Student Rags
Student rags is a ‵well established practice|associated ‵particularly with older Universities of students|mounting some sort of pageant|and collecting money for charity. From the students’ point of view|it is a ‵festive occasion. They ‵think up themes|and ‵decorate a float|(a truck with a flat loading area)|to represent their concept — perhaps a pirate ship, an operating theatre, a coal mine|or something topical and humorous. Then the group of students| associated with that float|‵dresses up to sustain the impression. The Rag Day is ‵often held in February|when it is ‵still decidedly cold, but this does ‵not seem to deter the girls|from dressing in the flimsiest of garments as mermaids or grass-skirted Nawacan maidens, or the lads from turning out as cave men|and the like. There is usually a ‵magazine for the occasion; its contents being ‵mainly humorous|and vulgar, for students feel|that they are given license|for some mild misbehavior.
In this connection|they indulge in ‵certain stunts, for example the ‵kidnapping of local personalities|or people of the entertainment world — who ‵rather like the publicity anyway, or climbing public buildings, for example to put a ‵chamber pot on top|of a steeple. The authorities can be vexed with|the ‵more outrageous of the capers, for example|painting statues, for it is ‵expensive to clean off the paint, but ‵lesser liberties|such as throwing bags of flour|at policemen are tolerated — ‵only just. So, students ‵let off steam|and ‵enjoy a sense of camaraderie, the public is entertained|and contributes by buying magazines|or putting money in collecting boxes. And ‵eventually the cash collected finds its way|into local charitable organizations. The students ‵usually have a Grand Ball|which is often fancy dress ‵too, and this finishes off a strenuous day.
There was a time|when student life was ‵more privileged and leisurely, and perhaps the pressures today|give ‵less scope for participation. Also many students ‵lack the will|to accept social burdens, so there is ‵always something of a struggle these days|to find volunteers for the work involved. Nevertheless ‵each year sees effort coalescing|so that in the end the ‵familiar procession|winds its way through the streets, the public lines the route, ‵weirdly dressed students thrust collecting boxes|under citizens’ noses|and ‵cajole them to part with some money.