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2020考研英語閱讀理解精讀100篇:Unit 65





Unit 65

On March 9th the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit overturned the District of Columbia’s long-standing ban on handguns. Some might say, so what? Last year the police recovered 2, 655 guns in the District, which hardly suggests that the ban was keeping guns out of circulation. Nonetheless, Washington, DC, has long been a small spot of resistance to a culture all too tolerant of firearms.

In a 2-1 decision, the judges rejected the District’s claim that the Second Amendment applies only to militias. The rights protected in the amendment “are not limited to militia service”, the majority argued, “nor is an individual’s enjoyment of the right contingent upon... enrolment in the militia”. The debate about the meaning of the second amendment is one of the fiercest in constitutional law. In 1939 the Supreme Court ruled, in the case of “United States v Miller”, that the amendment was adopted “with [the] obvious purpose” of protecting the ability of states to organise militias, and “must be interpreted and applied with that end in view”. More recently, the individual-rights view has been gathering support, and not just from the Bush administration and the National Rifle Association(NRA).

In 2001 the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit(which includes gun-loving Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas)embraced the individual-rights view. The DC lawsuit was filed in 2003, nine months after the then attorney-general, John Ashcroft, argued that individual gun bans are unconstitutional. If the District appeals the ruling, as Mayor Adrian Fenty says it will, there is a good chance that the Supreme Court, with its conservative majority, will come down on the side of individual rights.

The Court of Appeals decision is just the latest in an almost unbroken series of advances for the gun-rights lobby. The NRA has made a steady progress in loosening local gun controls, particularly in pushing “concealed carry” laws, which now exist in 48 states. The Democrats have softened their anti-gun stance in an attempt to make advances in “red America”—particularly in the all-important mountain West where gun rights are sacrosanct and the next presidential election may be decided. Brian Schweitzer, the Democratic governor of Montana, speaks for a new breed of pro-gun Democrats when he says that he has “more guns than I need but not as many as I want”.

A few clouds loom on the horizon for gun-rights supporters. On the very day of the DC ruling the Police Executive Research Forum, a police think-tank, reported that violent crime, including homicides, had been rising rapidly since 2004. Meanwhile, the NRA is slowly losing one of its most important constituencies: the proportion of Americans holding hunting licences has declined from 10% in 1985 to 6% last year. If both trends continue, more and more Americans will come to associate guns not with healthy outdoorsmanship, as the NRA would like, but with swift and violent human death.


注(2):本文習題命題模仿對象為2004年真題Text 2。

1. What does the author intend to illustrate with the case of “United States v Miller”?

A) The second amendment was once interpreted as only to protect the right of militias.

B) The second amendment is not supposed to support the individual right of carrying guns.

C) American Supreme Court has never changed its interpretation of the second amendment.

D) The individual-rights view has been on the rise since earlier 20th century.

2. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?

A) Whether Washington, DC will continue to maintain its ban on handguns is yet to be determined.

B) The individual-rights view barely attains support from the government but is backed by the US Court.

C) The second amendment has aroused heated debate on the relation between militias and individual.

D) The entire American society is growing more tolerant of individual possession of firearms.

3. The third and fourth paragraphs suggest that _______.

A) the Republicans traditionally maintain the anti-gun stance

B) most members of the Supreme Court are against individual-rights view

C) the issue of gun right might influence the next presidency campaign

D) individual gun right may negatively stimulate people’s desire for violence

4. What does the author mean by “A few clouds loom on the horizon for gun-rights supporters”(Line 1, Last Paragraph)?

A) Gun-rights supporters are pessimistic about the future of individual gun-rights.

B) People might relate the spread of guns to the increase of crime rate.

C) The public opinion turns to be negative for gun-rights supporters.

D) There are some opponents who are against individual gun-rights.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A) Washington, DC is the last place in America to abandon the ban on gun.

B) Individual gun right began to be legal in some states since 2001.

C) The American constitutional law is too vague to be interpreted.

D) NRA has been playing an active role in promoting the gun legalization.




circuit /?s??k?t/ n. 周游,巡回

overturn /???v??t??n/ vt. 推翻,顛倒

circulation /?s??kj??le???n/ n. 流通

militia /m??l???/ n. 民兵

contingent /k?n?t?nd??nt/ adj. 附隨的

rifle /?ra?fl/ n. 來復槍,步槍

attorney /??t??ni/ n. 律師

stance /st?ns/ n. 立場

sacrosanct /?s?kr??s??kt/ adj. 極神圣的

loom /lu?m/ v. 隱現(xiàn),迫近

homicide /?h?m?said/ n. 殺人,殺人者

outdoorsmanship /?a?t?d??z?m?n??p/ n. 野外活動


If the District appeals the ruling, as Mayor Adrian Fenty says it will, there is a good chance that the Supreme Court, with its conservative majority, will come down on the side of individual rights.

主體句式:If the District appeals the ruling, there is a good chance that...

結構分析:as Mayor Adrian Fenty says it will是一個插入語,對前面的if引導的條件句進行補充說明。wth its conservative majority也是一個插入語。



1. A 細節(jié)題。文章第二段中指出,關于第二修正案的解讀一直有許多不同的見解。早期最高法院的解讀支持民兵組織權利說,只是到了近幾年,個人權利說才開始興盛?!昂媳妵鴮γ桌铡卑甘菍η耙环N說法的解讀。

2. D 推理題。文章第一段結尾提到社會對于槍支越來越寬容,同時第二段也提到個人擁有槍支的學說得到了越來越多的支持,這些觀點選項D都有體現(xiàn)。

3. C 推理題。文章第四段提到“The Democrats have softened their anti-gun stance in an attempt to make advances in ‘red America’—particularly in the all-important mountain West where gun rights are sacrosanct and the next presidential election may be decided”,說明了個人擁有槍支權利的問題將會影響下屆美國總統(tǒng)大選,民主黨派甚至為了拉選票而改變其原先的反對態(tài)度。

4. B 語義題。從最后一段談到越來越多的美國人不會把槍支和健康向上的戶外運動聯(lián)系在一起,而是認為槍支是導致致命性死亡的原因,這些對那些個人攜槍權利支持者來說都是不利因素。

5. D 細節(jié)題??v觀全文,NRA被提及許多次,每次都涉及該組織為爭取放寬槍支管制而做出的各種努力,可見其活動非常積極且具有重要的影響力。








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