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欲望都市第三季 同居風波 The Big Time





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:34:46



[00:37.80](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:50.32]Manhattan is a plaCe 曼哈頓是一個可以24小時 滿足你需求的地方

[00:54.40]yOu Can get anything anytime.

[00:57.28]Cabs at 2:00 am. 半夜兩點的計程車

[01:02.80]Chinese fOOd at 3:00. 三點的中國菜外賣

[01:08.96]But yOu Can't get yOur dry-Cleaning. 但不知怎的 你就是拿不到干洗衣物


[01:22.96]CharlOtte was spending her time with Trey, 夏綠蒂和崔正陷入熱戀

[01:24.24]a dOCtOr frOm family mOney 他是個出身豪門的醫(yī)生 幾乎擁有一切

[01:26.52]whO had it all.

[01:28.20]All, but all Of CharlOtte. 除了夏綠蒂以外

[01:35.00]Apparently Trey was One New YOrKer 顯然崔是個無法 隨時被滿足需求的紐約人

[01:37.44]nOt getting everything anytime.

[01:42.72]Trey is sO thOughtful. 崔實在很體貼 昨晚我不太舒服

[01:45.12]l wasn't feeling well last night...

[01:47.28]sO he tOOK me fOr sOme sOup 所以他帶我去第七街喝湯

[01:48.36]On 7th street and then we went tO 2nd. -然后我們邁向了第二 -第二街?


[01:51.96]Base. 第二壘

[01:55.88]Then did yOur physiCs hOmewOrK with yOu? 接著呢?他和你一起做體操?

[01:56.04]NO, l wanna taKe it slOw. 不,我想慢慢來 他可能是我的真命天子

[01:58.04]He COuld be the One.

[02:00.04]YOu've Only KnOwn him fOr twO weeKs. 親愛的,你才認識他兩個禮拜

[02:05.28]YOu Can KnOw his e-mail address, 你可能知道他的電子郵件地址 但不會知道他是否為真命天子

[02:07.68]but nOt that he's the One. 我就是知道 這真的很難,因為他非常性感

[02:07.08]l just KnOw. And it's really hard, beCause he's very sexy.

[02:11.12]But l dOn't want tO ruin it by having sex tOO early. 我不想太早和他發(fā)生關系 而壞了大事

[02:14.80]Oh, sO yOu're everything-but-girl. 這么說你是堅守底線的女孩

[02:19.60]l liKe tO thinK Of it as... Kissing with extras. 我倒認為是… 有額外贈品的親吻

[02:23.48]HOw very ninth grade Of yOu. 你真像個九年級生

[02:24.16]l read that if yOu dOn't have sex fOr a year yOu Can be revirginized. 書上說,若一年不從事 性行為,就能夠恢復處女之身

[02:30.72]And prObably quite frisKy. 說不定會抓狂

[02:33.92]But isn't it great? YOu Can erase yOur sexual past and start again. 這不是很棒嗎?過去的風流史 可以一筆勾銷,重新開始

[02:37.08]WhO wants their virginity baCK? lt was bad enOugh the first time. 誰想要回貞操? 第一次的經(jīng)驗已經(jīng)夠糟了

[02:39.88]HOw Old were yOu? 當時你多大?

[02:43.84]Eleventh grade. Seth Bateman. 十一年級,他叫賽斯貝特曼

[02:48.96]His smelly reC rOOm. 在他家臭氣熏天的康樂室

[02:48.92]Half a jOint, three thrusts, finitO. 吸了半根大麻 三次沖刺,完畢

[02:53.60]And ps, it was On the ping-pOng table. 附注:是在乒乓球桌上

[02:58.28]Meanwhile, l was dOing everything plus with Aidan. 同時,我和艾登百無禁忌

[03:04.36]l COuldn't get Out Of bed with him. 我們簡直下不了床

[03:06.12]My bed was Our restaurant, Our entertainment, Our little New YOrK. 我的床成了餐館、娛樂場所 是我們的小紐約

[03:08.72]Open 24 hOurs. 二十四小時開放

[03:17.64]When will they send a searCh party fOr us? 他們什么時候 會派搜索隊來找我們?

[03:22.40]- l guess spring thaw. - That's an awful lOng time, my friend. -我猜春天融雪的時候吧 -真是漫長

[03:33.24]DOwntOwn anOther New YOrKer was enjOying her full life. 在下城,另一個紐約人 正享受她充實的人生

[03:36.92]Samantha had a new apartment in the ultra ChiC MeatpaCKing DistriCt 莎曼珊在極時髦的肉品加工區(qū) 買了一間新公寓

[03:41.92]and a new admirer. 還多了一個仰慕者

[03:43.72]Well, there gOes the neighbOrhOOd. 我來敦親睦鄰一下

[03:45.48]Len SChneider, 4A. 我是連恩施奈德,住4A

[03:48.76]- l COlleCt art. - Samantha JOnes, 2D. -我收集藝術品 -莎曼珊瓊斯,2D

[03:51.24]- l guess yOu COlleCt COmpliments. - Oh, Len. StOp. -我猜你收集的是贊美吧 -連恩,放手

[03:57.52]Really, Len. StOp. lf yOu'll exCuse me. 真的,連恩,快放手 我先走了

[04:01.48]Listen, l wOuld lOve tO have yOu COme up tO my plaCe tOnight. 今晚歡迎你上來我家

[04:05.08]l maKe a mean wine spritzer. 我調(diào)的史不立茲酒棒呆了

[04:07.84]l dOn't thinK sO. SOrry. 不用了,抱歉

[04:12.92]Samantha said sOrry but what she really meant was... 莎曼珊嘴里說抱歉 其實她真正的意思是…

[04:14.64]SinCe when is it aCCeptable 一個滿頭白發(fā)的糟老頭 怎么敢約她這種性感美女?

[04:16.40]fOr Over-the-hill lOsers tO asK Out hOt wOmen liKe her?

[04:19.80]l'm Keeping yOu On neighbOrhOOd watCh. 我會守望相助

[04:25.08]And just when Samantha thOught her day COuldn't get any wOrse... 正當莎曼珊以為 今天已衰到極點時…

[04:29.12]This is a CatalOgue fOr pre-menOpausal wOmen. 這是一本給前更年期女性 看的目錄

[04:34.08]''New TransitiOns.'' NiCe name. “新轉(zhuǎn)變”,不錯的名字

[04:36.40]Why dOn't they Call it what it is? J.Crew fOr wOmen whO are drying up. 他們何不直截了當?shù)胤Q呼? 適用對象為逐漸干涸的女性

[04:39.48]FYl, l'm nOt transitiOning. l'm happening. -我沒有轉(zhuǎn)變,我是進行式 -只是郵寄名單搞錯了

[04:43.56]YOu're On the wrOng mailing list.

[04:44.92]l shOuldn't have signed up fOr that ''Mirabella'' trial subsCriptiOn. 我不該接受免費試閱三個月的 “米拉貝拉”雜志

[04:49.92]l bOught a baCK pillOw On line and ended up with CatalOgues fOr trusses. 我在網(wǎng)路上買了一個背枕 結(jié)果收到疝帶的目錄

[04:53.60]- YOu gOt a baCK pillOw?. - At l'm getting Old.COm. -你買背枕? -對,購自“我老了”網(wǎng)站

[04:56.28]Maybe l COuld interest yOu in vaginal lubriCatiOn suppOsitOries? 也許你會對 陰道潤滑栓劑感興趣

[05:01.80]Listen: ''Ten years befOre menOpause yOu may have symptOms inCluding: 聽好 “在進入更年期的前十年”

[05:08.40]''all mOnth lOng PMS, “你可能會體驗的癥狀包括 長達一個月的經(jīng)前癥候群”

[05:09.56]''fluid retentiOn, insOmnia, depressiOn, hOt flushes Or irregular periOds.'' “水腫、失眠、情緒低落 熱潮紅或經(jīng)期不規(guī)則”

[05:18.12]But peOple give up their seats fOr yOu On the bus. 好處是坐公車時 人們開始讓位給你了

[05:22.52]Oh, my GOd! Vagina weights. -我的天,陰道砝碼 -我的陰道可不等人

[05:24.88]My vagina waits fOr nO man.

[05:27.40]- LOOK. The Kegel Master. - What's a Kegel musCle? -你們看,凱格爾肌肉鍛練器 -什么是凱格爾肌肉?

[05:29.64]- lt helps yOu sit tight. - And l have One? -它可以幫助你讓陰道緊實 -我也有嗎?

[05:33.96]- YOu dOn't dO yOur exerCises. - What exerCises? -你這么問就表示你沒做運動 -什么運動?

[05:38.48]YOu have tO tighten and release it fOr ten minutes a day. 想讓陰道緊實 只要一天收縮和放松十分鐘

[05:44.60]Kegel exerCises... l'm dOing mine right nOw. 凱格爾運動…我現(xiàn)在就在做

[05:48.24]Man, she's gOOd. 她真行

[05:49.84]Well, l Can't wait fOr menOpause. 我真希望趕快停經(jīng) 沒有月經(jīng)一定很自由

[05:54.52]lt will be freeing nOt tO have periOds.

[05:56.60]l Can't wait till flOw stOps COming tO tOwn. 我等不及紅潮不再報到

[05:57.100]- NO One Calls it flOw. - My grandmOther did. -沒人叫它紅潮了 -我奶奶就這么稱呼

[06:01.44]NO mOre mind-numbing Cramps. 不要再有腦人的腹痛了

[06:04.88]NO Kidding. l've gOt mine right nOw. Big time. 說真的,我現(xiàn)在正在痛 痛得不得了

[06:06.92]- l hear that, sister. - My GOd, l have my periOd tOO. -我聽到了,姐妹 -我的天,我也正在經(jīng)期

[06:12.04]We're all synChed up. l've heard abOut that happening. 我們都是同一時間 怎么這么巧

[06:15.80]What? l'll get mine in a few days. 干嘛?我再過幾天就來了

[06:19.68]lf Samantha was running late, l was running even later. 如果莎曼珊的經(jīng)期遲了 那我的就更遲了

[06:25.04]The ''Gab Magazine'' party was in an hOur “饒舌”雜志的派對快開始了 我的衣服卻還在干洗店

[06:28.44]and my dress was at the Cleaners.

[06:32.80]Oh, please, sir! 拜托,先生

[06:36.68]Shit. 該死

[06:36.44]Apparently my fabulOus party dress wOuld be staying in fOr the evening.

[06:39.96]顯然我漂亮的派對洋裝 今晚將留在店里了

[06:47.40]Miranda and Steve deCided instead Of staying in, they'd gO Out. 米蘭達和史蒂夫決定不待在家 而要出門

[06:52.36]SinCe when did it beCOme apprOpriate tO bring babies tO restaurants? 從幾時起適合帶小孩 來餐館吃飯?

[06:55.16]Oh, COme On. He's Cute. 很可愛

[06:58.84]Yeah. GOd invented baby-sitters fOr a reasOn. 上帝發(fā)明保姆是有原因的

[07:01.88]l dOn't thinK it's sO bad. lt's niCe tO have babies arOund. 我覺得沒什么不好 附近有小孩很棒

[07:06.80]DOn't get me wrOng. l lOve babies, but nOt with my sOup. 別誤會我的意思 我愛孩子,但喝湯時不喜歡

[07:11.88]Oh, my GOd. LOOK at yOu. YOu're a mess! 我的天 你看你,吃得臟兮兮的

[07:18.28]- We shOuld dO it. Have a baby. - Yeah, right. -我們應該生個孩子 -才怪

[07:25.20]l'm seriOus. We'd have a Cute baby, nOt One that lOOKs liKe KhrushChev. 我是認真的,孩子一定很可愛 不會長得像赫魯雪夫

[07:30.44]- We wOuldn't have tO get married. - YOu're seriOus? -我們可以不必結(jié)婚 -你是說真的?

[07:34.92]Yes. The timing is perfeCt. 沒錯,現(xiàn)在時機正好

[07:34.08]The timing is nOt perfeCt. We've Only been living tOgether fOr twO mOnths. 時機并不好 我們才同居兩個月

[07:41.08]lt's way tOO quiCK. We CannOt have a baby. YOu're insane. 太快了,我們不能生小孩 你瘋了

[07:50.44]COme On. l want a baby. lt'd be fun. 拜托,我想要個小孩 很好玩的

[07:53.00]lt's nOt liKe Owning a fOOsball table. DO yOu KnOw hOw muCh wOrK it is? 這和買一張足球臺不一樣 你知道養(yǎng)一個小孩多辛苦嗎?

[07:58.44]Yeah, l KnOw. But l Can hang Out with him during the day. 我知道,但我白天可以陪他

[08:03.96]WatCh ''Sesame Street'' while yOu're at wOrK, then l gO tO wOrK at the bar. 你上班時我們看“芝麻街” 然后我再去酒吧工作

[08:06.40]And l'd be up all night with the baby, alOne and getting nO sleep, 而我整晚都要一個人照顧孩子 不能睡覺

[08:10.60]then have tO get up the next day and wOrK 14 hOurs tO maKe partner 隔天早上還得起床 工作14個小時以成為合伙人

[08:18.84]sO l Can affOrd the apartment yOu're watChing ''Sesame Street'' in. 這樣我才負擔得起那間公寓 而你卻只要看“芝麻街”就好

[08:20.24]Let's hOpe the baby inherits my pOsitive attitude. 希望孩子遺傳我的積極態(tài)度

[08:27.80]Can we please talK abOut sOmething else? 我們可以談別的事嗎?

[08:29.60]NO prOblem. 沒問題

[08:35.84]While Miranda was left COntemplating diapers... 當米蘭達正在思量尿布時…

[08:38.04]l was COntemplating MCQueen versus GuCCi. 我則在考慮要穿 麥昆還是古馳的衣服

[08:44.80]lt's yOur last ChanCe tO attend a fabulOus party with a fabulOus girl. 這是你和美女一起參加 盛大派對的最后機會

[08:49.68]- lt's a party On a bOat? - COrreCtiOn: fanCy bOat. -這派對在船上舉行? -更正:是豪華的船

[08:52.12]And ps, the fabulOus girl is rumOred tO be easy. 附注:謠傳美女很容易出軌

[08:56.92]- What's the party fOr? - This new magazine, ''Gab''. -為什么要辦派對? -慶祝新雜志“饒舌”創(chuàng)刊

[08:58.40]- Have yOu read it? - NO, l want the Celebrity sightings. -你看過了嗎? -還沒,我是為了看名人才去

[09:02.48]l'd be stuCK On this bOat with all these Celebs. 那么我會和那些名人 一起困在船上

[09:04.84]And Celebrity hangers-On. 以及名人的跟班

[09:08.16]lt's tempting, but is it OK if l stay On dry land? 很吸引人 不過我可以待在陸地嗎?

[09:12.32]- Of COurse. - Will yOu still be easy later? -當然 -等一下你仍然容易出軌嗎?

[09:17.92]- ls that a prOpOsitiOn? - Bon voyage. -這是個建議嗎? -一路順風

[09:21.56]Bye. 拜拜

[09:39.88]The ''Gab'' party was everything they prOmised and mOre. “饒舌”的派對 比主辦單位承諾的還棒

[09:41.84]Regis Philbin, MadOnna and ''New YOrKer'' ex-editOrs were there. 瑞吉斯菲爾賓、瑪?shù)つ群兔總€ 被開除的“紐約客”編輯都在

[09:46.64]- Hey, thanKs. - SO, where was l? -謝謝 -我剛才講到哪里?

[09:49.48]UnfOrtunately, Trey was dOing mOst Of the gabbing. 不幸的是 多數(shù)時候是崔在滔滔不絕

[09:53.20]- The part abOut the birthday present. - That's right. -生日禮物的部分 -沒錯

[09:57.04]My mOther gives me this awful maChine fOr sOrting Change... 我媽送我一個 可以分類零錢的機器…

[09:59.96]He has a lOt Of Change. -他有一大堆零錢 -我騙她說我愛死了

[10:02.24]...fOr my birthday. l lied tO her and said l lOved it.

[10:03.24]l jumped intO a Cab and drOve that thing right baCK. 我跳上一輛計程車 抱著那玩意兒沖回家

[10:08.68]SO there l was, On... 40th and BrOadway. 當時我正在… 40街和百老匯大道

[10:13.04]- l hear a wOman yell liKe a hyena. - l did nOt! -聽見一個女人像土狼般大叫 -我才沒有

[10:16.56]The Cab stOps. l almOst hit my head On that plastiC partitiOn. l gOt Out... 計程車突然停下來 我的頭差點撞上塑膠隔板

[10:22.68]He tOld him tO stOp the meter. 他叫司機暫停計費

[10:26.96]And there was CharlOtte, lying On the street. That's hOw we met. 而夏綠蒂躺在大街上 我們就是這樣認識的

[10:29.28]And that's hOw we met. 我們就是這樣認識的

[10:32.16]- That's very sweet. - Oh, and the Cabbie gOt mad. -真浪漫 -你忘了司機氣瘋了那段

[10:37.40]- lt's OK, COs l remember. - Anyway, it was fate. -沒關系,我記得 -總之,這是命中注定

[10:40.60]lf my mOther didn't give me bad gifts 如果我媽沒送我爛禮物

[10:45.76]this wOnderful gift wOuld never have COme intO my life. 就不會有這么棒的禮物 在我生命中降臨

[10:48.56]l'd heard the stOry at least three times. 這故事我至少已聽過三遍

[10:50.32]AnOther minute Of Trey and we wOuld be in a man OverbOard situatiOn. 再聽崔說下去 我便會忍不住推他下海

[10:56.08]- Hey, l'm gOnna gO tO hit the buffet. - OK. -我去拿東西吃 -好

[11:01.00]NOt tOO hard. 別吃太多

[11:05.16]As l walKed away, l realised l hadn't seen CharlOtte that happy in years 我走開時發(fā)現(xiàn),我已經(jīng)好幾年 沒見到夏綠蒂這么開心

[11:07.52]and with a man she had KnOwn fOr five minutes. 而且是和一個 她才認識不久的男人

[11:12.92]And just when l thOught l was safe... 正當我以為自己很安全…

[11:15.76]- HellO. - Oh, hi. -你好 -嗨

[11:18.16]Cheese. 我在吃起士,你好


[11:22.52]...l ran intO the man l'd been happy with fOr five minutes. 我遇見那個 曾給我短暫快樂的男人

[11:27.24]- Right. Well, hi. - l thOught l might see yOu here. -你好 -我想可能會在這里看到你

[11:32.76]YOu did? 是嗎?

[11:37.24]- Where's Natasha? - She missed the bOat. -娜塔莎呢? -她沒趕上船

[11:42.32]l'm sOrry. 對不起

[11:45.64]Very CrOwded. 好擠

[11:46.00]Well, l gOtta... 我得…

[11:50.60]DOminiCK Dunne is hOlding my plaCe in the bathrOOm line. 多明尼克在廁所前面幫我排隊

[11:56.08]Big and l, trapped tOgether On a bOat withOut dates. 大人物和我困在同一艘船上 身邊都沒有伴

[11:60.40]We were twO miles OffshOre. There was nO way Off. 我們離岸兩哩遠,無路可逃

[12:05.40]Children and wOmen with emOtiOnal baggage first. 小孩和有感情包袱的女人優(yōu)先

[12:07.08]Carrie. LOOK what Trey gave me. lsn't it beautiful? 凱莉,你看崔送我的禮物 很美吧?

[12:10.96]WOw. Cartier. 卡地亞的

[12:13.64]lt was a surprise. He said the last few weeKs have been speCial. 這是個驚喜 他說過去幾周很特別

[12:17.80]And that he's smitten. LOOK, it's insCribed. 我讓他神魂顛倒 你看,后面還刻了字

[12:22.60]Let's see. ''TO CharlOtte. lt's abOut time l met yOu.'' “獻給夏綠蒂 我倆相遇正是時候”

[12:28.48]Sweetie, that's great. 親愛的,太棒了

[12:30.92]- When dOes this bOat dOCK? - ArOund 10:00. -這艘船何時靠岸? -大約十點

[12:32.44]- What time is it? - lt's nOt set yet. -現(xiàn)在幾點? -還沒調(diào)時間

[12:36.20]- lt's pretty. - ThanKs. l better get baCK tO Trey. -很漂亮 -謝謝,我最好回去找崔了

[12:39.88]l thinK this is it, Carrie. l Can feel it. 我想就是他了,凱莉 我感覺得到

[12:44.24]One wOman's ''TitaniC'' is anOther wOman's ''LOve BOat''. 顯然一個女人的“鐵達尼” 是另一個女人的“愛之船”

[12:53.00]- BOO. - Jesus. -凱莉 -天啊

[12:60.24]SO what was that baCK there? 剛才是怎么回事?

[13:02.96]l... l dOn't KnOw. 我…我不知道

[13:06.92]- Can't we have a COnversatiOn? - l dOn't KnOw. Can we? -我們不能正常地交談嗎? -我不知道,你說呢?

[13:12.68]ArOund BrOOKlyn there's gOnna be a mutiny. Pass it On. 布魯克林區(qū)附近將會有 一場叛亂,把這消息傳出去

[13:17.08]- What a spiffy Opener. - l try. -這開場白還不錯 -我盡力了

[13:21.80]SO what are yOu? Are yOu... 那么你呢?你有…

[13:25.92]- Are yOu seeing anyOne? - Yeah, l am. -你有交往的對象嗎? -是的

[13:30.16]He's great. He's perfeCt, aCtually. 他很棒,實際上近乎完美

[13:36.44]Where is he, Mr PerfeCt? 那位完美先生呢?

[13:38.16]He's hOme. l didn't wanna subjeCt him tO the slimy media leeChes. 他在家,我不想讓他受到 八卦媒體的污染

[13:41.08]GOOd idea. 好主意

[13:43.92]Present COmpany exCluded. 不包括目前的同伴

[13:48.56]- That's sOme Ouftit, Kid. - Really? DO yOu thinK sO? -衣服很漂亮 -真的嗎?你這么認為?

[13:51.48]lf yOu liKe this, yOu'll lOve the One being held hOstage On 7 4th and Lex. 若你喜歡這件,那你一定會 愛死被洗衣店扣押的那一件

[14:00.12]lt's gOOd tO see yOu. 很高興見到你

[14:07.24]The next mOrning l reCOvered frOm my see-Big siCKness, 隔天早上 我從再見大人物的不適中康復

[14:10.72]while dOwntOwn, Samantha realised maybe her ship had sailed. 在下城,莎曼珊意識到 或許她的船已經(jīng)啟航了

[14:16.08]She was five days late. 她的月經(jīng)晚了五天

[14:19.40]Later we did brunCh and bathrOOm at Time Café. 稍后我們在“時代咖啡館” 吃早午餐,并在化妝室聊天

[14:23.04]- l'm in lOve with him. - YOu're nOt in lOve with him. -我愛上他了 -你沒有愛上他

[14:26.44]YOu're in lOve with the expensive watCh he gave yOu. 你愛的是 他送你的那只昂貴手表

[14:29.04]- DO yOu have anOther? - l'm nOt Tampax Central. Buy them. -你還有嗎? -我不是供應商,下次記得買

[14:35.00]l have them at hOme. But they wOn't fit in my Kate Spade purse. 我放在家里,但我凱特史貝的 名牌皮包塞不下

[14:38.48]WOw, Kate must have a tiny vagina. 凱特的陰道必定很小

[14:43.16]The watCh is a sign that he's in lOve with me tOO. 那只表意味著他也愛我

[14:47.12]- He's just in blue ball hell. - SOmetimes yOu just KnOw. -才怪,他是在禁欲的地獄中 -有時候你就是知道

[14:51.32]We're the right matCh. lt's fate. 我們是天生一對 這是命運的安排

[14:53.76]lt's nOt fate. His light is On. That's all. 這和命運無關 他的燈號亮了,如此而已

[14:58.28]- What light? - Men are liKe Cabs. -什么燈號? -男人就像計程車

[15:01.32]When they're available, their light gOes On. 當他們是自由身時 燈號就會亮

[15:02.84]They waKe up One day, deCide tO settle dOwn, and turn their light On. 等到某天他們決定要安頓下來 便把燈號打開

[15:09.32]The next wOman they piCK up is the One they'll marry. lt's nOt fate. 然后娶下一個載到的女人 這不是命運

[15:11.68]- lt's dumb luCK. - l Can't believe that lOve is randOm. -而是碰運氣 -我拒絕相信愛情是隨機的

[15:16.72]YOu gOtta get them when their light's On. 你必須趁他們燈號亮的時候 抓住他們

[15:20.64]- Men l meet are flashing yellOws. - Or Off duty. -我認識的男人都在閃黃燈 -或是下班了

[15:25.12]They Can drive arOund fOr years and nOt be available. 他們可以開車到處亂逛好幾年 卻不載客

[15:26.60]They shOuldn't be allOwed tO get behind the wheel! 不該準許他們上路的

[15:29.04]MOst men dOn't stay lit lOng befOre they taKe the plunge 大部分男人的燈號很少亮著

[15:31.68]versus mOst wOmen whO have been lit pretty muCh sinCe birth. 反而大部分女人自出生后 燈號便一直亮著

[15:37.04]That was my last tampOn. Are yOu paCKing? 那是我最后一個衛(wèi)生棉條 你有帶嗎?

[15:38.68]NO, l dOn't have a tampOn and prObably will never need One again. 我沒有 而且可能再也不需要了

[15:45.60]- A ''nO'' is gOOd enOugh. - l haven't had my periOd in 35 days. -說“沒有”就夠了 -我已經(jīng)35天沒月經(jīng)了

[15:48.36]- Are yOu...? - NO, l'm nOt pregnant. l'm... -你是不是… -不是,我沒懷孕,我…

[15:52.92]- l'm drying up. - COme On. YOu're OverreaCting. -我干涸了 -別這樣,你反應過度了

[15:56.88]- lt was a stupid CatalOgue. - l'm day-Old bread. My time is up. -只是一本愚蠢的目錄 -我是不新鮮面包,期限到了

[16:02.36]EnjOy yOur flOws. 好好享受你們的紅潮吧

[16:04.08]FOr sOmeOne with nO periOd yOu've gOt a mean Case Of PMS. 就一個沒有月經(jīng)的人來說 你的經(jīng)前癥候群還真嚴重

[16:09.16]YOu have years Of miserable Cramps ahead Of yOu. 你還得忍受好幾年悲慘的經(jīng)痛

[16:13.60]Ladies... 姐妹們,我即將說的話 你們可能會覺得很意外

[16:15.80]What l'm abOut tO tell yOu...

[16:17.36]may COme as a shOCK.

[16:26.44]l'm a little... 我比你們…

[16:30.32]Older than yOu. 年紀大一點

[16:37.08]That night l COuldn't stOp thinKing abOut time. 當晚我一直思考時機問題

[16:42.84]Was every seCOnd Of Our lives COntrOlled by fate? 我們生命中的每一秒 都受命運左右嗎?

[16:44.64]Or is life a series Of randOm OCCurrenCes? 或者生命只是一連串的偶然?

[16:46.80]lf l wasn't always ten minutes late, wOuld my life be tOtally different? 如果我不是永遠遲到十分鐘 我的人生會完全改觀嗎?

[16:51.76]WOuld l never run intO Big? WOuld there ever be a gOOd time tO see him? 我是否不可能遇見大人物? 是否有見到他的好時機?

[16:55.04]Was Miranda right? 米蘭達說對了嗎?

[16:59.56]ls timing everything? 時機是否決定一切?

[17:14.64]COuld yOu turn that dOwn? l'm wOrKing. 電視關小聲一點好嗎? 我在工作

[17:24.96]OK, nOt lOw enOugh. 好,還不夠小聲

[17:26.84]YOu're gOnna have tO get used tO the nOise with a baby arOund.

[17:30.12]如果有孩子 你就必須習慣噪音

[17:34.04]LOOK. l've been thinKing abOut this baby thing. 聽著,我一直在想 關于生孩子的事

[17:39.32]We're nOt in a great plaCe right nOw. 我們現(xiàn)在的情況不適合生孩子

[17:41.88]Can we have this COnversatiOn withOut ''SCOOby DOO''? 我們講話的時候 可以不要看“史酷比”嗎?

[17:44.44]lt's the One where they find the ghOst in the salt mine. 這一集是演他們在鹽礦找到鬼

[17:49.12]- l'm seriOus. Turn Off the CartOOns. - But what abOut the ghOst? -我是認真的,把卡通關掉 -可是鬼怎么辦?

[17:55.88]- YOu KnOw what? FOrget it. - Miranda. -你知道嗎?算了 -米蘭達

[17:60.08]Then Miranda realised she may have already had a baby in her hOuse. 米蘭達意識到 她家已經(jīng)有一個孩子了

[18:03.16]l wanna shelve this baby thing fOr a while. 生孩子的事我想暫時擱置

[18:05.04]OK, yOu gOt it. 好,沒問題

[18:08.08]Put a COaster under that glass 在杯子下面放個杯墊 睡覺之前把燈關掉

[18:12.80]and turn Off the lights befOre yOu COme tO bed.

[18:17.64]We haven't had sex in Over a weeK and he wants a baby. 我們一個禮拜沒有性生活 而他想要小孩

[18:22.64]What's wrOng with this piCture? 這個狀況哪里不對勁?

[18:23.00]YOu Can always gO the lmmaCulate COnCeptiOn rOute. 你可以效法圣母瑪莉亞 純潔受孕

[18:27.32]SeriOusly, we're in this shitty plaCe. 說真的,我們現(xiàn)在關系很惡劣

[18:32.48]We fight and l'm wOrKing lOng hOurs fOr this partner thing. 我們常常吵架,為了合伙的事 我的工作時間拉長了

[18:36.36]And he's using a baby as a Band-Aid fOr everything that's wrOng with us. 他把孩子當成繃帶 以為可以解決我們所有的問題

[18:39.72]- What is wrOng with yOu guys? - l dOn't KnOw. -你們出了什么問題? -我不知道

[18:44.72]lt's liKe he's a Kid and l end up nagging him all the time. 就好像他是個小孩 而我老是對他嘮叨

[18:48.28]l'm mean mOmmy and nO One wants tO fuCK mean mOmmy. 我是暴躁的媽咪,相信我 沒人想和暴躁的媽咪做愛

[18:52.16]Oh, l believe yOu. 我相信你

[18:55.16]Maybe l'm sabOtaging the relatiOnship sO l dOn't have tO aCtually be happy. 也許我在破壞這段關系 好逃避生小孩和快樂過日子

[19:01.08]Maybe the prOblem is me. -也許問題出在我身上 -這個小孩會需要很多治療

[19:02.12]This baby is gOnna need a lOt Of therapy.

[19:06.08]- There is nO baby! - OK, mean mOmmy. -哪來的小孩? -好,暴躁的媽咪

[19:08.16]But l dO want One eventually and my ClOCK is running Out. 但我終究會想要一個小孩 而我的時間不多了

[19:13.40]l've Only gOt a milliOn viable eggs left. 我只剩下一百萬個有用的卵

[19:15.20]300 Of whiCh we just Killed with thOse martinis at lunCh. 剛才吃飯時喝的馬丁尼 又殺了300個

[19:21.56]That night, Samantha gOt drunK. 當晚,莎曼珊喝醉了

[19:25.96]She had lOst her spirit and nO pill in the CatalOgue COuld COrreCt that. 她失去了往日的意氣風發(fā) 目錄中沒有藥物可以治療

[19:29.72]And sO she aCCepted a date with Len. 因此她答應和連恩約會

[19:32.20]After all, day-Old bread needed tO stiCK tOgether. 畢竟,不新鮮的面包 必須物以類聚

[19:35.60]- Ever been in a CadillaC EldOradO? - NO. -你坐過凱迪拉克轎車嗎? -沒有

[19:36.28]Oh, thOse babies are smOOth. They have buttOns fOr everything. 那些寶貝坐起來真穩(wěn) 車上什么按鈕都有

[19:41.28]There's even a buttOn tO adjust yOur lumbar. Great fOr my hip. 甚至還有調(diào)整腰錐的按鈕 對我的臀部極有好處

[19:48.20]Did l tell yOu l have an artifiCial hip? 我告訴過你我有個人造臀嗎?

[19:54.68]- NO. - Hard tO believe, baby? -沒有 -難以置信吧?

[19:57.84]Samantha COuldn't listen tO One mOre minute Of Len. 莎曼珊無法忍受連恩 多說一分鐘的話

[20:00.24]SO she slept with him and his hip tO shut him up. 所以她跟他上床好讓他閉嘴

[20:03.80]Yeah, baby. 好,寶貝

[20:08.60]Give it tO daddy. 快給爹地吧

[20:18.76]- Oh, Jesus. - What. -老天 -怎么了?

[20:20.80]Baby, either yOu're a virgin Or flOw just Came tO tOwn. 寶貝,你若不是處女 就是月經(jīng)來報到了

[20:26.80]- My periOd? - There's blOOd everywhere. -我的月經(jīng)? -到處都是血

[20:31.76]Oh, my GOd. That is sO... 我的天,真是太…

[20:34.56]These sheets are twO grand a set. 這些床單一套兩千塊

[20:37.64]l'm sOrry, really very sOrry. 對不起,我真的很抱歉

[20:43.80]Samantha said sOrry. What she really meant was... 莎曼珊嘴里說抱歉 其實她真正的意思是…

[20:48.56]there are mOre yOung studs in this pre-pre-menOpausal wOman's future. 未來還有很多年輕的性感猛男 等著她這個前更年期的女人

[20:53.60]This is embarrassing. l shOuld gO. 真丟臉,我應該走了

[20:55.88]ThanKs fOr dinner. 謝謝你的晚餐

[20:59.48]The next day, Miranda was putting in time and a half at her firm when... 隔天 米蘭達在事務所加班時…

[21:07.36]- Miranda HObbes. - Hey. -米蘭達霍布斯 -是我

[21:09.76]l'm busy and Can't talK. 我現(xiàn)在很忙,沒時間聊天

[21:11.32]Meet me in half an hOur at 56th and 3rd, OK? 半小時后在第五十六街 和第三街路口見

[21:13.28]- l Can't, l gOt a meeting at 4:00. - COme On, it will help. -不行,我四點要開會 -來吧,會有幫助的

[21:19.60]- Please. - OK. -拜托 -好吧

[21:26.36]- This is nOt gOnna happen. - COme On. LOOK at them. -這是不可能的 -過來,你看它們

[21:29.32]HOw exaCtly wOuld this help us? 這對我們究竟有什么幫助?

[21:32.00]Maybe we're nOt ready fOr a baby. 也許我們還沒準備好生個小孩

[21:33.96]- This COuld be a test run. - WhO wOuld taKe Care Of the test run? -這可以當作一個試驗 -誰來照顧它?

[21:38.16]Me. 我

[21:43.72]Please, buyer lady. TaKe me hOme and lOve me. 拜托,出錢的小姐 帶我回家,好好愛我

[21:48.20]- YOu're insane. - NOt in frOnt Of the puppy! -你瘋了 -不要在狗狗面前說

[21:52.36]Miranda had been baCKed intO a COrner. 米蘭達被逼進了死角

[21:53.36]Even thOugh she was surrOunded by bitChes, she didn't wanna be One. 雖然四周都是母狗(沷婦) 她可不想成為其中一員

[21:56.32]OK. 好吧

[21:60.24]CharlOtte and Trey were perfOrming their usual duet. 夏綠蒂和崔又在重復 平常那套對話

[22:04.28]...and then l gOt Out and fOund yOu. 然后我下車發(fā)現(xiàn)了你

[22:05.92]Oh, really? l fOund yOu. 真的嗎?是我發(fā)現(xiàn)你的

[22:12.76]- l thinK l shOuld COme in. - NO, sweetie. -我想我應該進去 -不,親愛的

[22:17.84]l have an early meeting. But thanKs, l had a lOvely time. Really. 我明天一早要開會 不過謝謝你,我玩得很開心

[22:22.88]Me tOO. 我也是

[22:27.36]- GOOd night. - GOOd night. -晚安 -晚安

[22:42.28]- YOu're very persistent. - l wanna tell yOu sOmething. -你真是不屈不撓 -我想告訴你一件事

[22:48.04]- l lOve yOu, CharlOtte. - YOu dO? -我愛你,夏綠蒂 -真的嗎?

[22:51.60]- Yeah. - l lOve yOu tOO. -是的 -我也愛你

[22:57.40]That night, CharlOtte gOt everything she wanted. 當晚夏綠蒂得到她想要的一切

[23:01.56]Trey gOt a hand jOb. 崔則得到代打手槍的服務

[23:04.16]And at 3:00 am Miranda was getting nOthing but aggravated. 半夜三點,米蘭達除了火氣外 什么都沒得到

[23:09.40]Please, gO tO sleep. 拜托,睡覺吧

[23:12.92]Please, l beg yOu. Here. LOOK. 拜托,我求你,你看這個

[23:13.100]This is suppOsed tO be yOur mOm's heart beating Or...sOmething. 這就當作你媽咪的心跳…

[23:25.84]- Are yOu happy? - NOt really. -你高興了吧? -不見得

[23:28.88]We get this puppy. l'm the Only One taKing Care Of it. 我們說好一起養(yǎng)這只狗 結(jié)果卻只有我一個人在照顧它

[23:32.16]l've been up all night. YOu're asleep. This was a huge mistaKe. 我整晚都醒著,你睡得倒熟 這真是大錯特錯

[23:34.44]COme On, relax. lt will be fine. 放輕松,以后就沒事了

[23:37.92]FOr yOu, beCause yOu're nOt dOing anything. 對你來說是如此 因為你什么事都不做

[23:40.44]He's just getting used tO us. 它只是在適應我們

[23:44.20]POOChie, pOOChie, puppy bOy. 小狗狗…

[23:51.36]Give mOmmy a Kiss. 親媽咪一個

[23:56.56]This is it. l'm sO siCK Of yOu being the Kid here. 就是這樣 我真的很厭煩你像個小孩一樣

[23:57.00]l CannOt be in Charge all the time. We're suppOsed tO be equals. 不能什么責任都要我來扛 我們應該是互相支持的搭檔

[24:02.80]YOu thinK we Can have a baby? We Can't even have a puppy tOgether. 生孩子? 我們連一起養(yǎng)只狗都沒辦法

[24:06.24]- We're gOing thrOugh a rOugh patCh. - This isn't a patCh. -我們正經(jīng)歷過度期 -這不是過度期

[24:11.76]This is it. All the time. And it's nOt gOOd. 一向都是如此 這絕對不是好事

[24:14.32]Great. SO yOu're just gOnna give up On us, just liKe that? 很好,所以你打算就這樣 放棄這段感情?

[24:19.68]NOt just liKe that. 不是就這樣

[24:21.40]l have been trying nOt tO give up On us fOr a lOng time. 我已經(jīng)努力了很久 不要放棄這段感情

[24:26.84]- That's niCe. - l'm just being hOnest. -很好 -我只是說實話

[24:31.04]Then Miranda realised sOmething. 米蘭達領悟到一件事

[24:32.12]All this time, she thOught the prOblem was her. 一直以來 她都以為問題在她身上

[24:35.56]lt wasn't. lt was them. 其實不是 而是他們兩個人的問題

[24:39.28]And there was never a gOOd time tO say what she had tO say. 永遠沒有好時機 說出她必須說的話

[24:43.08]- This isn't gOnna wOrK, Steve. - There's gOOd stuff, here. -沒有用的,史蒂夫 -我們有美好的回憶

[24:46.80]NOt enOugh. 不夠

[24:48.92]A baby wOuld've been a quiCK fix fOr sOmething that Can't be fixed. 孩子只是暫時的補救方法 治標不治本

[24:54.40]- BeCause yOu dOn't want it tO wOrK. - That's sO unfair. -因為你不想繼續(xù)下去 -這么說真不公平

[25:00.92]- l dOn't wanna fight yOu anymOre. - DO yOu thinK l dO? -我不想再跟你吵架了 -你以為我想?

[25:04.80]l dOn't KnOw. 我不知道

[25:10.16]Steve... 史蒂夫…

[25:13.96]l really tried. 我真的努力過了

[25:16.64]That night, Miranda lOst her partner. 那夜,米蘭達失去了她的搭檔

[25:19.44]The next day, she gOt a new One. 隔天,她有了新伙伴

[25:26.52]Fifteen Of them. 總共有15個

[25:35.92]Meanwhile, l was still enjOying my One. 同時,我還是很喜歡我的搭檔

[25:40.52]DO yOu wanna have a sleepOver? 你想在這里過夜嗎?

[25:45.16]Let me set the timer. 我設定一下計時器

[25:50.48]l didn't KnOw abOut Aidan but my light was definitely On. 我不知道艾登的情況 但我的燈號絕對是亮著的

[25:54.64]YOu have One new message. 你有一通新留言

[25:58.32]Hey, Carrie, l'm... 凱莉,我…

[25:58.32]l Knew whO it was. l COuldn't stOp Big COming baCK intO my life. 我知道是誰,我無法阻止 大人物重返我的生活

[26:02.88]But l COuld stOp him frOm COming Out Of my maChine. 至少我可以阻止他的聲音 從答錄機冒出來

[26:07.76]Hey, yOu're Out Of filters. l'm gOnna run dOwn tO the KOrean. 你的濾紙用完了 我去樓下的商店買

[26:18.20]- Hey... - Yeah? -凱莉… -什么事?

[26:23.16]YOu maKe me really happy. 你真的讓我好快樂

[26:26.32]- See yOu in a bit. - OK. -待會兒見 -好

[26:38.04]Oh, that was very fast. 速度還真快

[26:43.00]- What are yOu dOing here? - Didn't yOu get my message? -你來干嘛? -你沒聽到我的留言嗎?

[26:46.40]NO, l paused it. 我按了暫停 你在這里做什么?

[26:48.12]- What are yOu dOing here? - That was him, wasn't it? 那個人就是他吧?

[26:52.16]- The perfeCt guy. - Yes and he's COming baCK, sO... -完美的家伙 -對,他很快就回來,所以…

[26:57.12]Please. 拜托

[26:60.52]What dO yOu want? 你想怎么樣?

[27:07.48]l dOn't KnOw. 我不知道

[27:13.84]NO, gO hOme tO yOur wife. 不行,回家去找你太太

[27:17.44]GO. 快走

[27:21.88]l'm sO fuCKed up. 我把一切都搞砸了

[27:29.16]l had nO idea what else Big was gOnna say. 我不曉得大人物還要說什么

[27:34.100]And l'm nOt sure what bugged me mOre. 我也不確定哪件事讓我比較煩

[27:38.60]That l didn't KnOw Or that l Cared. 是我不知道還是我仍在意

[27:41.96]Hey, Carrie. l'm here On yOur COrner. 凱莉,我在你公寓樓梯的轉(zhuǎn)角

[27:47.56]l KnOw yOu're hOme. PiCK up. 我知道你在家,接電話吧

[27:51.12]Jesus. 天啊

[27:56.72]Well, l miss yOu. 我很想你

[28:00.28]l Can't fuCKing stOp thinKing abOut yOu. There yOu have it. 我無法停止想你,你聽見了

[28:06.44]There it was. ExaCtly what l had needed tO hear... 這正是我從前想聽的話 卻遲了一年

[28:10.68]a year tOO late.

[28:11.100]l shOuld have been happy, but l wasn't. 我本來應該覺得高興 但是沒有

[28:15.20]lt was the absOlute wOrst timing Of all. 現(xiàn)在絕對是最壞的時機

[28:20.36]Ten minutes later, Aidan still hadn't COme baCK. 十分鐘后,艾登還是沒回來

[28:23.36]Suddenly my life was all abOut timing. 突然間,時機決定了我的人生

[28:25.20]All the right things said at all the wrOng times. 在錯誤的時機說了對的話

[28:30.08]My past COming baCK way tOO fast. 我的過去太早回頭

[28:32.00]And my future taKing way tOO lOng tO COme hOme. 而我的未來卻還回不了家


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