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[01:35.62]Not anymore. 別再說了
[01:36.69]Jerk called. Says he has to spend Thanksgiving with his wife and kids. Jerk一小時前打電話來
[01:40.93]l'm like, grow a pair! l am so over men. They all suck. 我似乎成熟點了
[01:44.97]Where's Marc? 他們?nèi)紣盒乃懒?br /> [01:45.12]Marc去哪兒了?
[01:48.60]- Hi. - Hi. 嗨
[01:50.31]Hey, what are you still doing here? 嗨
[01:50.75]嘿 你怎么還在這兒?
[01:52.64]The high priestess needs her outfit altered for some dinner she's going to. 高貴的女祭司要為她明天的 某個宴會挑禮服
[01:56.71]What time do l need to be at your place? 喔 我得幾點到你家?
[01:58.65]- Around three. - ls that the time we're eating, 3:00左右
[02:01.02]or the time that that delightful nephew of yours is putting on his production of 這是真正開始吃飯的時間
[02:00.89]還是你那可愛的小侄子表演 “感謝 音樂喜劇” 的時間?
[02:04.99]- Thanksgiving, the Musical? - We're eating at six. 我們6:00開飯
[02:07.62]l'll see you at six, then. 那我們6:00見
[02:16.46]Um... The phones stopped ringing a while ago. 唔 幾分鐘之前 就沒有電話打進來了
[02:20.14]Looks like everybody's gone for the holiday. 似乎大家都過節(jié)去了
[02:22.54]- Do you think maybe l could... - Oh, yeah, sure. 也許我可以…
[02:26.84]OK. 是的 當然
[02:28.04]You haven't seen Sofia up here today, right? 好吧
[02:27.97]你-- 你今天還沒 唔…
[02:29.40]見過… Sofia 是吧?
[02:33.11]OK, and there's no calls? 好吧 沒有電話嗎?
[02:37.09]- Sorry. - Oh, no, no. l don't care. 抱歉
[02:38.99]She's got a boyfriend, right? 哦 不 不 我才不在意呢
[02:40.82]Who she never happened to mention, l might add. 我是說 她有男朋友了 不是嗎?
[02:41.47]一個她從沒提起過的家伙 我得說
[02:43.63]lf you're serious about a guy, you'd be talking about him all the time. 我是說 如果你真的喜歡某人 那你應(yīng)該總喜歡把他掛在嘴邊 對嗎?
[02:47.20]You're always going on about that guy Wilbur. 你就總是提到那個Wilbur
[02:49.66]Walter. Daniel, are you OK? Walter
[02:53.84]No! l've spent the day waiting by the phone, checking my e-mail. Daniel 你還好嗎?
[02:53.82]不 我一點都不好
[02:54.69]我整天都在等她的電話 每隔2分鐘就去看一下郵箱
[02:57.27]lt's like l'm this close to splitting a Cobb salad 就像我要準備去和Sarah Jessica Parker 吃cobb沙拉 談?wù)撔铀频?br /> [02:59.84]with Sarah Jessica Parker and talking about shoes.
[03:05.85]l really miss that show. 我還真挺想念那節(jié)目的
[03:11.05]So whatcha doing tomorrow? 明天有什么安排?
[03:12.62]l have to drag my well-toned ass up to Schenectady, 我得拖著我的俏臀回Schenectady去
[03:15.72]eat cranberry sauce in the shape of a can 吃著酸果曼沙司罐頭 給我的家人講講 我住在加拿大的女朋友
[03:17.79]and tell my family about ''my girlfriend who lives up in Canada.''
[03:21.10]- Wanna blow 'em off and hang out? - Tempting. What're you thinking? 你想甩開他們出來玩嗎?
[03:24.53]We meet here at nine. l bring champagne, you bring the orange juice 你有什么想法?
[03:25.92]我?guī)銠?你帶橙汁 然后我們 一起從Wilhelmina的窗口看游行
[03:27.90]and we watch the parade from Wilhelmina's window.
[03:30.61]You mean try on couture gowns and Xerox our naughty bits? “看游行” 你是想穿上長袍禮服 扮演淘氣的小角色嗎?
[03:33.91]- Of course. - l am so in. 當然
[03:38.68]French cuff or no? 要法式袖口嗎?
[03:40.38]- No. - l'd go with the cuff. 不要
[03:42.52]You want to live my life? Pay my bills. 我覺得法式袖口挺配的
[03:42.50]難道是你在養(yǎng)我 付我的帳單不成?
[03:44.92]Hi... Ooh! Sassy. 噢 真時髦啊
[03:48.09]Uh... Louis from Armani called, not happy with his placement in the issue. 唔 Armani的Louis來電話說-- 不太滿意這期雜志對他的定位
[03:52.19]Dr. Levy needs to move your teeth whitening to Tuesday, Levy醫(yī)生要把你的牙齒美白 改到下周二 還有…
[03:56.30]and... oh, Nico said to tell you she's coming in town for Thanksgiving. 哦 Nico說告訴你 她要過來過感恩節(jié)
[04:00.13]What? She told me last week she was staying at school. 什么?
[04:03.34]l can't change my plans at the last minute. 我不能在最后時刻改變我的行程
[04:05.57]l have the Versace party to go to. 我得去參加范思哲的宴會
[04:07.41]Ouch! 哎喲!
[04:09.14]lt's a work obligation. 這是我的職責所在
[04:10.95]l can't shirk my responsibilities just to sit home and have 我不能逃避責任地回家 去過一個愜意的感恩節(jié)
[04:14.02]a Very Brady Thanksgiving. She'll just have to understand.
[04:19.45]- What're you staring at? - Nothing. 你在盯著看什么?
[04:21.29]You're gonna cuff that, right? 哦…
[04:21.54]你要上個法式袖口的 對嗎?
[04:27.73]OK, don't forget, your dad has a brunch at 2:00 p.m. 好了 別忘了 你父親下午2:00和你吃午飯
[04:31.00]in the executive dining room. 在經(jīng)理餐廳
[04:32.57]- l'm gonna pass on that. - What? 我不想去
[04:35.84]- Slimming. - Thanks, Marc! 變苗條了
[04:37.74]You have to go. lt's your family. 謝謝 Marc
[04:39.91]Come on! lt's not some intimate gathering. 他是你的家人
[04:39.94]哦 少來了
[04:42.44]My father invites his editors so everyone can tell him 我父親邀請了所有的編輯 這樣每個人都能派馬屁說他是個天才
[04:45.25]what a genius he is. 哦 今年我母親剛從戒酒所出來
[04:46.55]And this year my mother'll be fresh out of detox,
[04:49.02]stealing the olives out of martini glasses and sucking them dry 就偷了好幾瓶馬提尼 就躲在清潔儲藏室里喝了個干凈
[04:52.35]in the janitor's closet. No thanks. 不去也罷
[04:55.06]Knock, knock. Oh, am l interrupting something? 咚 咚
[04:57.83]- Oh, hey... - No! 哦 我打攪到你們了嗎?
[04:58.25]哦 嗨
[04:59.89]- Betty was just leaving. - l was! 沒有
[05:01.63]- Bye. - Happy Thanksgiving. 是啊 我要走了
[05:01.56]再見 Betty
[05:03.60]Happy Thanksgiving. 再見
[05:05.67]- Hi. - Hi. 嗨
[05:09.97]So what's new? 有什么新進展?
[05:11.51]Um... 唔…
[05:13.68]l met this girl, had some fun, 與某個女孩約會 玩得很高興
[05:15.94]l found out she has a boyfriend she didn't tell me about. 但卻發(fā)現(xiàn)她有男朋友了 而她卻沒有告訴過我
[05:19.48]Wow. She sounds like a bitch. 哇喔 聽起來她真是個婊子
[05:23.79]l'm sorry, Daniel. 我很抱歉 Daniel
[05:26.09]l didn't know we were going to do what we did. 我沒想到我們會上床 只能說事情失去了控制
[05:28.26]And things just got out of control.
[05:33.59]l was actually hoping that we could skip to the part 事實上 我希望我們可以跳過這部分 試著成為朋友?
[05:36.80]where we move on and we try to be friends?
[05:39.73]- l'd really like to be your friend. - Me, too. 我真的想成為你的朋友
[05:56.02]Friends' hands don't go that low. 朋友的手不會放得那么低
[05:57.85](chuckling) 明天你父親的午餐會見
[05:59.45]l'll see you at your father's brunch tomorrow.
[06:02.02]Oh, you're going? But you RSVP'd ''no.'' 你要去嗎?
[06:04.43]l mean, not that l checked. 但你不是回復(fù)說 “不去” 嘛
[06:06.46]Well, l was supposed to go skiing, 我是說 就我所知你不去
[06:06.81]我本來打算去滑雪的 但現(xiàn)在我得在 周五前回來 不管怎么說
[06:08.56]but now l have to get back by Friday, so, whatever.
[06:11.33]Sounds like fun. You're gonna be there, right? 聽起來很有趣
[06:13.80]Oh, yeah, l'll be there. l mean, it's my family, right? 你要去的 是嗎?
[06:13.84]哦 是的 我會去
[06:14.90]我是說 是我的家庭宴會 不是嗎?
[06:16.64]Thanksgiving without family'd be... 不和家人一起過感恩節(jié)…
[06:19.64]- ...Thursday. - Great. Because l'm bringing Hunter. 就只是個禮拜四
[06:20.80]好極了 我也會帶Hunter來
[06:22.94]And, you know, in a weird way, l think you two will really get along. 你知道嘛 我有種奇怪的感覺 你們兩個會處得很好
[06:27.75]Great. Yeah. Hunter. l can't wait to meet him. 是嘛 太好了
[06:30.82]Hunter! Hunter. 我等不及想見見他了
[06:32.59]l can't stop saying his name. l love him already! Hun-ter
[06:35.39]See you there. 宴會見咯
[06:58.51]Hey, nice turkey. 嘿 很漂亮的火雞
[07:01.02]You making one for everybody? 你給每個人都做了一只嗎?
[07:03.05](Leah) So you really invited your ex for Thanksgiving? 這么說你真的邀請你前夫 來過感恩節(jié)了
[07:05.95]- Look who took her grown-up pill. - Well, he is Justin's father, 是他讓你成熟了
[07:09.92]although these days a freakin' Petri dish can be a father. Right? 雖然現(xiàn)在培養(yǎng)皿中的精子 就可以成為父親
[07:13.13]So when did you two get divorced, anyway? 不是嗎?
[07:15.63]You have to be married to get divorced. No, this is the classic boy meets girl, 哦 我們沒離 你總得結(jié)了婚才能離婚啊
[07:18.25]這是個典型的故事 男孩遇見了女孩 讓她懷了孕 卻丟了她的號碼
[07:20.10]boy knocks girl up, boy loses girl's number.
[07:23.00]Throw in a glass slipper and you've got a hell of a fairy tale. 穿上玻璃鞋 你就會遇見一大堆浪漫傳奇
[07:26.11]- Exactly. - l'm home! l'm sorry. 沒錯
[07:28.21]You go over your case with Leah? 我回來了!

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