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[02:32.18]- (elevator dings) - (gasps)
[02:36.08]Great. Just great. 好極了
[02:39.25]l could help you, l've got a lot women's clothes up in my office. 真是太棒了
[02:39.56]要我?guī)兔? 我辦公室里有很多女式的衣服
[02:42.52]- Hold these, please. - Fashion clothes in the office. 幫個忙拿一下
[02:43.55]時尚款式… 在我辦公室
[02:45.36]- What are you doing? - You gotta do what you gotta do. 你在干嘛?
[02:50.33]The fastest first date l've ever had. 發(fā)展如此神速的初次約會 我還是第一次碰到呢
[02:53.77]You can't be serious. 你不是當(dāng)真了吧?
[02:56.47]You actually think you got a shot? 你還真以為天上掉餡餅了呢?
[02:58.91]Here, now?
[03:00.71]l was just joking. l mean... You smiled at me in the lobby. 開個玩笑
[03:04.78]Because l couldn't believe you pulled a ditch and dash 我笑是因為我簡直不敢相信 你會將那個可憐的姑娘
[03:07.92]with that poor girl back there. 丟到一邊
[03:12.72]You had it all played out in your head. 你滿腦子都在幻想了吧, 不是嗎?
[03:15.22]You, me, no one else here. 你, 我
[03:19.16]We'd be on the floor, bodies sweating, 躺在地上, 渾身是汗
[03:23.20]rug burn on my back. 我的背緊緊貼在地毯上
[03:26.53]- (elevator dings) - Well... 好了, 白日夢到此為止
[03:29.20]...so much for that fantasy.
[03:34.58]As we do every year for our Must Mode issue, 跟我們往年<絕對時尚>特刊的做法一樣
[03:37.61]your ideas, picks, lists will be considered for inclusion. 你們的創(chuàng)意, 搜集的資料 你們的清單都會被統(tǒng)一考慮
[03:43.95](cell phone rings)
[03:50.73]Nico, l told you, only emergencies. Nico, 我說過 除非有緊急狀況
[03:53.70]No, you cannot submit my apartment for Pimp Yo House. 不, 你不能把我的公寓 拿來作“嘻哈族樂園”
[03:57.33]Goodbye. 再見
[04:00.77]Family is staying with me, temporarily. 家人暫時過來住住
[04:04.34]Remember, it's not just an ''it'' list. There are personal ''musts'' as well. 記住, 這可不是單純的清單而已
[04:08.88]Like ''must be on time.'' 比如說“絕對”要準(zhǔn)時
[04:12.98]For others, it's a bit more profound. 對于其他人 還有更深一層的意義
[04:15.62]What's important is that we tap into the issues 重要的是我們要了解
[04:19.09]of our readers' lives they cannot face. 我們的讀者所無法了解的生活
[04:22.06]Move them to the next stage in their lives, 幫助他們登上生活的另一個舞臺
[04:24.83]promise them it won't be another year 向他們保證 新的一年不會再有
[04:27.33]full of unanswered questions and unresolved issues. 疑問和未決之事
[04:32.07]And, lest we forget, 以免我們會忘記
[04:33.90]it is about the fashion must-haves for 2007. 這是關(guān)于2007年度的 潮流“絕對事項”
[04:37.87]And l can assure you, it will not include polka dots. 而且我敢保證 圓點圖案不會流行
[04:42.38]- (gasps) - That's it. 就這樣
[04:44.45]Start listing. 開始寫吧
[04:49.85]You have an 1 1 :30 layout conference. 你在11:30有一個企劃會議 還有, 你父親的辦公室來過電話
[04:51.85]Your father's office called, editors meeting tomorrow. 明天有一個總編會議
[04:54.86]There's this woman, smoking hot, works on 27. 聽著, 有個非?;鹄钡呐?在27樓工作
[04:57.79]She's not wearing a shirt, has some sort of accent. Find out who she is, OK? 因為出了點問題 她沒穿襯衣
[05:00.14]我真的-- 需要 你去搞清楚她是誰, 好嗎?
[05:03.83]Must hunt down Daniel's babe. “絕對”要找到Daniel的女人
[05:09.17]Whatever Bradford Meade does, he can't get rid of me. 不管Bradford Meade怎么做
[05:12.97](woman) Sometimes it's like she's still here. 他都無法擺脫我
[05:18.11]You remember what tomorrow is, don't you? 你還記得“明天”是什么, 不是嗎?
[05:24.22]How could l forget? 我怎么能忘記呢?
[05:32.99]Nico, darling, l'm home. Nico, 親愛的, 我回來了
[05:36.96]- What is that? - Dinner. You didn't have much. 那是什么?
[05:38.56]晚餐, 你什么都沒有
[05:40.70]White wine... 我有酒
[05:42.47]...and Pecorino di Pienza. 還有Pienza出產(chǎn)的羊干酪
[05:45.51]lt's a cheese. Goes great with pears. 是奶酪, 配梨子很好吃
[05:47.74]And cereal goes great with milk. 谷物配牛奶也很好吃
[05:50.58]How was your day, dear? 今天過得如何? 親愛的
[05:52.01]l picked these up today. 我今天搜集了這些--
[05:54.18]Brochures. For schools in New York. 紐約一些學(xué)校的簡介
[05:56.35]Don't be silly, schools here don't meet your standards. 別傻了
[05:59.79]l was thinking of the Hertzog School in Switzerland. 我在考慮瑞士的Hertzog學(xué)校
[06:03.19]Expelled, remember? 被拒了, 記得嗎?
[06:04.96]l think, maybe, boarding school's not for me. 所以我在想 可能寄宿學(xué)校不適合我
[06:08.66]l said that to the senator when he sent me to the Chamberlin School. 我當(dāng)時也是這么對議員說的
[06:12.20]He'd just won his first Congressional seat. He told me... 他剛剛得到了 他在國會的第一個位置
[06:16.47]''Willie, D.C. is no place for my daughter to become a young lady.'' - 他告訴我-- - “Willie, 華盛頓不是個”

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