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  Francesca Fedeli: Ciao.

  弗朗西斯卡 費(fèi)德利:大家好!

  So he's Mario. He's our son. He was born two and a half years ago, and I had a pretty tough pregnancy because I had to stay still in a bed for, like, eight months. But in the end everything seemed to be under control. So he got the right weight at birth. He got the right Apgar index. So we were pretty reassured by this. But at the end, 10 days later after he was born, we discovered that he had a stroke.

  他是馬里奧,我們的兒子,他出生兩年半了,我懷孕期間很艱難,因?yàn)槲冶仨氃诖粼诖采?,有八個(gè)月的樣子,但最后一切看起來都還好,他出生時(shí)體重達(dá)標(biāo) 阿普達(dá)評分也正常 所以當(dāng)時(shí)我們很放心 但后來,他出生后的第十天 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)他中風(fēng)了。

  As you might know, a stroke is a brain injury. A perinatal stroke could be something that can happen during the nine months of pregnancy or just suddenly after the birth, and in his case, as you can see, the right part of his brain has gone.

  你也許知道 中風(fēng)是一種大腦損傷,圍產(chǎn)期中風(fēng),可能在懷孕的九個(gè)月期間發(fā)生,或者是在生產(chǎn)之后突然發(fā)生,你可以看到,馬里奧的情況是:他右邊的大腦沒了。

  So the effect that this stroke could have on Mario's body could be the fact that he couldn't be able to control the left side of his body. Just imagine, if you have a computer and a printer and you want to transmit, to input to print out a document, but the printer doesn't have the right drives, so the same is for Mario. It's just like, he would like to move his left side of his body, but he's not able to transmit the right input to move his left arm and left leg.


  So life had to change. We needed to change our schedule. We needed to change the impact that this birth had on our life.


  Roberto D'Angelo: As you may imagine, unfortunately, we were not ready. Nobody taught us how to deal with such kinds of disabilities, and as many questions as possible started to come to our minds. And that has been really a tough time. Questions, some basics, like, you know, why did this happen to us? And what went wrong? Some more tough, like, really, what will be the impact on Mario's life? I mean, at the end, will he be able to work? Will he be able to be normal? And, you know, as a parent, especially for the first time, why is he not going to be better than us? And this, indeed, really is tough to say, but a few months later, we realized that we were really feeling like a failure. I mean, the only real product of our life, at the end, was a failure. And you know, it was not a failure for ourselves in itself, but it was a failure that will impact his full life.

  羅伯特 D安吉洛:也許你們能想象得到,不幸的是,我們還沒有做好準(zhǔn)備,沒人教我們怎樣處理這樣的殘疾。接著很多的問題開始出現(xiàn),涌向心頭,那段時(shí)期真的很難熬。一些基本的問題: 比如說,為什么這要發(fā)生在我們頭上,還有哪里出了問題? 還有一些更艱難的問題,真的,像這會(huì)對馬里奧的生活產(chǎn)生什么影響?我意思是說:他最終能否參加工作?他能正常地生活嗎?還有,作為一名家長,尤其是第一次當(dāng)家長,為什么事情不能變得好起來? 還有一個(gè)真的很難說出口的,但數(shù)月之后,我們意識(shí)到 我們真的感覺像是一個(gè)失敗者,就是說我們生活唯一真實(shí)的結(jié)晶,竟然最終是個(gè)失敗品 盡管對我們而言,他本身不是一個(gè)失敗品,但他的全部生活都要受此影響。

  Honestly, we went down. I mean we went really down, but at the end, we started to look at him, and we said, we have to react.


  So immediately, as Francesca said, we changed our life. We started physiotherapy, we started the rehabilitation, and one of the paths that we were following in terms of rehabilitation is the mirror neurons pilot. Basically, we spent months doing this with Mario. You have an object, and we showed him how to grab the object. Now, the theory of mirror neurons simply says that in your brains, exactly now, as you watch me doing this, you are activating exactly the same neurons as if you do the actions. It looks like this is the leading edge in terms of rehabilitation.

  所以,就像弗朗西斯卡說的,我們改變了我們的生活。我們開始進(jìn)行物理療法,我們開始康復(fù)治療。其中我們遵循的一種方法。就康復(fù)治療而言,是鏡像神經(jīng)元引導(dǎo)。我們基本上花了數(shù)月時(shí)間對馬里奧做這個(gè)。 你拿著一個(gè)物體,然后我們給他展示,如何抓取這個(gè)物體。今天,鏡像神經(jīng)元理論只是說,就是現(xiàn)在,當(dāng)你看我做這個(gè)的時(shí)候,你的大腦,也會(huì)激活相同的神經(jīng)元,就像是你在做這樣的動(dòng)作。 這看起來似乎是康復(fù)治療的最前沿了

  But one day we found that Mario was not looking at our hand. He was looking at us. We were his mirror. And the problem, as you might feel, is that we were down, we were depressed, we were looking at him as a problem, not as a son, not from a positive perspective. And that day really changed our perspective. We realized that we had to become a better mirror for Mario.

  但是有一天我們發(fā)現(xiàn),馬里奧沒有在看我們的手,他在看著我們,我們是他的鏡像。 問題是,或許你能感覺到,我們很低迷,很沮喪,我們把他當(dāng)作一個(gè)問題來對待,而不是一個(gè)兒子,不是從一個(gè)積極的方面。那一天真的改變了我們的觀念,我們意識(shí)到必須成為,馬里奧更好的鏡像。

  We restarted from our strengths, and at the same time we restarted from his strengths. We stopped looking at him as a problem, and we started to look at him as an opportunity to improve. And really, this was the change, and from our side, we said, "What are our strengths that we really can bring to Mario?" And we started from our passions. I mean, at the end, my wife and myself are quite different, but we have many things in common. We love to travel, we love music, we love to be in places like this, and we started to bring Mario with us just to show to him the best things that we can show to him.

  我們恢復(fù)了自己的力量,同時(shí)我們也恢復(fù)了馬里奧的力量,我們不再把他當(dāng)作一個(gè)問題來看待,我們開始把他看作一個(gè)進(jìn)步的機(jī)遇。真的,這就是我們說的改變,在我們這邊,我們問道, “我們究竟可以為馬里奧帶來什么力量?” 然后我們從我們熱情開始,我的意思是,最后,妻子和我有很大的不同,但我們也有很多相同之處,我們喜愛旅游,我們熱愛音樂,我們喜歡來到像這樣的地方, 然后我們開始帶上馬里奧,在我們力所能及的情況下,給他看最好的東西。

  This short video is from last week.


  I am not saying --


  (Applause) —

  掌聲 ---

  I am not saying it's a miracle. That's not the message, because we are just at the beginning of the path. But we want to share what was the key learning, the key learning that Mario drove to us, and it is to consider what you have as a gift and not only what you miss, and to consider what you miss just as an opportunity. And this is the message that we want to share with you. This is why we are here.

  我沒說這是一個(gè)奇跡。那不是我們要表達(dá)的,因?yàn)槲覀冎皇莿倓傞_始,但是我們想跟大家分享重要的領(lǐng)悟,馬里奧帶給我們的領(lǐng)悟。那就是把你所擁有的當(dāng)作禮物來看待,而不只是你所失去的,把你所失去的當(dāng)作一次機(jī)遇 ,這就是我們想要跟大家分享的東西,這就是我們來到這里的原因。



  And this is why --

  這就是為什么 ...

  (Applause) —

  掌聲 ---

  And this is why we decided to share the best mirror in the world with him. And we thank you so much, all of you.


  FF: Thank you.


  RD: Thank you. Bye.




  FF: Thank you. (Applause)



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