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[23:26.70]- Do you know what this means? - (Christina) lt's blood money. 你知道這意味著什么嗎?
[23:29.80]lt's her way of getting to Daniel. Once you cash that, you belong to her. 是收買費 這是他對付Daniel的方法
[23:31.80]一旦你兌現(xiàn)了這筆錢 你就得聽她的了
[23:33.77]No, l know that. But do you know what number one on my ''must list'' is? 不, 我知道這些
[23:35.22]你知道我的“絕對”清單上 最重要的是什么嗎?
[23:37.91]Get my dad a lawyer. This could be the answer to my family's problems. 給我爸找個律師
[23:42.08]ln the movies they have to kill someone, sleep with them or both. 就象電影里講的 接著他們不得不殺了某人
[23:45.42]- And my dad... - Enough about the mystery photo. - 或與他們上床, 或兩者都得干 - 但我爸爸--
[23:48.29]- Enough about the evil queen's check. - So, what am l supposed to do? 也別再想那張邪惡女王的支票了
[23:52.86]lt's half-price night at the Rack, which is why l dragged you here, to let go. 那我該怎么做?
[23:53.20]Rack這里夜間是半價的 這也是我為什么
[23:54.90]拉你來這兒-- 來放松
[23:57.36]l'm making that the number-one priority on your ''must list'' tonight. 這就是今晚我替你的“絕對”清單
[24:01.37]- Well, that's easier said than done. - Why do you think God invented alcohol? 唉, 說來容易做來難
[24:03.55]你覺得上帝為什么要 發(fā)明酒精這玩意兒?
[24:10.78]Excuse me? l'll have what she's having. 對不起, 來一杯和她一樣的
[24:16.12](exhales deeply)
[24:26.99]- l thought l threw that out. - What are you doing up? 我還以為我已經(jīng)把它給扔了呢
[24:31.36]l had work to do. Furs for the Must List. 我有工作要做
[24:34.53]- Care to look at them? - Fur is murder. “絕對”清單關(guān)于皮毛的內(nèi)容 想看看嗎?
[24:36.90]l bought you a Nicole Miller fur coat for your tenth birthday. 做皮毛根本就是在謀殺
[24:37.23]我在你10歲生日時 給你買了件Nicole Miller的皮大衣
[24:40.24]How could l forget? 我怎么會忘記呢?
[24:41.78]lt was my 1 1th birthday. 那是我11歲的生日
[24:43.61]You had me model it for a photo shoot, which you didn't even show up for. 你要我穿上它做模特拍照
[24:48.58]l believe the excuse was dinner with Oscar de la Renta. 我想借口是和Oscar De La Renta (著名設(shè)計師)吃飯去了吧
[24:52.42]Well, someone had to convince him that 總得有個人去說服他
[24:55.22]fishnets were only meant for stockings. 網(wǎng)眼布只適合做長統(tǒng)襪
[24:57.66]Nice to know you have priorities. 真高興知道你有特權(quán)
[25:01.03]Kind of like today. 就像今天這樣
[25:02.66]Oh, that's right. Today was your little cry for help, wasn't it? 哦, 沒錯 今天是你在請求幫助, 不是嗎?
[25:07.10]That was amateur, darling. 那可真是外行, 親愛的
[25:09.47]When l was 1 5, 當我15歲的時候
[25:11.24]Mikhail Baryshnikov came to the Salem Academy. Mikhail Baryshnikov來到Salem學院
[25:15.28]Afterwards, l was caught doing a little dance of my own for Misha. 然后, 我就被抓去
[25:23.65]Now, that is acting out. 現(xiàn)在這都用上了
[25:26.42]- How proud you must be. - You don't get it, do you? 你一定很自豪
[25:29.89]Act out as much as you want. l did. 你還不明白嗎, 是嗎 盡你所能地表現(xiàn)吧
[25:32.79]Seven schools until it finally hit me, 我就是這么做的
[25:36.80]until l finally understood. 直到我最終懂得了這個道理
[25:39.60]Being away from home, being away from the ones you love, makes you strong. 遠離家, 遠離你愛的人
[25:42.43]會讓你武裝自己, 讓你變得強壯
[25:44.17]Builds your armor.
[25:46.74]Because in the end, 因為最終在這世上你可以依賴的
[25:48.44]the only person in this world you can depend on is yourself.
[25:54.25]lt's the greatest lesson the senator ever taught me. 這就是參議員 曾經(jīng)教我的最重要的一課
[25:58.85]- Mom... - Brush up on your French. - 媽媽-- - 復習一下你的法語
[26:01.62]You leave for school in Paris tomorrow night. 你明晚就啟程去巴黎的學校
[26:10.46](sighing) 那么…
[26:11.77]So, um...
[26:15.84]...is everything OK? 沒問題吧?
[26:17.87]The flag was kind of at half mast. 都降半旗了
[26:19.77]Would it be generic if l sent you a necklace from Tiffany? 如果送你一條Tiffany的項鏈 是不是太過普通了?
[26:22.81]Oh, no, l loved it. 哦, 不, 我很喜歡
[26:25.31]You sent it to me after our first night together. 我們在一起的第一晚之后 你就送了一條給我

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