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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:32:44
[00:00.00]Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. 流言蜚女駕到 你們窺探曼哈頓上流生活的唯一渠道
[00:04.87]I remember the first time i ever saw him. 我還記得第一次看到他的時(shí)候
[00:06.88]I knew. 我就知道
[00:07.98]He's the one i wanna marry. 他正是我想嫁的那個(gè)人
[00:10.10]I think you dropped this at the ball. 我想你在舞會(huì)里把這個(gè)落下了
[00:12.65]I hate secrets more than anything. 我最討厭別人有事瞞著我了
[00:14.85]You're dismissed,jenny... Jenny 你可以走了...
[00:16.40]For good. 不要再回來(lái)
[00:17.67]Something about uh,uh,mom and a neighbor? 是關(guān)于 媽媽和鄰居的事情?
[00:19.88]Yeah,it's... Complicated. 是的 這個(gè)...有點(diǎn)復(fù)雜
[00:21.66]Mom's having an affair. 媽媽有外遇了
[00:22.46]It's easy for me to say it. 這樣說(shuō)更容易些
[00:23.69]Mom,it's time for you to come home. 媽媽 你該回家了
[00:26.27]I was with my friend vanessa. 我以前和我的朋友Vanessa在一起
[00:28.22]We're very close,and she moved away to vermont last year, 我們很親密 她去年搬去佛蒙特州了
[00:30.40]And now she's back. 現(xiàn)在她回來(lái)了
[00:31.63]You said you love me. 你說(shuō)過(guò)你愛(ài)我
[00:35.51]Dan,hungry? Dan 餓了嗎?
[00:37.22]Hello. 嗨
[00:38.21]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
[00:39.66]Nathaniel,i'm shocked. Nathaniel 我很驚訝
[00:40.89]I thought you were strictly an herbal man. 我以為你是個(gè)潔身自好的老實(shí)人
[00:42.72]The drugs were dad's. 那些毒品是爸爸的
[00:44.25]I mean,i guess he thought it would be easier on everyone if i took the hit. 我是說(shuō) 我猜他認(rèn)為如果我做替罪羊 對(duì)大家來(lái)說(shuō)都容易接受些
[00:46.91]I have to say,every time i look at anne's finger and see blair's future engagement ring... 我不得不說(shuō) 每次我看著Anne的手指 看到的就是Blair未來(lái)的訂婚戒指...
[00:51.63]I can hardly contain my joy. 我都無(wú)法按捺心中的喜悅
[00:53.30]It seems your father is facing some other charges. 看來(lái)你父親還要面對(duì)其他的指控
[00:56.22]For what? 什么?
[00:57.18]Embezzlement and fraud. 挪用公款和欺詐
[00:59.10]You should deal with your father. 你應(yīng)該去照顧你父親
[01:00.47]He needs you. 他需要你
[01:01.52]I don't. 而我不再需要你了
[01:02.17]Where's nate? Nate呢?
[01:03.87]- I think we just broke up. - What? - 我想我們剛剛分手了 - 什么?
[01:06.09]I don't wanna talk about it. 我現(xiàn)在不想談這個(gè)
[01:07.37]I just want to escape. 我只想遠(yuǎn)離這一切
[01:08.87]That's what this place is for,right? 這個(gè)地方不就是用來(lái)躲避俗世的嗎?
[01:21.00]<font color="#ffff00">Gossip Girl Season01 Episode08 流言蜚女 第一季 第08集
[01:29.21]According to the catholic church, 根據(jù)天主教教規(guī)
[01:31.12]Mortal sin can only be absolved through the sacred act of confession, 如果犯了不可饒恕的罪行 只能通過(guò)禱告來(lái)獲得赦免
[01:36.17]But it looks like a certain w.a.s.p.Princess 看來(lái)某位尊貴的公主
[01:38.72]has recently found herself desperately in need of a little unburdening. 最近發(fā)現(xiàn)自己非常需要禱告
[01:43.77]And who is the man upstairs to discriminate? 但高高在上的主該譴責(zé)誰(shuí)呢?
[01:47.29]Forgive me,father,for i have sinned. 神父 請(qǐng)?jiān)徫曳赶碌淖镄?br /> [01:49.72]It's been... 我上一次禱告...
[01:51.87]A while since my last confession. 已經(jīng)是很久以前的事了
[01:54.35]What troubles you,my child? 什么事情困擾了你 我的孩子?
[02:04.71]After being broken up with my boyfriend for exactly 20 minutes,i... 和男朋友分手剛20分鐘 我就...
[02:10.10]Succumbed to inebriation, 沉醉于酒精中
[02:11.86]performed at a speakeasy and surrendered my virtue to a self-absorbed ass. 在一個(gè)聲色場(chǎng)所 表演脫衣舞 還把我的貞操獻(xiàn)給了一個(gè)自以為是的混蛋
[02:17.80]The only good news is that he's a total pig who will act like it never happened. 唯一的好消息是 他是個(gè)徹頭徹尾的混蛋 所以會(huì)當(dāng)什么事也沒(méi)發(fā)生過(guò)
[02:20.73]Thank god. 感謝上帝
[02:22.46]Sorry. 對(duì)不起
[02:23.49]Truthfully,i'm not even catholic. 坦白說(shuō) 我根本不是天主教徒
[02:25.39]You don't say. 不用你說(shuō)(我也知道)
[02:26.35]But losing my virginity to chuck bass? 但我的失身于Chuck Bass?
[02:29.63]None of my friends will ever understand. 我的朋友沒(méi)人會(huì)理解的
[02:32.91]I'm ready for my punishment. 我準(zhǔn)備好接受懲罰了
[02:34.80]Whatever you and god think is fair-- flogging,fasting, 任何您和上帝覺(jué)得公平的懲罰 例如鞭打 禁食
[02:40.81]Putting that thing with the teeth around my thigh,like silas. 把那種帶齒的鐵鏈綁在我的大腿上 就像賽拉斯那樣
[02:43.76]How about some food for thought instead? 何不來(lái)一點(diǎn)精神食糧 好好反省一下?
[02:47.17]Don't drink. 不要喝酒
[02:48.97]Keep your clothes on. 別脫衣服
[02:51.00]Try avoiding those who might cause you to stray. 遠(yuǎn)離那些會(huì)讓你走歪路的人
[02:53.84]Oh,i plan to. 喔 我正打算這樣
[02:55.72]Thank you,father. 謝謝神父
[02:57.11]It was very good advice. 這真是個(gè)好建議
[03:01.55]You don't grant birthday wishes,do you? 您能實(shí)現(xiàn)我的生日愿望不?
[03:03.65]I'm a priest,not a genie. 我是牧師 不是精靈
[03:07.15]Well,the next time you talk to him, 喔 下次你跟他老人家對(duì)話的時(shí)候 (上帝)
[03:09.78]Would you ask him to send my boyfriend back to me? 可以叫他幫我把男朋友送回來(lái)嗎?
[03:21.89]I gotta say... 我想說(shuō)...
[03:23.04]No need to say anything. 什么也不用說(shuō)
[03:27.29]God,i hate people in love. 上帝啊 我真恨熱戀中的人
[03:32.06]Awkward. 哇哦 真尷尬
[03:33.97]Vanessa? Vanessa?
[03:35.06]Serena. Dan. 我是Serena Dan
[03:36.93]No,no,no,no,no,no. Vanessa's here. 不不不不不不 Vanessa在這兒
[03:43.01]Lovebirds ready to order? 熱戀的情侶要點(diǎn)單了嗎?
[03:44.06]Oh,i'll take 'em. 喔 我來(lái)招呼他們
[03:46.40]Hi. 嗨
[03:47.43]Hi. 嗨
[03:48.21]So,uh,you--you work here now? 呃 你現(xiàn)在在這工作?
[03:50.48]I did mention that,but you've been distracted. 我以前跟你提到過(guò) 但你顯然沒(méi)聽(tīng)進(jìn)去
[03:53.17]Vanessa. Hi. Vanessa 嗨
[03:54.17]Nice to see you. 很高興見(jiàn)到你
[03:54.89]This time you're seeing less of me. 這次沒(méi)讓你看到我露那么多肉
[03:56.36]Sorry about that. 那天很抱歉
[03:57.03]Walking in when you were,you know... 那樣闖進(jìn)去打斷了你們...
[03:58.98]Yeah. 呃
[04:00.01]So you guys are up early. 你們起得真早
[04:01.75]What'd you do last night? 你們昨晚干嗎了?
[04:04.03]Oh,my god. 喔 上帝啊
[04:05.09]I totally didn't mean to pry. 我完全不是想要八卦
[04:06.30]You're not prying. 你沒(méi)有在八卦
[04:06.91]Why would you think you're prying? 為什么你認(rèn)為你在八卦?
[04:08.02]- No reason. - No reason. - 不為什么 - 不為什么
[04:10.35]Did you tell her? 你告訴她了?
[04:11.06]What? No.What's to tell? 什么? 不 告訴她什么?
[04:12.36]I know nothing,but if you guys did the thing i know nothing about, 我什么也不知道 不過(guò)如果你們做了啥我完全不知道的事
[04:16.02]Then i would totally support that. 我也全力支持
[04:17.91]Thanks,vanessa. 謝謝 Vanessa
[04:18.55]Good to know in the event that should happen. 很高興知道 "那事兒"終究會(huì)發(fā)生
[04:20.97]Oh,meaning it didn't happen? 喔 也就是說(shuō)還沒(méi)發(fā)生?
[04:22.19]Meaning i don't even know what we're talking about right now. 意思是說(shuō)我完全不知道 我們現(xiàn)在在說(shuō)什么
[04:23.84]I know i'm lost. 我只知道我完全糊涂了
[04:25.10]And i should get lost. 而我也該閃人
[04:26.92]First day. I have lots of tables. 這是我第一天上班 還要很多臺(tái)子要招呼
[04:30.29]Clearly. 看得出
[04:35.19]So vanessa works here now. 呃 Vanessa現(xiàn)在在這工作
[04:36.66]Yeah,we should make this our regular spot. 是啊 我們應(yīng)該把這兒 變成我們的約會(huì)點(diǎn)
[05:06.31]Well,this is the last place i'd expect to find you. 喔 我沒(méi)想到會(huì)在這找到你
[05:09.20]Go away,chuck. 滾開(kāi) Chuck
[05:10.87]I've been given orders practically from god himself to avoid you. 我差不多從上帝他老人家那兒 得到圣旨 讓我避開(kāi)你
[05:13.71]Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast? 你可以早餐后再考慮遠(yuǎn)離我嗎?
[05:15.93]Sorry,but as is tradition on the day before my birthday, 抱歉 但是按照慣例 我在每年生日的前一天
[05:19.01]I'm heading to the jeweler's to put some pieces on hold for eleanor and-- 都會(huì)去珠寶店定購(gòu)些 珠寶給Eleanor和...
[05:21.89]nate? Nate?
[05:23.06]Oh,i don't think he'll be singing "happy birthday" this year. 喔 我想他今年不會(huì)給你唱生日歌了
[05:25.81]No one knows that nate and i broke up, 沒(méi)人知道他和我已經(jīng)分手了
[05:27.64]And it's gonna stay that way so i can fix this, 而且這個(gè)秘密要繼續(xù)保持下去 好讓我想辦法補(bǔ)救
[05:30.06]And i don't think your best friend would still be your best friend if he knew-- 如果你的好朋友知道了后 我看他也不會(huì)再是你的好友了
[05:32.58]If he knew how much i enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very limo? 如果他知道就在這部房車后部 我是多么享受于摘取某人的貞操?
[05:38.96]From this moment forward, 從這一刻起
[05:40.82]The events of last night will never be mentioned again. 你永遠(yuǎn)不許再提昨晚的事情
[05:42.88]Is that clear? 聽(tīng)清楚了嗎?
[05:43.48]Not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear, 不如你在我耳邊的呻吟 更讓我記得更清楚
[05:45.99]Which i have been replaying over and over. 我已經(jīng)回味了一遍又一遍
[05:48.96]Well,erase the tape,because as far as i'm concerned, It never happened. 喔 那就把這些記憶都刪掉吧 對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō) 什么也沒(méi)發(fā)生過(guò)
[05:52.60]I'll see you at your party tonight. 今晚生日派對(duì)上見(jiàn)啦
[05:53.99]You're officially uninvited. 你不在邀請(qǐng)名單
[05:55.51]Never stopped me before. 以前我沒(méi)被邀請(qǐng)也照去!
[05:57.32]Speak of the devil,and he doth appear, 說(shuō)起魔鬼 他的確出現(xiàn)了
[05:59.81]Wearing his trademark scarf. Careful,b. 還戴著他標(biāo)志性的圍巾 小心點(diǎn) B
[06:03.09]Hell hath no fury like a chuck bass scorned. 惱羞成怒的Chuck Bass 絕對(duì)是不好對(duì)付的
[06:14.12]Hey,dad. 嘿 爸爸
[06:14.98]Hi,honey. 嗨 親愛(ài)的
[06:15.57]How was hudson? Your mother must have been kind of surprised to see you. 哈德森之行如何? 你媽媽見(jiàn)到你一定很驚訝吧
[06:19.28]Yeah,she was. 是的 她很驚訝
[06:23.62]Hi,rufus. 嗨 Rufus
[06:24.93]Alison. Alison
[06:26.51]What are you doing here? 你怎么來(lái)了?
[06:27.76]Well,i asked her to come. 呃 我叫她來(lái)的
[06:29.20]You know,i thought you guys could... Talk. 我想你們需要...談一談
[06:37.68]Or not. 或不需要
[06:40.24]Okay,dad,i know it wasn't my place to ask mom to come back... 好了 爸爸 我知道 我沒(méi)有權(quán)利叫媽媽回來(lái)...
[06:42.46]- Jenny. - It's your life. - Jenny - 這是你的生活
[06:43.28]I get that,but it's my life,too,and it's dan's, 我明白 但這也是我的生活 也是Dan的
[06:45.81]And i just felt that nothing's ever gonna change if someone doesn't do something. 所以我覺(jué)得如果沒(méi)人想辦法 什么事情都不會(huì)改變的
[06:49.02]Jenny! Jenny!
[06:50.82]Stop. Breathe. 停一停 喘口氣
[06:52.71]I'm not angry. 我沒(méi)有生氣
[06:54.26]You're not? 你沒(méi)有?
[06:55.27]Not at you. 沒(méi)對(duì)你生氣
[06:57.21]While you can't get un-angry at mom If she's in hudson,and you're here,dad. 可是如果媽媽在哈德森 而你在這兒 你也一樣無(wú)法消除對(duì)她的不滿 老爸
[07:02.31]I mean,nothing's ever gonna change If you're not in the same room. 我是說(shuō) 如果你們不在一個(gè)地方 什么事情都不可能改變
[07:05.98]Can't you just give it a chance? 你不能嘗試一下嗎?
[07:11.01]Not on an empty stomach. 空著肚子可嘗試不了
[07:13.85]Come. I'll make us breakfast. 來(lái)吧 我來(lái)做點(diǎn)早餐
[07:19.00]Who wants waffles? 誰(shuí)要吃華夫餅?
[07:20.37]I mean,you do still like waffles,right,rufus? 我是說(shuō) 你還喜歡吃華夫餅的 對(duì)吧 Rufus?
[07:23.12]You know me,al. 你了解我的 Al
[07:24.65]I'm a loyal guy. 我是個(gè)很專一的人
[07:25.22]Once i commit to something,i stick with it. 只要我喜歡的東西 我會(huì)一直喜歡
[07:30.32]I'll get the syrup. 我去拿些糖漿
[07:47.99]Hey,mom. 嘿 媽媽
[07:48.89]I just got back from the jeweler's,and i have to say-- 我剛從珠寶店回來(lái) 我想說(shuō) --
[07:50.74]have you seen this? 你看過(guò)這個(gè)了嗎?
[07:53.55]Since when does drunk and disorderly get this much attention? 醉酒和失態(tài)什么時(shí)候開(kāi)始 這么引人注目了?
[07:56.29]Since never. 從來(lái)沒(méi)有過(guò)
[07:57.35]The captain is being charged with embezzlement and fraud. Captain被指控挪用公款和欺詐罪
[08:01.21]This is an absolute disaster. 這真是大災(zāi)難
[08:03.21]It must be awful for them. 這對(duì)他們來(lái)說(shuō)真是糟透了
[08:05.79]I meant for me. 我是指對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)
[08:07.05]The captain is supposed to represent me. Captain本來(lái)是要代表我的
[08:09.38]The contracts are about to be signed. 合同馬上都要簽了
[08:11.30]What about my i.p.o.,huh? 我的上市計(jì)劃怎么辦 呃?
[08:13.23]What is gonna happen to my bendel's deal? 我的跟Bendel公司的合作會(huì)受到何等影響?
[08:14.85]Nate looks so helpless. Nate看上去無(wú)助極了
[08:16.40]I have to call my attorney. 我要找我的律師
[08:17.85]I-i have to put an end to this deal before it goes any further. 我必須要在事情惡化之前 趕快結(jié)束和他的合作
[08:21.68]I have to talk to nate. 我要和Nate談?wù)?br /> [08:24.71]I don't know why everybody's making such a big deal out of this. 我不明白為什么大家都 對(duì)這件事那么大驚小怪?
[08:27.96]It's just a misunderstanding. 這只是個(gè)誤會(huì)
[08:29.29]It'll be cleared up in time. 一切都會(huì)被澄清的
[08:30.68]Yes,it will,at your trial. 是的 不過(guò)那也是在法庭上澄清
[08:32.72]This is real,howard. 這些都是動(dòng)真格的 Howard
[08:33.87]The only reason you're not behind bars right now is 你現(xiàn)在沒(méi)在監(jiān)獄里的唯一原因就是
[08:35.61]Because your wife could afford your bail. 你夫人付得起保釋金
[08:37.45]And i would've paid ten times that amount. 就算是十倍 我也會(huì)付
[08:39.28]You're not going to jail. 你不會(huì)去坐牢的
[08:40.34]And we're gonna do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen, 我們會(huì)盡力不讓你坐牢
[08:42.54]But in the meantime,this is not something to be cavalier about. 但與此同時(shí) 千萬(wàn)不要過(guò)于輕心
[08:44.74]It's clearly a setup. 明顯是有人要陷害我
[08:45.84]Someone's got a agenda. 這一切都是計(jì)劃好的
[08:47.11]Dad,would you just shut up and listen to him? 爸爸 你能不能閉嘴聽(tīng)他說(shuō)完?
[08:49.03]Nate. Nate
[08:50.12]Look,sir,what exactly do we need to do here? 聽(tīng)著 先生 我們現(xiàn)在到底應(yīng)該做些什么?
[08:51.92]Remain calm and give them nothing but a united front as we fight this. 保持冷靜 統(tǒng)一口徑
[08:55.88]Well,what about some sort of,um,some sort of plea? 呃 那如果向法庭求情呢?
[08:59.26]A plea? 求情?
[09:00.56]You think i'm guilty? 你認(rèn)為我有罪?
[09:01.56]Dad,it's just a question. 爸爸 我只是問(wèn)問(wèn)
[09:03.90]How would that work exactly? 求情的話會(huì)有什么效果
[09:05.28]It wouldn't. 想都別想?
[09:06.26]Nate,i'm sure you're very tired, Nate 我想你一定很累了
[09:08.59]And this is a conversation for adults. 這是大人之間的談話
[09:10.54]Why don't you go get some rest,sweetheart? 你為什么不去休息一下呢 親愛(ài)的?
[09:22.13]Hey,dad. Jenny. 嘿 老爸 Jenny
[09:27.09]And--and mom. 呃 媽媽
[09:29.34]Hi,honey. 嗨 親愛(ài)的
[09:30.81]Well,look at this. The whole family's together... 喔 瞧瞧 一家人團(tuán)聚在一起...
[09:33.91]Eating waffles. 吃華夫餅
[09:35.49]Want one? 你也來(lái)一塊?
[09:36.50]You bet. 當(dāng)然
[09:38.61]Just one question. 我只有一個(gè)問(wèn)題
[09:39.96]Am i the only one who thinks this is extremely weird? 我是這里唯一覺(jué)得很別扭的人嗎?
[09:43.26]I-i mean,given everything. 我-我是說(shuō) 考慮到發(fā)生的那多事
[09:45.36]Dan,just forget about it. Dan 算了吧
[09:47.45]If dad can let it go,so can you. 如果老爸都可以不再計(jì)較 你也可以
[09:49.08]What do you mean,let it go? 你說(shuō)的"不計(jì)較"是什么意思?
[09:50.44]You know,the guy in hudson. 你知道的 哈德森的那個(gè)男人
[09:52.68]You told her? 你告訴她了?
[09:53.25]No,of course i didn't tell her. Rufus. 沒(méi)有 我當(dāng)然沒(méi)告訴她 Rufus
[09:55.16]I would never. 我永遠(yuǎn)也不會(huì)的
[09:55.81]I overheard dan and dad talking. 我無(wú)意中聽(tīng)到Dan和老爸說(shuō)的
[09:57.16]He heard us arguing on the phone. 他聽(tīng)到我們?cè)陔娫捝蠣?zhēng)論
[09:58.80]Yeah,if you want to keep secrets, 是啊 如果你們想保守秘密
[09:59.59]Maybe we should all abandon the loft and move to a place with more walls. 也許我們?cè)撾x開(kāi)這個(gè)閣樓 搬到一個(gè)有更多墻的地方
[10:10.15]It's always gogood to give him a while. 最好讓他自己靜靜
[10:12.90]Yeah,no,i knew--i knew that. 喔 不 我知道--我知道的
[10:17.93]I can't believe he told her you guys were gonna do it. 真不敢相信他告訴她你們要上床
[10:21.10]Well,i told you. 喔 我也告訴過(guò)你的
[10:22.14]That's different. I'm a girl. 但這不一樣 我是女的
[10:23.39]Yeah,well,so is she. 是啊 呃 她也是女的
[10:24.50]Exactly my point. 這正是我要說(shuō)的
[10:26.47]But even if she wasn't, 就算她不是女的
[10:27.61]When you get a boyfriend,you become the best friend, 當(dāng)你有了男朋友 你就成了他最好的朋友
[10:29.82]And the best friend becomes the second best friend. 他原來(lái)最好的朋友會(huì)排到第二位
[10:32.30]That's just how it has to be if it's ever gonna work. 只有這樣 你們才能相處得好
[10:36.02]Hey,you still haven't told me how nate's doing. 嘿 你還沒(méi)告訴我Nate怎么樣了
[10:38.35]It's all over the news. 新聞上到處都是
[10:39.96]Uh,when i talked to him this morning, 呃 我今天早上和他通話的時(shí)候
[10:41.33]I-i told him to focus on his family today. 我-我叫他今天以家事為重
[10:43.90]But he's still coming to your party,right? 他今晚還是會(huì)來(lái)參加你的派對(duì)的 對(duì)嗎?
[10:46.71]Here. 給你
[10:48.19]Uh,i told him not to worry about it. 呃 我叫他不用管這個(gè)
[10:50.27]I mean,only if he's up to it. 我是說(shuō) 除非他有空來(lái)
[10:51.83]You're such a good girlfriend,b.,really. 你真是個(gè)體貼的好女友 B 真的
[10:59.60]Hey,um,i'll just pick you up,and we can go together, 嘿 我會(huì)先來(lái)這和你碰頭 然后我們一起去
[11:02.69]But i really hope nate can make it. 但我真的希望Nate也能來(lái)
[11:15.31]nate,here you are. Nate 原來(lái)你在這里
[11:16.10]I've been looking everywhere for you. 我到處在找你
[11:17.38]I was up in your room. 我在你房間里
[11:18.27]I was calling your name for 20 minutes. 喊了你20分鐘
[11:22.45]Hey,take your earphones out. 嘿 把耳機(jī)拿出來(lái)
[11:24.45]Take your earphones out. 把耳機(jī)拿出來(lái)
[11:26.57]Nathaniel,i've been calling you for 20 minutes. Nathaniel 我叫了你20分鐘了
[11:29.07]I'm sorry. What is it? 對(duì)不起 怎么了?
[11:33.90]- Blair's birthday party is tonight,isn't it? - Yeah. - Blair的生日派對(duì)是今晚 對(duì)嗎? - 是的
[11:38.22]I was thinking maybe you should give her something special. 我在想你應(yīng)該送她點(diǎn)特別的禮物
[11:41.80]I'm sure she's already picked out something at the jewelry store and put it on hold. 我肯定她已經(jīng)在珠寶店挑好了 下了訂單
[11:45.10]Something more special than that. 要比那些更特別一點(diǎn)的禮物
[11:50.00]Mom,that's a family heirloom. 媽媽 這是我們的傳家寶
[11:52.29]I'm not giving it to blair. 我不能送給Blair
[11:55.24]It's an engagement ring. 這是一個(gè)訂婚戒指
[11:56.91]I'm not asking you to propose, 我不是要你向她求婚
[11:58.95]But it's important that blair knows how much you value her loyalty. 讓Blair知道你多珍視她對(duì)你的忠心 這點(diǎn)很重要
[12:02.04]Her loyalty or her mother's? 她對(duì)我的忠心 還是她媽媽對(duì)你們的忠心?
[12:03.76]Eleanor's lawyers may have called. Eleanor的律師可能已經(jīng)打過(guò)電話來(lái)了
[12:05.39]What difference does it make? 那又有什么區(qū)別?
[12:07.21]One day we'll all be family, 有天我們會(huì)成為一家人的
[12:08.49]And they won't have a choice in these matters. 他們?cè)谶@些事情里 就沒(méi)有別的選擇了
[12:10.16]Blair and i broke up last night. Blair和我昨晚分手了
[12:13.87]Well,then get back together. 呃 那就重歸于好
[12:16.35]I don't think so. 我看沒(méi)這個(gè)可能
[12:17.66]May i remind you it was your own rash actions that got us into this predicament? 讓我來(lái)提醒你 正是你的沖動(dòng)讓我們陷入今天的困境
[12:21.22]We're in this predicament because dad has a drug problem. 我們走到今天是因?yàn)榘职衷谖?br /> [12:24.61]I was trying to help him 我是想幫他
[12:25.39]then help him. 那就幫幫他
[12:28.11]Your father's acting the way that he is because he's scared. 你爸爸這樣作是因?yàn)樗芎ε?br /> [12:31.61]He needs you so much right now,more than he ever has. 他現(xiàn)在比任何時(shí)候都更需要你
[12:36.55]We all do. 我們都是
[12:39.60]Whoever thought monarchy was dead didn't realize it just changed zip codes. 誰(shuí)說(shuō)君主政權(quán)已經(jīng)不存在了? 它只是改變了一下郵編
[12:44.74]So what will it be,nate,blair waldorf's hand or your father's head? Nate會(huì)怎么選擇呢? 是重牽Blair的手 還是犧牲你父親的腦袋?
[13:05.08]Hi. Are you okay? 嗨 你還好嗎?
[13:07.25]Uh,i've been texting you all day. 呃 我給你發(fā)了一整天的短信了
[13:08.54]Yeah,i'm--i'm fine. Thanks. 是的 我--我沒(méi)事 謝謝
[13:10.05]I,um,just been a little busy. 我 呃 只是有點(diǎn)忙
[13:11.96]I just wanted to check on you,see if you need anything. 我只是想看看有什么可以幫忙的
[13:16.18]Yeah,i kinda do. 喔 我的確需要一些幫助
[13:21.05]Blair,do you think we've been a little-- Blair 你覺(jué)不覺(jué)得--
[13:22.37]A little hasty with the whole breakup? 我們的分手有點(diǎn)草率?
[13:25.83]I-i don't know,nate. 我-我不知道 Nate
[13:27.06]Um,it was a pretty difficult decision. 呃 這是個(gè)很艱難的決定
[13:30.39]Yeah,look,i-i totally understand. I'm sorry. 是的 我-我完全理解 對(duì)不起
[13:32.58]I,um,i shouldn't have brought it up. 我 呃 我不應(yīng)該提這個(gè)的
[13:34.78]Uh,but we do have a lot of history together, 呃 但我們?cè)谝黄鸬拇_很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間了
[13:38.99]And,uh,it was in the heat of the moment, 我們有點(diǎn)一時(shí)沖動(dòng)
[13:40.81]But you'd have to be willing to really work for it. 但你得有好好經(jīng)營(yíng)我們這段關(guān)系 的意愿才可以
[13:45.83]Yeah,yeah,of course. 是的 當(dāng)然
[13:47.66]Listen,we'll just take it slow and see how it goes. 我們慢慢來(lái) 看看會(huì)如何發(fā)展
[13:50.07]And,um,i've got a birthday present for you. 我有份生日禮物給你
[13:54.40]It's,uh,something special. 很特別的禮物
[13:59.18]I can't wait to open it at my party. 我真想現(xiàn)在就打開(kāi)看看
[14:01.58]I'll see you there. 派對(duì)上見(jiàn)!
[14:03.08]I... 我...
[14:08.78]Hi. This is blair waldorf. 嗨 我是Blair Waldorf
[14:10.65]I was wondering if any of the pieces That i put on hold were picked up today. 我想問(wèn)一下今天有人來(lái)拿 我定購(gòu)的首飾嗎?
[14:15.96]The diamond necklace? Really? 鉆石項(xiàng)鏈? 當(dāng)真?
[14:18.15]Okay. 好的
[14:20.14]Thank you. 謝謝
[14:23.54]Thank you! 謝謝!
[14:26.20]Thank you. 謝謝(上帝)
[14:27.18]Thank you. 謝謝(上帝)
[14:38.54]Hey. 嘿
[14:42.30]Can we talk? 能談?wù)剢?
[14:50.13]Well,that depends. Are you--are you back for good? 看情況了 你這次回來(lái)就不走了?
[14:52.75]I don't know. 我不知道
[14:54.70]Your father and i haven't really had a chance to talk,so... 我和你父親一直沒(méi)機(jī)會(huì)談?wù)?所以...
[14:57.24]Well,do you want to come back, 那么 你想回來(lái)?
[14:59.79]Or do you wanna live in hudson with,uh,neighbor guy? 還是想跟那個(gè)鄰居一起待在哈德森?
[15:02.21]Okay,look,dan,i understand that you're mad,all right? 好吧 聽(tīng)著 Dan 我知道你很生氣
[15:04.95]And i'm not gonna defend what i did. 我也不想為我的所作所為辯解
[15:06.71]No,you--you don't get it,do you? 不 你-- 你沒(méi)明白 是不是?
[15:09.56]You think i'm only mad about the cheating? 你覺(jué)得我只對(duì)你搞外遇而生氣?
[15:13.41]Okay. What else? 好吧 還有呢?
[15:16.67]Maybe that you promised you would be home by the end of summer,and then you weren't. 你答應(yīng)了暑假結(jié)束前會(huì)回家 你卻沒(méi)有
[15:20.38]Maybe the fact that you left at all. 事實(shí)上你徹頭徹尾的走了
[15:22.30]I asked if you were okay with me going away, 我問(wèn)過(guò)你 你是否同意我離開(kāi)
[15:24.62]And i'd hoped that if there was a problem, You would say something. 我以為如果你有意見(jiàn) 你會(huì)告訴我的
[15:27.66]Like what? 說(shuō)什么?
[15:29.40]"your daughter's a freshman at a school "populated by mean girls and date rapists? "你女兒在一間滿是刻薄女生 和約會(huì)誘奸犯的學(xué)校上高一
[15:33.98]I think she needs her mom." 我想她需要她的媽媽"
[15:35.68]Or maybe "my father is madly in love with you and will probably never get over this"? 還是說(shuō)"我父親愛(ài)你愛(ài)得發(fā)瘋 對(duì)你無(wú)法釋懷"?
[15:46.90]Why should i have to tell you this? 我干嗎要跟你說(shuō)這些?
[15:53.86]- Where are you going? - Out. - 你去哪兒? - 出去
[15:55.06]I'll call later. 晚點(diǎn)會(huì)電話回來(lái)
[15:58.90]Well,that went well. 談的"真"愉快啊
[16:01.99]You know,i was thinking of going out also. 我也正打算出去
[16:03.06]- There's something i kinda need to do. - Oh,yeah. - 我還有事要做 - 好的
[16:04.72]- You need some help? - Can i help you? - 要幫忙嗎? - 有什么可以幫忙的?
[16:05.86]No,i'm good. Thanks. 不 我能行 謝謝
[16:18.25]Come on,man. I can hear you breathing on the other side of the door. 好了 伙計(jì) 隔著門都能聽(tīng)到你喘氣
[16:22.23]Is she anybody you can get rid of? 你那妞兒能先等等不?
[16:24.82]I just really need to talk to you,man. Please. 我只想找你聊聊
[16:29.09]Nathaniel. Nathaniel
[16:32.29]- Where's the girl? - In my dreams. - 女孩在哪? - 在夢(mèng)中
[16:33.54]I was trying to get some shut-eye. 我真希望睡一小會(huì)兒
[16:35.67]What's on your mind? 有心事?
[16:36.62]- It's my mom. - Sounds freudian. - 關(guān)于我媽媽的事 - 聽(tīng)上去很弗洛伊德(對(duì)母親的怨念~)
[16:41.80]She wants me to give blair her ring. 她希望我把戒指給Blair
[16:43.19]What? You guys broke up. 什么? 你們倆不是分了嘛
[16:45.57]Yeah,i know. 是的 我知道
[16:47.72]I mean,uh,wait. How do you know? 我是說(shuō) 等等 你是怎么知道的?
[16:49.69]Predictably,your ex ran the old,uh,grill-the-best-friend play. 還用想嗎? 你的前任找 她的好朋友吐苦水
[16:53.89]Tried to find out where your head was at. 想知道你腦子里究竟怎么想的
[16:56.90]So,uh,where,uh,where is your head? 那么 你到底是怎么想的?
[17:02.21]Spinning. 一團(tuán)漿糊
[17:04.00]I mean,my mom wants me to get back with blair 我媽希望我跟Blair復(fù)合
[17:05.68]So eleanor doesn't pull out of their business deal. 好讓Eleanor別中止合作
[17:10.18]It's all because of my dad's whole trial thing,you know? 都是因?yàn)槲野直桓嫔贤ツ菣n子事
[17:13.74]Yeah. I'm sorry about all that, 是的 我很抱歉
[17:16.13]But look,if you're done with blair,be done. 要是你對(duì)Blair沒(méi)感覺(jué)了 那就分吧
[17:18.90]Don't cave to your parents' wishes if they're not your desires. 別因?yàn)槟愀改傅囊庠溉ノ笕?br /> [17:21.80]Excuse me? Where's my boy? 啥? 我那個(gè)哥們兒哪兒去了?
[17:23.88]"seal the deal. Tap that ass. "生米煮成熟飯 把她占為己有
[17:25.76]Money marries bigger money"? 強(qiáng)強(qiáng)聯(lián)合"?
[17:27.00]Look,i care about three things,nathaniel-- 我關(guān)心3件事 Nathaniel--
[17:28.88]Money,the pleasures money brings me and you. 金錢 金錢帶給我的快樂(lè) 還有你
[17:32.36]I'm just trying to have your back here. 我只是想幫你一把
[17:35.00]Your parents have been controlling you your whole life. 你父母已經(jīng)掌控了你的全部生活
[17:36.59]If it doesn't end now,when will it ever? 如果現(xiàn)在不結(jié)束 什么時(shí)候才是個(gè)頭?
[18:05.90]Hey,guys! 嘿 你們來(lái)了!
[18:07.06]Hey,serena! Blair! 嘿 Serena! Blair!
[18:08.69]- Happy birthday! - Happy birthday! - 生日快樂(lè)! - 生日快樂(lè)!
[18:11.07]Oh,my god,kati. 老天哪 Kati
[18:12.16]Your brother's place looks fabulous. 你哥哥的地方真是太棒了
[18:13.61]Yeah,i know,right? 是的 我知道
[18:14.46]I know. It's incredible. 我曉得 真是太難以置信了
[18:15.43]Come on,guys. Let's check it out. 來(lái)吧 伙計(jì)們 讓我們來(lái)參觀參觀
[18:23.21]Hai. Douzo. 請(qǐng)慢用
[18:24.38]Arigatou gozaimasu. 謝謝
[18:25.47]- Douitashimashite. - Thank you. - 不客氣 - 謝謝
[18:28.21]Hey. So where's nate? 嘿 Nate在哪兒?
[18:29.41]Um,i'm sure he'll be here soon. 我肯定他很快就會(huì)到了
[18:33.44]What about dan? Dan呢?
[18:34.62]Oh,uh,he said he's coming,but i haven't talked to him since this morning. 他說(shuō)他會(huì)來(lái) 但從早上起我就沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)他
[18:37.71]Well,you better check in on him. 你最好聯(lián)系上他
[18:39.74]Make sure the best friend hasn't whisked him away to do some friendly activity. 確保他的"好朋友"沒(méi)把他帶去 做什么"朋友間的活動(dòng)"
[18:43.33]Oh,shut up. 你閉嘴吧
[18:44.75]Oh,there's chuck. Chuck來(lái)了
[18:45.88]I bet he knows where nate is. 我想他知道Nate在哪兒
[18:47.03]I think nate probably just snuck in while we were dancing. Nate大概會(huì)在我們跳舞時(shí)溜進(jìn)來(lái)
[18:49.48]Chuck. Chuck
[18:57.43]Well,thanks for listening to me complain about my family all afternoon. 多謝你一個(gè)下午都在 聽(tīng)我抱怨家里的事
[19:00.18]Oh,look,i know it's hard right now... 我知道現(xiàn)在對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)不容易
[19:02.20]But your family's one of the good ones, 但你的家庭還算是和睦的那種
[19:03.70]And your parents really love each other. 你父母真心相愛(ài)
[19:05.66]They'll figure it out,and in the meantime,you've got me. 他們會(huì)明白的這一點(diǎn) 而你現(xiàn)在有我陪著
[19:09.13]We're here c u soon? 我們到了 待會(huì)兒見(jiàn)?
[19:11.10]Um,actually,i was gonna go meet up with serena. 事實(shí)上 我要去見(jiàn)Serena
[19:13.91]Oh,sure. Have fun. 當(dāng)然 玩得開(kāi)心
[19:17.34]I will. 會(huì)的
[19:19.93]What are we doing? 我們?cè)诟蓡?
[19:21.27]I thought you said we weren't doing anything. 我以為你要說(shuō)我們什么都沒(méi)做
[19:24.39]I like serena,and i like you,and she likes me, 我喜歡Serena 我喜歡你 她喜歡我
[19:27.84]And you like me,so how--how can you not like each other? 你喜歡我 你們?cè)趺茨懿槐舜讼矚g呢?
[19:30.78]It's mathematically impossible. 從數(shù)學(xué)上來(lái)說(shuō)是不可能的
[19:32.21]Who said i didn't like her? 誰(shuí)說(shuō)我不喜歡她了?
[19:33.27]I just don't know her. 我只是不了解她
[19:34.36]Yeah,and you're making a real effort to change that. 是啊 你真是在努力改變現(xiàn)狀
[19:36.25]I mean,why spend five minutes trying to be nice to serena, 我日復(fù)一日逼迫自己在你們倆 之間作選擇的時(shí)候
[19:39.64]When i can spend day after day forced to choose between the two of you? 你干嗎不花上5分鐘 假裝跟Serena好好相處一下?
[19:43.29]Okay,fine. 好吧 好吧
[19:44.28]You want to see me get my nice on? 你希望我對(duì)她好點(diǎn)
[19:45.59]Let's do it tonight. 那我們就來(lái)吧 就今晚
[19:47.18]Just you,me and serena. 只有你 我 和Serena
[19:51.60]Tonight--tonight is blair waldorf's birthday party. 今晚-- 今晚是Blair Waldorf的生日聚會(huì)
[19:55.26]i think we might want to start by dipping a toe rather than diving off of a cliff, 我想我們還是該從腳趾探探水開(kāi)始 別一下子一蹴而就跳下懸崖
[19:59.81]Headfirst,into the rocks with the sharks. 別頭先入水 冒著裝上石頭 被鯊魚襲擊的危險(xiǎn)
[20:02.19]Why? We all know how to swim. 為什么? 我們會(huì)游泳
[20:04.51]Come on. 來(lái)吧
[20:05.53]You want to do this,let's do it. 你想這么做 那就去做吧
[20:14.14]Are you ready for your present? 準(zhǔn)備好拆你的禮物了嗎?
[20:17.25]If you wanted to play rough,all you had to do was ask. 要是你想玩粗暴 你只要開(kāi)口就行
[20:21.32]Hi.Hello there. 嗨 你好
[20:23.39]Happy birthday to me. 祝我生日快樂(lè)
[20:27.06]You nauseate me. 你真讓我頭暈
[20:28.38]All this talk about how you have to be with nate or the world will end. 你說(shuō)的"如果不跟Nate和好 就會(huì)世界大亂"那番話
[20:31.89]Face it. It's over. 面對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)吧 你們之間完了
[20:35.17]You sound like a jealous boyfriend. 你聽(tīng)起來(lái)就像個(gè)妒忌的男友
[20:37.78]Yeah,right. You wish. 是的 你倒是想
[20:45.68]No. 不
[20:47.25]You wish. 妄想的人是你
[20:49.67]Please. 拜托
[20:50.33]You forget who you're talking to. 別忘了你在跟誰(shuí)說(shuō)話
[20:51.55]So do you. 你也是
[20:53.82]Do you... Like me? 你是不是... 喜歡我?
[20:58.57]Define "like." 定義一下"喜歡"
[21:02.52]you have got to be kidding. 開(kāi)玩笑吧你?
[21:04.21]I do not believe this. 我不信
[21:05.39]How do you think i feel? 你覺(jué)得我感覺(jué)如何?
[21:07.41]I haven't slept. 我都沒(méi)合過(guò)眼
[21:08.44]I feel sick,like there's something in my stomach,fluttering. 我覺(jué)得反胃 像有東西在我胃里攪
[21:14.11]Butterflies? 你芳心大動(dòng)?
[21:16.24]No,no,no,no,no,no,no. 不不不不不不不!
[21:17.99]This is not--not happening. 沒(méi)可能的
[21:19.11]Believe me,no one is more surprised or ashamed than i am. 相信我 沒(méi)人比我更詫異 更覺(jué)得丟臉了
[21:22.80]Chuck,you know that i adore all of god's creatures Chuck 你知道我愛(ài)慕上帝的一切創(chuàng)造
[21:27.29]And the metaphors that they inspire,but... 以及人們受此啟迪而創(chuàng)造的隱喻 但是(在這里 蝴蝶比喻芳心大動(dòng))
[21:30.64]Those butterflies have got to be murdered. 你這種"芳心大動(dòng)"該消停消停了
[21:38.24]Fine. 好吧
[21:39.35]- It wasn't that great anyway. - Thanks. - 反正這感覺(jué)也不咋地 - 謝謝
[22:00.46]Jenny. Jenny
[22:02.58]- Hi,nate. - Hey. - 嗨 Nate - 嘿
[22:05.46]I told blair,and i shouldn't have. 我跟Blair說(shuō)了 我不該說(shuō)的
[22:07.24]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[22:07.87]Oh,about what happened at the ball? 關(guān)于舞會(huì)上發(fā)生的事?
[22:08.91]It's,uh,it's not your fault. 那... 那不是你的錯(cuò)
[22:13.65]So... 那么
[22:14.51]How have things been between you guys? 你們倆到底怎么樣了?
[22:17.15]Uh,strange,but again,not your fault. 有點(diǎn)別扭 但是 不是你的錯(cuò)
[22:22.86]So you gonna go inside? 要進(jìn)去嗎?
[22:24.19]I was planning on it,but now that i'm here,i'm not so sure. 我本來(lái)打算去的 但現(xiàn)在到這兒 我又不確定了
[22:28.27]Yeah. Me neither. 是啊 我也是
[22:29.44]Blair invited me before our fight, Blair吵架前邀請(qǐng)我來(lái)
[22:31.07]And i was gonna run in and give her this card, 我要進(jìn)去給她這張卡
[22:34.50]Which says "i'm sorry," like,30 times. 上面寫著"對(duì)不起" 寫了大概30遍
[22:37.88]Maybe you could just deliver it for me,though? 也許你能替我給她?
[22:42.13]do you wanna go take a walk or something? 想出去走走嗎?
[22:44.44]With you? 跟你一起?
[22:47.85]Um,what would blair think? Blair會(huì)怎么想?
[22:49.89]Well,blair's up there. Blair就在里面
[22:51.84]Unless,of course,you wanna go. It's up to you. 當(dāng)然 如果你也想進(jìn)去的話 隨便你
[22:56.21]A walk sounds good. 散散步聽(tīng)上去不錯(cuò)
[23:01.85]Thank you. 謝謝
[23:06.78]Dan,you're here! Dan 你來(lái)了!
[23:09.04]And,um,and you brought vanessa. 你帶Vanessa來(lái)了
[23:13.05]Hey. Good to see you. 嘿 很高興見(jiàn)到你
[23:16.15]kati and is,you--you know dan. Kati Andis-- 你認(rèn)識(shí)Dan的
[23:18.43]Uh,blair,this is,um,dan's friend vanessa. 呃 Blair 這是Dan的朋友Vanessa
[23:23.53]You didn't mention they were so nice. 你沒(méi)告訴我 她們?nèi)诉@么"好"
[23:25.43]Now i get it. 現(xiàn)在我知道了
[23:26.57]Oh,sweetie,you did not tell me she looked like that. 寶貝 你可沒(méi)跟我說(shuō)她長(zhǎng)這樣
[23:29.48]This is such a problem. 真是個(gè)問(wèn)題
[23:34.02]Rufus,i'm sorry. Rufus 我很抱歉
[23:36.08]I know that you're upset. 我知道你很煩
[23:38.36]You're getting that,huh? 你終于發(fā)現(xiàn)了哈?
[23:39.90]Can you please talk to me? Please? 你跟我說(shuō)說(shuō)話嗎? 求你了
[23:42.23]I only have one question,and i'm pretty sure i don't want to hear the answer. 我只有一個(gè)問(wèn)題 而我很確定答案并不是我想聽(tīng)的那個(gè)
[23:45.49]It happened one time,and i wish it hadn't,and it's over. 只發(fā)生過(guò)一次 我多希望從未發(fā)生過(guò) 而且我跟他已經(jīng)結(jié)束了
[23:50.76]Then why did our daughter have to go to hudson and drag you back here? 那為什么要我們女兒大老遠(yuǎn)跑去 哈德森 才能把你帶回來(lái)?
[23:54.37]Because when we spoke on the phone, 因?yàn)樵陔娫捓?br /> [23:55.46]I didn't really get the impression that you wanted to see me. 我沒(méi)聽(tīng)出來(lái)你有想見(jiàn)我的意思
[23:59.02]I thought i should give you some space. 我覺(jué)得我該給你點(diǎn)自由
[24:00.66]This family has had way too much space. 這家已經(jīng)太空空蕩蕩了
[24:02.83]You never should have left. 你根本就不該走
[24:04.07]Can we not go through this whole thing again? Please. 我們可以從頭來(lái)過(guò)嗎? 可以嗎?
[24:06.55]You know that i wasn't happy. 你知道我不開(kāi)心
[24:07.94]Yeah. You happy now? 是的 現(xiàn)在開(kāi)心了?
[24:09.22]In some ways,i am. 某種程度上 是的
[24:12.34]I know you don't want to hear that. 我知道你不想聽(tīng)我那么說(shuō)
[24:13.41]Look,please don't act like you care what i want. 請(qǐng)別搞得好像 你在乎我想要什么一樣
[24:17.41]Rufus. Rufus
[24:19.83]I was there for you when you were all about your music, 你全身心搞你的音樂(lè)時(shí) 我支持你
[24:23.62]When you were on the road 你出去演出
[24:26.02]for months at a time and everything that went with it. 一次就是幾個(gè)月 我要應(yīng)對(duì)隨之而來(lái)的所有事
[24:31.05]My whole adult life has been about you. 我的整個(gè)成人生活都是圍繞著你
[24:36.77]And now i'm the one that's screwed up. 而現(xiàn)在我變成了做錯(cuò)事的人
[24:39.47]I guess i was a late bloomer. 我認(rèn)為自己大器晚成
[24:43.73]I just need you to care enough about me to try. 我只希望你能關(guān)心我 讓我放手一搏
[24:51.94]Alison... Alison...
[24:56.09]I care. 我在乎你的
[25:00.77]I care. 我在乎的
[25:18.87]Stalk me much? 跟夠了?
[25:21.07]What are you still doing up here all alone? 你一個(gè)人一直在這里干嗎?
[25:26.70]I don't know where nate is,and he always calls me at midnight, 我不知道Nate哪兒去了 他總是在我生日來(lái)臨前
[25:29.25]When it turns into my birthday. 在午夜給我電話
[25:30.56]Well,i wouldn't count on it tonight. 要是我 今晚我就不指望了
[25:33.40]Doesn't it strike you as,uh,just a little bit of coincidence, 難道這些巧合 一切事發(fā)的時(shí)機(jī)
[25:36.79]The timing of everything? 沒(méi)讓你意識(shí)到些什么嗎?
[25:38.11]What do you mean? 你什么意思?
[25:38.85]Well,nate suddenly decides he wants to get back together just moments 你媽媽剛剛決定中止跟 Captain的生意合作
[25:42.45]After your mother puts the brakes on her deal with the captain? Nate就突然決定跟你復(fù)合?
[25:46.69]So you're saying that nate is only pretending to like me, 你是說(shuō)Nate只是假裝喜歡我
[25:50.46]And that he's actually using me to get to my mother? 事實(shí)上他利用我去討好我媽?
[25:54.43]He wouldn't do that. 他不會(huì)那么做的
[25:56.35]Yes,he would. 不 他會(huì)的
[25:58.43]If it was to help his family,you know he would. 如果這能幫他家擺脫困境 你知道他會(huì)的
[26:02.75]Nate loves me. Nate愛(ài)我
[26:06.15]Whatever he's doing,wherever he is, 不管他在干嗎 在哪里
[26:08.32]He will call at midnight. You'll see. 他會(huì)在午夜給我電話 走著瞧
[26:12.55]Care to make a wager? 敢打賭嗎?
[26:15.24]If he calls,i'll leave you alone forever. 要是他來(lái)電話 我以后不來(lái)煩你
[26:18.19]If he doesn't,you spend the night with me. 如果沒(méi)有 你今晚就要陪我
[26:21.16]I will not. 我才不要跟你賭
[26:22.36]I thought you were sure. 我還以為你很有把握呢
[26:25.92]You're gonna lose. 你會(huì)輸?shù)?br /> [26:27.98]He's never missed my birthday. 他從來(lái)沒(méi)誤過(guò)我的生日
[26:29.66]Careful,b. 留點(diǎn)神 B
[26:30.68]There's no safe wager when you bet on a bass. 跟Bass打賭 可沒(méi)有穩(wěn)贏的賭注
[26:33.48]You just might lose your shirt and your pants. 你可能會(huì)輸個(gè)精光 甚至賠上自己的身體
[26:45.31]So you brought vanessa as your date to blair's party? 你把Vanessa當(dāng)作你的女伴 帶來(lái)Blair的聚會(huì)?
[26:48.68]No,no,you're my date. 不 不 你是我的伴
[26:50.23]I just thought it might be a good opportunity for all three of us to hang out. 我只是覺(jué)得這是個(gè)好機(jī)會(huì) 我們?nèi)齻€(gè)可以一起玩玩
[26:53.10]Oh,yeah,'cause it was so fun and not remotely awkward at breakfast this morning. 是啊 我們會(huì)相處得很好 今早我們吃早餐的時(shí)候一點(diǎn)也不尷尬
[26:57.40]Fine. You're--you're-- you're right. 好了 你是對(duì)的
[26:59.19]I actually thought this would be a very bad opportunity for us to hang out, 事實(shí)上我覺(jué)并不覺(jué)得這是 我們仨相處的好機(jī)會(huì)
[27:02.01]But i kind of suggested to vanessa that 但是我確實(shí)跟Vanessa說(shuō)
[27:03.72]She wasn't making an effort to get to know you, 她沒(méi)有好好的去了解你
[27:05.83]So,uh,she decided to start tonight, 所以 她決定從今晚開(kāi)始
[27:08.57]But if it's weird,i can go talk to her. 但是 如果你覺(jué)著別扭的話 我可以去跟她說(shuō)
[27:10.19]No. No,no,no,don't do that. 哦 不 不用了
[27:13.51]Look,tell me something vanessa likes besides you, 這樣吧 跟我說(shuō)說(shuō) 除了你 Vanessa還喜歡什么
[27:17.74]And i will make an effort to bond. 我會(huì)努力去跟她成為好朋友
[27:20.09]I promise. 我保證
[27:20.82]Oh,thank you. 謝謝
[27:22.24]So what now? 現(xiàn)在我們干點(diǎn)什么?
[27:25.06]Ever play "guitar hero"? 玩過(guò)“吉他英雄”嗎?
[27:31.55]Thank you. Thank you. 謝謝 非常感謝
[27:33.12]Oh,she owned you,serena. Serena 她贏過(guò)你了
[27:34.26]Yeah,you went down almost as hard as britney at the v.m.a.s. 是啊 就像Britney在MTV頒獎(jiǎng)禮落選
[27:37.77]Okay,you know,you're good,vanessa. 好吧 你知道 你是很棒Vanessa
[27:39.60]I'll admit it,but i have been holding back until now. 我承認(rèn) 不過(guò)我一直還留著一手呢
[27:43.21]There's a little birdie that's about to be free. 現(xiàn)在 有只小鳥(niǎo)想要自由高飛了 (她要彈的曲子Free Bird-Lynyrd樂(lè)隊(duì))
[27:52.27]Cause I'm as free as a bird now…
[28:00.78]And this bird you can not change
[28:08.97]And the bird you can not change
[28:16.92]Lord help me, I can't change
[28:51.28]That's my girl! 那是我女朋友!
[28:52.52]That's it. Right there. 在臺(tái)上那個(gè)!
[28:53.89]Thank you. Thank you. 謝謝 非常感謝
[28:55.34]Who got on now? 現(xiàn)在誰(shuí)最棒了?
[28:56.71]Not bad,but skynyrd is meat and potatoes, 還不錯(cuò) 但是Skynyrd樂(lè)隊(duì) 太過(guò)不過(guò)是家常便飯
[28:59.34]And i'm bringing dessert, 我就來(lái)點(diǎn)“餐后甜點(diǎn)”吧
[29:00.68]So what do you say to a slice of "cherry pie"? “櫻桃派”怎么樣? (Cherry Pie-Warrant)
[29:03.96]No pie. 哦不
[29:04.66]I say no,i beg you. 不要派 求你了
[29:06.23]Come on. 別這樣
[29:06.87]There's nothing like a little '80s hair metal to put a smile on your face. 沒(méi)有什么能比80年代的微金屬 更讓人快樂(lè)的啦
[29:10.05]After the day you've had? 況且今天你過(guò)的確實(shí)不怎么樣?
[29:11.58]The--the day you've had? 你今天過(guò)的…?
[29:12.80]What-- what kind of day have you had? 你今天怎么了?
[29:14.47]You didn't tell her? 你沒(méi)有告訴她?
[29:16.09]Uh,no. No,not yet.Not yet. 呃…還沒(méi)有
[29:19.96]it was kind of an odd day at the humphrey loft. 今天在Humphrey家閣樓 過(guò)的是有點(diǎn)怪怪的
[29:22.39]Uh,actually,jenny brought my mom home. 呃…事實(shí)上 Jenny把我媽媽帶回家了
[29:27.02]Your mom's back? 你媽回來(lái)了?
[29:29.81]- Yeah. - Excuse me. - 是啊 - 失陪一下
[29:42.56]I can't believe you didn't tell me your mom came home. 我真不敢相信 你居然沒(méi)有跟我說(shuō)你媽回來(lái)了
[29:44.75]I'm sorry,really. 我真的非常抱歉
[29:47.15]What? You didn't think it was important? 怎么 你認(rèn)為這并不重要嗎
[29:48.65]No,no,of course it is. 不 當(dāng)然不是
[29:50.73]Why bother? You already told vanessa. 算了 反正你已經(jīng)告訴Vanessa
[29:53.10]I tell vanessa everything,all right? 我什么都跟Vanessa說(shuō)的 好嗎
[29:55.78]I have since i was 6. 從6歲起就是這樣的
[29:56.90]Well,you're not 6 anymore,dan. 可是 Dan 你現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不是6歲孩子了
[30:00.60]I just--i was just hoping that i would be the person 我只是…我只是希望
[30:04.01]That you would wanna tell these things to now. 這種事情我多希望你能告訴我
[30:06.21]I want you to be that person,too. 我也希望告訴你
[30:08.97]Really,i do. 真的
[30:10.21]This whole girlfriend thing is very new to me,you know? 只是女朋友什么的 對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)還是剛開(kāi)始適應(yīng) 你知道嗎?
[30:14.05]I-i just... I don't know all the rules yet. 我只是…我不知道怎么做
[30:17.61]Well,blair says in a relationship,the best friend is-- 好吧 Blair說(shuō)過(guò) 在男女關(guān)系中 最好的朋友是…
[30:20.07]Serena,you're really taking relationship advice from blair? Serena 你真得打算聽(tīng) Blair關(guān)于男女關(guān)系的建議嗎?
[30:25.01]Good point. 說(shuō)的沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[30:26.71]Look,i just don't want to have to compete with vanessa. 聽(tīng)著 我并不想跟Vanessa比什么
[30:30.66]You know,with "guitar hero," okay. 你知道 ”吉他英雄“就算了
[30:32.94]I'm way more awesome,if you didn't happen to notice. 如果你沒(méi)留神注意到的話 我比她"強(qiáng)"多了
[30:38.65]But,um,not with you. 但是 關(guān)于你 我不想跟她比
[30:44.50]That's fair. 那沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[30:46.55]All right,so tomorrow,you and i will go somewhere together, 好了 明天我們一起出去
[30:50.00]Just the two of us, 只有我們兩個(gè)
[30:50.93]And we will talk about my family in excruciating detail until you are-- 我們聊一些關(guān)于我們家的事情 一些非常折磨人的瑣事…
[30:54.63]You're just so bored,you're begging for vanessa to take over,all right? 直到你煩的受不了 求我快點(diǎn)讓Vanessa來(lái)接手的 好嗎?
[30:57.12]- How's that sound? - Perfect. - 聽(tīng)起來(lái)如何? - 很好
[31:05.22]Come on. It's almost midnight. 走吧 都快午夜了
[31:07.64]What happens at midnight? 半夜怎么了?
[31:10.53]I heard about your dad. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)你父親的事了
[31:12.93]I'm sorry. 我很遺憾
[31:15.55]Well,if it makes you feel any better, 也許這么說(shuō)能讓你好受一點(diǎn)
[31:16.62]My family's not doing that great right now either. 現(xiàn)在我們家里情況也不怎么好
[31:20.08]You know,i actually didn't want to come to blair's party 你知道嗎 其實(shí)我并不想去Blair的派對(duì)
[31:22.48]As much as i just wanted to get out of my house. 正如我有多想逃離我家一樣
[31:24.94]Yeah,i know the feeling. 是啊 我知道這種感覺(jué)
[31:28.37]Blair's birthday present. Blair的生日禮物
[31:33.45]Your mother's ring. 你母親的戒指
[31:36.07]Blair told me about it. Blair跟我說(shuō)過(guò)
[31:38.39]It's beautiful. 真漂亮
[31:39.96]I'm,uh,supposed to give it to blair tonight. 我…本來(lái)打算今天晚上給Blair的
[31:42.84]I'm guessing that wasn't your idea. 我猜這一定不是你的主意
[31:47.81]Blair and i broke up,and i know it was the right thing to do. Blair和我分手了 我知道該這樣做
[31:53.04]I mean,we just shouldn't be together right now,you know? 我是說(shuō) 我們不應(yīng)該在一起的 你明白嗎?
[31:55.67]Sounds like you're pretty sure of that. 聽(tīng)起來(lái) 你已經(jīng)決定好了
[31:57.43]I am,and as much as i wanna do the right thing and help out my parents, 是的 我想做對(duì)的事情來(lái)幫助我父母
[32:00.79]It's just--it's not fair. 只是…只是這不公平
[32:03.69]I mean,to me or to blair. 我是說(shuō) 不論對(duì)我還是對(duì)Blair
[32:05.48]I just think that if i do this now,when does it ever stop? 我只是覺(jué)著 如果我這么做了 那何時(shí)才是盡頭呢?
[32:11.90]It'll only stop when you stop it. 只有你自己才能結(jié)束這一切
[32:27.33]12:01. 12點(diǎn)01分
[32:29.19]I'm sorry. 對(duì)不起
[32:30.64]No,you're smarmy. 不 你是在討好我
[32:31.94]There's a difference. 是有區(qū)別的
[32:33.16]If you're coming to collect,you can forget it. 如果你是來(lái)讓我履行賭注 你別指望了
[32:35.58]Turn around. 轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)身來(lái)
[32:37.03]You get grosser by the second. 你越來(lái)越惹人煩
[32:40.53]You get older. Look. 你又老了一歲 看…
[32:41.97]Happy birthday! 生日快樂(lè)!
[32:44.66]- Blair,blow out your candles. - I know. - Blair吹蠟燭吧 - 我知道
[32:46.15]Make a wish,blair. 許個(gè)愿吧 Blair
[32:49.75]It already didn't come true. 已經(jīng)不會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)了
[32:53.44]Happy birthday to who? 那么祝誰(shuí)生日快樂(lè)呢?
[32:55.75]Forget cake and ice cream. 還是不要蛋糕和冰淇淋了
[32:57.09]I'm saving room for just desserts. 我要為甜點(diǎn)留著肚子
[33:02.37]Looks like chuck's wish might come true. 看來(lái)Chuck的愿望也許會(huì)成真
[33:07.52]Hey. 嘿
[33:09.45]So i don't know how it was possible given how the day started, 考慮到今天糟糕的開(kāi)始 我也不知道怎么會(huì)這樣
[33:12.12]But,um,i actually had kind of a good night. 但是我今晚過(guò)的不錯(cuò)
[33:16.52]Your parents won't be mad you're coming home so late,right? 如果你回家晚了 你父母不會(huì)生氣吧
[33:18.34]Oh,no,they think i'm with a friend. 不會(huì)的 他們認(rèn)為我和朋友在一起
[33:20.71]Well,they think right. 是啊 沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[33:27.97]I had fun. 我很開(kāi)心
[33:29.25]Me,too. 我也是
[33:31.19]You have a good night. 晚安
[33:32.94]Spotted--nate archibald depositing a mystery girl in a taxi after midnight. Nate Archibald 午夜后送一位神秘女子上計(jì)程車
[33:38.92]All we know about her for sure? 可以確認(rèn)的是
[33:41.05]She's not blair waldorf. 她不是Blair Waldorf
[33:45.92]FROM:GOSSIP GIRL HAPPY BIRTHDAY,B! 來(lái)自流言蜚女的祝福 B 生日快樂(lè)
[33:56.99]****Maybe she's wrong. - 哦 天哪 - 也許她搞錯(cuò)了
[33:58.97]It wouldn't be the first time. 這不是第一次搞錯(cuò)了
[34:03.28]Blair,hey,i'm so sorry. Blair 我很抱歉
[34:05.34]I never would've thought that this would happen. 我沒(méi)想到會(huì)這樣
[34:07.34]I hope the slut gave him herpes. 希望那賤女人能把皰疹傳染給他
[34:08.79]Cheater totally deserves herpes. 背叛的人都該得皰疹
[34:10.71]He isn't cheating. 他沒(méi)有背叛我
[34:13.53]We broke up,okay? 我們分手了 行了吧?
[34:16.70]He was gonna get back together with me, 他本來(lái)要跟我和好的
[34:18.34]But only so my mom would help his dad. 那樣的話 我媽媽就會(huì)幫他爸爸的
[34:21.00]You satisfied? 你滿意了吧?
[34:24.43]Blair. Blair
[34:31.42]Blair,stop,okay? Talk to me. Blair 等一下 你可以跟我傾訴
[34:36.10]We ended it. 我們都結(jié)束了
[34:38.70]I wanted to tell you, 我想跟你說(shuō)的
[34:39.95]But--but part of me thought that 但是…但是我還以為
[34:42.51]If i didn't say it out loud,then it wouldn't be true. 如果我不說(shuō)出來(lái)的話 就不是真的
[34:49.43]It was my birthday wish for us to get back together. 我的生日愿望就是 我們能夠和好如初
[34:53.74]Now i think it's really over. 現(xiàn)在真的徹底都結(jié)束
[34:58.01]Is it okay if i just wanna be alone for a second? 我沒(méi)事了 我只想一個(gè)人待一會(huì)兒
[35:05.38]Nate,hey. Nate 嗨
[35:06.33]What are you doing home so early? 你怎么這么早就回來(lái)了?
[35:07.76]It's after midnight. 已經(jīng)是午夜了
[35:08.81]We just thought you'd be with blair. 我們以為你和Blair在一起的
[35:10.94]How did she like her gift? 她喜歡她的生日禮物嗎?
[35:13.03]I didn't make it to the party tonight. 我今晚沒(méi)去派對(duì)
[35:15.96]Well,her actual birthday is today. 好吧 事實(shí)上她的生日是今天
[35:18.61]You can call her in the morning,maybe take her to lunch. 你可以早上再打電話給她 邀請(qǐng)她吃午飯
[35:21.14]It's a good plan. 這主意不錯(cuò)
[35:22.18]Really more special this way. 這樣真的很特別
[35:23.55]Dad,i know you think blair will help save you, 爸爸 我知道你想Blair會(huì)幫你的
[35:25.68]But i'm not doing this. 但是我不會(huì)這么做
[35:29.48]- It's over. - Nate. - 已經(jīng)結(jié)束了 - Nate
[35:33.46]There's nothing in this world i wouldn't do to protect our family, 這個(gè)世界上 我最想做的事情就是保護(hù)我的家人
[35:36.49]And i'm sure you feel the same. 我肯定你也這么想的
[35:38.66]I need your support here,son,and your trust. 我需要你支持 兒子 我需要你信任
[35:42.99]Well,you better hope for your sake they don't call your son to the stand. 好吧 你最好希望他們 看在你的份上 不會(huì)叫你兒子去出庭作證
[35:55.16]God,i have missed your smile. 老天 我太想念你的笑容了
[35:58.21]I have missed everything. 我想念你的一切
[36:02.66]Please tell me that is someone coming to rob the house. 告訴我是不是有人…來(lái)?yè)尳倭?br /> [36:09.08]Hey,mom. 嗨 媽媽
[36:10.45]Hey,dad. 嗨 爸爸
[36:11.59]Hey,jenny. 嗨 Jenny
[36:13.63]As you were. 你們繼續(xù)
[36:35.07]Is your friend gonna be okay? 你朋友沒(méi)事吧?
[36:37.65]i'm not sure. 我也不清楚
[36:38.72]She just broke up with her boyfriend, 她剛和她男朋友分手
[36:40.59]And then they got back together 后來(lái)他們又和好了
[36:42.05]And then,um,i don't know what just happened. 再后來(lái)…呃 我也不知道剛發(fā)生了什么事情
[36:44.66]Well,she's lucky to have you. 她能有你這個(gè)朋友真好
[36:47.87]Being a good friend is... 作為一個(gè)好朋友...
[36:49.12]Challenging at times? 有時(shí)候挺有挑戰(zhàn)性的 呃?
[36:53.32]Hey,if i've been acting however i've been acting, 嘿 不管我之前的舉止是怎樣
[36:56.74]It's just 'cause i'm protective of dan. 只是因?yàn)槲蚁氡Wo(hù)Dan
[36:58.56]And i'm protective of our relationship. 我是在維護(hù)我們之間的關(guān)系
[37:01.39]I've never actually had one before. 我以前從未有過(guò)這樣穩(wěn)定的感情
[37:04.00]You guys just have everything in common, 而你們青梅竹馬
[37:06.00]And,um,i'm just getting to know him. 呃…我才剛開(kāi)始了解他
[37:08.48]So,you know,it can be a little intimidating. 所以…你知道… 可能會(huì)讓我有種危機(jī)感
[37:13.18]Talk about intimidating. 說(shuō)到危機(jī)感
[37:14.88]You just admitted that you find me intimidating, 你剛剛承認(rèn) 你覺(jué)得我給了你危機(jī)感
[37:17.19]So how cool does that make you? 能讓我威脅到的人 多酷啊?
[37:20.72]I think you forgot to mention my superior "guitar hero" skills. 我想你大概忘了 我的超級(jí)“吉他英雄”的技術(shù)了
[37:26.10]No,i didn't forget that. 呵 我可沒(méi)有忘
[37:27.35]And at the next party,i'm asking for a rematch, 下次派對(duì)里 咱們?cè)僦匦卤纫淮魏美?br /> [37:29.90]'Cause you were about to get smoked. 你本來(lái)會(huì)輸?shù)暮軕K的
[37:31.43]Oh,really? 哦 是嗎?
[37:32.51]Well,i think the only thing getting smoked is your pale imitation of a guitar player. 我想唯一會(huì)輸?shù)氖悄?糟糕的吉他手模仿技術(shù)
[37:36.33]Hey,i am a golden god. 嘿 “i am a golden god” (I'm a golden god出自Led Zeppelin樂(lè)隊(duì) 主唱 Robert Plant 之口)
[37:38.67]really?Are you now? Hey.Am--am i interrupting anything? - 真的嗎? - 嗨 我打斷你們了嗎?
[37:42.07]actually,you are. 實(shí)話說(shuō) 是的
[37:43.19]I'll give you guys a moment. 我看你們還是單獨(dú)待一會(huì)兒吧
[37:46.93]Might that have been bonding that i just walked in on? 剛才讓我撞見(jiàn)的 不會(huì)是你們投緣交談吧?
[37:49.33]- A little bit. - Yeah? - 一點(diǎn)點(diǎn) - 是嗎?
[37:51.46]What were you talking about? 你們剛才在聊什么?
[37:52.49]Nothing you need to know about. 這你就不用知道了
[37:54.56]Oh,so you have secrets now? I see. 哦 你現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始有秘密了 我知道了
[37:57.48]Well,listen,um,if you want to get out of here, 好吧 如果你想回去的話
[37:59.52]Vanessa can only fit two on her vespa,but i can walk. Vanessa 的小摩托只能載下兩個(gè)人 不過(guò)我可以走路回去
[38:01.73]Oh,well,you know i love me a vespa, 這樣啊 你知道我喜歡小摩托
[38:04.02]But,um,i think i gotta stay here and be with blair. 但是 我想在這里陪Blair多待一會(huì)兒
[38:08.31]- You're not the only one with a best friend. - Yeah. - 不是只有你才有好朋友的 - 好吧
[38:24.08]I'm not in the mood,chuck. 我沒(méi)心情應(yīng)付你 Chuck
[38:26.27]This is pretty much the worst birthday ever. 這是我過(guò)的最糟糕的生日
[38:28.15]Maybe it can be salvaged. 也許是可以補(bǔ)救的
[38:31.04]Is that our sex tape? 那是我們做愛(ài)的錄映帶嗎?
[38:36.09]It's the erickson beamon necklace. 那是Erickson Beamon的項(xiàng)鏈
[38:40.97]No,i couldn't. 不 我不能收下
[38:42.36]Yes,you can. 你可以的
[39:01.31]Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty. 這么漂亮的項(xiàng)鏈應(yīng)該給 配得上這種美的人佩戴
[39:09.44]I really am sorry. 我真的非常抱歉
[39:34.79]Spotted--b. 注意
[39:36.04]Turning a year older,but not necessarily wiser. B長(zhǎng)大了一歲 但卻沒(méi)有變聰明
[39:42.40]Guess chuck's the gift that keeps on giving. 看來(lái)Chuck本身就是份慷慨的禮物
[39:45.65]Blow out your candles,b. 吹蠟燭吧 B
[39:47.79]This will be better in the dark. 這事最好別給人看到
[39:50.27]X.o.x.o.,gossip girl. 親親抱抱 流言蜚女

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