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常春藤解析英語(yǔ) 41 The True Story of Darren Shan 向達(dá)倫的真實(shí)冒險(xiǎn)




The True Story of Darren Shan 向達(dá)倫的真實(shí)冒險(xiǎn)

by Kevin Lustig

Over the past several years, a British author has written a series of books that have captivated readers around the world. It's an author whose books involve adventure, terrifying enemies, and heroic young characters with special powers. No, it's not J. K. Rowling. As millions of fans across the globe already know, the author is Darren Shan.

Darren Shan is the pseudonym for Darren O'Shaughnessy. Originally born in London in 1972, O'Shaughnessy has lived most of his life in Ireland. He began writing stories, comics, and books during childhood. Starting at the age of 26, he published two books for adults. At the same time, O'Shaughnessy wrote a children's book, Cirque du Freak, which included frightening creatures like vampires and werewolves. Though children's writing was not his focus, this book was his biggest success. O'Shaughnessy began to work on sequels to Cirque du Freak featuring a boy named Darren Shan. This extremely popular series, The Saga of Darren Shan, now encompasses a total of 12 books, which have been translated into 29 languages and sold in 36 countries.

Recently in Taipei, Darren O'Shaughnessy spoke about his experiences as a writer. Because his books are often bloody, they can be intense. However, O'Shaughnessy says that carnage is not the point of his stories. While readers won't really see their friends killed by terrifying monsters, everyone encounters death sooner or later. "It's important for children to examine . . . these issues," O'Shaughnessy says. "If you explore ideas of death and loss in fiction, it makes it easier to deal with loss when it happens to you in real life." Through their frightening adventures, O'Shaughnessy's characters teach readers lessons about coping with and recovering from the trials of real life.

As for readers who may want to be writers someday, O'Shaughnessy suggests that they write as much as possible. According to O'Shaughnessy, writing is hard work, but the most important thing is to keep writing the best stories that you can. With over 10 million books sold worldwide, it's fair to say that this popular author knows what he's talking about.

1. What is NOT true about the name Darren Shan?

(A) It is the pen name of Darren O'Shaughnessy.

(B) It is the title of Darren O'Shaughnessy's first book.

(C) It is the name of the main character of some horror books.

(D) It is in the title of a series of horror books.

2. Darren Shan's books are often scary in order to


(A) help readers deal with death

(B) terrify the books' readers

(C) sell the highest number of books he can

(D) be as realistic as possible

3. Darren O'Shaughnessy says that writers have to _____ to be successful.

(A) sell over 10 million books

(B) write horror stories

(C) try to write just like him

(D) constantly work very hard

4. Which of the following is true about Darren O'Shaughnessy's books?

(A) They have sold fewer than 10 million copies.

(B) They have been printed in 23 languages.

(C) They have included only 12 different characters.

(D) They have been sold in 36 different countries.


1. adventure n. 冒險(xiǎn)

adventurous a. 愛(ài)冒險(xiǎn)的

2. pseudonym n. 筆名

= pen name

3. comic n. 漫畫(huà)

= comic book

4. publish vt. 出版

5. frightening a. 令人害怕的

6. vampire n. 吸血鬼

7. werewolf n. 狼人

8. sequel n. 續(xù)集(與 to 并用)

9. bloody a. 血腥的

10. carnage n. 大屠殺,殺戮

11. issue n. 議題

12. realistic a. 寫(xiě)實(shí)的

13. constantly adv. 持續(xù)不斷地


1. a series of...  一系列的∕一連串的……

2. a total of...  總共……

3. sooner or later  遲早

4. deal with...  處理∕應(yīng)付……

= cope with...


1. captivate vt. 使著迷

be captivated by/with...  著迷于……

= be fascinated by...

例: I was captivated by the beautiful girl's smile.


2. terrifying a. 令人害怕的

terrified a. 感到害怕的

be terrified of...  害怕……

= be scared of...

= be frightened of...

= be afraid of...

例: My mother is terrified of cockroaches.


3. work on...  著手∕從事……

例: Hal can't go to the party since he has to work on his homework.


4. encompass vt. 包含

例: The UK encompasses Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


5. be translated into...  被翻譯成……(語(yǔ)言)

例: The book's sales went up after it was translated into Chinese.


6. intense a. 強(qiáng)烈的,極端的

intense heat  酷熱


intensive a. 密集的;加強(qiáng)的

intensive training  密集訓(xùn)練

intensive care (unit)  加護(hù)病房

例: During the war, there was a lot of intense fighting.


例: After the accident, Gary was in intensive care for a long time.


7. encounter vt. 遭遇

例: After encountering many setbacks, Sandy became sort of pessimistic.


8. recover from...  從……恢復(fù)∕復(fù)原

例: I recovered from my cold quickly and went back to school.


9. trial n. 考驗(yàn);磨練

be on trial  受審判

例: Lisa didn't seem sorry even when she was on trial for murder.


10. someday adv. 將來(lái)有一天(用于未來(lái)式)

one day  (過(guò)去)某日(用于過(guò)去式);將來(lái)有一天(= someday,用于未來(lái)式)

例: If you persevere, you will get somewhere someday/one day.


例: I met a handsome lifeguard at the beach one day last summer.


11. It's fair to say + that 子句  說(shuō)……是公道的

例: It's fair to say that Al is the smartest boy in school since he gets the best grades.



...O'Shaughnessy suggests that they (should) write as much as possible.


suggest 作『建議』時(shí),為意志動(dòng)詞,其后的 that 子句中須使用助動(dòng)詞 should,但 should 可予以省略,而直接接原形動(dòng)詞。意志動(dòng)詞計(jì)有下列五大類:

建議:suggest, recommend, advise, urge, propose。

要求:ask, desire, demand, require, request。

命令:order, command。

規(guī)定:rule, regulate, stipulate, prescribe。

主張:insist, advocate, maintain。

例: As your lawyer, I advise that you (should) turn yourself in to the police.



過(guò)去幾年來(lái),有位英國(guó)作家撰寫(xiě)了一系列書(shū)籍,擄獲全球讀者的心。他的作品中有冒險(xiǎn)、可怕的敵人,及擁有魔法的英雄少年。不,他不是 J. K. 羅琳。全球數(shù)百萬(wàn)書(shū)迷對(duì)這個(gè)名字已不陌生,他就是向達(dá)倫。

向達(dá)倫是達(dá)倫.歐沙納西的筆名。歐沙納西于 1972 年出生于倫敦,但大部分時(shí)間在愛(ài)爾蘭度過(guò)。他在童年期間便開(kāi)始創(chuàng)作故事、漫畫(huà)與書(shū)籍。從二十六歲開(kāi)始,他出版了兩本以成人為讀者群的書(shū)籍。同時(shí),他也寫(xiě)了一本叫作《怪奇馬戲團(tuán)》的童書(shū),內(nèi)容包含了吸血鬼、狼人等恐怖生物。雖然童書(shū)并非他寫(xiě)作的重心,這本書(shū)卻成了他最暢銷的一本。歐沙納西開(kāi)始著手寫(xiě)《怪奇馬戲團(tuán)》的續(xù)集,故事主角即是一位叫向達(dá)倫的男孩。極受歡迎的《向達(dá)倫大冒險(xiǎn)》系列共有十二集,已譯成二十九種語(yǔ)言,在三十六個(gè)國(guó)家銷售。



1. 關(guān)于向達(dá)倫這個(gè)名字下列何者為非?

(A) 是達(dá)倫.歐沙納西的筆名。

(B) 是達(dá)倫.歐沙納西第一本書(shū)的書(shū)名。

(C) 是某些恐怖小說(shuō)的男主角名。

(D) 包含在一系列恐怖小說(shuō)的書(shū)名中。

題解: 根據(jù)本文第二段,向達(dá)倫是達(dá)倫.歐沙納西的筆名,也是《怪奇馬戲團(tuán)》續(xù)集中男主角的名字,《向達(dá)倫大冒險(xiǎn)》(The Saga of Darren Shan)系列書(shū)籍也包含了向達(dá)倫這個(gè)名字,僅 (B) 非正確敘述,故選之。

2. 向達(dá)倫的書(shū)通常都很恐怖,這是為了 _____。

(A) 幫助讀者處理死亡這件事

(B) 嚇壞這些書(shū)的讀者

(C) 盡可能賣出越多書(shū)

(D) 盡可能真實(shí)

題解: 根據(jù)第三段,年輕讀者若能在小說(shuō)中學(xué)習(xí)關(guān)于死亡與失去的概念,當(dāng)它發(fā)生在真實(shí)生活中時(shí),就比較容易處理了,可知應(yīng)選 (A)。

3. 達(dá)倫.歐沙納西說(shuō)作者必須 _____ 才能成功。

(A) 賣超過(guò)一千萬(wàn)本書(shū)。

(B) 寫(xiě)恐怖小說(shuō)

(C) 設(shè)法寫(xiě)得像他一樣

(D) 持續(xù)努力創(chuàng)作

題解: 根據(jù)第四段,歐沙納西建議想成為作家的人盡可能寫(xiě)作,并說(shuō)寫(xiě)作是件苦差事,得不斷努力,故選 (D)。

4. 關(guān)于達(dá)倫.歐沙納西的書(shū),下列何者為真?

(A) 它們的銷售量沒(méi)有超過(guò)一千萬(wàn)本。

(B) 它們以二十三種語(yǔ)言出版。

(C) 它們只包含十二個(gè)不同的角色。

(D) 它們?cè)谌鶄€(gè)國(guó)家銷售。

題解: 根據(jù)第二段,《向達(dá)倫大冒險(xiǎn)》系列共有十二集,已譯成二十九種語(yǔ)言,在三十六個(gè)國(guó)家銷售,且第四段提到向達(dá)倫創(chuàng)下全球一千多萬(wàn)本書(shū)籍的銷售量,得知僅 (D) 為正確敘述。

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (D)


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