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[27:31.44]l know who slept with who. l knew Janie in Styles was pregnant before she did. 我知道誰喜歡偷東西 誰跟誰有一腿
[27:33.31]我還在設計部的Janie本人之前 就知道她已經懷孕了
[27:35.78]And FYl, it's not her husband's or her boyfriend's. 告訴你吧
[27:37.00]孩子不是她丈夫的 也不是她男朋友的
[27:39.72]You do know a lot. 你還真是個萬事通
[27:41.69]l'm trying to find something to help my mother. 瞧 我正試圖尋找一些 對我母親的辯護有利的證據(jù)
[27:44.42]Have you heard anything about a secret room? 你聽說過關于密室的事嗎?
[27:46.93]- You mean the ''love dungeon''? - Do you know where it is? 你是說愛情地牢?
[27:50.20]Sure. ln Never-Never Land. 你知道它在哪兒嗎?
[27:50.36]當然 在夢幻島啊 (小飛俠彼得潘居住的地方)
[27:52.50]lt doesn't exist. lt was Fey's way of saying, 它并不存在
[27:55.40]''l'm hung over and want to go home.'' Fey這么說的意思是 “我有點宿醉 要回家了”
[27:57.27]lf you'd have hired me, you'd already know that. 如果你雇了我 這事你早就知道了
[28:00.11]Maybe l made a mistake. lf anything should ever happen to Nick, 也許我犯了個錯誤
[28:03.88]- you're next in line. - Like, if he falls down the stairs? 如果Nick出了意外的話 你就是下一個
[28:05.75]你是說 比如 他從樓梯上摔下去了?
[28:07.85]Actually, l was thinking more like, if he got married and moved away, 其實 我覺得他結婚離開的可能更大些 但我欣賞你的野心
[28:11.79]but l like your ambition. Forget you ever saw me in Daniel's office. 現(xiàn)在 讓我們把你見到我在Daniel的 辦公室這事兒給忘了吧
[28:15.32]Pick out something nice for yourself in the Closet. 你干嘛不去壁櫥那兒 給自己挑點好東西呢?
[28:18.59](music plays)
[28:25.03](Betty) Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!
[28:39.98]Daniel! Daniel!
[28:49.76]Daniel! Daniel!
[28:53.66]Back away. Daniel, this is Betty. 退后
[28:56.90]lf you hear me, Quincy is in the house. Daniel 我是Betty
[28:57.10]如果你能聽到我說的話 Quincy Combs就在這酒吧里!
[29:00.30]Save yourself! Go out the back door! Quincy Combs is looking... 振作一點! 從后門出去!
[29:02.33]- Quincy Combs… - Betty?
[29:07.77]...for you. 找你
[29:16.95]ls that girl stalking you? 那姑娘是在對你說話嗎?
[29:21.79]Sorry. My daughter says the whole basement is flooded. 抱歉 但是 唔 我女兒說整個 地下室都被水淹了
[29:24.92]- lt must be a broken pipe. - But l made dinner! 肯定是水管爆了
[29:27.26]Great. You could wrap it up, - 但我做好晚飯了 - 看上去很美味
[29:28.90]and we could do this later in the week. Pork lasts forever. 也許你可以先包起來 我們這周晚些時候再繼續(xù)
[29:33.77]- Ay, Dios. Could you open this, please? - l don't like leftovers.
[29:38.14](cell phone rings) 我不喜歡剩菜
[29:39.74]l don't like to be interrupted on my wedding night! 我也不喜歡在結婚前夜被打擾
[29:43.78]Please, give me my phone back and let me go. My family needs me. 求你了 把手機給我 讓我出去
[29:47.35]So do l. 我的家人需要我
[29:50.55]Now, try this on. 現(xiàn)在穿上這個試試
[29:56.96]- What, did you follow me here? - No. Daniel, l was here before you. - 什么 你跟蹤我到這兒? - 沒有!
[30:00.56]- Enjoying the ''Filthy Cub Scout.'' - What were you thinking? Daniel 你來之前我就在這兒了
[30:02.18]Betty 你在想什么?
[30:03.70]l didn't know what to do. l saw you acting crazy and l saw Quincy's hat. 我不知道還能做什么
[30:04.65]我看到你瘋狂的行為 我也看到了Quincy Combs的帽子!
[30:08.47]No! We are not doing this here. l... No. - 我只是想-- - 夠了!
[30:09.03]夠了 我們不能在這兒談這個
[30:11.24]- But Daniel, l was just trying to... - Betty, stop! 我-- 不
[30:11.21]- 但是 Daniel 我只是想-- - Betty 別說了!
[30:15.01]We're not at the office. l don't need a chaperon or a bodyguard or a babysitter. 我們不是在辦公室里
[30:16.39]我不需要伴兒 保鏢 或是保姆
[30:19.55]When we leave that building, your day is over. Do you understand? 當我們離開那座大廈 你的工作就結束了
[30:24.42]Please, for God's sake, just let me live my life. Punch out! 你明白了嗎? 求你了 看在上帝的份上 就讓我過我想過的生活吧!
[30:29.46]Daniel, you promised me and my sister you'd come dance. Come on. Daniel 你答應了要 和我們姐妹跳舞的

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