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BBC News:俄羅斯天降隕石雨造成1000多人受傷




BBC News with Marion Marshall

About 1,000 people have been injured in Russia after a large meteor burned up in the skies above the southern Ural’s region causing a shockwave that damaged buildings across a wide area. Most of those hurt suffered minor cuts and bruises from flying glass, but several dozen had to be kept in hospital. The meteor released several kilotonnes of energy equivalent to that of a nuclear bomb. An official in Chelyabinsk, Polina Zolotarevskaya, described what she had seen.


一塊大隕石在俄羅斯烏拉爾地區(qū)南部上空燃燒后引發(fā)沖擊波,大約1000人受傷,一大片地區(qū)的建筑物受損。大多數(shù)受傷者因輕度割傷和飛濺的玻璃而劃 傷,但還有幾十人仍在醫(yī)院。這顆隕石釋放了幾千噸的能量,相當于一枚核彈的能量。車里雅賓斯克一名官員Polina Zolotarevskaya描述了自己的所見所聞。

“It was quite extraordinary. We saw a very bright light and then there was a kind of a track, white and yellow in the sky. It was a very broad track. And then in several seconds, there was a strong explosion.”

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, said he thanked God that no big fragments from the meteor had fallen in populated areas.



An asteroid about half the size of a football field has safely passed Earth in what scientists say as the closest known approach for an object of its size. At its nearest point, the rock, with a diameter of about 45 metres came within about 28,000 kilometres of Earth, closer than some TV and weather satellites. Scientists say the asteroid has nothing to do with the Russian meteor. It’s just a cosmic coincidence.


The South African Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius has denied murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. In a statement issued after Mr Pistorius was charged in Pretoria, his family said that he disputed the charge. This report from Peter Biles.


Oscar Pistorius remains in police custody after his dramatic court appearance at which he broke down and sobbed. He’ll spend the next three days at a police station in Pretoria before returning to court on Tuesday. State prosecutors will oppose a bail application. They say this is a case of premeditated murder. But Oscar Pistorius’s family issued a statement saying the alleged murder was disputed in the strongest terms. They refer to the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp as a terrible, terrible tragedy.

在法庭上,奧斯卡·皮斯托利斯戲劇性地情緒失控并哭了起來,隨后就一直在監(jiān)禁中。未來三天他將在比勒陀利亞的警察局度過,然后周二回到法庭。國家公 訴人反對保釋申請,他們稱這是一起有預謀的殺害。但奧斯卡·皮斯托利斯的家人嚴詞發(fā)表聲明,稱所謂的謀殺極富爭議,他們稱殺害瑞瓦·史蒂恩卡姆帕一事是場 很可怕的悲劇。

The Venezuelan government has released the first photo of President Hugo Chavez since his fourth round of cancer surgery which he underwent in Cuba last December. There’s been widespread speculation about when or whether the president will resume his leadership. Sarah Grainger reports from Caracas.

自去年12月烏戈·查韋斯在古巴做第四次癌癥手術(shù)以來,委內(nèi)瑞拉政府首次公開他的照片。人們普遍揣測總統(tǒng)是否會繼續(xù)執(zhí)掌大權(quán),Sarah Grainger在加拉加斯報道。

The photos show Mr Chavez wearing his customary tracksuit, reclining on a bed next to his two daughters. He’s smiling in one of the pictures reading a copy of a recent edition of the Cuban newspaper Granma. Addressing the public on state television, Venezuela’s Information Minister Ernesto Villegas said President Chavez was breathing through a tracheal tube and could not speak at present. But he also stressed the measure was reversible. Ministers have been under pressure to produce some good news about President Chavez. Just a week ago the government announced that it was devaluing Venezuela’s currency.

照片上查韋斯穿著慣常的運動裝斜靠在床上,床邊是他的兩個女兒。照片上他面帶微笑,閱讀著最近一期的古巴報紙《格拉瑪報》。委內(nèi)瑞拉信息部長維勒加 斯在國家電視臺上向公眾發(fā)表講話,他說總統(tǒng)查韋斯通過氣管導管呼吸,目前還無法講話。但他還強調(diào)這些措施是可逆的。各位部長頭頂壓力來炮制有關(guān)總統(tǒng)查韋斯 的好消息。就在一周前,政府宣稱將對委內(nèi)瑞拉貨幣實施貶值。

World News from the BBC

The International Committee of the Red Cross says the humanitarian situation in Syria is catastrophic. The organisation’s director of operations said he’d seen unbearable suffering for civilians on a recent trip to the country. Imogen Foulkes reports from Geneva.


The International Committee of the Red Cross has been working in Syria since the start of the conflict. It describes the situation now as nothing short of catastrophic. The number of different armed groups is increasing. Villages change hands on a daily basis. Attacks on hospitals and the killing of nurses and doctors are now so common. The Red Cross says that the health service in some parts of the country has become a wasteland.


The authorities in the Netherlands have raided a meat processing plant they suspect of mixing horsemeat with beef and selling it as pure beef. It’s the latest in a series of similar actions across Europe. As Matthew Price reports from Brussels:

荷蘭當局突襲了一家肉食加工廠,懷疑其將馬肉同牛肉混合然后當做純牛肉出售。這是最近整個歐洲類似行動的一部分,Matthew Price在布魯塞爾報道。

This scandal has spread fast. Across Europe, some 13 countries so far have been affected. The Brussels bureaucracy has moved uncharacteristically rapidly. EU food safety officials decided to start new tests immediately to find out how much of the food chain has been affected. It’s clear this is not the result of one or two rogue suppliers. It’s beginning to look like an industry and continental-wide problem.


A British academic has stumbled upon a 500-year-old proclamation calling for the arrest of the Renaissance political writer Niccolo Machiavelli in the Italian city of Florence. The Medici family, who ruled Florence at the time, accused Machiavelli of plotting to overthrow them. He was detained, tortured and placed under house arrest, where he started writing his famous book The Prince, describing the art of political manipulation. The term Machiavellian is still synonymous with the cunning pursuit of power.

BBC News

在意大利城市佛羅倫薩,一位英國學者偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)一張500年歷史的公告,內(nèi)容是呼吁逮捕文藝復興政治作家尼古拉·馬基雅維利。當時統(tǒng)治佛羅倫薩的美第 奇家族指控馬基雅維利陰謀推翻他們,他被捕了,然后遭到毒打,并被軟禁起來,他就在軟禁期間創(chuàng)作了著名的《君主論》,論述政治操縱的藝術(shù)。 Machiavellian一詞至今仍是不擇手段追逐權(quán)力的同義詞。


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