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LOS ANGELES — During a recent practice, Claire Liu sent an easy forehand sailing to the fence beyond the baseline and pressed a palm to her forehead.

洛杉磯——在前不久的一次練習(xí)中,劉婧文(Claire Liu)把一記輕松的正手球打出了底線以外的圍欄,不禁用手捂住了前額。

“Smile, you’re having fun,” said Chris Tontz, Liu’s coach.

“笑一笑,你玩得正開心呢,”她的教練克里斯·托茨(Chris Tontz)說。

“Am I?” she said with a laugh.


She should be. Liu, 17, is currently the top-ranked junior in the world and the No. 292 player in WTA rankings. In the last three months, Liu has won two titles on the Pro Circuit, a level below the WTA Tour, and become the first American to win the Wimbledon girls’ title since Chanda Rubin in 1992. She made her main-draw debut in a WTA tournament this month at the Bank of the West Classic, where she led Nicole Gibbs, 5-2, in the third set before fading and losing in a tiebreaker in the first round.

她應(yīng)該開心。17歲的劉婧文是目前世界排名第一的青少年選手,WTA排名第292。在過去三個月中,她在比WTA巡回賽低一級別的職業(yè)巡回賽(Pro Circuit)中獲得兩項冠軍,并成為繼1992年錢達(dá)·魯賓(Chanda Rubin)奪冠后第一位獲得溫布爾登女單青少年組冠軍的美國人。本月的美國西部銀行經(jīng)典賽(Bank of the West Classic)是她在WTA巡回賽正式賽事上的首次亮相,比賽中她在第三盤以5-2領(lǐng)先尼古拉·吉布斯(Nicole Gibbs),之后表現(xiàn)下滑,在首輪輸?shù)袅藳Q勝局。

Liu first garnered attention in 2015 when she won a Pro Circuit title in Orlando, Fla., at 14, becoming the youngest woman to win a pro tournament since Anna Kournikova in 1996. Three months later, after turning 15, she reached the final round of qualifying at the United States Open.

劉婧文于2015年首次獲得關(guān)注,當(dāng)時14歲的她在佛羅里達(dá)州奧蘭多贏得一項職業(yè)巡回賽冠軍,成為自1996年安娜·庫爾尼科娃(Anna Kournikova)以來最年輕的職業(yè)賽事女子冠軍。三個月后,年滿15歲的她的打入美國公開賽資格賽的最后一輪。

Despite the pressure that comes with such results, Liu is pushing back against the typical narrative of a rising teenage tennis player. Now, she has reached a crucial point in her development, choosing between going to college and turning pro.


Liu is part of a large group of promising American women, most of whom have already turned pro. CiCi Bellis, 18, is in the top 40. Kayla Day, 17, is in the top 150. Amanda Anisimova, 15, played her first main-draw match of a Grand Slam event at this year’s French Open.

如今美國有一大批前途無量的女球手,劉婧文是其中之一,然而她們大多已經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)向職業(yè)。18歲的茜茜·貝麗斯(CiCi Bellis)排在前40。15歲的凱拉·戴(Kayla Day)排在前150。15歲的阿曼達(dá)·阿尼西莫娃(Amanda Anisimova)在今年的法國公開賽上打了平生第一場大滿貫正賽。

Liu has never lost to Anisimova, and she beat Day en route to a title in Naples, Fla., three months ago. But unlike her teenage counterparts, Liu, with a year of school left, has kept college in her sights.


Liu’s story differs in many ways from her peers’.


Unlike a majority of top juniors, Liu has never attended a tennis academy and did not leave home to pursue the sport. She grew up in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and spent the last eight years training at the United States Tennis Association site in Carson, 51 miles away. Liu’s mother, Wen, drives her to and from practice every day.

不同于多數(shù)頂尖的青少年選手,她從沒上過網(wǎng)球?qū)W校,也沒有為了打球而離家。她在加州千橡市(Thousand Oaks)長大,到51英里開外卡森的美國網(wǎng)球協(xié)會(United States Tennis Association)所在地受訓(xùn)。劉婧文的媽媽周雯每天開車接送她訓(xùn)練。

She has no parent-coach and does not come from a tennis background. Her parents, both Chinese immigrants, are chemists. She has no agent, but plenty of offers. And she has no entourage at tournaments; only Tontz, who is on the U.S.T.A.’s coaching staff, accompanies her.


“I try to keep everything light right now, and Chris really helps with that.” Liu said.


Her parents took an interest in tennis after attending a tournament at U.C.L.A. and the joint ATP-WTA event in Indian Wells, Calif.


“We had never seen tennis courts before coming to the States,” Wen Liu said.


She and her husband, Longbin, joined a recreational league and took lessons. Their daughter would use their rackets and knock balls around the living room.


Mike Gennette gave Liu her first lessons when she was 5. “You could kind of just tell she was special,” he said.

在她五歲那年,邁克·詹內(nèi)特(Mike Gennette)給她上了第一堂網(wǎng)球課。“基本上一看就知道她與眾不同,”他說。

Gennette, the coach of California Lutheran University’s men’s tennis program, immediately noticed that Liu could put topspin on the ball. When Liu was 8, he said, she had great footwork and court awareness.

詹內(nèi)特是加州路德大學(xué)(California Lutheran University)男子網(wǎng)球班的教練,他很快注意到,劉婧文可以打出上旋球。他說到了八歲的時候,她已經(jīng)有了極佳的步法和球場意識。

“She was able to hit an on-the-rise drive, on the run, with a change of direction,” Gennette said. “And she could do it consistently. She was just better than the rest, with more skills to fall back on.”


In her earliest tournaments, Liu went deep into regional and national draws. Around this time, many young hopefuls would have moved to South Florida, where many Grand Slam champions have started their journeys. But Liu stayed home.


“I never felt pressure to follow everyone else,” Liu said. “My coaches and parents were really supportive in letting me make my own decisions, and not pressuring anything.”


Breaking the mold motivated Liu to practice seven days a week.


“I told her she had to take a day off, but she just wouldn’t do it,” Gennette said.


She also read “A Champion’s Mind” by Pete Sampras; “Open” by Andre Agassi; “Beyond Center Court” by Tracy Austin; “Holding Serve” by Michael Chang; and “Rafa” by Rafael Nadal. Perhaps that was why Martin Blackman, general manager of player development for the U.S.T.A., said Liu “has one of the highest tennis I.Q.s of any young player on court right now.”

她還讀了皮特·桑普拉斯(Pete Sampras)的《冠軍頭腦》(A Champion’s Mind)、安德烈·阿加西(Andre Agassi)的《開放》(Open)、特蕾西·奧斯汀(Tracy Austin)的《中央球場之外》(Beyond Center Court)、張德培(Michael Chang)的《掌握人生發(fā)球權(quán)》(Holding Serve)和拉菲爾·納達(dá)爾(Rafael Nadal)的《拉法》(Rafa)。或許正因如此,美國網(wǎng)聯(lián)負(fù)責(zé)球員發(fā)展的總經(jīng)理馬丁·布萊克曼(Martin Blackman)說,劉婧文是“現(xiàn)役年輕球員中球商最高的選手之一。”

The Liu family home is far from a shrine to tennis. There are hardly any trophies in sight, and the only noticeable tennis balls are used by the family dog, a German shepherd named Buddy.


“My house is like an escape, where I don’t have to think about tennis,” Liu said. “We don’t talk about tennis.”


They don’t need to. They know Liu’s ultimate goals: to win Grand Slam titles and be No. 1.


“She’s fearless,” Tontz said. “She has a big serve despite being slightly shorter than the rest. She wants to come forward. She wants to take balls out of the air, and she’s got great touch.”


Despite being only 5 feet 6 inches, Liu hits a heavy ball supplemented by quick movement and a versatile two-handed backhand.


“Over all, she knows how to play the percentages, and knows how to manage the court and score,” Blackman said. “It’s not often we see a player her age with that complete of a game.”


For Liu, the decision whether to turn pro hangs on how she feels about her level of play on the Pro Circuit and what she wants of her life in the long run.


“My family, we value education, and I think I’d get a lot from college,” she said. “But now that I’m doing better again, going pro is a bigger option.”


Liu could have turned pro at 15 after her successful 2015, but she fell into a slump last year.


“I was playing terrible,” Liu said. “I thought for sure I was going to college.”


But in 2017, Liu has risen to the top 300 from 674th. She is the fourth youngest player in the top 300, and going pro is suddenly relevant again.


The flow of young players to college and the pro tour is cyclical, Blackman said, and now more young women are choosing to turn pro, even though the average age of the top 100 women is 25.5.


“There’s not many job openings in the top 100 every year, so college tennis is becoming more competitive,” Blackman said. “And a lot of coaches are giving the flexibility to play professional tournaments, so it’s no longer an either-or proposition.”


Liu’s mother acknowledged that she does not know much about the pro tour, so “I read and talk to people.”


She and her husband have become friends with Carl Chang, the brother and the former coach of Michael Chang. They go to him for insights on the pro lifestyle.

她和丈夫成了張君培(Carl Chang)的朋友,后者是張德培的哥哥兼前任教練。他們向他請教職業(yè)球員的生活狀況。

“He said you don’t really make a good career even if you get to the top 50,” Wen Liu said. “If you’re around 50, it’s like a journeyman, you travel and break even. It’s a tough job, and it can be lonely.”


The United States Open, which begins in late August, will be Liu’s moment of reckoning. Around that time, she could break into the top 200, which Blackman sees as the best indicator of whether a junior woman should turn pro.


Liu had a chance to earn a spot in the main draw of the Open at the U.S.T.A. National Hard Court Championships in San Diego last week. In the quarterfinals, Liu lost to the No. 2 junior, Whitney Osuigwe, 15, who trains at the IMG Academy in Florida and has committed to being a professional.

上周,劉婧文有可能獲得參加美國網(wǎng)聯(lián)在圣迭戈舉行的全國硬地網(wǎng)球錦標(biāo)賽(National Hard Court Championships)主賽的機會。劉婧文在四分之一決賽中輸給了第二年輕的球員、15歲的惠特尼·奧斯維格(Whitney Osuigwe),后者在佛羅里達(dá)州的IMG學(xué)院(IMG Academy)受訓(xùn),立志成為一名職業(yè)球員。

Liu got a wild card into the Open qualifying draw and probably will play the junior tournament if she misses out on the main draw.


There is still much to juggle. With one more year of school — she has been taking online classes since ninth grade — Liu will continue training from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Carson and traveling biweekly for tournaments.


“I can feel the expectation to win growing,” she said. “But I remind myself that it’s all about development. And there’s no rush. I’m just trying to keep tennis fun.”



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