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常春藤解析英語(yǔ) 16 Diamonds Aren't Everyone's Best




by Jerri C. Graham

In the middle of dinner, Victor got down on one knee. Taking Claire's hand in his, he spoke the words she had been dying to hear, "Will you marry me?" Claire beamed as Victor reached into his pocket, pulling out the velvet-covered jewelry box. Nestled inside was a two-carat diamond. As he placed the ring on her finger, the look of joy on her face turned to horror as blood began to drip from the ring. This blood wasn't her own, but the blood of the thousands of men and women who died as a result of the diamond she was now wearing.

This example is an exaggerated illustration of the blood diamond trade. Blood diamonds are not red, nor are they dripping with blood. These are precious stones that are mined in countries that are considered war zones. The gems are then secretly sold, with the proceeds funding the war efforts of terrorists or of less-than-honorable military regimes.

Africa may be the cradle of civilization, but in it sleep age-old feuds that have taken countless lives. The majority of the world's diamonds come from Africa. Countries such as Angola, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast are known to produce some of the most pristine diamonds on earth. These places are also known for their bloody wars and conflicts.

In 1974, Portugal's rule of Angola came to an end. Soon after independence, fighting among different factions broke out. The civil war lasted 27 years and took over half a million lives. Many of the bombs, bullets, and grenades used to kill were purchased using funds from the sale of diamonds. These diamonds found their way onto the fingers, wrists, and necks of the wealthy around the world.

For years, the diamond trade was stained with the blood of these sorts of operations. However, the public as well as governments around the world eventually became informed about its violent nature. Sanctions against the diamond industry in these countries made a difference and now most of these conflicts have been resolved and the trade is sparkling again.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

(A) To show the proper way to propose.

(B) To limit the time a person can wear a diamond.

(C) To suggest when and where to ask someone to marry you.

(D) To demonstrate how the diamonds we buy may have had a horrible past.

2. Which of the following isn't part of the blood diamond process?

(A) Diamonds are mined.

(B) Weapons are purchased.

(C) Countries reach peace agreements.

(D) Customers buy diamonds.

3. How did diamonds take lives in Angola?

(A) The terrorists used them as weapons.

(B) Different groups purchased weapons using money from the sale of diamonds.

(C) Diamonds are often used to create some of the most sophisticated weapons.

(D) Precious stones can add value to any country seeking independence.

4. What helped weaken the blood diamond trade?

(A) Searches for missing relatives lost in the conflict.

(B) Research done by participants in the diamond trade.

(C) Officials not allowing the sale of these diamonds.

(D) An increase in demand for other gemstones.


1. velvet n. 絲絨

2. carat n. 克拉(鉆石的重量單位)

3. drip vi. 滴下

4. illustration n. 說(shuō)明,例證

5. mine vt. 開(kāi)采(礦物)

6. proceeds n. 收益(恒用復(fù)數(shù))

7. less-than-honorable  一點(diǎn)也不值得尊敬的

honorable a. 可尊敬的;高尚的

8. regime n. 政體

9. feud n. 宿仇;長(zhǎng)期爭(zhēng)斗

10. pristine a. 原始的;純樸的

11. faction n.(政黨、組織等的)派別

12. civil war n. 內(nèi)戰(zhàn)

13. grenade n. 手榴彈

14. sparkling a. 閃耀的

15. propose vi. 求婚

propose to sb  向某人求婚

16. sophisticated a. 精密的

17. gemstone n. 寶石


1. get down on one knee  單膝下跪

2. as a result of...  由于……

3. the/a majority of...  大多數(shù)的……

the/a minority of...  少數(shù)的……


1. Nestled inside was a two-carat diamond.

= A two-carat diamond was nestled inside.


2. ...but in it sleep age-old feuds that have taken countless lives.

= ...but age-old feuds that have taken countless lives sleep in it.



1.be dying + to V/for N  渴望(做)……

= be longing + to V/for N

= be eager + to V/for N

例:Gail has been dying to visit Spain ever since she started studying Spanish.


2.beam vi. 高興地微笑

例:The grandmother was beaming at her newborn grandson.


3.nestle vt. 安置;使依靠(常用被動(dòng)式)

例:The baby bird was nestled beneath her mother's wing.


4.exaggerated a. 夸張的

exaggerate vt. 夸張,夸大

例:The exaggerated report claimed that 15,000 people became sick because of the sour milk.


5.be the cradle of...  為……的搖籃∕發(fā)源地

from the cradle to the grave  從生到死,一輩子

例:The insurance company says that they will be with their customers from the cradle to the grave.


6.conflict n. 沖突;抵觸

in conflict with...  與……沖突∕抵觸

例:The two countries have been in conflict with each other since the beginning of the century.


7.come to an end  結(jié)束

例:The dictator's rule came to an end on the day of his death.


8.break out  (戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)、疫情等)爆發(fā)

例:After a fight broke out at the nightclub, most of the guests quickly departed.


9.stain vt. 玷污;弄臟

例:The child spilled juice on the floor and stained his mother's new white carpet.


10.sanction n. 制裁(常用復(fù)數(shù))

impose sanctions on/against...  對(duì)……實(shí)施制裁

例:The UN will impose sanctions against that country if they don't halt their nuclear program.


11.make a difference  有影響;使有所差別

例:Nothing you said made a difference in his decision. Tom will always do whatever he wants to do.


12.resolve vt. 解決;下定決心

resolve to V  下定決心做……

例:I've resolved to lose 10 kilos by the end of May.


13.demonstrate vt. 說(shuō)明;展現(xiàn)

例:The computer company demonstrated its human side when it donated money to build a hospital.






1974 年,葡萄牙對(duì)安哥拉的統(tǒng)治告終。獨(dú)立后不久,不同政黨間的沖突爆發(fā)。內(nèi)戰(zhàn)持續(xù)了二十七年,超過(guò)五十萬(wàn)人因此喪生。許多用來(lái)殺戮的炸彈、子彈和手榴彈都是藉由鉆石交易所得而購(gòu)得。這些鉆石就出現(xiàn)在全球有錢(qián)人的手指、手腕和脖子上。


1. 本文第一段的用意為何?

(A) 展現(xiàn)求婚的恰當(dāng)方式。

(B) 限制一個(gè)人可以佩戴鉆石的時(shí)間。

(C) 建議向人求婚的時(shí)機(jī)與地點(diǎn)。

(D) 說(shuō)明我們購(gòu)買(mǎi)的鉆石可能擁有可怕的故事。

題解:本文第二段開(kāi)頭即點(diǎn)明上一段的例子夸張地說(shuō)明了血鉆石交易,可知(D) 為正選。

2. 下列何者并非血鉆石交易的過(guò)程之一?

(A) 開(kāi)采鉆石。

(B) 購(gòu)買(mǎi)武器。

(C) 國(guó)家達(dá)成和平協(xié)議。

(D) 消費(fèi)者購(gòu)買(mǎi)鉆石。

題解:血鉆石交易指的是暗中賣(mài)掉鉆石后,將所得利益用來(lái)資助恐怖分子或不正當(dāng)?shù)能娛抡w從事戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),可知(C) 并非過(guò)程之一。

3. 鉆石如何在安哥拉奪走人命?

(A) 恐怖分子用鉆石當(dāng)作武器。

(B) 不同團(tuán)體利用賣(mài)鉆石賺的錢(qián)購(gòu)買(mǎi)武器。

(C) 鉆石常被用來(lái)制造某些最精密的武器。

(D) 寶石能為任何尋求獨(dú)立的國(guó)家增值。

題解:根據(jù)第四段,許多用來(lái)殺人的炸彈、子彈和手榴彈都是藉由鉆石交易的所得而購(gòu)得,故知(B) 為正選。

4. 何者幫助削減血鉆石交易?

(A) 對(duì)于在沖突中走失親戚的搜尋行動(dòng)。

(B) 參與鉆石交易者所做的研究。

(C) 不允許這些鉆石買(mǎi)賣(mài)的官員。

(D) 對(duì)其他寶石需求的增加。

題解:根據(jù)最末段,針對(duì)這些國(guó)家鉆石業(yè)實(shí)施的制裁產(chǎn)生了效果,使鉆石不再蒙上血腥的色彩,可知(C) 為正選。


1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (C)


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