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Speech Text:

We’re here to nominate a President, and I’ve got one in mind.

I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. A man who ran for President to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before the election, saw it suffer the biggest collapse since the Great Depression. A man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs were created and saved, there were still millions more waiting, trying to feed their children and keep their hopes alive.

I want to nominate a man cool on the outside but burning for America on the inside. A man who believes we can build a new American Dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, education and cooperation. A man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama.

I want Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States and I proudly nominate him as the standard bearer of the Democratic Party.




我將提名巴拉克 奧巴馬為下屆總統(tǒng)候選人,我將提名他為美國(guó)民主黨的標(biāo)桿。

In Tampa, we heard a lot of talk about how the President and the Democrats don’t believe in free enterprise and individual initiative, how we want everyone to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy.

The Republican narrative is that all of us who amount to anything are completely self-made. One of our greatest Democratic Chairmen, Bob Strauss, used to say that every politician wants you to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself, but it ain’t so.

We Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class, real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future, with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. We think “we’re all in this together” is a better philosophy than “you’re on your own.”

在坦帕, 我們聽(tīng)到了不少關(guān)于奧巴馬和民主黨不信任自由企業(yè)和個(gè)人主義的言論,還有我們希望每一個(gè)人都依靠政府的力量,還說(shuō)我們不了解我們現(xiàn)在的經(jīng)濟(jì)情況是多么糟糕。

共和黨把我們所有的人描述成完全是為自己。一位民主黨主席鮑勃 斯特勞斯總是說(shuō)每一個(gè)政體都想要你相信他出生在自制的小木屋,但事實(shí)不是這樣的。


Who’s right? Well since 1961, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our economy produced 66 million private sector jobs. What’s the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million!

It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us.



Though I often disagree with Republicans, I never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats. After all, President Eisenhower sent federal troops to my home state to integrate Little Rock Central High and built the interstate highway system. And as governor, I worked with President Reagan on welfare reform and with President George H.W. Bush on national education goals. I am grateful to President George W. Bush for PEPFAR, which is saving the lives of millions of people in poor countries and to both Presidents Bush for the work we’ve done together after the South Asia tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Haitian earthquake.

Through my foundation, in America and around the world, I work with Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are focused on solving problems and seizing opportunities, not fighting each other.

When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. After all, nobody’s right all the time, and a broken clock is right twice a day. All of us are destined to live our lives between those two extremes. Unfortunately, the faction that now dominates the Republican Party doesn’t see it that way. They think government is the enemy, and compromise is weakness.

雖然我經(jīng)常不贊同共和黨的政策,但是我從沒(méi)有像他們現(xiàn)在討厭奧巴馬總統(tǒng)和民主黨那樣討厭他們,畢竟,艾森豪威爾總統(tǒng)曾經(jīng)派遣軍隊(duì)去我的家鄉(xiāng)整合小鹽城并且在那里建立了高速公路網(wǎng)。作為州長(zhǎng),我也曾同里根總統(tǒng)在福利改革政策上共同努力,也和喬治 布什總統(tǒng)一起工作區(qū)完成國(guó)家教育目標(biāo)。我對(duì)喬治 布什總統(tǒng)充滿了感激,因?yàn)樗麨榘滩【o急救援計(jì)劃作出了很大努力,這次行動(dòng)挽救了貧困地區(qū)的數(shù)以百萬(wàn)的生命,我也很感激兩屆布什總統(tǒng)和我一道在南亞海嘯,卡特里娜颶風(fēng)和海底地震后的努力工作。



One of the main reasons America should re-elect President Obama is that he is still committed to cooperation. He appointed Republican Secretaries of Defense, the Army and Transportation. He appointed a Vice President who ran against him in 2008, and trusted him to oversee the successful end of the war in Iraq and the implementation of the recovery act. And Joe Biden did a great job with both. He appointed Cabinet members who supported Hillary in the primaries. Heck, he even appointed Hillary! I’m so proud of her and grateful to our entire national security team for all they’ve done to make us safer and stronger and to build a world with more partners and fewer enemies. I’m also grateful to the young men and women who serve our country in the military and to Michelle Obama and Jill Biden for supporting military families when their loved ones are overseas and for helping our veterans, when they come home bearing the wounds of war, or needing help with education, housing, and jobs.

President Obama’s record on national security is a tribute to his strength, and judgment, and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship.

He also tried to work with Congressional Republicans on Health Care, debt reduction, and jobs, but that didn’t work out so well. Probably because, as the Senate Republican leader, in a remarkable moment of candor, said two years before the election, their number one priority was not to put America back to work, but to put President Obama out of work.

Senator, I hate to break it to you, but we’re going to keep President Obama on the job!

美國(guó)應(yīng)該繼續(xù)選奧巴馬當(dāng)選總統(tǒng)的一個(gè)很重要原因就是他始終致力于以“合作”為執(zhí)政原則。他任命共和黨的國(guó)防部秘書(shū),還有軍隊(duì)和運(yùn)輸上的一些官員。他任命在2008年與他競(jìng)選的副總統(tǒng),并信任他為伊拉克戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的結(jié)局建議和一些恢復(fù)條款的執(zhí)行。于此同時(shí),喬 拜登在這方面也做得很好,他任命在總統(tǒng)預(yù)選時(shí)候支持希拉里的內(nèi)閣成員,而且,他居然能重用希拉里。 我為她感到驕傲,也很感激我們整個(gè)國(guó)家安全局,為把我們的國(guó)家建立成更安全更強(qiáng)大,多一些伙伴少一些敵人作出的努力。我也很感謝在軍隊(duì)服役的年輕人,更感謝米歇爾 奧巴馬和吉爾 拜登當(dāng)軍人們遠(yuǎn)赴他鄉(xiāng)時(shí)他們對(duì)軍人家屬的鼓勵(lì)支持,而且他們還從教育,居住和就業(yè)方面幫助受傷歸來(lái)的老兵。



In Tampa, the Republican argument against the President’s re-election was pretty simple: we left him a total mess, he hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in.

In order to look like an acceptable alternative to President Obama, they couldn’t say much about the ideas they have offered over the last two years. You see they want to go back to the same old policies that got us into trouble in the first place: to cut taxes for high income Americans even more than President Bush did; to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts; to increase defense spending two trillion dollars more than the Pentagon has requested without saying what they’ll spend the money on; to make enormous cuts in the rest of the budget, especially programs that help the middle class and poor kids. As another President once said - there they go again.



I like the argument for President Obama’s re-election a lot better. He inherited a deeply damaged economy, put a floor under the crash, began the long hard road to recovery, and laid the foundation for a modern, more well-balanced economy that will produce millions of good new jobs, vibrant new businesses, and lots of new wealth for the innovators.

Are we where we want to be? No. Is the President satisfied? No. Are we better off than we were when he took office, with an economy in free fall, losing 750,000 jobs a month. The answer is YES.



I understand the challenge we face. I know many Americans are still angry and frustrated with the economy. Though employment is growing, banks are beginning to lend and even housing prices are picking up a bit, too many people don’t feel it.

I experienced the same thing in 1994 and early 1995. Our policies were working and the economy was growing but most people didn’t feel it yet. By 1996, the economy was roaring, halfway through the longest peacetime expansion in American history.

President Obama started with a much weaker economy than I did. No President - not me or any of my predecessors could have repaired all the damage in just four years. But conditions are improving and if you’ll renew the President’s contract you will feel it.

I believe that with all my heart.

President Obama’s approach embodies the values, the ideas, and the direction America must take to build a 21st century version of the American Dream in a nation of shared opportunities, shared prosperity and shared responsibilities.








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