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常春藤解析英語 66 The Virgin Queen 女王未出嫁




The Virgin Queen 女王未出嫁

by Matthew Brown

Like many historical figures that keep people fascinated, Elizabeth I remains somewhat enigmatic. No one knows the whole truth about the personal aspects of Elizabeth's story. Of course, these things are difficult to know from a historical distance, but even in her own time, her success, power, and mystery were legendary.

Elizabeth became Queen of England when she was only 25 years old. Probably the most talked about aspect of her rule remains her romantic life. Elizabeth was an effective and impressive young queen, but she never married. Much has been made of this fact, and even today, people speculate and disagree about her reasons for remaining "The Virgin Queen." This is so partly because she never offered a complete explanation herself and partly because she displayed an intriguing mix of intelligence and reserve that still keeps people wondering what she was thinking.

Elizabeth undoubtedly had accomplishments outside of her private life which have cemented her place in history. One of the most significant is her role in the establishment of the Protestant Church in England. For reasons both personal and political, she sided with the general feelings of the people and moved to separate the Church in England from the authority of the Pope. Elizabeth is seen as having led England into a "golden age," a time that saw England rise to a place of unprecedented global importance.

It was a time when England produced renowned playwrights, most notably Shakespeare, and several famous adventurers. As we can see from the recent release of the Hollywood movie on the subject, the story of Elizabeth I has not lost its appeal.

1. Which of the following is TRUE of Elizabeth I?

(A) She established the Church of England when she was only 25.

(B) She was intelligent and said whatever was on her mind.

(C) She was credited with contributing to a very prosperous time for England.

(D) She had Shakespeare produce many plays for her.

2. According to the article, what can we infer about Elizabeth's love life?

(A) It was more important than the rest of the things she did.

(B) It is not clear why she never married, and this keeps people interested.

(C) While she was successful as a queen, she was a failure with men.

(D) It's the main reason why she wanted to abolish the Church.

3. The people of England probably _____.

(A) had no interest in religion at all

(B) thought the Church should be led by the Pope

(C) didn't care about Elizabeth's religious preference

(D) were pleased with Elizabeth's decision about the Church


1. virgin a. 處女的 & n. 未婚女子,處女

2. historical a. 歷史上的;(有關(guān))歷史的

historic a. 歷史性的;有歷史意義的

3. enigmatic a. 如謎一般的;費解的

enigma n. 謎;難以理解的事物

4. aspect n. 方面

5. legendary a. 傳奇的;傳說的

6. romantic a. 浪漫的;多情的

romance n. 愛情故事

7. impressive a. 令人印象深刻的

8. intriguing a. 令人感興趣的

9. reserve n. 寡言;含蓄

10. accomplishment n. 成就

11. significant a. 重大的;有意義的

12. establishment n. 建立,創(chuàng)立

13. Protestant a. 新教徒的 & n. 新教徒

14. authority n. 權(quán)力,權(quán)威

15. Pope n. 羅馬教皇

16. unprecedented a. 空前的

17. playwright n. 劇作家

18. notably adv. 顯著地;尤其是

19. release n. 發(fā)行,發(fā)表

20. prosperous a. 繁榮的

21. infer vt. 推斷

22. abolish vt. 廢除


1. from a historical distance  從長久的歷史來看

2. outside of...  在……之外;除了……

3. be seen as...  被視為……

= be viewed/regarded as...

= be looked upon/thought of as...

4. be on one's mind  某人心中想著(某事)

5. contribute to + N/V-ing  對……作出貢獻


1. fascinate vt. 使著迷

be fascinated by/with...   為……所著迷

= be enthralled by...

例: I am fascinated by Medieval European history.


2. somewhat adv. 有點,稍微


somewhat 使用時,通常置于形容詞或副詞之前修飾。

例: Willy acted somewhat distressed after receiving his report card.


3. effectivea.(人)有能力的;有效的

efficient a. 效率高的


effective 是指能夠迅速地產(chǎn)生某種期待的效果或結(jié)果,如:effective medicine(有效的藥物)。

efficient 則指有能力達成工作目的而不浪費時間與精力,如:an efficient worker(有效率的員工)。

例: The new drug is effective in the treatment of liver diseases.


例: This new machine is more efficient than that old one.


4. speculate vi. 猜測,臆測(與介詞 about 或 on 并用)

speculate about/on...  猜測……,臆測……

例: Everyone is speculating on who will be elected the US president.


5. partly because (of)...and partly because (of)...


例: Partly because I overslept and partly because the traffic was heavy, I was late for school this morning.


6. undoubtedly adv. 毫無疑問地

= doubtless(ly)

= no doubt

= without (a) doubt

例: Stan is no doubt the nicest neighbor we have.


7. cement vt. 鞏固 & n. 水泥

例: His visit cemented our friendship.


8. side with...  支持……,站在……那一邊

= take sides with...

例: We sided with the home team even though their opponents were from our hometown.


9. separate A from B  把 A 與 B 分開

例: The teacher separated John from other boys because of his misbehavior.


10. renowned a. 有名的

be renowned/famous for sth  以……(事物)聞名

be renowned/famous as + 身分  以某身分為人所知

例: Simon is renowned for his ability to write touching speeches.


例: He is renowned as a talented singer.


11. appeal n. 吸引力 & vi. 吸引

appeal to sb  受某人歡迎;吸引某人

例: Rap and hip-hop music appeal to many young people.


12. be credited with...  具有……的功勞(某事是某人做的)

be credited to sb  歸功于某人

例: Thomas Edison is credited with the invention of the light bulb.


例: The discovery of this plant was credited to Prof. Stevenson.


13. preference n. 偏好

have a preference for...  偏好……

例: Mike has a preference for Mexican food.


14. be pleased with...  對……感到滿意

= be satisfied with...

例: The track coach was not satisfied with the performance of his team.




伊麗莎白 25 歲時繼位成為英國女王。談到她的統(tǒng)治,或許最為人津津樂道的就是她的感情生活。伊麗莎白是個有能力又令人印象深刻的年輕女王,但她卻終身未嫁。關(guān)于這點曾有諸多說法,即使到今天,世人仍在猜測與爭論她成為『童貞女王』的原因。部分是因為她自己從未完整交代為何保持單身,部分則是因為她擁有結(jié)合聰穎慧黠與內(nèi)斂的迷人特質(zhì),不讓人知道她內(nèi)心的想法。


1. 關(guān)于伊麗莎白一世的敘述下列何者正確?

(A) 她建立英國國教時年僅 25 歲。

(B) 她很聰明,而且有話直說。

(C) 她對英國的興盛繁榮居功厥偉。

(D) 她讓莎士比亞為她寫了許多戲劇。

題解: 根據(jù)本文第三段,一般認為伊麗莎白帶領(lǐng)英國進入『黃金年代』,讓英國在國際站上前所未有的重要地位,與 (C) 選項相近,故選之。

2. 根據(jù)本文,我們可推論伊麗莎白的感情生活為何?

(A) 她的感情生活遠比其它作為來得重要。

(B) 她未婚的理由并不清楚,這使得人們很感興趣。

(C) 她是個稱職的女王,但是和男人的關(guān)系卻很糟。

(D) 這是她要廢除教會的原因。

題解: 根據(jù)本文第二段,伊麗莎白女王最為人津津樂道的就是她的感情生活,她終身未嫁,即使到今天,世人仍在猜測與爭論她成為『童貞女王』的原因,故選 (B)。

3. 英國人民也許 _____。

(A) 對宗教毫無興趣

(B) 認為教會應(yīng)該由教皇來領(lǐng)導(dǎo)

(C) 不在乎伊麗莎白的宗教偏好

(D) 很滿意伊麗莎白對教會的決策

題解: 根據(jù)本文第三段,女王支持一般大眾的想法,進而帶領(lǐng)英國教會脫離教皇的管轄,故選 (D)。

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D)


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