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2020考研英語閱讀理解精讀100篇:Unit 80





Unit 80

Competition for admission to the country’s top private schools has always been tough, but this year Elisabeth Krents realized it had reached a new level. Her wake-up call came when a man called the Dalton School in Manhattan, where Krents is admissions director, and inquired about the age cutoff for their kindergarten program. After providing the information (they don’t use an age cutoff), she asked about the age of his child. The man paused for an uncomfortably long time before answering. “Well, we don’t have a child yet,” he told Krents. “We’re trying to figure out when to conceive a child so the birthday is not a problem.”

School obsession is spreading from Manhattan to the rest of the country. Precise current data on private schools are unavailable, but interviews with representatives of independent and religious schools all told the same story: a glut of applicants, higher rejection rates. “We have people calling us for spots two years down the road,” said Marilyn Collins of the Seven Hills School in Cincinnati. “We have grandparents calling for pregnant daughters.” Public-opinion poll after poll indicates that Americans’ No. 1 concern is education. Now that the long economic boom has given parents more disposable income, many are turning to private schools, even at price tags of well over $10,000 a year. “We’re getting applicants from a broader area, geographically, than we ever have in the past,” said Betsy Haugh of the Latin School of Chicago, which experienced a 20 percent increase in applications this year.

The problem for the applicants is that while demand has increased, supply has not. “Every year, there are a few children who do not find places, but this year, for the first time that I know of, there are a significant number of children who don’t have places,” said Krents, who also heads a private-school admissions group in New York.

So what can parents do to give their 4-year-old an edge? Schools know there is no foolproof way to pick a class when children are so young. Many schools give preference to siblings or alumni children. Some use lotteries. But most rely on a mix of subjective and objective measures: tests that at best identify developmental maturity and cognitive potential, interviews with parents and observation of applicants in classroom settings. They also want a diverse mix. Children may end up on a waiting list simply because their birthdays fall at the wrong time of year, or because too many applicants were boys.

The worst thing a parent can do is to pressure preschoolers to perform—for example, by pushing them to read or do math exercises before they’re ready. Instead, the experts say, parents should take a breath and look for alternatives. Another year in preschool may be all that’s needed. Parents, meanwhile, may need a more open mind about relatively unknown private schools—or about magnet schools in the public system. There’s no sign of the private-school boom letting up. Dalton’s spring tours, for early birds interested in the 2001-2002 school year, are filled. The wait list? Forget it. That’s closed, too.


注(2):本文習(xí)題命題模仿對象為2003年真題Text 4。

1. The author uses the example of Elisabeth Krents to show ______.

A) the concern of Americans

B) the charm of private schools

C) the fierce situation for preschoolers

D) the economic situation of American families

2. What is implied in Paragraph 4?

A) The harsh way of forming a class.

B) The high expectation of parents.

C) The wise way in selecting schools.

D) The difficulty of training children.

3. The author’s attitude toward this event is ______.

A) indifferent

B) apprehensive

C) supportive

D) indignant

4. Instead of giving their children great pressure to outperform, the parents should ______.

A) avoid the competition and wait for another year

B) give up their first choice and go to an unknown school

C) let their children do what they want to do

D) deal with the matter more casually and rethink the situation

5. The text intends to express ______.

A) the popularity of private schools

B) parents’ worry about their children’s schooling

C) the plight of preschoolers

D) the severe competition in going to school




wake-up call (賓館提供的)喚醒服務(wù),叫早服務(wù)

kindergarten /k?nd??gɑ?t(?)n/ n. 幼兒園 adj. 幼兒園的,初級的,啟蒙階段的

figure out 計算出;〈美口〉想出

conceive /k?n?si?v/ v. 懷孕;考慮,設(shè)想

obsession /?b?se?(?)n/ n. 迷住,困擾

glut /gl?t/ n. 供應(yīng)過剩;充斥

give an edge (to)加劇,使尖銳化;鼓舞,使興奮;給(刀等)開刃,使鋒利

foolproof /?fu?lpru?f/ adj. 十分簡單的,十分安全的,極堅固的

sibling /?s?bl??/ n. 兄弟(或姐妹),同胞

alumni /??l?mna?/ n. 畢業(yè)生,校友(alumnus的復(fù)數(shù))

lottery /?l?t?ri/ n. 抽簽法

cognitive /?k?gn?t?v/ adj. 認(rèn)知的,認(rèn)識的,有感知的

diverse /da??v??s/ adj. 不同的,變化多的

alternative /??l?t??n?t?v/ n. 二中擇一,可供選擇的辦法adj. 選擇性的,二中擇一的

magnet school 有吸引力的學(xué)校(一種招收在形象和表演藝術(shù)上學(xué)術(shù)成績突出或者有天賦的學(xué)生的公立學(xué)校,這種學(xué)校從全城各個地區(qū)招收生源,提供較好的教育,并以此作為消除種族隔離的一種方法)

boom /bu?m/ n. 繁榮;隆隆聲

let up 停止;放松


But most rely on a mix of subjective and objective measures: tests that at best identify developmental maturity and cognitive potential, interviews with parents and observation of applicants in classroom settings.

主體句式:Most rely on a mix of subjective and objective measures.




1. C 細(xì)節(jié)題。文中前兩段舉例說明子女教育問題成了美國家庭的頭等大事,由此引發(fā)學(xué)齡前兒童入學(xué)難這一社會問題。

2. A 推理題。第四段闡述了學(xué)校挑選學(xué)生的一些傾向和做法。對于一個幾歲的孩子及其家長又是主觀考察,又是客觀考察,又是抽簽,還要考慮班里學(xué)生的多樣性等等。這說明了學(xué)校挑選學(xué)生時的嚴(yán)苛。

3. B 情感態(tài)度題。全文表達(dá)了對學(xué)齡前兒童的關(guān)注,以及對他們所處環(huán)境的憂慮和擔(dān)心。

4. D 細(xì)節(jié)題。原文對應(yīng)信息:“Instead, the experts say, parents should take a breath and look for alternatives. ”

5. C 主旨題。全文都圍繞著學(xué)齡前兒童所處的困境這一點。








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