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BBC news:蘋果成為全世界最具價值公司




BBC news with Julie Candler.

Somalia has a new parliament, the first to be selected inside the country since the overthrow of the last defective government in 1991. Peter Biles reports.

Somalia has made some progress this year but the political transition isn't going entirely according to plan. It had been hoped that 275 MPs would be sworn in at the police training academy in Mogadishu. In the event, the number of parliamentarians fell short, only 211. And for security reasons, the ceremony had to be moved to the safety of Mogadishu airport where there was protection from thousands of African Union peacekeepers. There has also been a deadline stipulating that a new president should be elected by August 20th. That hasn't happened. So the oldest MP, Muse Hansen, a 72-year-old retired general will lead the country until parliament chooses its president.

President Obama has warned Syria that if it were to move or use chemical weapons, this would change his view on the United states response to the conflict. He said that he had not ordered military intervention in Syria at this point but that the US had put together the contingency plans . Kim Ghattas reports from Washington.

President Barack Obama has warned that the use or movement of biological and chemical weapons in Syria would change his calculation when it comes to military intervention. Mr. Obama said that, although he had not ordered military engagement at the present time on Syria, the US had put together a range of contingency plans. He added that Washington had made clear to President Assad's government and players on the ground that WMDs were an absolute red line. He said it would be enormous consequences if the weapons were used or moved.

The technology giant Apple has become the biggest company ever valued at more than $620bn on the Dow Jones share index in New York. A rise in its share price took the maker of Iphones, Ipads and Ipods, took the mark set by Microsoft in 1999. Russell Padmore reports.

Apple shares have enjoyed significant gains since last week rising to more than $664bn at the Nasdaq market amid speculation it will shortly unveil new versions of its iconic iphone and iPad, as well as a TV device. Apple is now worth 50% more than the oil company ExxonMobil, the second most valuable corporation with share listed in New York. The surge in Apple's stock underlines investors' belief that the next generation of its products will keep ahead of the competition, as well as the hopes they will be in the shops by Christmas.

A Pakistani minister has said that he is gravely concerned for the life of a young Christian girl who has been arrested on charges of desecrating pages of the Koran. The girl, said to be aged between 11 and 13, is being held in prison. There are reports that she has a mental disability.

World news from the BBC.

Reports from Turkey say that at least 8 people were killed when a car bomb exploded in the town of Gaziantep. Dozens were wounded in the blast which occurred near a police station. Gaziantep is in Turkish southeastern region where rebels from the outlawed Kurdish Worker's Party or PKK are active. The PKK seeks autonomy for the Kurds.

A retired Colombian police general, who served as security chief for the then president Alvaro Uribe, has pleaded guilty of having links with right wing paramilitaries. Gen Mauricio Santoyo said he had supported the United South Defense Forces of Colombia which is listed as a terrorist organization in the United States.

The hope of the master’s golf tournament, Augusta National in the American state of Georgia, has admitted women members for the first time in its 80-year history. The former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the South Carolina financer Darla Moore have accepted the invitation to join. Augusta has come under increasing criticism for its failure to admit women. Tony Diamond reports from Washington.

This is, said Augusta National chairman Billy Payne, a joyous occasion. The campaigns to have women joined the club kicked off a decade ago. The former chairman responded that one day the club might have women but not, he said, at the point of a bayonet . The club only has around 300 members, all by invitation only. The first black member was admitted in 1990. For many years all the golf caddies were black. Female caddies were however allowed well before women members.

Phyllis Diller, one of the America's first female stand-up comedy stars, has died in Los Angeles. She was 95. Diller's career spent half a century after she rose to fame in the mid 1950s and survived a heart attack in 1999. Known for her distinctive cackling laugh, Diller aimed many of her harshest jokes at herself and a fictional husband named Fang.

BBC news with Julie Candler.

Julie Candler為你播報BBC新聞。

Somalia has a new parliament, the first to be selected inside the country since the overthrow of the last defective government in 1991. Peter Biles reports.

索馬里有了新議會,這是自1991年有缺陷的政府倒臺來該國第一個選舉出的議會。Peter Biles報道。

Somalia has made some progress this year but the political transition isn't going entirely according to plan. It had been hoped that 275 MPs would be sworn in at the police training academy in Mogadishu. In the event, the number of parliamentarians fell short, only 211. And for security reasons, the ceremony had to be moved to the safety of Mogadishu airport where there was protection from thousands of African Union peacekeepers. There has also been a deadline stipulating that a new president should be elected by August 20th. That hasn't happened. So the oldest MP, Muse Hansen, a 72-year-old retired general will lead the country until parliament chooses its president.

索馬里今年有了一些進步,但根據(jù)計劃,其政治過渡并不徹底。原本希望在摩加迪沙警察培訓學校進行275名 議員宣誓就職儀式,而事實上議會成員不足,只有211名。而且出于安全原因,儀式只好轉移到安全的摩加迪沙機場,那里有數(shù)千名非盟維和人員守衛(wèi)。以前還規(guī) 定了新總統(tǒng)宣布的最后期限,即8月20日。而事實上這些都沒有實現(xiàn),最年長的議員,72歲的退休將軍繆斯·漢森將在議會選舉出總統(tǒng)之前領導該國。

President Obama has warned Syria that if it were to move or use chemical weapons, this would change his view on the United states response to the conflict. He said that he had not ordered military intervention in Syria at this point but that the US had put together the contingency plans . Kim Ghattas reports from Washington.

總統(tǒng)奧巴馬警告敘利亞,稱如果該國移動或使用化學武器,他就會改變美國對這場沖突的反應。他說,此時他還沒有下令對敘利亞進行軍事干預,但美國已經制定了應急方案。Kim Ghattas在華盛頓報道。

President Barack Obama has warned that the use or movement of biological and chemical weapons in Syria would change his calculation when it comes to military intervention. Mr. Obama said that, although he had not ordered military engagement at the present time on Syria, the US had put together a range of contingency plans. He added that Washington had made clear to President Assad's government and players on the ground that WMDs were an absolute red line. He said it would be enormous consequences if the weapons were used or moved.

總統(tǒng)巴拉克·奧巴馬警告說,敘利亞一旦使用或移動生物和化學武器,他就會改變對軍事干預的態(tài)度。奧巴馬 說,盡管目前他還沒有下令對敘利亞進行軍事行動,但美國已經制定了系列應急預案。他說,華盛頓已向總統(tǒng)阿薩德的政府和沖突參與方明確表示,大規(guī)模殺傷武器 就是絕對紅線。他說,如果使用或移動這些武器,后果將是不堪設想的。

The technology giant Apple has become the biggest company ever valued at more than $620bn on the Dow Jones share index in New York. A rise in its share price took the maker of Iphones, Ipads and Ipods, took the mark set by Microsoft in 1999. Russell Padmore reports.

根據(jù)紐約道瓊斯股價指數(shù),科技巨頭蘋果成為價值最大的公司,價值6200億美元。這家生產iPhone,iPads,和iPods的公司股價上漲,超過1999年微軟的股價。Russell Padmore報道。

Apple shares have enjoyed significant gains since last week rising to more than $664bn at the Nasdaq market amid speculation it will shortly unveil new versions of its iconic iphone and iPad, as well as a TV device. Apple is now worth 50% more than the oil company ExxonMobil, the second most valuable corporation with share listed in New York. The surge in Apple's stock underlines investors' belief that the next generation of its products will keep ahead of the competition, as well as the hopes they will be in the shops by Christmas.

有猜測稱蘋果將很快推出新版本的標志性iPhone和iPad,以及一款電視設備,因此自上周開始,蘋果 在納斯達克市場上的股價就取得了顯著的增長。蘋果目前的價值比石油公司埃克森美孚國際公司高50%,美孚是在紐約上市的第二大最具價值的公司。蘋果在股市 的上升使投資者更加相信新一代產品能在圣誕節(jié)前上市,而且更具競爭力。

A Pakistani minister has said that he is gravely concerned for the life of a young Christian girl who has been arrested on charges of desecrating pages of the Koran. The girl, said to be aged between 11 and 13, is being held in prison. There are reports that she has a mental disability.


World news from the BBC.

Reports from Turkey say that at least 8 people were killed when a car bomb exploded in the town of Gaziantep. Dozens were wounded in the blast which occurred near a police station. Gaziantep is in Turkish southeastern region where rebels from the outlawed Kurdish Worker's Party or PKK are active. The PKK seeks autonomy for the Kurds.


A retired Colombian police general, who served as security chief for the then president Alvaro Uribe, has pleaded guilty of having links with right wing paramilitaries. Gen Mauricio Santoyo said he had supported the United South Defense Forces of Colombia which is listed as a terrorist organization in the United States.


The hope of the master’s golf tournament, Augusta National in the American state of Georgia, has admitted women members for the first time in its 80-year history. The former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the South Carolina financer Darla Moore have accepted the invitation to join. Augusta has come under increasing criticism for its failure to admit women. Tony Diamond reports from Washington.

美國高爾夫名人賽的希望,位于美國喬治亞州有80年歷史的奧古斯塔國家高爾夫球俱樂部首次接納女性會員。美國前國務卿康多莉扎·賴斯和南卡羅來納州財長Darla Moore已接受邀請加入該俱樂部。奧古斯塔一直因不接納女性會員而日益?zhèn)涫苤肛煛ony Diamond在華盛頓報道。

This is, said Augusta National chairman Billy Payne, a joyous occasion. The campaigns to have women joined the club kicked off a decade ago. The former chairman responded that one day the club might have women but not, he said, at the point of a bayonet . The club only has around 300 members, all by invitation only. The first black member was admitted in 1990. For many years all the golf caddies were black. Female caddies were however allowed well before women members.

這個消息是奧古斯塔國家高爾夫球俱樂部主席比利·佩恩在愉快的場合宣布的。要求女性加入俱樂部的運動十年 前就開始了,前主席對此表示,俱樂部總有一天會在被逼之下接納女性的。該俱樂部目前大約有300名會員,所有都是邀請而來的。首位黑人會員是1990年加 入的。多年來所有的球童都是黑人,接納女性會員之前就有了女球童。

Phyllis Diller, one of the America's first female stand-up comedy stars, has died in Los Angeles. She was 95. Diller's career spent half a century after she rose to fame in the mid 1950s and survived a heart attack in 1999. Known for her distinctive cackling laugh, Diller aimed many of her harshest jokes at herself and a fictional husband named Fang.


BBC news.


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