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常春藤解析英語 21 活力奔放拉拉隊(duì)




Something to Cheer About 活力奔放拉拉隊(duì)

by Julia Koprak

It all started in the 1880s, when groups of students at Princeton University football games would chant, "Rah, rah, rah! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Sis, sis, sis! Boom, boom, boom, aah!" to encourage team support and school spirit. The actual term "cheerleader" was initiated a few years later in 1898, when Johnny Campbell of the University of Minnesota _(1)_ a crowd of students in an organized chant. Cheerleading quickly became a popular activity, with well-known figures such as _(2)_ American presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower joining in the fun. Indeed, the first cheerleaders were male, and in fact, women only started to get seriously involved _(3)_ cheerleading during the mid-20th century.

Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, the founder of the National Cheerleader's Association, can be credited with transforming cheerleading _(4)_ the sport it is today. In 1948, he held a camp for 52 young women _(5)_ in cheerleading. He also created cheerleader uniforms as well as popularized the use of pom-poms. The trend spread to American high schools and in 1978, the first cheerleading competitions _(6)_. Now there are over 3.5 million cheerleaders in the world.

Interestingly _(7)_, in today's world of cheerleading, actual chants are few and far between. The routines more often include dance, gymnastics, pyramid building, and basket tosses. Watching a well-trained cheerleading squad _(8)_ is quite mesmerizing. People are _(9)_ and fly through the air, while others do backflips below. This requires lots of motivation and hard work. During competitions, one small mistake will force judges to deduct points, or _(10)_ worse, lead to serious injury. With complicated dance steps and acrobatics, cheerleading has emerged as a professional sport of its own that extends beyond the sidelines.

(A) even (B) in (C) took place (D) interested (E) perform

(F) led (G) enough (H) former (I) into (J) tossed up


1. ...when Johnny Campbell of the University of Minnesota led a crowd of students in an organized chant.


a. 本句尚缺動(dòng)詞,根據(jù)時(shí)態(tài),應(yīng)置入一過去式及物動(dòng)詞或詞組動(dòng)詞。

b. 選項(xiàng)中符合上述條件的選項(xiàng)有下列:(D) interested(使有興趣)、(F) led(帶領(lǐng))和 (J) tossed up(將……向上拋),由于空格后的受詞為 a crowd of students(一群學(xué)生),得知應(yīng)置入 (F) led 方符合語意,故選之。

2. ...well-known figures such as former American presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower joining in the fun.


a. 空格后為名詞 American presidents(美國(guó)總統(tǒng)),得知本空格應(yīng)置入形容詞加以修飾。

b. 選項(xiàng)中可作形容詞的有 (A) even (平坦的)、(D) interested(感興趣的)、(G) enough(足夠的)和 (H) former(前任的)。

c. 根據(jù)語意,應(yīng)置入 (H) former,表『前美國(guó)總統(tǒng)』,故選之。

3. ...women only started to get seriously involved in cheerleading during the mid-20th century.


a. 本句測(cè)試下列固定詞組:

get/be involved in...  參與∕從事……

例: Do you know how I can get involved in working with that charity?


b. 根據(jù)上述用法,故選 (B) in。

4. Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer...can be credited with transforming cheerleading into the sport it is today.


a. 本空格測(cè)試下列固定用法:

transform A into B  將 A 轉(zhuǎn)變成 B


凡表『將……變成……』介詞均用 into 來表示,如:change...into...、turn...into... 等。

例: It is my goal to transform the old warehouse into a studio.


b. 空格前有 transforming 及受詞 cheerleading,可知空格應(yīng)置入介詞 into,故選 (I)。

5. In 1948, he held a camp for 52 young women interested in cheerleading.


a. 本句為一完整句構(gòu),可知空格應(yīng)置入現(xiàn)在分詞或過去分詞,作形容詞用,修飾空格前的名詞(先行詞)women。

b. 由空格后的介詞詞組 in cheerleading 可知,此處應(yīng)選填 interested(感興趣的),以形成下列固定用法:

be interested in...  對(duì)……有興趣

例: My younger brother is interested in collecting stamps.


c. 本句原為:

In 1948, he held a camp for 52 young women who were interested in cheerleading.

d. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (D)。

6. ...in 1978, the first cheerleading competitions took place.


a. 本句尚缺動(dòng)詞,根據(jù)時(shí)態(tài),應(yīng)置入一過去式動(dòng)詞或動(dòng)詞詞組,且由于空格后沒有受詞,得知該動(dòng)詞應(yīng)為不及物動(dòng)詞。

b. 選項(xiàng)中,僅 (C) took place(發(fā)生;舉行)為過去式不及物動(dòng)詞詞組。而且本句主詞為 competitions (比賽),took place 置入后語意通順,故選之。

c. take place  (事件)發(fā)生;舉行

例: Because I overslept, I missed the speech contest that took place this morning.


7. Interestingly enough, in today's world of cheerleading, actual chants are few and far between.


a. 句首為副詞 Interestingly(有趣地),得知空格應(yīng)置入可作后位修飾的副詞加以修飾。

b. 選項(xiàng)中僅 (G) enough(足夠地)可置于形容詞或副詞之后作后位修飾,故為正選。

例: Oddly enough, he hasn't slept for three days, yet he doesn't feel tired at all.


8. Watching a well-trained cheerleading squad perform is quite mesmerizing.


a. 本空格測(cè)試知覺動(dòng)詞的用法:

表『看』(watch, see, look at)、『聽』(hear, listen to)與『感覺』(feel)的知覺動(dòng)詞加受詞后,可接原形動(dòng)詞作受詞補(bǔ)語,以強(qiáng)調(diào)該動(dòng)作;亦可接現(xiàn)在分詞,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行中。

b. 根據(jù)上述,由受詞 a well-trained cheerleading squad(訓(xùn)練有素的拉拉隊(duì))可知,本空格應(yīng)選 (E) perform(表演)。

9. People are tossed up and fly through the air, while others do backflips below.


a. 空格前有 be 動(dòng)詞 are,得知應(yīng)置入現(xiàn)在分詞或過去分詞,以形成進(jìn)行式或被動(dòng)式。

. 選項(xiàng)中僅剩 (J) tossed up(向上拋)為過去分詞,置入后亦符合語意,故為正選。

c. be tossed up  被向上拋

toss up...  將……向上拋

例: We tossed up a coin to decide which team would get the ball first.


10. ...one small mistake will force judges to deduct points, or even worse, lead to serious injury.


a. 由其后的比較級(jí)形容詞 worse 得知,本空格測(cè)試修飾比較級(jí)形容詞或副詞的詞類,計(jì)有下列六個(gè):

far, much, even, still, a lot, a great deal。

例: I found a NT$100 bill. What's even better, I played the lottery with it and won NT$100,000.


b. 根據(jù)上述,故選 (A) even。


1.initiate vt. 創(chuàng)始;發(fā)起

例: Lee initiated this company trip. He always has great ideas.


2.join in...  參與∕加入……

例: Don't join in the conversation if you don't have anything positive to say.


3.be credited with...  對(duì)……有功

例: The waitress can be credited with saving the man's life because she performed CPR on him.


4.popularize vt. 使普及

例: The pop star popularized long fingernails covered with decorations and jewels.


5.few and far between  罕見的,稀少的

例: Nowadays, people like that brave young man are few and far between.


6.mesmerizing a. 使人著迷的

例: Her mesmerizing performance was greater than any of the other dancers.


7.deduct vt. 扣除,減除

例: The main drawback of this job is that NT$10 is deducted for every minute I'm late.


8.emerge vi. 興起;出現(xiàn)

例: This area has emerged as a hangout for the young and trendy.



1. chant vt.(反復(fù)而有節(jié)奏地)喊叫 & n. 吟頌

2. encourage vt. 鼓舞;鼓勵(lì)

3. cheerleader n. 拉拉隊(duì)(隊(duì)員)

4. organized a. 有組織的

5. cheerleading n. 以拉拉隊(duì)的方式加油

6. founder n. 創(chuàng)立者

7. uniform n. 制服

8. pom-pom n. 拉拉隊(duì)用的彩球

9. trend n. 趨勢(shì)

10. competition n. 競(jìng)賽

11. gymnastics n. 體操

12. toss n. & vt. 投擲

13. well-trained a. 訓(xùn)練有素的

14. squad n. 小隊(duì)

15. backflip n. 后空翻

16. motivation n. 干勁;動(dòng)機(jī)

17. acrobatics n. 特技表演

18. sidelines n.(球場(chǎng)等的)界外地區(qū),場(chǎng)外


1. a crowd of...  一群……

2. lead to N/V-ing  導(dǎo)致……


這一切始于 1880 年代,普林斯頓大學(xué)的美式足球賽上成群學(xué)生高喊『啦、啦、啦!老虎!老虎!老虎!呦、呦、呦!跰、跰、跰、啊!』事實(shí)上,拉拉隊(duì)這個(gè)詞在幾年后的 1898 年才開始使用,那時(shí)明尼蘇達(dá)大學(xué)的錢寧?坎貝爾率領(lǐng)一群學(xué)生有組織地加油叫喊。拉拉隊(duì)活動(dòng)很快便蔚為流行。許多知名人士,如美國(guó)前總統(tǒng)羅斯福和艾森豪威爾都參加過這好玩的活動(dòng)。的確,剛開始的拉拉隊(duì)成員都是男性,女性實(shí)際上到了二十世紀(jì)中才開始正式參與拉拉隊(duì)。

外號(hào)『Herkie』的勞倫斯?何奇莫是國(guó)際拉拉隊(duì)協(xié)會(huì)的創(chuàng)辦人,在將拉拉隊(duì)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)今的型態(tài)有莫大功勞。1948 年,他為 52 名對(duì)拉拉隊(duì)有興趣的年輕女性舉辦了一個(gè)營(yíng)隊(duì)。他還設(shè)計(jì)了拉拉隊(duì)制服,并讓彩球的使用普及化。這股風(fēng)潮在美國(guó)中學(xué)傳開,1978 年第一屆拉拉隊(duì)比賽正式舉行。如今全球有超過三百五十萬名拉拉隊(duì)成員。



1. (F) 2. (H) 3. (B) 4. (I) 5. (D)

6. (C) 7. (G) 8. (E) 9. (J) 10. (A)


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