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[28:01.71]- The ferry, Betty? Really? - Yeah. 渡船嗎? Betty 真的?
[28:07.48]Yeah, well, let's forget it. 哦 別提它了
[28:09.92]Wilhelmina's got us. This is over. We're done. Wilhelmina算計(jì)了我們 一切都結(jié)束了
[28:15.26]Well, it's his own fault for spending so much. 哦 花費(fèi)過度是他自己的錯(cuò)
[28:17.92]Yeah, but l filled out his expense report. 是啊 但是是我替他填的報(bào)銷單
[28:20.26]No, no, no. You just didn't lie for him. They're all at it. 不 不 不 你不過是沒幫他撒謊
[28:23.36]They all cheat. Wilhelmina especially. 聽著 他們都這么干的 他們都有作假
[28:25.87]They abuse accounts like it's a God-given right, 尤其是Wilhelmina 花錢去做美容 就象是天授神權(quán) 卻只給我們這么點(diǎn)薪水
[28:28.47]- and they pay us slave wages. - Nice Gucci.
[28:31.54]Thank you. - 很棒的Gucci - 謝謝
[28:34.34]- Oh, it's the last salad. - That's OK. 哦 最后一份色拉了
[28:39.35]- We carb-loading for a marathon? - We can't all live on laxatives. 拿那么多 是要替跑馬拉松做準(zhǔn)備嗎?
[28:46.92]Hey, Betty. Seamstress. 嘿 Betty
[28:49.62]See, the girl from Styles who got my Louboutin boots, 瞧 設(shè)計(jì)部那個(gè) 拿了我的Louboutin的女孩-
[28:52.39]she would die to have your bag. Here's the deal. 她愿意花任何代價(jià)來換你的Gucci包
[28:54.83]l'll trade you my tickets to the opera for your bag. 咱們做個(gè)交易吧- 我拿我的
[28:58.00]Then l trade your bag for my boots and everyone winds up a winner. 然后我再用你的包來換靴子
[29:01.40]The opera? She lives in Queens.
[29:03.40]lf she wants to hear fat ltalians screaming, she can open her window. 要是她想聽意大利胖子的尖叫
[29:05.51]只要打開窗子就行了 Betty喜歡她的新包 不是嗎?
[29:07.27]- Betty loves her new bag. Don't you? - Yes, l do.
[29:10.41]There you go then. Away and throw up your celery sticks. Shoo! 是的 沒錯(cuò)
[29:11.12]快走開 吃你的芹菜梗去吧
[29:14.25]Opera tickets? Christina, how much, exactly, is this bag worth? 歌劇票?
[29:15.51]Christina 這個(gè)包到底值多少錢啊?
[29:18.85]Retail? About 4,500. 零售價(jià)嗎? 大概4500美金
[29:20.82]With the pickle, however, 42. 要是沾上醬菜的話 也就4200美金吧
[29:40.64]Please just go home, Walter. Leave me alone. 請(qǐng)回去吧 Walter
[30:05.77]- (door closes) - (Betty) l'm home. 我回來了
[30:07.87]We didn't want to start without you, but it was getting cold. 我們本來想要等你的 但是菜都涼了
[30:11.17]l went to see Maria. She gave you 1 5 refills. 我去找Maria了
[30:14.84]Fifteen? Are you gonna tell me how you got her to give you 1 5 refills? 15劑? 能告訴我你是怎么 讓她給你15劑的嗎?
[30:18.34]Where's your Gucci? 你的Gucci包呢?
[30:26.52]- Betty... - lt's OK. - Betty… - 沒關(guān)系
[30:28.25]lt was swag, part of my wages. 那也是拿來的 我薪水的一部分
[30:30.49]That witch blows 25 grand in Rio and you've gotta give up your purse? 那個(gè)巫婆在里約揮霍了2萬5千塊
[30:34.06]- lt's OK. - No, you know, it's not OK, Betty. - 你卻得放棄你的手袋? - Hilda 沒關(guān)系的
[30:35.21]不 你知道的 這有關(guān)系 Betty
[30:36.73]Well, that's the way it is! 好吧 就是這樣了
[30:42.90]l got it. 我知道了
[30:49.51](knock on door)
[30:56.38]Do you remember how angry you were when Mom gave me her good purse? 你還記得當(dāng)媽媽把她的手袋 給我的時(shí)候 你有多生氣嗎?
[31:00.75]Yeah, well, you were three, 是啊 嗯…
[31:04.49]and you used it to carry around your crayons. 而且你還拿它裝你的蠟筆
[31:08.53]l finally figured out why she gave it to me and not to you. 后來我終于明白為什么她 把它給了我 而不是你
[31:11.90](speaks Spanish) 為什么??
[31:14.53]She knew how it would make me feel. 她知道那包會(huì)讓我有什么感受
[31:20.94]Christina says that fashion is good for the soul. Christina說 時(shí)尚能讓人振奮…
[31:25.75]And when l was walking around with my Gucci today, 當(dāng)我今天背著我的Gucci 到處走的時(shí)候
[31:30.22]it was like l was three-years-old again and holding Mom's purse. 就好象我又回到了3歲時(shí)的樣子
[31:35.92]l actually felt pretty. 我真的覺得自己很漂亮
[31:54.34]Hello. Where's the Gucci? 你的Gucci包呢?
[31:55.94]l didn't want to get another pickle on it. 我可不想讓它再沾上腌菜
[31:58.85]l realize the opera tickets were totally inappropriate. 好吧 我意識(shí)到歌劇票
[32:01.88]Here is a Menudo box set and a coupon for a hundred taquitos. 實(shí)在是有點(diǎn)虧了
[32:02.07]這是Menudo的典藏套裝 還有一張100個(gè)煎玉米卷的優(yōu)惠券
[32:06.05]What? 怎樣?

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