今天我們要學的詞是 call off. To call off 有取消,叫停的意思。Pakistan opposition leader Imran Khan called off a massive protest to shut down the capital. 巴基斯坦反對黨領袖伊姆蘭·汗叫停了一次原定要讓首都陷入癱瘓的大規(guī)??棺h活動。The search in Myanmar for a missing plane was called off after authorities confirmed there was no airplane crash off its west coast. 有關當局證實,緬甸西海岸沒有飛機墜毀,一架失蹤飛機的搜尋行動因此被取消。好的,我們今天學習的詞是 call off, call off, call off...