今天我們要學的詞是 precipice.
precipice 原是指懸崖絕壁,或者危險的境地。 With cellphones becoming more sophisticated, internet becoming faster, and VR headsets becoming cheaper, we are at the precipice of a whole new virtual world. 隨著手機越來越復雜,網絡越來越快,虛擬實景眼鏡越來越便宜,我們即將墜入一個全新的虛擬世界。
Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced recently that drug-overdose deaths in the US are on the precipice of declining for the first time in decades. 美國疾病控制和預防中心的官員最近宣布,美國因用藥過量死亡的人數正處在下降邊緣,這是數十年來次第一次。