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Ling Jihua has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from public office, according to a decision made at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Monday.


雙開是指開除黨籍(expel someone from the CPC)和開除公職(remove someone from public office)兩項開除,是對黨員的紀(jì)律處分(disciplinary punishment)。

會議還決定,對原政協(xié)副主席(former vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee)令計劃涉嫌犯罪問題及線索移送司法機關(guān)依法處理(transfer the suspected criminal case and relevant clues to judicial organs for handling in accordance with the law)。

經(jīng)查,令計劃嚴(yán)重違反黨的政治紀(jì)律、政治規(guī)矩、組織紀(jì)律、保密紀(jì)律(seriously violated the political discipline and rules of the CPC, as well as the Party's organizational and confidentiality discipline);利用職務(wù)便利為多人謀取利益(took advantage of his posts to seek profit for others),本人或通過家人收受巨額賄賂(accepted huge bribes personally and through his family);違紀(jì)違法獲取黨和國家大量核心機密(obtained a great deal of the Party and state's core secrets in violation of laws and discipline);嚴(yán)重違反廉潔自律規(guī)定(violated regulations on integrity and self-discipline),本人及其妻收受他人錢物(accepted others' money and belongings personally and through his wife),為其妻經(jīng)營活動謀取利益(sought benefits for his wife's businesses);與多名女性通奸(committed adultery with a number of women),進行權(quán)色交易(traded his power for sex);對親屬利用其職務(wù)影響力斂財牟利負(fù)有重要責(zé)任(bore major responsibility for his family members' acts of seeking profits with the influence of his position)。

令計劃的行為完全背離了黨的性質(zhì)和宗旨(completely deviated from the CPC's nature and purpose),嚴(yán)重違反黨的紀(jì)律(seriously violated the Party's discipline),極大損害黨的形象(severely undermined the Party's image),社會影響極其惡劣(with extremely bad social influence)。


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