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Carl Jensen experienced what he calls “the awakening” sometime around 2012.

2012年左右,卡爾·詹森(Carl Jensen)經(jīng)歷了他所說(shuō)的“覺(jué)醒”。

He was a software engineer in a suburb of Denver, writing code for a medical device. The job was high-pressure: He had to document every step for the Food and Drug Administration, and a coding error could lead to harm or death for patients.

他當(dāng)時(shí)是丹佛郊區(qū)的一個(gè)軟件工程師,為一個(gè)醫(yī)療設(shè)備寫(xiě)代碼。這份工作壓力很大。按照美國(guó)食品與藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的要求,他必須記錄下每一個(gè)步驟。代碼上的一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤,就會(huì)對(duì)病人造成損害或?qū)е滤麄兯劳觥?/p>

Jensen was making about $110,000 a year and had benefits, but the stress hardly seemed worth it. He couldn’t unwind with his family after work; he spent days huddled over the toilet. He lost 10 pounds.


After one especially brutal workday, Jensen searched online: “How do I retire early?” and his eyes were opened. He talked to his wife and came up with a plan: They saved a sizable portion of their income over the next five years and drastically reduced expenses, until their net worth was around $1.2 million.


On Tuesday, March 10, 2017, Jensen called his boss and gave notice after 15 years at the company. He wasn’t quitting, exactly. He had retired. He was 43.


Although Jensen’s story may seem exceptional, a more modest version of the stockbroker who makes a killing on Wall Street and sails off to the Caribbean, he is part of a growing movement of young professionals who are intently focused on quitting their jobs forever.


Millennials have embraced this so-called FIRE movement — the acronym stands for financial independence, retire early — seeing it as a way out of soul-sucking, time-stealing work and an economy fueled by consumerism.

千禧一代已經(jīng)擁抱了這個(gè)所謂的“FIRE”運(yùn)動(dòng)——financial independence, retire early(經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立、早早退休)的首字母縮寫(xiě)。他們將這個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)視為逃離吸食靈魂、占據(jù)時(shí)間的工作和一個(gè)為消費(fèi)主義所推動(dòng)的經(jīng)濟(jì)的方式。

Followers of FIRE tend to be male and work in the tech industry, left-brained engineer-types who geek out on calculating compound interest over 40 years, or the return on investment on low-fee index funds versus real estate rentals.


Indeed, much of the conversation around FIRE, on Reddit message boards or blogs like Mr. Money Mustache, revolves around hacking one’s finances: strategies for increasing your savings rate to the hallowed 70 percent, tips for cheap travel through airline rewards cards, ways to save nickels and dimes at the grocery store.

確實(shí),在Reddit留言板或例如“錢(qián)胡子先生”(Mr Money Mustache)博客上,關(guān)于“FIRE”的討論圍繞著財(cái)務(wù)管理:將你的儲(chǔ)蓄比例增加到神圣的70%的策略;通過(guò)用航空公司的回饋卡廉價(jià)出行;在雜貨店省下幾分幾毫的方法。

Some practice “lean FIRE” (extreme frugality), others “fat FIRE” (maintaining a more typical standard of living while saving and investing), and still others “barista FIRE” (working part-time at Starbucks after retiring, for the company’s health insurance). To be “firing” is to slash one’s expenses to maximize saving while amassing income-generating investments sufficient to support oneself. To have “fired” is to have achieved that goal.


“A lot of people think you’re a new-age hippie,” said Jensen, who sold his four-bedroom, four-bathroom house, downsized to a more modest home and maxed-out retirement accounts while firing. “They can’t even wrap their minds around it.”


In retirement, Jensen and his wife and two daughters plan to live on roughly $40,000 a year generated from investments. Because his wife works, they have yet to draw on those accounts. It’s a life rich on time but short on luxuries: Groceries are bought at Costco, car and home repairs are done by him.


“People always assume there’s an external circumstance: ‘Oh, you must have received an inheritance,'” Jensen said. “We’ve just chosen to live far below our means. That itself is a radical idea.”


Equally radical is opting out of the workforce in your 30s or early 40s, a time of life when men and women are normally leaning into their careers or, less happily, enduring the daily grind to pay the bills until Social Security kicks in.


Jason Long, a pharmacist in rural Tennessee who retired last year at the ripe old age of 38, said his father had a hard time understanding why Long couldn’t continue to work and collect his $150,000 salary.

杰森·朗(Jason Long)是一位住在田納西州鄉(xiāng)村的藥劑師,他在去年以38歲的“高齡”退休。他說(shuō),他的父親很難理解他為什么不能繼續(xù)工作、領(lǐng)取15萬(wàn)美元的薪水。

But Long said he was deeply unhappy in his job, where over his career he witnessed drug costs skyrocketing, sick people battling health insurers and the over-prescription of opioids and the addiction crisis. His customers, angry, financially stretched, often lashed out at the person behind the counter.


“There were days when I had 12- or 14-hour shifts where I didn’t use the restroom, where I didn’t eat, because so much work was piled up on me,” Long said.


Like Jensen, he had been saving a sizable portion of his income over the past decade, and he and his wife had a paid-for house and an investment portfolio worth a little more than $1 million. Why stick around?


“The reality is the numbers are there for me,” Long said. “To go to a job that’s making you miserable every day, it doesn’t make sense to pad the bank account at that point.”


Quitting the rat race isn’t a new concept. From the Shakers of the 1700s to the back-to-the-land hippies of the 1960s and ‘70s, a strain of Americans has always embraced simple living. One of the bibles of the FIRE movement, “Your Money or Your Life,” which teaches readers to reduce their spending and value time (or “life energy”) over material gain, was published in 1992.

放棄對(duì)財(cái)富的激烈競(jìng)爭(zhēng)并不是一個(gè)新概念。從18世紀(jì)的震教徒(Shaker)到60和70年代的嬉皮士,歷史上有一連串的美國(guó)人信奉簡(jiǎn)樸的生活?!陡蛔闳松阂X(qián)還是要命》(Your Money or Your Life)一書(shū)是“FIRE”運(yùn)動(dòng)的圣經(jīng)之一,該書(shū)教導(dǎo)讀者減少花銷(xiāo),珍惜時(shí)間(或“生命能量”),而不是物質(zhì)財(cái)富。該書(shū)于1992年出版。

But Vicki Robin, who wrote that financial guide with Joe Dominguez, said the FIRE crowd is a different breed of dropout from those in the ‘90s. “Our aim was not just to have a whole bunch of people quit their jobs,” Robin said. “Our aim was to lower consumption to save the planet. We attracted longtime simple-living people, religious people, environmentalists.”

不過(guò),與喬·多明戈茲(Joe Dominguez)合著這本財(cái)務(wù)指南的維姬·羅賓(Vicki Robin)說(shuō),“FIRE”的追隨者與90年代的隱居者不同。“我們的目標(biāo)不僅僅是讓一群人辭掉工作,”羅賓說(shuō),“我們的目標(biāo)是降低消耗,以拯救地球。我們吸引了長(zhǎng)期生活簡(jiǎn)單的人,宗教人士,和環(huán)保人士。”

The FIRE adherents are, by contrast, “very numbers oriented, fascinated by the minutiae of taxes and accounting,” she said.


They are also benefiting from a lengthy bull run in the stock market and, in some cases, the privilege of class, race, gender and background. It’s difficult to retire at 40 if you work a minimum-wage job, say, or have crushing student-loan debt, or did not have the same opportunities as others because you grew up poor in a crime-ridden neighborhood.


But if, as Robin said, FIRE adherents “don’t have the aspirational part” of earlier generations, why are they so determined to quit the workforce? Many millennials haven’t been working longer than a decade, if that.


It’s about having agency, she said: “The worker in this economy has very little sense of control over their existence. People are expendable. You’re a young person and you look ahead and you say, ‘What’s there for me?'”


That accurately describes how Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung felt. The married couple from Toronto became minor celebrities (and the target of online haters) when they retired from their tech jobs in 2015 to travel the world full-time. They were in their early 30s at the time.

這準(zhǔn)確地描述了克里斯蒂·沈(Kristy Shen)和布賴斯·梁(Bryce Leung)的感受。這對(duì)來(lái)自多倫多的夫婦于2015年從他們?cè)诳萍夹袠I(yè)的職位退休,開(kāi)始把全部時(shí)間花在環(huán)游世界上,這種做法讓他們成為了小小的名人(同時(shí)也成了網(wǎng)絡(luò)仇恨者的目標(biāo))。那時(shí)他們剛30歲出頭。

Shen’s wake-up moment came when she watched a fellow IT colleague collapse at his desk after clocking 14-hour days. For several years before that, she and Leung, following the path laid out by their parents, had tried to buy a house in Toronto’s ever-escalating real estate market.


But, Shen said: “It didn’t matter how much you saved, it was a goal post that kept moving. And I was seeing people stressed out paying their mortgages.”


Although they had good educations and well-paying jobs in the booming tech sector, Shen and Leung faced the looming threats of outsourcing and artificial intelligence, and had no hope of a retirement pension, or even that their employers would exist in five years.


At the same time, their jobs were all-consuming. Rather than chain themselves to a costly mortgage, and therefore to high-pressure jobs, the couple decided to pour their money into an investment portfolio and peace out.


By ditching a big city, Shen and Leung exemplify another reason for the popularity of FIRE: the high price of urban life, especially in places like New York and Southern California. There are the insane housing prices, the high cost of child care, the temptations of so-called lifestyle creep.


“We were spending nearly $3,000 a month on rent, and that was considered a good deal,” said Scott Rieckens, 35, who, along with his wife, Taylor, 33, and their daughter until recently lived in Coronado, California, across the bay from San Diego. “We made something like $160,000 between the two of us, but we didn’t have a whole lot left over.”

“我們每月的房租將近3000美元,這還被認(rèn)為是相當(dāng)合算的,”35歲的斯科特·里肯斯(Scott Rieckens)說(shuō),他和33歲的妻子泰勒(Taylor)及他們的女兒直到最近還住在加州科羅納多,與圣地亞哥隔海灣相望。“我們兩人每年掙的錢(qián)大約是16萬(wàn)美元,但剩下的不多。”

After hearing a podcast interview with Mr. Money Mustache, aka Pete Adeney, whom The New Yorker called “the Frugal Guru” (he retired at 30), Scott Rieckens became fired up. He told his wife they should ditch their leased BMW and quit eating out so often. But even with those lifestyle cuts, they couldn’t increase their savings rate substantially unless they relocated to a cheaper community, a deleveraging tactic the FIRE crowd calls “arbitrage.”

在聽(tīng)了《紐約客》對(duì)“錢(qián)胡子先生”(真名皮特·阿登尼[Pete Adeney],《紐約客》稱他為“節(jié)儉大師”,他30歲就退休了)的播客采訪后,斯科特·里肯斯深受啟發(fā)。他對(duì)妻子說(shuō),他們應(yīng)該放棄他們租的寶馬車(chē),不再經(jīng)常在外面吃飯。但即使在生活方式上做了這些縮減,他們也不能大幅度地提高自己的儲(chǔ)蓄率,除非他們搬到一個(gè)更便宜的社區(qū)去,這種去杠桿化的策略被FIRE族稱為“套利”。

The idea, Adeney said, is “to reap the high salary” of a place like Silicon Valley, “then take that nest egg out to any of the thousands of nice, affordable cities and towns we have in this country and begin a second stage of life on your own terms.”


Taylor Rieckens, who works in recruiting, was initially reluctant to give up her BMW and beachy life and the prestige that went with it, until she saw a retirement calculator that showed they could retire in 10 years if they adopted FIRE and moved, or when they were 90 if they continued their upscale lifestyle in Coronado.


“I never paid attention to the finances. I thought it will all work out,” she said. “After I had a baby, I had stress around how I could spend more time with her. I was almost a slave to my job because of the way we were living.”


Last year, the couple left Southern California in search of a community that would give them more financial freedom, a journey Scott Rieckens, formerly a creative director for a creative agency, is chronicling in a documentary, “Playing With FIRE.”

去年,這對(duì)夫婦離開(kāi)了南加州,去尋找一個(gè)能帶給他們更多經(jīng)濟(jì)自由的社區(qū)。斯科特·里肯斯曾是一家創(chuàng)意公司的創(chuàng)意總監(jiān),他用紀(jì)錄片《玩FIRE》(Playing With FIRE)記錄了這個(gè)過(guò)程。

They ended up in Bend, Oregon, where there’s no state sales tax and they could afford to buy a house. Gas for their used Honda CRV with 186,000 miles (they got rid of the BMW and downsized to one vehicle) is a dollar-per-gallon cheaper than in San Diego, although Scott Rieckens often rides his bike around town.


“The whole retire-early thing is unimportant to me. It’s more about gaining control of your time,” he said. “If you dive into the definition of retirement, what you’re retiring from is mandatory labor. It’s not necessarily about piña coladas on the beach.”



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