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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 24 - TEXT TWO





Berkeley seems like a fitting place to find the godfather of the open-innovation movement basking in glory. The Californian village was, after all, at the very heart of the anti-establishment movement of the 1960s and has spawned plenty of radical thinkers. One of them, Henry Chesbrough, a business professor at the University of California at Berkeley, observes with a smile that “this is the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love”.
Mr. Chesbrough's two books Open Innovation and Open Business Models have popularised the notion of looking for bright ideas outside of an organisation. As the concept of open innovation has become ever more fashionable, the corporate R&D lab has become decreasingly relevant. Most ideas don't come from there.
To see why travel to Cincinnati, Ohio—which is about as far removed culturally from Berkeley as one can get in America. The conservative mid-western city is home to P&G, historically one of the most traditional firms in America. For decades, the company that brought the world Ivory soap, Crest toothpaste and Ariel detergent had a closed innovation process, centred around its own secretive R&D operations.
No longer. P&G has radically altered the way it comes up with new ideas and products. It now welcomes and works with universities, suppliers and outside inventors. It also offers them a share in the rewards. In less than a decade, P&G has increased the proportion of new-product ideas originating from outside of the firm from less than a fifth to around half. That has boosted innovation and, says its boss, Mr. Lafley, is the main reason why P&G has been able to grow at 6% a year between 2001 and 2006, tripling annual profits to $8.6 billion. The company now has a market capitalisation of over $200 billion.
IBM is another iconic firm that has jumped on the open-innovation bandwagon. The once-secretive company has done a sharp U-turn and embraced Linux, an open-source software language. IBM now gushes about being part of the “open-innovation community”, yielding hundreds of software patents to the “creative commons” rather than registering them for itself. However, it also continues to take out patents at a record pace in other areas, such as advanced materials, and in the process racks up some $1 billion a year in licensing fees.
Since an army of programmers around the world work on developing Linux essentially at no cost, IBM now has an extremely cheap and robust operating system. It makes money by providing its clients with services that support the use of Linux—and charging them for it. Using open-source software saves IBM a whopping $400m a year, according to Paul Horn, until recently the firm's head of research. The company is so committed to openness that it now carries out occasional “online jam sessions” during which tens of thousands of its employees exchange ideas in a mass form of brainstorming.
Mr. Chesbrough, of course, heartily approves. He gives dozens of other examples of firms doing similar things, ranging from Clorax, a household products firm to Air Products, an industrial gases company. Mr. Chesbrough reckons that “IBM and P&G have timed their shift to a high-volume open-business model very well” and that if their competitors do not do the same, they will be in trouble.
1. “Summer of Love” is probably _____.
[A] a religious activity celebrating the open-innovation movement
[B] the anti-establishment movement
[C] a movement advocating the innovation
[D] an activity calling for open innovation
2. According to the passage, the annual profits of P&G in 2001 was about _____.
[A] $2.87 billion
[B] $1.075 billion
[C] $2.15 billion
[D] $4.3 billion
3. IBM now gushes about being part of the “open-innovation community” in that _____.
[A] it embraced an open-source software language that is widely supported by the “creative commons”
[B] it endows people inside and outside the company with the access to the software patents it owns
[C] it encourages an extensive public involvement in the development of new software for the company
[D] it indeed whops its cost and gains considerable profit from using Linux
4. IBM could provide its clients with cheap operating system because _____.
[A] its programmers around the world develop Linux essentially at no cost
[B] it makes money by providing its clients with toll services supporting the operating system instead
[C] it could save a lot of money by using open-source software
[D] it has shifted its R&D outside, which save a lot of money
5. According to the last paragraph, if their competitors do not do the same, they will be in trouble because _____.
[A] their competitors will lose their market share gradually which would be taken by R&D
[B] they fail to adopt the new model of open business which would pave the way to constant business success
[C] they do not recognize the best time to shift their backward business model
[D] they will be sifted out by the market as a result of their conservativeness

1. “Summer of Love” is probably _____.
[A] a religious activity celebrating the open-innovation movement
[B] the anti-establishment movement
[C] a movement advocating the innovation
[D] an activity calling for open innovation
1. “愛之夏”可能是 _____。
[A] 慶祝開放式創(chuàng)新運(yùn)動的宗教活動
[B] 反正統(tǒng)運(yùn)動
[C] 號召創(chuàng)新的運(yùn)動
[D] 提倡開放式創(chuàng)新的運(yùn)動
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆
分析:推理題。根據(jù)第一段:The Californian village was, after all, at the very heart of the anti-establishment movement of the 1960s and has spawned plenty of radical thinkers. 即20世紀(jì)60年代發(fā)生了反正統(tǒng)運(yùn)動,可能“愛之夏”就是這個(gè)運(yùn)動的名稱。因此,答案為B。
2. According to the passage, the annual profits of P&G in 2001 was about _____.
[A] $2.87 billion
[B] $1.075 billion
[C] $2.15 billion
[D] $4.3 billion
2. 根據(jù)這篇文章,寶潔公司2001年的年利潤為 _____。
[A] 28.7億美元
[B] 10.75億美元
[C] 21.5億美元
[D] 43億美元
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:推理題。根據(jù)文章第四段:That has boosted innovation and, says its boss, Mr. Lafley, is the main reason why P&G has been able to grow at 6% a year between 2001 and 2006, tripling annual profits to $8.6 billion. The company now has a market capitalisation of over $200 billion. 即從2001年到2006年年利潤持續(xù)增加,是原來的三倍,即86億美元,那么原來的利潤就應(yīng)該是28.7億美元,因此,選項(xiàng)A是正確答案。
3. IBM now gushes about being part of the “open-innovation community” in that _____.
[A] it embraced an open-source software language that is widely supported by the “creative commons”
[B] it endows people inside and outside the company with the access to the software patents it owns
[C] it encourages an extensive public involvement in the development of new software for the company
[D] it indeed whops its cost and gains considerable profit from using Linux
3. IBM現(xiàn)在不停地說自己是“開放式創(chuàng)新社團(tuán)”中的一員,因?yàn)?_____。
[A] 它擁有一種資源開放的軟件語言,這種語言受到了“發(fā)明的公眾”的廣泛支持
[B] 它賦予公司內(nèi)外的人們使用它所擁有的軟件專利的權(quán)利
[C] 它鼓勵(lì)更多的公眾參與到為公司研發(fā)新的軟件中來
[D] 由于使用了Linux,公司確實(shí)大大降低了成本并增加了可觀的利潤
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章第五段:IBM now gushes about being part of the “open-innovation community”, yielding hundreds of software patents to the “creative commons” rather than registering them for itself. 可見,IBM現(xiàn)在不停地說自己是“開放式創(chuàng)新社團(tuán)”中的一員,它讓公眾發(fā)明軟件,從而擁有其專利權(quán),而不是自己去注冊;但是在其他領(lǐng)域它自己也進(jìn)行注冊。因此,只有選項(xiàng)C符合題意。A在一定程度上也是正確的,只是沒有選項(xiàng)C更加確切地符合原文的意思。
4. IBM could provide its clients with cheap operating system because _____.
[A] its programmers around the world develop Linux essentially at no cost
[B] it makes money by providing its clients with toll services supporting the operating system instead
[C] it could save a lot of money by using open-source software
[D] it has shifted its R&D outside, which save a lot of money
4. IBM可以為自己的客戶提供廉價(jià)的操作系統(tǒng),因?yàn)?_____。
[A] 它遍布世界各地的程序員基本以零成本來開發(fā)Linux
[B] 它通過為客戶提供支持操作系統(tǒng)的付費(fèi)服務(wù)來賺錢
[C] 它可以通過使用資源開放的軟件來節(jié)約一大筆資金
[D] 它將自己的研發(fā)部轉(zhuǎn)移到了外面,這樣可以省去一大筆錢
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)第六段:It makes money by providing its clients with services that support the use of Linux—and charging them for it. 可見,IBM為其客戶提供支持Linux系統(tǒng)的服務(wù)并收取費(fèi)用來贏利,而操作系統(tǒng)的收費(fèi)就低廉了。因此,答案為B。
5. According to the last paragraph, if their competitors do not do the same, they will be in trouble because _____.
[A] their competitors will lose their market share gradually which would be taken by R&D
[B] they fail to adopt the new model of open business which would pave the way to constant business success
[C] they do not recognize the best time to shift their backward business model
[D] they will be sifted out by the market as a result of their conservativeness
5. 根據(jù)最后一段,如果他們的競爭者不這樣做,他們就會陷入麻煩,因?yàn)?_____。
[A] 他們的競爭者會逐漸失去其市場份額,這些市場份額都會被研發(fā)部獲得
[B] 他們沒有采用開放式商業(yè)的新模式,而只有這種模式才能使公司取得持續(xù)的成功
[C] 這些公司沒有意識到改變他們落后的商業(yè)模式的最佳時(shí)期
[D] 他們會因?yàn)楸J囟皇袌鎏蕴?br /> 答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
分析:推理題。根據(jù)文章最后一段:Mr. Chesbrough reckons that “IBM and P&G have timed their shift to a high-volume open-business model very well” and that if their competitors do not do the same, they will be in trouble. 即如果他們的競爭對手不這樣做,可就有麻煩了。要明確是誰會碰到麻煩——是他們的競爭對手,因?yàn)檫@樣的話,他們的競爭對手很可能會被淘汰出局,因此,選項(xiàng)D是正確答案。選項(xiàng)A的前半句,即their competitors will lose their market share gradually是正確的,但是后半句卻不正確,這里不是說由研發(fā)部獲得市場份額,而是文中提到的包括寶潔公司在內(nèi)的采用了新的商業(yè)模式的公司。選項(xiàng)B的錯(cuò)誤在于,文章并沒有明確指出開放式商業(yè)的新模式能夠起到pave the way to constant business success的作用。選項(xiàng)C則與題干的問題無關(guān)。

伯克利似乎是備受矚目的能夠找到開放式創(chuàng)新運(yùn)動領(lǐng)軍人物的地方。畢竟,這個(gè)位于加利福尼亞州的村莊是20世紀(jì)60年代反正統(tǒng)運(yùn)動的中心,在這里誕生了許多激進(jìn)的思想者。其中一位名叫Henry Chesbrough,是加利福尼亞大學(xué)商學(xué)專業(yè)教授,他笑著說:“這是‘愛之夏’的40周年慶典。”
由于在全世界有大批程序員以幾乎零成本的方式開發(fā)Linux,因此,IBM現(xiàn)在擁有非常廉價(jià)且強(qiáng)大的操作系統(tǒng)。它通過為客戶提供支持Linux系統(tǒng)的服務(wù)來賺錢。據(jù)該公司的研發(fā)主任Paul Horn稱,使用資源開放的軟件一年就為IBM節(jié)約了四億美元。該公司如此致力于開放,以至于它有時(shí)會召開一些“在線會議”,使得成千上萬的員工可以通過大規(guī)模的自由討論來交流想法。

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