Netflix cheating is when a couple agrees to watch a show together, but one watches it without the other.
A new study has found that streaming infidelity is on the rise.
Approximately 46 percent of couples are guilty of 'Netflix cheating' and the behavior has tripled over the past four years.
The survey discovered that not only has this epidemic spread across the globe, but 81 percent of consumers admitted that they have cheated multiple times.
Approximately 80 percent said their unfaithful acts were not planned and 66 percent of cheaters said that 'the shows are just so good we can't stop bingeing.'
And more people will watch a show when their partner falls asleep.
Half said 'sleep cheating' doesn't count (53 percent), but the morality of 'sleep cheating' varies across the globe.
Chileans think it's no big deal, while Japan sees it as unforgivable.