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常春藤解析英語(yǔ) 71 A Solar City太陽(yáng)能城市




A Solar City 太陽(yáng)能城市

by Lars Berry

A city in China has taken big steps in changing its energy sources.


Practically everything around your home that was made in a factory owes its existence to fossil fuels. Unfortunately, cheap, nonrenewable fossil fuels like oil and natural gas are becoming more difficult to find. Much of the _(1)_ supply is found in countries that may or may not want to trade their dwindling resources. These fuels heat many of our homes, fuel cars, and provide energy _(2)_ the industries that produce computers, shoes, clothing, and coffee cups. Therefore, the prospect of a shortage of these fuels is a very _(3)_ one.

So what does a population that depends on the burning of _(4)_ rare fossil fuels do to break this fuel addiction? Alternative energy sources _(5)_ exist. Some cities have worked towards being primarily dependent on solar power. But is this just a fantastic idea, or is it a possible alternative?

Rizhao, a city in Shandong Province of northern mainland China, actually _(6)_ the idea of a solar city. Rizhao has _(7)_ 3 million residents, and 98 percent of inner city houses and 30 percent of outlying homes rely on the sun's energy for their hot water.

Rizhao, whose name means "sunshine," receives an _(8)_ of 270 days of sunlight every year. It's no _(9)_ that Rizhao's mayor decided to make his city dependent on solar energy. By using the simple, cheap solar devices that sit atop almost all of Rizhao's buildings, the city has cut its yearly carbon dioxide emissions _(10)_ about 53,000 tons. Although this solution is really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of energy production, Rizhao seems to be on the way to becoming the world's first solar city.

(A) by (B) do (C) remaining (D) wonder (E) increasingly (F) for (G) average

(H) approximately (I) worrying (J) lives up to


1. Much of the remaining supply is found in countries that may or may not want to trade their dwindling resources.


a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,之后有名詞 supply(供應(yīng)量),得知空格應(yīng)置入形容詞,以修飾 supply。

b. 選項(xiàng)中為形容詞的有 (C) remaining(剩余的)、(G) average(平均的)與 (I) worrying(令人擔(dān)心的),然僅 (C) 置入后符合語(yǔ)意,故選之。

c. remaining a. 剩余的

2. These fuels heat many of our homes, fuel cars, and provide energy for the industries that produce computers, shoes, clothing, and coffee cups.


a. 本空格測(cè)試下列固定詞組:

provide A for B  提供 A 給 B

= provide B with A

例: The Red Cross provided earthquake victims with blankets, tents, and food.


b. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (F)。

3. Therefore, the prospect of a shortage of these fuels is a very worrying one.


a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a 及副詞 very(非常),后為代名詞 one,代替其前的 prospect(前景),可知空格應(yīng)置入形容詞,以修飾 one。

b. 選項(xiàng)中為形容詞的有 (G) average(平均的)與 (I) worrying(令人擔(dān)心的),然僅 (I) 置入后符合語(yǔ)意,故選之。

4. So what does a population that depends on the burning of increasingly rare fossil fuels do to break this fuel addiction?


a. 空格前有介詞 of,后為形容詞 rare(稀少的)及名詞 fossil fuels(化石燃料),可知空格應(yīng)置入副詞,以修飾 rare。

b. 選項(xiàng)中為副詞的有 (E) increasingly(日益增加地)與 (H) approximately(大約地),然僅 (E) 置入后符合語(yǔ)意,故為正選。

c. increasingly adv. 日益增加地


increasingly 即等于 more and more,故之后不可再接比較級(jí)形容詞或副詞。

例: It is getting increasingly important to have an email address.

= It is getting more and more important to have an email address.


5. Alternative energy sources do exist.


a. 本句結(jié)構(gòu)已完整,且空格后為現(xiàn)在式復(fù)數(shù)動(dòng)詞或原形動(dòng)詞 exist(存在),得知此處應(yīng)置入副詞或可強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)詞的助動(dòng)詞 do、does 或 did。

b. 選項(xiàng)中僅剩 (H) approximately(大約)為副詞,但置入后語(yǔ)意不通,故不可選。

c. 在肯定句中,可在動(dòng)詞前依人稱及時(shí)態(tài)之不同,置助動(dòng)詞 do、does 或 did,以強(qiáng)調(diào)該動(dòng)詞,do、does 或 did 一般譯為『的確、確實(shí)』,此時(shí)該動(dòng)詞一律用原形。

例: He did clean the house yesterday.


d. 根據(jù)上述,可知應(yīng)選 (B) do。

6. Rizhao, a city in Shandong Province of northern mainland China, actually lives up to the idea of a solar city.


a. 本句尚缺動(dòng)詞,根據(jù)主詞 Rizhao(日照市)及空格后的受詞 the idea 可知,此處應(yīng)填入現(xiàn)在式第三人稱及物動(dòng)詞或詞組動(dòng)詞。

b. 選項(xiàng)中僅 (J) lives up to(符合……)為現(xiàn)在式第三人稱詞組及物動(dòng)詞,置入后亦符合語(yǔ)意,故為正選。

c. live up to...  符合……(期望、想法)等

例: Cedric was saddened by the fact that he didn't live up to his parents' expectations.


7. Rizhao has approximately 3 million residents, and 98 percent of inner city houses and 30 percent of outlying homes rely on the sun's energy for their hot water.


a. 空格前有動(dòng)詞 has(有),空格后有名詞詞組 3 million residents(300 百萬(wàn)名居民),故知空格應(yīng)置入 (H) approximately(大約),以修飾明確的數(shù)字 3 million。

例: There were approximately 30 pencils in the box.

(盒子里大約有 30 枝鉛筆。)

b. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (H)。

8. Rizhao, whose name means "sunshine," receives an average of 270 days of sunlight every year.


a. 空格前為不定冠詞 an,后為介詞 of,得知空格應(yīng)置入元音開(kāi)頭的名詞。

b. 符合上述條件的僅有 (G) average(平均數(shù)),且置入后形成下列固定用法:

an average of + 數(shù)字  平均……

例: Getting a college degree takes an average of four years.


c. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (G)。

9. It's no wonder that Rizhao's mayor decided to make his city dependent on solar energy.


a. 本空格測(cè)試下列固定句型:

It is no wonder + that 子句  難怪……

= No wonder + S + V

例: It is no wonder that such a naughty boy was punished.


b. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (D)。

10. By using the simple, cheap solar devices that sit atop almost all of Rizhao's buildings, the city has cut its yearly carbon dioxide emissions by about 53,000 tons.


a. 本空格測(cè)試下列固定用法:

cut sth by...



此處的介詞 by 表 『以……差距』之意。

例: The big record company is going to cut its workforce by 25%.


b. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (A)。


1. practically adv. 幾乎


practically 和 almost 通常用來(lái)修飾涵蓋性完全的詞類,共計(jì)有四個(gè):every、no、all、any。

例: Almost every school in this city has a swimming pool.


2. owe...to...  把……歸功于……

= attribute...to...

例: She told us that she owes everything to hard work and determination.


3. dwindle vi. 減少

* 本文為現(xiàn)在分詞作形容詞用。

例: Our supplies of food are dwindling, so let's go to the store.


4. depend on...  依賴……

= rely on...

例: When we live at home, we depend on our parents. When we live away from home, we rely on our friends.


5. be dependent on...  依賴……

dependent a. 依賴的

例: Though almost 30, John is very dependent on his parents.

(約翰雖然快 30 歲了,卻仍很依賴父母。)

6. the tip of the iceberg


例: Unfortunately, that problem is just the tip of the iceberg.


7. in terms of...  就……而言

例: In terms of service, that hotel is excellent.


8. on the way to + V-ing/N  即將(完成)……

on the way to + 地方  前往某地的途中

例: The patient is finally on the way to recovery.


例: On the way to school, it occurred to Tom that it was Sunday.



1. solar a. 太陽(yáng)的

lunar a. 月球的

2. existence n. 存在

3. fossil fuel n. 化石燃料(如石油、煤、天然氣等)

4. nonrenewable a.(能源)無(wú)法再生的  renewable a.(能源)可再生的

5. supply n. 供應(yīng)(量)

6. trade vt. 從事交易,做買賣

7. fuel vt. 供給燃料

8. prospect n. 前景;可能性

9. shortage n. 短缺,不足

10. population n. 人口

11. rare a. 稀有的

12. addiction n. 沉溺

13. alternative a. 替代的 & n. 選擇  alternative energy  替代能源

14. exist vi. 存在

15. primarily adv. 主要地

16. province n. 省,州

17. resident n. 居民

18. outlying a. 偏遠(yuǎn)的

19. device n. 設(shè)備,儀器

20. atop prep. 在……上面

21. carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳

22. emission n. 排放(物)




中國(guó)北部山東省的日照市確實(shí)落實(shí)太陽(yáng)能城市的想法。日照市有將近 300 萬(wàn)居民,98% 的都市家庭與 30% 的偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)家庭都仰賴太陽(yáng)能供應(yīng)熱水。

日照意指『陽(yáng)光』,而日照市每年平均有 270 天艷陽(yáng)高照。難怪日照市市長(zhǎng)決定讓全市依靠太陽(yáng)能。市內(nèi)幾乎家家戶戶的屋頂上都裝置既簡(jiǎn)單又便宜的太陽(yáng)能裝置,使全市每年的二氧化碳排放量已減少約 5 萬(wàn) 3 千噸。雖然就能源產(chǎn)量而言,這個(gè)解決方法只是冰山一角,但日照市似乎正邁向成為全球首座太陽(yáng)能城市。

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案: 1. (C) 2. (F) 3. (I) 4. (E) 5. (B) 6. (J) 7. (H) 8. (G) 9. (D) 10. (A)


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