Have you ever had the good fortune to be invited to someone's home during a business trip? Perhaps it was a client or a prospective client. Maybe it was acolleague or potential business partner. And have you ever had the opportunity to have overseas visitors in your own home?
These are great chances to get to know the people you do business with. You are engagingwith people on a personal level and building better relationships. And it's important to do that right. The language you use, either as a host or a guest, requires great care.
In today's lesson, we're going to hear a conversation among four people. Grace and Lee are on a business trip to their company offices in California. During their trip, they have been invited to visit the home of a work colleague, Tanya. Tanya and her husband, Mark, are hosting a dinner for the two guests.
This is a perfect situation to learn some important aspects of English. We'll look at how to make people comfortable, how to show interest in others, how to refuse offers politely, and how to show modesty. These are all essential skills when you sit down to dinner with colleagues or clients.
Listening Questions
1. What does Grace say is usual on business trips?
2. What is interesting about Tanya and Mark's home?
3. What is Grace hoping to do if they finish their work on time?