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Royal Mail has said that it may not be able to afford its staff’s defined benefit pension scheme beyond 2018. The venerable UK postal business is unlikely to be the only company to take this drastic measure. The collapse in government bond yields, which pension funds use to calculate their ability to pay future benefits, has tipped schemes around the world into crisis.

皇家郵政(Royal Mail)表示,其可能無力負(fù)擔(dān)2018年以后員工的固定收益養(yǎng)老金計(jì)劃(defined benefit pension scheme)。這家歷史悠久的英國郵政公司不太可能是唯一一家采取這種極端舉措的公司。由于政府債券收益率——養(yǎng)老基金用此類收益率計(jì)算自己在未來支付福利金的能力——暴跌,世界各地的養(yǎng)老金計(jì)劃紛紛陷入了危機(jī)。

Plunging annuity rates mean the future looks grim, too, for workers with defined contribution pensions, who have to provide for their own retirements with the proceeds of what they have paid into their plans.

而由于年金收益率直線下跌,參加固定繳費(fèi)養(yǎng)老金計(jì)劃(defined contribution pensions)的員工看起來也晚景黯淡,他們所繳費(fèi)用的投資所得是要作為自己退休之用的。

The gloomy pensions scene is one way in which life has deteriorated for developed-world workers. Real wages for most people have been stagnant while executive pay has soared.


Add to that automation, outsourcing and job losses because of low-cost competition and it is no surprise that surveys show employees are discontented, disengaged and mistrustful.


The most recent annual Edelman Trust Barometer, produced by the public relations company, showed that large numbers of workers no longer trusted the company they worked for. In Japan, only 40 per cent trusted their employers. In France it was 48 per cent and 57 per cent in the UK. In the US, nearly two-thirds of employees trusted their companies but that has to be set against other downbeat US surveys.

公關(guān)公司愛德曼(Edelman)發(fā)布的最新《愛德曼信任度調(diào)查報(bào)告》(Edelman Trust Barometer)表明,有很大一部分員工不再信任他們所效力的公司。在日本,只有40%的員工信任他們的雇主。法國和英國的這個(gè)比例分別為48%和57%。在美國,有近三分之二的員工信任他們所在的公司,但這個(gè)結(jié)果還需要和其他較為悲觀的調(diào)查結(jié)果相對照。

Gallup’s most recent polling of the US workforce showed that 34.1 per cent were “engaged”, which meant they worked with “passion” and felt a “profound connection to their company”.


Another 16.5 per cent were “actively disengaged”, which meant they were not just unhappy but were undermining their colleagues’ work. The largest group, 49.5 per cent, were simply not engaged. They had mentally “checked out” and were just going through the motions. This may not look that bad: over a third were enthusiastic about their jobs and many of the others were at least not getting in anyone’s way.

16.5%的員工“積極不敬業(yè)”(actively disengaged),這表示他們不僅自己不快樂,還會影響同事的工作。49.5%的員工“不敬業(yè)”,所占比例最大。他們精神上已經(jīng)“打卡下班”,在工作中敷衍了事。有一點(diǎn)看起來可能沒那么糟糕:超過三分之一的員工對工作懷有熱情,其他員工中也有很大一部分至少不妨礙別人工作。

You could paint an even brighter gloss on Gallup’s figures by noting that the “engaged” figures are the highest it has recorded. Between 2000 and 2013, the proportion of US workers found to be engaged never rose above 30 per cent.


But it is going to get worse. The employees of the future are the least happy: only 29 per cent of millennials feel engaged with their work.


Workplace satisfaction questionnaires have their critics. A 2014 survey of the research in Human Resource Development Quarterly concluded that there was no consensus on what employee engagement was and that it was difficult to draw conclusions about what helped or hindered it.


But most of us can probably recognise Gallup’s findings. In more than 40 years of visiting the US I have, as a customer, noticed the growing bifurcation of employee attitudes: there is a group who is still delighted to serve you and a growing number who seems to think your turning up has ruined their day.


Employee disenchantment has costs beyond poor customer service: absenteeism, shoddy work and high turnover.


So given that pension problems and low-cost competition are not going away, what, other than slashing their top executives’ salaries, can employers do about staff unhappiness?


First, make sure their companies are well considered. One of the questions Gallup asks is whether the mission or purpose of the company makes staff feel their jobs are important.


Companies should not be misled by the word “mission”. Mission statements count for little. This is about whether people are proud to tell their friends, family and neighbours that they work for the company.


That means providing a decent service, not becoming a constant source of complaint on social media and staying out of trouble. Nobody is proud to work for a company embroiled in scandal.


Second, companies cannot tell staff to take care of their own pension provision, thus expecting them to take adult responsibility for their retirement, and then treat them like children in every other way.


Excessive monitoring and control are the enemies of an engaged workforce. Explaining to people what you expect of them and letting them use their initiative to achieve it is the hallmark of effective management. If employers fail to improve the lives of their workers, what can employees do themselves? Working takes up such a large proportion of our lives. It is a shame to spend it unhappy, seething or just switched off.


If you have poor managers, look elsewhere for validation: to your colleagues or, if you deal with them directly, your customers. Treating them well even when your company does not is likely to leave you, as well as them, far happier.


It is also a way of improving your reputation and increasing the chances of a job offer from someone who notices and appreciates you.


This month, a mother wrote a Facebook tribute to a London Underground worker called Pip, who, for years, has been making sure that pregnant women have seats during the rush hour. Many others said he had helped them too.

本月有一位母親在Facebook上發(fā)文稱贊一位名叫皮普(Pip)的倫敦地鐵(London Underground)員工,皮普多年來一直盡力確保孕婦在交通高峰期有位子可坐。很多人也表示皮普曾幫助過他們。

We all like praise from our bosses. But being praised like Pip is far better.



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