10.07]The fires burned for three days,

[20:13.21]destroying a total of 25,000 buildings.

[20:16.43]About 500 people were killed in the city of San Francisco

[20:21.44]and 250,000 were made homeless.

[20:25.04]In the whole of California,

[20:27.61]the earthquake and fires caused about 3,000 deaths.

[20:31.90]The 1906 earthquake was caused by movement on the San Andreas Fault.

[20:38.99]One hundred years later,

[20:40.81]movements on the San Andreas Fault continue to cause problems

[20:45.45]for the whole of California.

[20:47.56]Module 3 Word List

[20:55.77]disaster n.災(zāi)難

[20:57.20]flood n.洪水

[20:59.81]hurricane n. 颶風(fēng)

[21:03.44]lightning n. 閃電

[21:06.13]thunderstorm n.雷暴

[21:09.25]tornado n. 龍卷風(fēng)

[21:12.17]column n.柱狀物,柱狀體

[21:14.81]experience vt. 經(jīng)歷

[21:17.78]cause vt. 引起;導(dǎo)致

[21:20.40]current n.海流,潮流

[21:25.29]latitude n. 緯度

[21:27.72]furniture n. 家具

[21:30.90]bury n. 埋葬

[21:33.50]feather n.羽毛

[21:36.47]fur n. (動(dòng)物的)毛皮

[21:39.56]occur vi. 發(fā)生

[21:42.72]tropical adj.熱帶的

[21:45.61]equator n. 赤道

[21:48.58]rotating adj.旋轉(zhuǎn)的; 循環(huán)的

[21:52.09]violent adj.猛烈的,激烈的; 強(qiáng)烈的

[21:55.22]wave n.波浪

[21:58.15]strike vt&n.(雷電,暴風(fēng)雨等) 襲擊

[22:01.36]cemetery n.墓地;公墓

[22:05.63]coffin n. 棺材

[22:07.96]ruin vt. 毀壞

[22:11.05]ash n. 灰

[22:14.00]erupt vt.(火山的)爆發(fā);噴發(fā)

[22:17.30]lava n. 熔巖; 巖漿

[22:20.87]tidal adj.受潮水影響的;有漲落的

[22:25.47]volcano n. 火山

[22:27.55]previous adj. 以前的

[22:29.89]eruption n.(火山的)爆發(fā); 噴發(fā)

[22:32.84]possibility n.可能;可能性

[22:37.49]earthquake n. 地震

[22:40.06]terrifying adj.嚇人的; 可怕的

[22:43.08]luckily adv.幸運(yùn)地; 幸虧

[22:46.99]thankful adv.感激地,滿懷感謝地

[22:50.15]hopefully adv.滿懷希望地; 有希望地

[22:52.97]sadly adv. 傷心地;不幸地

[22:55.79]fortunately adv.幸運(yùn)地;幸虧

[22:58.97]warning n. 警告

[23:01.69]worldwide adj.全世界的

[23:05.67]active adj.積極的; 活躍的

[23:09.55]damage n.&v.損失;損害

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