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BBC News :黑客集團(tuán)攻擊美國(guó)量刑委員會(huì)網(wǎng)站




BBC News with David Austin

French and Malian forces are reported to have captured the Islamist rebel stronghold of Gao, the most populated town in northern Mali. It’s the biggest military success in the two-week operation against the al-Qaeda-linked insurgents occupying the country’s vast northern expanse. Hugh Schofield reports from Paris.



After punishing series of air strikes on Jihadist’s positions in Gao, Malian and French forces took first the airport and a strategic bridge over the River Niger but later we’re able to confirm they’ve taken control of the town. The Defense Ministry here in Paris said that Gao’s mayor who’s been in the capital Bamako since the town fell to the Islamists early last year has been flown back in. Malian officials spoke of scenes of joy on the streets of Gao though also of some looting. Chadian and Nigerien forces meanwhile are poised to push out from the Nigerien border, about 200 kilometers to the south, in order to reinforce the French and Malians.

馬立軍隊(duì)和法國(guó)軍隊(duì)先是對(duì)加奧的圣戰(zhàn)組織據(jù)點(diǎn)發(fā)動(dòng)系列空襲,然后占領(lǐng)了機(jī)場(chǎng)和尼日爾河上具有戰(zhàn)略意 義的一座橋,后來(lái)我們得到確切消息稱他們已占領(lǐng)加奧。法國(guó)國(guó)防部稱加奧市長(zhǎng)自去年年初該市淪入伊斯蘭手中后就一直呆在首都巴馬科,目前他已回到加奧。馬里 官方描述了加奧大街上的歡喜場(chǎng)面,但也有搶劫發(fā)生。同時(shí),乍得和尼日爾軍隊(duì)正準(zhǔn)備從尼日爾邊境向南邁進(jìn)200公里,來(lái)為法國(guó)和馬里軍隊(duì)助威。

There’s been rioting in the Egyptian city of Port Said after a court sentenced 21 people to death for their part in deadly violence at a football match in the city last year. Hospital sources there say at least 30 people have been killed. Aleem Maqbool reports


The families and supporters of the defendants all from the city attacked the police, who fought back. Hundreds are now known to have been injured in the clashes and a shocking number have been killed including police officers. It was horrific violence in that city a year ago that started all this. At the end of a football match home supporters attacked visiting Al-Ahly fans who said they were blocked from getting out of the ground. Over 70 were stabbed, clubbed and kicked to death.


Officials in Afghanistan say a suicide attack in the provincial capital Kunduz has killed at least ten policemen including the city’s head of counterterrorism Abdullah Maray and another high-ranking police officer. At least 21 people, most of them civilians were injured. Bilal Sarwary reports from Kabul.

阿富汗官員稱昆都士省首府發(fā)生自殺式襲擊,殺死至少10名警察,其中包括該市反恐局長(zhǎng)Abdullah Maray和另一位高級(jí)警官。至少21人受傷,其中多為平民。Bilal Sarwary在喀布爾報(bào)道。

The attacker was driving a motorbike and targeted the counterterrorism chief in the heart of Kunduz city. The area was packed with civilians and police at the time of the attack. Afghan officials in Kunduz province say the assassinated counterterrorism chief Abdullah Maray was behind the killing and capture of key Taliban leaders and few commanders. Mr. Maray was a member of the northern lines and a key ally of the vice president Massoud Fahim.

在昆都士市中心,襲擊者駕駛一輛摩托車襲擊了反恐局長(zhǎng)。襲擊發(fā) 生時(shí)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)有很多平民和警察,昆都士省官員稱被殺害的反恐局長(zhǎng)Abdullah Maray逮捕了塔利班的核心領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人和少數(shù)指揮官并殺了他們。Maray是北方聯(lián)盟成員,也是副總統(tǒng)Massoud Fahim的親密助手。

A leader of a landless movement in Brazil Cicero Guedes has been killed in Rio de Janeiro state. He was shot dead in the early hours of Saturday as he was cycling home. He was killed near a former sugar plant which members of the MST landless movement have occupied. Non-governmental organizations say the number of landless activists killed over the past years has fallen but that the number of death threats issued against them has almost tripled.

巴西無(wú)地運(yùn)動(dòng)領(lǐng)袖Cicero Guedes在里約熱內(nèi)盧被殺,周六早些時(shí)候,在騎自行車回家的路上他遭到槍殺。案發(fā)地附近原來(lái)有座糖廠,無(wú)地農(nóng)民工運(yùn)動(dòng)(MST)的成員曾占據(jù)此地。非政府組織稱過(guò)去幾年來(lái)無(wú)地運(yùn)動(dòng)成員被殺者人數(shù)已有下降,但死亡威脅案例已增至三倍。

World News from the BBC

The former socialist Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman has won the country’s first ever direct presidential election.

“I promise that as a president chosen by the citizens through direct election, I will try to be the voice of all the citizens.”

With 55% of the vote, Mr. Zeman beat his rival, the foreign minister Karel Schwarzenberg.




Ethnic Kachin rebels fighting the Burmese army in northern Burma say they’ve lost a major strategic post outside their headquarters on the Chinese border. Our correspondent Jonathan Head is following events from neighbouring Thailand.

在緬甸北部與緬甸部隊(duì)作戰(zhàn)的克欽族起義軍稱失去了總部外的重要戰(zhàn)略據(jù)點(diǎn),該據(jù)點(diǎn)位于中國(guó)接壤處。記者Jonathan Head在鄰國(guó)泰國(guó)報(bào)道。

For more than a week, the Burmese army has been trying to take the hilltop of KIA in battles reminiscent of the First World War. Hundreds of Burmese troops have stormed at the forested slopes backed by intense artillery barrages that at one point dropped more than 1,000 shells in just two hours on the trenches held by Kachin soldiers.


This is territory the Kachin independence army has held for more than 50 years but heavily outgunned have now been forced to pull back. That leaves the Kachin headquarters in Laiza just three kilometers away. With no more lines of defence, tens of thousands of civilians, many already displaced by the fighting are preparing to flee across the border into China. Jonathan Head reporting

克欽獨(dú)立軍占領(lǐng)這里50多年了,但由于兵力嚴(yán)重不足,目前被迫后退。這樣使得可欽在拉咱的總部只有三公里之遙。由于缺乏防御,數(shù)十萬(wàn)平民因戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)流離失所,他們準(zhǔn)備越過(guò)邊境線逃往中國(guó)。Jonathan Head報(bào)道。


The hacker activist group Anonymous says it’s hijacked the website of the United States Sentencing Commission which is responsible for federal sentencing. The group says its action is to revenge the death of Aaron Swartz, an internet activist who committed suicide earlier this month. Before the website was taken down, Anonymous posted a message saying it had infiltrated several government computer systems and copied secret information which it’s threatening to make public. Mr. Swartz was facing hacking charges before his death.

Those are the latest stories from BBC News

黑 客組織Anonymous稱入侵了負(fù)責(zé)聯(lián)邦判決的美國(guó)量刑委員會(huì)的網(wǎng)站。該組織稱這是為了報(bào)復(fù)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)活動(dòng)人士艾倫·斯沃茲死亡一事,斯沃茲本月初自殺身 亡。占領(lǐng)該網(wǎng)站之前,Anonymous發(fā)布一條信息,稱已滲透到政府的幾個(gè)電腦系統(tǒng),還復(fù)制了危害公眾利益的信息。斯沃茲死前被控以黑客罪。


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