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高中英語必修1 Travel Journal(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)說課稿



Unit 3 Travel journal



為了圍繞中心話題開展聽、說、讀、寫活動,本單元安排了八個部分:“熱身(Warming Up)”“讀前(Pre-reading)”“閱讀(Reading)”“理解(Comprehending)”“語言學習(Learning about Language)”“語言運用(Using Language)”“小結(Summing Up)”和“學習建議(Learning Tip)”。

“熱身(Warming Up)”部分讓學討論乘公交車、乘火車、乘船和乘飛機四種不同交通方式的優(yōu)、缺點,并填入表格中。然后讓學生想象自己計劃選一個地方去度假,并就度假事宜編一段對話。與同學討論六個問題,使學生了解旅游的必要手段和必備的費用。目的是培養(yǎng)學生利用網(wǎng)絡等資源查閱信息的能力,教師可借此幫助學生掌握一些關于旅游方面的詞匯和相關知識,同時提出的六個問題都涉及現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來的用法,為本單元其余部分的學習作好了鋪墊。


“閱讀(Reading)”部分是JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG(湄公河旅行游記)的第一部分THE DREAM AND THE PLAN(夢想與計劃),王坤用第一人稱講述了他和王薇夢想沿湄公河騎自行車旅行,并為之作準備的過程。主要目的是通過閱讀培養(yǎng)學生略讀、跳讀、根據(jù)上下文猜測詞義等閱讀技巧,并使學生了解湄公河的地理風貌,豐富他們的地理知識。

“理解(Comprehending)”部分提供了五個練習。通過問答題的形式、用自己的話解釋句子。讓學生填寫表格列舉在課文中王薇和王坤對旅行的相同和不同態(tài)度并說明自己的看法、想象自己就是王坤和王薇并利用某一段落的信息編對話以及比較并解釋句子的意義,加深學生對課文內(nèi)容、細節(jié)以及重點句子的進一步理解。淘_課件網(wǎng) wWw.taoKEJIan.com

“語言學習(Learning about Language)”部分講述了主要詞匯及其運用和重點語法項目(用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來)。詞匯部分設計了三個練習:練習1是利用閱讀文章中的單詞或短語填空完成句子;練習2是從所給的單詞或短語中選擇正確的完成句子;練習3是從所給的單詞中選擇合適的單詞完成段落。設計這些練習的目的是幫助學生復習掌握重要詞義和詞語,并能在具體的語境中正確使用。在這一環(huán)節(jié)中,教師要引導學生自學、自做、自助、自悟,即指導學生形成自主學習意識,掌握合適的學習策略。語法項目是用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來,設計了3個練習:練習1是通過觀察“熱身”部分中的問題來了解用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來的用法以及這種時態(tài)的構成,并要求從閱讀文章中找出相似的句子;練習2以記者采訪的形式,通過談論制定旅游計劃學習現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來的用法;練習3給出了表示將來的時間狀語,要求仿照例句用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來的句子填空。設計這些練習的目的就是讓學生通過具體的語境了解、理解并正確運用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來的用法。

“語言運用(Using Language)”部分含讀和討論(Reading and discussing)、聽和說(Listening and speaking)和寫(Writing)三個綜合訓練。讀和討論(Reading and discussing)是JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG(湄公河旅行游記)的第二部分A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINS(山中一宿),主要講述了她們在西藏山中度過的一宿,爬山路的艱苦及樂趣;聽和說(Listening and speaking)圍繞中心話題,講述王薇和王坤在去往大理與表兄弟會面的路上與一個老撾女孩的對話;寫(Writing)要求學生把自己想象成王坤的朋友圍繞話題給他寫一封短信詢問老撾的情況。練習冊中與之對應的Listening、Listening task 和 Reading task中的語篇分別是JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG(湄公河旅行游記)的第四、五、六部分。這一部分的主要目的就是培養(yǎng)學生通過閱讀、聽力等各種途徑獲取信息的能力,以及通過小組討論、說、寫等手段培養(yǎng)學生用英語進行交際的能力,使學生了解生態(tài)旅游的概念和意義,樹立為建立人與自然和諧發(fā)展的環(huán)境而努力的意識。

“小結(Summing Up)”部分設計了一個表格,引導學生從本單元的話題、詞匯和語法等方面對所學內(nèi)容進行歸納總結。這樣做的目的是便于學生復習掌握本單元的要點內(nèi)容,更重要的是使學生養(yǎng)成良好的學習習慣,從而提高學習效率,同時也鍛煉了學生的歸納總結的能力。

“學習建議(Learning Tip)”部分鼓勵學生外出旅行時寫旅游日記(travel journal)。這無論對于提高自己的英語水平,還是滿足許多人喜歡看游記的愿望,都是極為有益的,教師應該督促學生養(yǎng)成這個好習慣。


本單元需要學習的重點單詞為:journal fare transport Vietnam finally cycle persuade stubborn insist proper properly determine determined altitude valley

attitude shorts camp record topic familiar brave

本單元需要學習的重點詞組為:one-way fare dream of/about persuade somebody to do something be determined to do something as usual change one’s mind give in be familiar with something be familiar to somebody


1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. (It is/was. . . who/that. . . )

2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey there. (insist that sb. do. . . )

3. She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind. (the Attributive Clause)

4. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. (Once. . . )

5. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province. (the present participle used as adverbial)

6. As it enters Southeast Asia, it travels slowly through hills and low valleys, and the plains where rice grows. (the Attributive Clause)

7. It was so quiet in the mountains that night that there was almost no wind, only the sound of the fire. (so that. . . )

8. The topics of a travel journal can be different from a diary, often including people, things, and events less familiar to readers. (including. . . )

本單元需要掌握的交際功能用語為:祝愿和告別(Good wishes and farewells)

1. Have a nice/good day/time. Have a nice/good journey/trip.

Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you.

Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday!

2. Thank you. You, too. The same to you.

本單元需要掌握的語法為:現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來(The Present Continuous Tense to express future actions)

When are you leaving?

How are you going there?

Where are you staying?

How long are you staying there?

When are you coming back?


1. 能根據(jù)已知信息推測所聽材料的內(nèi)容以及拼寫所聽有關單詞。

2. 能運用所學語言表達將來的計劃,并學會向別人告別和表達祝愿。

3. 學會用英語交流旅游計劃,談論旅游話題。

4. 掌握理解本單元旅游日記的內(nèi)容和閱讀技巧。

5. 學會寫書信談論旅游感受、描寫旅游景觀等。


1. 運用所學知識在實際生活中安排旅游, 包括選擇地點、選擇路線、選擇旅游方式、查詢費用等。

2. 掌握旅游常識,學會解決旅游中出現(xiàn)的一些問題。

3. 養(yǎng)成外出旅游時寫旅游日記的習慣。

4. 了解生態(tài)旅游的概念和意義,幫助學生樹立為建立人與自然和諧發(fā)展的環(huán)境而努力的意識。


This unit helps students make a connection between geography, or the “lay of the land”, and the customs and traditions of the people who live there. The places visited in this unit are close to home:in China and Southeast Asia. Critical thinking skills developed in this unit will include planning for a trip and solving problems after the trip has begun. The skills students are asked to use are set in realistic situations and are intended to make students more resourceful. The focus in this unit is on how to read an atlas to make travel plans and how to find ways to travel. An atlas offers a wealth of information about geography and is one way to increase students’ awareness of their global environment. Use of an atlas especially addresses the needs of students with visual and spatial learning styles. Of course, the photos and maps included in this unit add to the skills taught. Practice with creative writing is continued in this unit. Students learn about the purpose of the journal and how it compares with the diary. Students are also given practice in reading journal entries and writing their own. In the process, they are introduced to the role of sensory detail in descriptive writing. Thus, based on the theme, contents and teaching objectives, the whole teaching procedures can fall into seven periods as follows:

Period 1:Warming up and Reading

Period 2:Important language points

Period 3:Grammar:The Present Continuous Tense for Future Actions

Period 4:Listening

Period 5:Extensive Readi《Travel Journal》Period 1 Warming up and Reading說課稿1(人教版必修1)


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