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Paul Campbell greets me warmly and guides me to a corner table, allowing the waitress to take our coffee order and then asking her to return with the breakfast menu. He is casually dressed: a white shirt with top buttons undone; dark jacket and dark but not matching trousers. He does not need to impress.

保羅•坎貝爾(Paul Campbell)熱情地迎接我,并把我?guī)У焦战且粡埐妥溃茸尫?wù)員上了咖啡,而后再讓其取來早餐菜單。坎貝爾穿著休閑:白襯衣(最上面的扣子并未扣上)、黑色夾克衫以及暗色褲子(與上衣不太搭)。他無需靠穿著來搏取印象分。

Campbell is the public face of Hill Capital Partners LLP. In fact, he is its only face, and its sole director. And yet over the past seven years he has carved out a particular and very useful niche for himself.

坎貝爾是Hill Capital Partners LLP的明星人物,事實上,他是唯一的明星,因為他是公司唯一的總裁。而在過去七年中,他成功開拓了與眾不同而又成績斐然的細(xì)分行當(dāng)。

As he sips his flat white, I ask him to describe his role. “I find really interesting restaurant businesses to invest in early, businesses that have invariably been the creation of equally interesting individuals,” he says, “and then I support and help them as much as I can to expand.”

就在他啜飲著flat white咖啡時,我問他如何界定自己的角色。“我發(fā)現(xiàn)感興趣的餐飲公司(由同樣有意思的人創(chuàng)辦)后就先下手為強(qiáng)。”他說,“而后我會全力以赴幫助其發(fā)展壯大。”

His most notable successes in London to date have been the Hawksmoor steakhouses, the Vinoteca bistros and Blacklock, the noisy restaurant that specialises in lamb chops finished on a grill with the help of an old iron. His involvement in all three began, however, very differently.


It was in 2009, when Will Beckett and Huw Gott had opened their first Hawksmoor, that they contacted Campbell with a view to his future involvement. He met them, ate their food and was impressed. As a non-executive director he has backed them all the way; today they have six London sites and a further one in Manchester (and will open in the rebuilt World Trade Center in New York, probably in 2019), as well as four branches of Foxlow, their other restaurant brand.

那是2009年,當(dāng)時威爾•貝克特(Will Beckett)與Huw Gott剛開張首家Hawksmoor牛排館,他們就接洽坎貝爾,希望后者能投資??藏悹柵c其會了面,并品嘗了他們做的牛排,對此贊不絕口。作為非執(zhí)行董事的他后來一直鼎力相助。如今,威爾•貝克特與Huw Gott已在倫敦開設(shè)了六家分店,并在曼徹斯特開設(shè)了一家分店(2019年預(yù)計在重建的紐約世貿(mào)中心(World Trade Center)開設(shè)分店);此外,他們旗下另一餐飲公司Foxlow也已開設(shè)四家分店。

Meanwhile, Campbell’s involvement with Vinoteca began when he was a customer at its first site in St John Street. His initial approach was rebuffed but nine months later, founders Charlie Young, Brett Woonton and Elena Ares were planning their second site and returned his call. There are now five Vinotecas, with another opening in Bloomberg’s new London head office in early October.

與此同時,坎貝爾光臨Vinotecas在倫敦圣約翰街(St John Street)的老店后,就想對其投資入股,卻遭到對方斷然拒絕。但九個月后,酒館創(chuàng)始人查理•揚(Charlie Young)、布雷特•沃頓(Brett Woonton)與埃麗娜•埃瑞斯(Elena Ares)打算開設(shè)分店,于是主動請其投資。如今,Vinotecas已在倫敦開有五家分店;位于彭博(Bloomberg)新落成的倫敦總部大樓的分店也將于今年十月初開張。

Campbell’s friendship with Blacklock’s founder Gordon Ker began in very different circumstances. Ker was a lawyer working on a lease for Hawksmoor when, at a celebratory dinner after signing, he admitted that he was captivated by the idea of becoming a restaurateur and had even made a business plan. Campbell was drawn in and the second Blacklock site has just opened successfully in the City.

坎貝爾與Blacklock創(chuàng)始人戈登•科爾(Gordon Ker)的友情之旅則是走了完全不同的路數(shù)。科爾原是負(fù)責(zé)Hawksmoor牛排館租賃事宜的律師。在一次租賃簽字儀式后的慶祝晚宴上,他坦承萌生了自己當(dāng)餐館老板的強(qiáng)烈愿望,甚至還草擬了開店計劃??藏悹枌ζ溥M(jìn)行了投資,如今第二家Blacklock分店剛剛在倫敦的金融城(the City)開業(yè)。

I ask him for common themes. “Well, I suppose that all of my investments are in fairly traditional formats — steakhouses, restaurants with a wine focus — but where each is given a modern twist. I feel my bravery is in investing early rather than in judging whether a particular style of food is going to become mainstream.”


Campbell also evaluates the way potential partners are prepared to work, and whether or not they will take guidance. “How willing are those I am going to back to listen? Entrepreneurs must be open to my advice,” he stresses.


He gained his experience — and his financial muscle — first as financial director of PizzaExpress and then as chief executive of the Aim-listed Clapham House Group. It was an exciting period for the group’s Gourmet Burger Kitchen, a lone upmarket chain in what has become a crowded market.

他在餐飲經(jīng)營方面的經(jīng)驗與日俱增(投資回報同樣如此):首先擔(dān)任英國比薩餅連鎖餐廳PizzaExpress的財務(wù)總監(jiān),而后又出任英國另類投資市場(AIM)上市的Clapham House Group集團(tuán)CEO。在其執(zhí)掌期間,Clapham House Group旗下的高端連鎖餐廳Gourmet Burger Kitchen在強(qiáng)手如林的倫敦餐飲業(yè)發(fā)展迅猛。

Today, Campbell says, the situation has changed. “Premiums, cost pressures, increasing consumer discrimination, the rise in the importance of the female diner are all factors for any restaurateur. But the one I fear more than any is a rise in interest rates. We have got used to cheap money and I hope it stays that way.”


Nevertheless, in Campbell’s view there are still golden opportunities for laying down the basis of any burgeoning business. “Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and Bristol are cities full of people where there is an underprovision of restaurants, and the property is so much less expensive than London,” he says.


The location may change but Campbell’s approach will not, his goal always to ensure that a brand works coherently for the restaurateurs, their customers and their staff.


“A non-executive director brings experience, is well connected and coaches rather than dictates,” says Hawksmoor’s Will Beckett. “Paul has all of these qualities in spades.”


Campbell tells me that these days he receives a business plan a week, but cannot pinpoint just what it is that makes him choose one. He does admit, though, to his good fortune in being able to help people grow in the restaurant business — and to having some fun along the way.



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