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2020考研英語閱讀理解精讀100篇:Unit 67





Unit 67

The American military tribunals set up to pass judgment on terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay lurched into life this week when David Hicks, the “Australian Taliban”, unexpectedly pleaded guilty. The Pentagon will be relieved that the tribunals have started to show results after five years of controversy over the status of “enemy combatants”, claims of torture, the admissibility of forced confessions and a Supreme Court ruling last year that halted an earlier version of the tribunals. Yet the Hicks case is hardly an impressive start for America’s offshore justice. Critics say the 31-year-old Mr Hicks, a former kangaroo skinner and alleged al-Qaeda fighter, faces a “kangaroo court”. Two of his civilian lawyers were barred from the hearing on March 26th. His military lawyer, Major Michael Mori, has been threatened with prosecution for harshly criticising the tribunals.

The prosecutor, Colonel Morris Davis, said the defence lawyer may have breached military law that bans officers from using “contemptuous words” against the president or senior officials. Major Mori filed a counter-charge against the prosecution, saying it was trying to intimidate him. In the end the motion will not be heard because Mr Hicks, looking pale and bedraggled, admitted the charge of “providing material support for terrorism”. A charge of “attempted murder in violation of the laws of war” was dropped. As The Economist went to press, the tribunal was due to hear details of his plea and pass sentence, which Mr Hicks is expected to serve out in Australia. His father, Terry Hicks, said his son had had “five years of absolute hell” since being captured in Afghanistan and allegedly suffering beatings, rape and forced injections in American custody—accusations rejected by the Pentagon. The guilty plea was just “a way to get home”, said Mr Hicks’s father.

Many in Australia regard Mr Hicks as more of a lost soul than a dangerous terrorist. Indeed, his charge sheet portrays him as little more than an al-Qaeda foot-soldier, and a poor one at that. His jihadi CV is pitiful compared with the evidence being given by some of the 14 “high value detainees” belatedly brought to Guantánamo from CIA secret prisons in September. They include al-Qaeda’s operational chief, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who in a closed hearing to determine whether he was an “enemy combatant” earlier this month boasted that he had organised the September 11th attacks “from A to Z”, and 30 other plots. Meanwhile, Ahmed Ghalfan Ghailani and Waleed bin Atttash, from Tanzania and Yemen respectively, have admitted supplying equipment for the bombing of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

Many of these big names will face trial, and perhaps the death penalty. But the tribunals are expected to try only 60-80 of the more than 380 prisoners currently in Guantánamo. Over the years hundreds of detainees have been sent back to their countries, where some have been jailed and most have been released—and sometimes re-arrested. The Bush Administration says it wants to phase out and eventually close the jail. But it is unlikely to do so for some years, either because it lacks the evidence to prosecute detainees(even under the more lax military rules it is using), or because other countries are unwilling to take them back.


注(2):本文習(xí)題命題模仿對(duì)象為2004年真題Text 3(題目順序稍微調(diào)整)。

1. What does the author intend to illustrate with the Hicks case?

A) The case is not encouraging in promoting America’s justice outside the country.

B) The Pentagon is finally beginning to work effectively to try the detainees of its anti-terrorist war.

C) The detainees are not supposed to have civilian lawyers, while only military lawyers are allowed.

D) The fact that the Pentagon has been involved in a series of controversies leads to the public attention of the Hicks case.

2. What can we infer from the second paragraph?

A) Hicks’ military lawyer was also sued by the prosecutor.

B) The reason that Mr. Hicks pleaded guilty was to escape from the bad treatment.

C) Mr. Hicks has admitted guilty of both charges by the prosecutor.

D) The Pentagon is unaware of the accusation toward the American custody.

3. What does “kangaroo court”(Line 7, Paragraph 1)mean?

A) a court dealing with kangaroo smuggle

B) a weird court

C) an unfair court

D) a military court

4. The fourth paragraph suggests that _______.

A) the jail in Guantánamo Bay will be closed in the near future

B) the government is too optimistic in closing the jail

C) the tribunals will eventually try all the detainees

D) all the detainees will be sent back to their own countries

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A) Australians regard Mr. Hicks as a hero since he is a big name in the al-Qaeda organization.

B) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is charged of his organization of the entire event of the September 11 attacks.

C) Most detainees will face severe trials and sentences when they are sent back to their home countries.

D) The whole passage is permeated by an ironic tone towards the saying that the Hicks case showcases America’s justice.




tribunal /tr??bju?nl/ n. (特等)法庭

lurch /l??t?/ vi. 突然傾斜

combatant /?k?mb?t?nt/ n. 戰(zhàn)士,戰(zhàn)斗員

halt /h??lt/ vt. 使停止

skinner /?sk?n?/ n. 皮革商

bar /bɑ?/ vt. 禁止,阻擋,妨礙

breach /bri?t?/ v. 違背,破壞

contemptuous /k?n?temptj??s/ adj. 輕蔑的,侮辱的

intimidate /?n?t?m?de?t/ v. 脅迫

begraggled /b??d??gld/ adj. 全身泥污的

injection /?n?d?ek??n/ n. 注射;注射劑

custody /?k?st?di/ n. 監(jiān)管,保管

detainee /?d?te??ni?/ n. 被拘留者,未判決囚犯

penalty /?pen?lti/ n. 處罰,罰款

phase out 使逐步淘汰,逐漸停止

lax /l?ks/ adj. 松的,不嚴(yán)格的


The American military tribunals set up to pass judgment on terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay lurched into life this week when David Hicks, the “Australian Taliban”, unexpectedly pleaded guilty.

主體句式:The American military tribunals lurched into life.

結(jié)構(gòu)分析:本句中的動(dòng)詞詞組set up并不是本句的謂語,而是用來修飾the American military的過去分詞結(jié)構(gòu)。本句的真正謂語是lurch into life。



1. A 推理題。文章對(duì)應(yīng)信息為第一段的“Yet the Hicks case is hardly an impressive start for America’s offshore justice”。B選項(xiàng)的錯(cuò)誤原因在于文章第一句話指出,美國(guó)軍事法庭終于開始發(fā)揮作用,但這并不表示五角大樓在這方面的工作效率開始提高。C選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤在于根據(jù)文章第一段最后兩句話,犯人可以同時(shí)擁有民事律師和軍事律師。D選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤在于該表述中的兩個(gè)事件并不存在直接的因果聯(lián)系。

2. B 推理題。文章第二段??怂沟母赣H說the guilty plea was just “a way to get home”,并且前文提到了希克斯遭受的各種折磨,這都暗示希克斯承認(rèn)罪行的目的是希望能夠逃離折磨,回到澳大利亞。

3. C 語義題?!発angaroo court”的意思是“所做裁決不夠公正透明的法庭”。如果不知道這個(gè)意思也無妨,因?yàn)榭梢詮纳舷挛囊馑贾型瞥觥:笠痪湓捴刑岬?,“Two of his civilian lawyers were barred from the hearing on March 26th. His military lawyer, Major Michael Mori, has been threatened with prosecution for harshly criticising the tribunals”,希克斯的律師都無法出庭,說明這個(gè)法庭是不公正的。

4. B 細(xì)節(jié)題。B選項(xiàng)的原文對(duì)應(yīng)信息為“The Bush Administration says it wants to phase out and eventually close the jail. But it is unlikely to do so for some years”,可見布什政府在這一問題上的態(tài)度過于樂觀。

5. D 細(xì)節(jié)題。文章從頭到尾所傳達(dá)的信息是,??怂挂话复嬖诤芏嗖还蛩?。A選項(xiàng)的錯(cuò)誤原因在于文章第三段第一句話中提到,澳大利亞人們認(rèn)為??怂瓜壬鷨适Я遂`魂,并不是什么英雄,同時(shí)他在塔利班組織中也不是什么大人物。B選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤的原因在于文章只是提到哈立德·謝赫·穆罕默德自稱策劃了911事件,并沒有提到他是否因此受到指控。C選項(xiàng)的錯(cuò)誤原因在于文章最后一段指出,那些被遣送回國(guó)的囚犯大多不會(huì)受到很嚴(yán)厲的懲罰,在監(jiān)獄中呆幾年就可以獲得自由。







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