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[00:12.49]Unit 8 Shopping


[00:21.08]Wang Hua wants to buy some films for her camera.

[00:29.54]Shop Assistant:Can I help you,madam?

[00:33.70]Wang Hua:Can I have a look at these films,please?

[00:38.66]Shop Assistant:Here are some nice films.

[00:42.42]Which brand would you like,Kodak,Lucky or Fuji?

[00:48.46]Wang Hua:Fuij,please.

[00:51.91]Shop Assistant:Would you like the filme of 24 exposures or 36 exposures?

[00:58.57]Wang Hua:36 exposures,please.

[01:02.93]Shop Assistant:How many films would you like,madam?The single one costs f5,

[01:10.40]the packet of three is f8.99.

[01:16.64]Wang Hua:A packet,please.Here is a 10-pound note.

[01:22.52]Shop Assistant:Your change,please.Thank you.Bye!

[01:28.16]Wang Hua:Thank you very much.Bye!

[01:32.53]Peter wants to buy a computer for his son.

[01:39.79]Sam:Good morning,sir.Can I help you?

[01:44.25]Peter:I would like to buy a computer for my son.

[01:48.80]Sam:Does he want a desk-top or a lap-top?

[01:54.08]Peter:A desk-top.

[01:57.24]Sam:Some computers came this moring.Follow me and have a look,please.

[02:03.79]Peter:They look wonderful,can you switch one on for me,please?


[02:12.91]Peter:Not bad!I'll buy this one.By the way,where can I buy a desk,please?

[02:20.28]Sam:Don't worry about that.

[02:24.12]There are some some desks available here and if you decide to buy a computer here,

[02:31.09]a desk is free to you.A Lexmark printer is also free.

[02:37.44]Peter:Fantastic!I'll have this one.Do you deliver goods?

[02:44.10]Sam:Yes,sir.Write down your address and phone number,please.

[02:50.37]You can pay us when you get them.

[02:54.52]Peter:Fine,I'll be expecting them this Sunday.Bye!

[03:00.17]Sam:Thank you!

[03:03.04]LiYan is buying a mobile phone at the post office.

[03:11.58]Shop Assistant:Good afternoon,sir.What can I do for you?

[03:16.44]LiYan:I want to buy a mobile phone which can do international calls.

[03:23.00]Shop Assistant:The phones that can do international calls are in this section.

[03:29.16]Motorola,Nokia and Philip.Here is a brochure with prices in it.

[03:36.92]The accessories are free for all these phones.

[03:42.25]LiYan:I like a Nokia 8810.

[03:47.08]Shop Assistant:Which color would you like,red,navy or silver?

[03:53.43]LiYan:The navy one,please.

[03:56.98]Shop Assistant:If you are not satisfied with this machine,

[04:01.63]you can refund or have another set instead within 14 days.

[04:08.16]Would you like to register now?

[04:11.82]LiYan:Yes,I'd love to.

[04:15.48]Shop Assistant:What service would you like?Orange or Vodaphone?

[04:21.36]LiYan:I'd like the Orange"pay as you go",

[04:26.32]so that I don't have to pay the monthly rent.

[04:31.28]Shop Assistant:OK.This is your phone number-0781-6533949.

[04:41.31]How much would you like to pay now?


[04:48.63]Shop Assistant:Fine.The phone is f650,the registration is f25,

[04:57.17]and the pay in advance is f30.Altogether,that's f705.

[05:05.71]LiYan:Here is my credit card.

[05:09.55]Shop Assistant:Here is your card,sir.Thank you for shopping here.Bye!


[05:18.96]Wang Ming wants to buy an electronic dictionary

[05:25.33]for his wife who is an English teacher.

[05:30.19]Wang Ming:Do you sell electronic dictionaries,please?

[05:36.43]Shop Assistant:Yes,sir.Is it for a beginner or an advanced learner?

[05:42.31]Wang Ming:It is for my wife.She teaches English in a college.

[05:48.87]I want to give her a happy surpise.

[05:53.12]Could you recommend some for me,please?

[05:57.67]Shop Assistant:That's all right.

[06:01.04]You should buy one which contains a very large word bank.

[06:06.68]Wenquxing NC 2000A has a word bank of ver 200 000 words and about 300 000 items.

[06:19.66]Wang Ming:What are the functions please?

[06:23.61]Shop Assistant:It can pronounce the target word you put in.

[06:28.65]You can find translations for either Chinese of English.

[06:34.50]It can be used as a notebook,a calculator,

[06:39.86]a watch and clock,and also a mini-computer.

[06:45.42]Wang Ming:What are the advantages of this type?

[06:50.46]Shop Assistant:The color is fashionable,the screen is big,

[06:55.43]and the pronunciation sounds beautiful.

[06:59.79]Wang Ming:Any other advantages?

[07:04.46]Shop Assistant:Oh.Yes.It has many other advantages.

[07:10.03]For example,the English words are explained in both English and Chinese.

[07:17.39]There are also models for the usage of words.

[07:22.85]The content comes from the bestseller-American Heritage Dictionary.

[07:29.70]So the definitions are very precise.

[07:34.56]What's more,you can surf the Internet and download programmes,

[07:40.62]dictionaries for special fields and information.

[07:45.37]Wang Ming:Any more wonders?

[07:49.21]Shop Assistant:Sure.You can do English tests and you can play games with it.

[07:56.06]One thing that is different from other sets is that the battery can be charged.

[08:02.61]Wang Ming:It sounds great!I'll have one.How much is it?

[08:07.86]Shop Assistant:650 yuan.

[08:12.12]Wang Ming:Here is the money.Thank you.

[08:16.48]Shop Assistant:Here is your receipt.Thank you.


[08:23.98]The Difference between Men's Shopping Style and Women's Shopping Style

[08:30.33]The Spring Festival is approaching.

[08:34.90]As a tradition,people are supposed to have something new to use or wear,

[08:41.74]especially children,no matter they are rich or poor.

[08:47.52]Therefore,you can see many families going shopping on the streets.

[08:54.36]And,interestingly enough,

[08:58.20]you may notice that men's shopping style is different from that of women.

[09:04.55]Let's look at men's clothes shops:A man comes into a shop,

[09:11.39]has a glance at the whole shop and goes to his target area.

[09:17.87]He has a brief look of the colors

[09:21.71]and begins to ask the shop assistant for the right size.

[09:26.88]He tries it on,

[09:30.44]extending his arms or kicking his legs to check if it is comfortable enough.

[09:38.17]The clothing fits him and he asks for a plastic bag.

[09:43.50]He pays the money,puts the new dress in the bag and leaves the shop.

[09:49.87]The deal is done in only a few minutes.

[09:54.55]If the dress is sold in package,he doesn't want to be bothered to unpack it.

[10:01.81]So,you see men's shopping is quite direct and hence time-saving.

[10:08.34]Now enters a couple.

[10:12.28]The man is just doing the same as the previous man.

[10:17.56]The difference is that the lady checks it carefully before she pays.

[10:23.73]She examines the surface of the dress,

[10:28.48]turns it over and check the inner side as well.

[10:33.73]She pays much attention to the stitches and the ironing.

[10:39.09]Only when she is sure that the clothes seem perfect will she pay.

[10:44.86]A lady is more careful when shopping.

[10:49.59]Now,let's move to see a ladies'clothes shop.

[10:55.23]What do you expect to see there?

[10:59.28]Many husbands are carrying bags and holding their wives'clothes

[11:05.13]while the ladies are busy trying on the new clothes.

[11:10.20]They try several clothes of the same size but different colors;

[11:15.94]or the same color but different styles again and again.

[11:21.82]They stand in front of the mirrors and see how they look like from the front.

[11:28.07]They turn their backs to the mirror,

[11:32.14]twisted heads struggling to see how they look like from the back;

[11:37.89]if the color,size and style are right.

[11:42.85]They look smart in the new dresses.

[11:47.21]However,they go to some other shops to try more.

[11:52.67]They don't make their decisions until they are too exhausted to move on

[11:58.73]or their husbands complain too much.

[12:02.78]Sometimes,even though the clothes fit them well,

[12:08.74]They go hoime without the desired clothes

[12:13.00]because they want their friends'comment on the dresses.

[12:17.44]If the majority of their friends say OK,they rush back to the shop and get them.

[12:24.39]Of course,they don't forget to examine the clothes carefully.

[12:30.03]Maybe,more carefully than they do to their husbands'dresses before paying.

[12:36.90]See,women's shopping is exhausting but interesting.

[12:42.36]After visiting the men's and women's clothes shops,

[12:47.71]shall we visit the kids'clothes shop?

[12:51.84]Including the kids'own views on what they would like to wear,

[12:57.17]the parents discuss about what they should wear.

[13:01.84]The dads may have found the"proper"dress in no time,

[13:07.41]but the moms insist on the kids'trying different colors,sizes,styles and materials.

[13:15.35]They help the children to try on as many times as possible

[13:21.02]without worrying about the health of children.

[13:25.56]Most often,the dads lose their patience and wait outside the shop.

[13:32.04]They have the same attiudes as that buying their own clothes.

[13:37.68]Why does this happen?

[13:41.24]First,men usually know what they need before shopping,

[13:47.40]and they are more determined,while women are less sure about what to buy

[13:53.57]and they may easily change their minds.

[13:57.72]Second,men are not as patient as women.

[14:03.28]Most of all,men have fewer choices than women.

[14:08.88]Men's clothes don't change the color or style as quickly as women's clothes.

[14:15.41]The common colors for men are white,black,brown,gray or coffee.

[14:23.35]The styles are suits,jackets,coats,jeans,jumpers,vests and trousers.

[14:32.88]however,for ladies,the color may be any pur color or a mixture of them.

[14:40.54]Besides the same styles as men's the ladies'dresses very.

[14:46.18]A little change in either collar,cuff,length and width of sleeves and legs,

[14:53.83]the place and design of different types of flowers,

[14:58.80]the number and size of some designs,

[15:03.05]the English words and Chinese characters may make the dresses different.

[15:08.93]Even the size and design and color of buttons may make the dresses special.

[15:15.49]No wonder women spend so much time and energy on shopping.

[15:21.05]Words and Expressions

[15:25.31]film brand Kodak Lucky

[15:28.99]膠卷 商標(biāo) 柯達(dá) 樂凱



[15:35.94]exposure desk-top

[15:38.42]張數(shù) 臺式電腦

[15:40.90]switch printer Lexmark

[15:43.99]打開 打印機(jī) 利盟

[15:47.07]fantastic section Motorola

[15:50.31]奇異的;太好了 部分 摩托羅拉

[15:53.55]Nokia philip brochure accessory

[15:57.23]諾基亞 飛利浦 小冊子 附件,附屬品

[16:00.91]refund register electronic beginner

[16:04.60]退貨 注冊;入網(wǎng) 電子的,電子學(xué)的 初學(xué)者,無經(jīng)驗(yàn)者

[16:08.28]recommend item function fashionable

[16:12.16]推薦,介紹 一項(xiàng),一條 功能 時髦的

[16:16.04]screen heritage

[16:18.61]顯示器 遺產(chǎn)



[16:24.56]precise surf download battery

[16:28.28]確切的,準(zhǔn)確的 上網(wǎng) 下載 電池

[16:32.00]style brief extend unpack

[16:35.72]風(fēng)格;作風(fēng) 簡短的 伸出 打開

[16:39.44]previous inner stitch exhausted

[16:43.38]先前的 里面的 針腳 疲倦的

[16:47.31]mixture cuff sleeve charachter

[16:50.78]混合物 袖口 袖子 漢字;字體

[16:54.26]Listen to the record.

[17:03.40]Answer each question by choosing A,B,C or D from the possible choices.


[17:15.39]1.M:What did you do last Saturday?

[17:21.03]W:I Went shopping in downtown.

[17:24.87]M:What did you get?

[17:28.11]W:I went to the Tie and Racks and bought 3 Italian ties for my friends in China.

[17:35.76]M:Oh,good.ltalian style is different from the Chinese style.

[17:42.22]2.W:Do you know I've got a new dishwasher?

[17:49.27]It washes cups,bowls,knives and forks beautifully.

[17:55.44]M:Oh?Does it wash pots?

[18:00.11]W:Yes.Also small frying pans.

[18:05.07]M:Does it dry them?

[18:08.13]W:It takes time.

[18:11.60]3.W:What did you do for the weekend?

[18:17.35]M:I went to Tesco near the swimming pool.

[18:21.74]W:Things there are good but dear.I went to Asda.

[18:27.67]M:But Asda is at the harbour and is further from my home.

[18:33.52]W:Right,I can understand.Transportation takes money.

[18:39.76]4.W:Excuse me,sir.I'm new here.

[18:46.71]Can you please tell me where I can buy something of typical British style?

[18:52.77]M:All right!You can either go to the Past Time or Antique Shops.

[18:59.54]5.W:Hello,Yang.We're invited to a New Year Party in our neighbour's house.

[19:08.50]M:Good news.I was wondering how to spend the day.What shall I bring as a gift?

[19:16.44]W:You don't have to bring a gift.

[19:20.80]But if you love to,you can buy flowers and a bottle of wine.

[19:26.68]M:Fine,I'll do the shopping on the way back from school.


[19:36.01]6.M:Do you need anything,Mary?I'm going shopping in a few minutes.

[19:43.87]W:Yes.Would you please get some drums ticks and thighs?

[19:49.64]M:Any fruits?

[19:52.88]W:Oh yes.Please buy me some royal gala and grages.

[19:59.86]M:Anything else?

[20:03.30]W:A jay of strawberry jam please.Thank you very much.


[20:12.03]7.M:Have you been used to the English food?

[20:17.38]W:Not quite.

[20:21.04]M:Well,what shall we do?We can't starve.

[20:26.50]W:Don't worry.London is on our way to Blackpool.

[20:32.14]Let's go to the Chinatown.

[20:36.40]We can buy some Chinese food in the supermarket there.

[20:41.36]8.M:I find the names of English shops confusing.


[20:50.90]M:You know,in Boots,they sell perfumes,eye-shadows,and lip-sticks.

[20:57.74]I thought they sell shoes.

[21:01.82]In Woolworth,they don't sell clothes made of wool.

[21:07.28]W:Don't translate the names into Chinese.

[21:11.72]9.M:Susan,I'm going camping next week.

[21:18.59]W:Have you got everything?

[21:22.12]M:Nothing.What shall I prepare?

[21:26.66]W:Have you got a pair of sneakers? M:Yes.

[21:31.70]W:Do you have a knapsack? M:NO.

[21:36.46]W:Have you a tent?A sleeping bag?

[21:41.32]M:No.So many things to buy.I'd better hurry.Thank you and bye.

[21:49.67]10.M:I'm thinking of buying a Valentine's gift for my girlfriend.

[21:56.52]W:Well,girls usually like perfumes.We've got some new arrivals from Paris.

[22:04.46]M:I don't think it's a good idea.

[22:08.82]W:Maybe a skirt?

[22:10.86]M:I don't know her size.Oh,I know what I'll do.I'll get her a chain.

[22:18.44]W:Good.We have gold chains,silver chains and fashion chains.

[22:25.38]Have a look at them,please.

[22:29.25]M:I like this one.Do you allow any discount? W:Yes,10%.

[22:36.51]11.W:Good afternoon,can I help you?

[22:42.96]M:I'd like 3 envelopes and 3 stamps.

[22:48.32]W:First class stamps or second class stamps?

[22:53.88]M:Sorry,I don't know.If I use them to post letters to China,any class will do?

[23:01.46]W:Are you going to stay long in the UK?

[23:06.21]M:Yes,for a year.

[23:09.66]W:Can I suggest that you buy some airmail envelopes instead?


[23:18.99]W:We have the ready-made airmail envelopes.

[23:24.24]You don't need to come to any post office,and weigh the letters.

[23:30.40]Just put the envelopes in the mailboxes along the roads.

[23:35.84]M:That's a good idea,I'll take three of these.

[23:41.48]W:Excuse me,sir.We sell in a packet of six.It's cheaper.

[23:47.96]M:All right.How much is it then?

[23:52.40]W:2 pounds please.

[23:55.64]12.M:I want to buy an album.Can you show me some?

[24:01.80]W:Yes.This kind of album can hold 2000 pictures,

[24:07.97]and that kind of album can hold 1500 pictures.

[24:14.42]They are at the same price.

[24:18.78]M:Which is more popular?

[24:22.62]W:That kind.

[24:25.57]M:That one,please.And the price?

[24:30.12]W:36 yuan,polease.

[24:34.09]13.W:Excuse me,sir.Are there any good second-hand dictionaries in your shop?

[24:43.23]M:Please turn left and go downstairs.The dictionary section is there.

[24:49.79]W:Yes,I found them just now.How much are they?

[24:56.03]M:The prices are labelled in pencil on the right top of the front pages.

[25:02.69]The Dictionary of Slangs is 10 pounds.

[25:08.15]The Dictionary of Quotations is 7 pounds.

[25:13.80]The Longman Encyclopedia is 12 punds

[25:19.75]The Hutchinson Encyclopedia is 15 pounds.

[25:25.71]The Collins Large Print Dictionary is 9 punds.

[25:31.95]Altogether is 53 pounds.Do you pay by card or cash?

[25:39.00]W:By cash.Here you are.

[25:43.37]M:Here is your change.Shall I call a taxi for you?

[25:49.04]W:No,thanks!I can manage.Bye!


[25:56.53]14.M:Are you all right,Madam?

[26:01.50]W:I'd like to buy a skirt of British style.

[26:06.35]M:Here are some Scottish skirts.They are nice,aren't they?

[26:12.31]W:Yes.But I don't understand the size.

[26:17.77]M:Never mind.Let me have a look at you.Well,you take Size 12.

[26:25.21]W:I am not sure.

[26:28.58]M:Why not take a Size 10,a Size 12,and a Size 14 to the changing room?

[26:35.74]Try them there,please.

[26:40.10]W:Yes,you are right.

[26:43.87]M:Have you made your choice?

[26:47.63]W:Size 12.You are a good assistant.

[26:53.19]M:Thank you.

[26:55.93]15.W:Let's go to Claire's.I want to buy some gifs for my nieces.

[27:03.80]M:What does it sell?

[27:07.27]W:Hairbands,hairpins,earrings and mobile cases.

[27:14.32]All those small things that girls like.

[27:18.58]M:I have a niece,too.Yes.Let's.

[27:23.86]Supplementary Reading


[27:31.88]Supermarket is,indeed,an inner-side market.

[27:38.25]It functions as a small street.

[27:42.80]One can buy anything conceivable in it,and it has many other functions:

[27:51.05]a post office,a bank,a travel agency,a film development centre,and a restaurant.

[28:00.72]Before your shopping there,you'd better prepare a shopping list.

[28:06.96]Why is that?Because there are so many attractive things inviting you to buy,

[28:14.90]and your bill will grow too big.

[28:19.34]If you intend to do shopping for a whole week for a family of three,

[28:25.80]you need to push a trolley before you enter a supermarket.

[28:31.54]If you bring a baby with you,do not worry.

[28:37.00]Some trolleys have a baby-seat,and there are feeding rooms if your baby is hungry.

[28:44.94]If you need a few things,

[28:49.20]you enter the supermarket and carry a basket the market provides you;

[28:55.37]if your child wants to learn shopping,you can get a children's trolley for him.

[29:02.24]When you enter a supermarket,you see lots and lots of shelves full of food;

[29:09.89]plenty and plenty of rails full of clothes for both young and old,male and female;

[29:17.47]you feel the coolness in summer and warmness in winter;

[29:23.11]you can smell the delicious chicken drum stick and thighs;

[29:29.06]the various ready-cooked dishes;

[29:33.74]and the smell of baozi being cooked in the steaming pot

[29:39.10]if you are in a Chinese supermarket;

[29:43.35]you can taste some samples for the new types of goods,or for the promotion;

[29:50.30]you can feel chilly air in the frozen-food department;

[29:56.78]and you may hear some soft-slow music as yoiu walk between the shelves.

[30:03.13]You might be frightened by the size of the market and feel puzzled where to find what you need.

[30:10.89]If you have plenty of time,you can just wonder her and there;

[30:17.13]if you have little time,you need not worry.

[30:22.77]Usually,there are boards with the names of the departments hanging above

[30:29.43]or fastened to the shelves;you can also ask the shop guards for help.

[30:36.28]Other customers are also very helpful if you ask them.

[30:42.16]Some goods are not on the open shelves because they are either too valuable,

[30:49.00]or too small,or can be consumed in the market without being noticed.

[30:56.37]For exampole,some valuable batteries,cigarettes,

[31:02.90]jewellery are usually sold with the shop assistant to get you what you need.

[31:10.16]When you are picking up your choices,you may feel it is hard to decide.

[31:16.92]Different packages for the same item.

[31:21.47]On every countable item,there is a price label.

[31:27.11]What may cause your attention is the label sealed to the shelves.

[31:33.59]For example,a carton of 6eggs is labeled 66 pence

[31:40.96]while the carton of a dozen eggs is labeled f1.08.

[31:48.22]The label fastened on the shelves says:"a carton in 6 eggs,11p for each"

[31:56.76]and"a carton of a dozen eggs,9p for each".

[32:02.53]This makes you think it is cheaper to buy the larger package.

[32:08.49]In fact,the market is making money by the total amount of the deal.

[32:15.65]The larger the amount is,the more money teh market makes.

[32:21.50]The validity is crucial in teh supermarket.

[32:26.96]A day or two before the due,

[32:31.11]the market begins to sell it at a cheaper price by adding a new price tag,

[32:37.96]or the big notice "On sale"or"Buy one,get one free",or"Buy two,get the third free".

[32:47.80]Often,you buy more things than you have planned.

[32:53.97]For checking out,usually there are long lines at each cashier.

[33:00.63]If you have got many things in your trolley,follow the people with trolleys,

[33:07.89]because some cashier desks do"Baskets Only"or"Less Than 10 ltems".

[33:15.83]You can pay by cash,credit cards,shop membercards or check.

[33:22.00]Coming out of the supermarket,push your trolley until you reach your car.

[33:28.66]Return the trolley after emptying it.

[33:33.02]You may leave the trolleys around,but don't leave them on the drive.


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