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The second Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation will be held in Beijing on April 25-27, Wang Yi said.


Belt and Road-themed flower bed debuts in Beijing on April 18, 2019. [Photo/IC]

王毅表示,國家主席習近平將出席高峰論壇開幕式并發(fā)表主旨演講(attend the opening ceremony and deliver a keynote speech),全程主持領導人圓桌峰會。會后,習近平主席將向中外媒體介紹峰會成果。

截至目前,37個國家的元首、政府首腦等領導人(leaders including heads of state and government from 37 countries)將出席論壇圓桌峰會(roundtable summit)。

"Over the past two years with concerted efforts, the Belt and Road is becoming a clean road for cooperation, prosperity, openness, green development and win-win outcome that will benefit people of all countries," he said.


Wang said that 126 countries and 29 international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China to jointly build the Belt and Road.


王毅指出,高峰論壇是“一帶一路”框架下最高規(guī)格的國際合作平臺(the highest level platform of international cooperation under the Belt and Road framework )。這次會議是中國今年最重要的主場外交,也是一次具有標志性意義的國際盛會。關于這次論壇,可以用五個詞來概括:

一是方向明確。本屆高峰論壇主題是:共建“一帶一路”、開創(chuàng)美好未來(Belt and Road Cooperation, Shaping a Brighter Shared Future)。貫穿其中的主線就是推動共建“一帶一路”實現(xiàn)高質(zhì)量發(fā)展。

二是基礎扎實。“一帶一路”倡議提出6年來成績斐然、碩果累累,已成為當今世界廣泛參與的國際合作平臺(a widely-participated platform of international cooperation)和普受歡迎的國際公共產(chǎn)品(a widely-welcomed public good for the global community)。

三是反響熱烈。很多國家積極要求來華參會,來自150多個國家和90多個國際組織的近5000位外賓確認出席論壇,與會的外方代表涵蓋了全球五大洲各個地區(qū),涉及政府(governments)、民間組織(non-governmental organizations)、工商界(industry sector)、學術(shù)機構(gòu)(academic institutions)等社會各界。

四是安排務實。在延續(xù)首屆高峰論壇成功做法基礎上,第二屆高峰論壇對會議作出了創(chuàng)新安排,分論壇聚焦務實合作(sub-forums focusing on practical cooperation),數(shù)量擴大到12場,比首屆增加一倍,還將首次舉辦企業(yè)家大會(a conference will be organized specifically for the business community for the first time),為各國工商界對接合作搭建平臺。

五是成果可期。領導人圓桌峰會將發(fā)表一份聯(lián)合公報(communique),展示各國領導人共建“一帶一路”的政治共識(political consensus)。中方還將匯總發(fā)布論壇期間各方達成的具體成果,發(fā)布《共建“一帶一路”倡議:進展、貢獻與展望》報告。


“一帶一路”倡議 the Belt and Road Initiative

務實合作 practical cooperation

人類命運共同體 a community with a shared future for humanity

政策溝通 policy coordination

設施聯(lián)通 facilities connectivity

貿(mào)易暢通 unimpeded trade

資金融通 financial integration

民心相通 people-to-people bond

絲路精神 Silk Road spirit

共商共建共享 wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits


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