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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 22 - TEXT FOUR





Numbers get a bad press. Almost alone of the academic disciplines, mathematics is one where expressions of ignorance are more of a boast than a shameful admission (imagine admitting at a dinner party that you can't read). Yet numbers are more important than ever. They are the language of most of science and much of government, two forces that do much to shape people's lives. They are the nervous system of any modern country, marshalled in support of arguments over everything from defence to which diseases should be treated.
Happily for the number-shy, help is at hand. A book about numbers and how to interpret them doesn't sound like interesting bedtime reading. Yet in the hands of Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot, respectively producer and presenter of More or Less, a BBC radio programme on the subject, that is what it becomes.
The chapters proceed from simple concepts to more complicated ones, starting with the simplest of all: working out how big a number is. That is harder than you might think. The British government's promise to spend £300m ($600m) over five years on child-care looks impressive at first glance. Only after working through the calculations does one realise that it amounts to only £1.15 a week for every family.
The authors avoid a hectoring tone. Their prose is light-hearted and never condescending. Amusing (or occasionally frightening) examples make theoretical arguments instantly accessible. The authors point out that most people have a higher-than-average number of feet (it takes only a single man with one foot to bring the average below two). Incomes are the other way around: Thanks to a few billionaires, most people earn less than the average.
Later on, trickier and more emotive subjects are tackled. Much of the second half is taken up with the devilishly tricky business of trying to extract causation from correlation. One such issue is the so-called “cancer clusters”. A mobile-phone mast is erected in a village. Soon after, cancer rates rise to several times the national average. But masts are common, and some villages are bound to develop high cancer rates through nothing more sinister than sheer bad luck. Proving correlation is easy, but proving causation—despite how obvious the links may seem—is not. The authors make the sobering point that mortality rates for doctors vary so much that, even if he had been constantly monitored, Harold Shipman (a British doctor who murdered at least 200 patients) would have racked up a body-count of several dozen before coming to official attention.
The central problem, as the authors admit, is that numbers can often be deeply counter-intuitive. Individuals find it difficult to cope with the vast quantities of cash consumed by a modern nation state, and everyday rules of thumb can sometimes lead to utterly wrong conclusions. That is what makes this book so valuable: It provides a reliable guide to a treacherous subject, giving its readers the mental ammunition to make sense of official claims. That it manages to make them laugh at the same time is a rare and welcome feat.
1. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of status quo of mathematics?
[A] One is cracking oneself up when expressing ignorance of mathematics.
[B] Mathematics is only discipline to tolerate the shame of knowing nothing about numbers.
[C] The shame of admitting that you cannot read at a dinner party is paramount of admitting that you do not know about mathematics.
[D] Expression of ignorance in mathematics is a boast not only in the academic disciplines but also in other fields.
2. The style of More or Less by Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot can be described as _____.
[A] detailed and accessible
[B] technical and illuminating
[C] professional and inviting
[D] theoretical and humorous
3. The author of the article uses the example of average number of feet and average income to demonstrate that _____.
[A] to correctly understand the meaning of numbers is sometimes very tricky
[B] people can understand better about statistical data by comparing them with most common phenomenon
[C] the book helps people learn about the secret of numbers through interesting and daily examples
[D] the way of calculating average income is the opposite to that of calculating the average number of feet
4. Some villages develop high cancer rates through sheer bad luck other than masts because _____.
[A] they could not sense any link between these two phenomena
[B] they can only find some vague correlation between them without solid evidence
[C] there are not enough proofs to demonstrate that mast could raise cancer rate
[D] they could not deduce a reasonable relation of the cause and effect on the concerning issues
5. According to the authors of More or Less, the main point they want to demonstrate is that _____.
[A] numbers are very difficult to understand
[B] numbers could be cheating in most occasions
[C] numbers can be subtly sensed by intuition
[D] numbers could shape people's minds into more reasonable

1. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of status quo of mathematics?
[A] One is cracking oneself up when expressing ignorance of mathematics.
[B] Mathematics is the only discipline to tolerate the shame of knowing nothing about numbers.
[C] The shame of admitting that you cannot read at a dinner party is paramount of admitting that you do not know about mathematics.
[D] Expression of ignorance in mathematics is a boast not only in the academic disciplines but also in other fields.
1. 關(guān)于數(shù)學(xué)的現(xiàn)狀,下列哪項陳述是正確的?
[A] 一個人表示自己不懂?dāng)?shù)學(xué)時,他其實是在炫耀自己。
[B] 數(shù)學(xué)是唯一一個容忍人們對數(shù)字無知的學(xué)科。
[C] 在晚宴上承認(rèn)自己不認(rèn)字和承認(rèn)自己不懂?dāng)?shù)學(xué)是一樣丟臉的。
[D] 說明自己不懂?dāng)?shù)學(xué),不僅在學(xué)術(shù)界,同時在其他領(lǐng)域都是一種炫耀。
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)第一段:Numbers get a bad press. Almost alone of the academic disciplines, mathematics is one where expressions of ignorance are more of a boast than a shameful admission (imagine admitting at a dinner party that you can't read). 即除了在專業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)領(lǐng)域外,說自己不懂?dāng)?shù)學(xué)更多的是自夸,而不是丟臉的事情。因此,選項A符合題意。
2. The style of More or Less by Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot can be described as _____.
[A] detailed and accessible
[B] technical and illuminating
[C] professional and inviting
[D] theoretical and humorous
2. Michaels Blastland和Andrew Dilnot的書《或多或少》的風(fēng)格可以被描述為 _____。
[A] 具體和可理解的
[B] 技術(shù)性的和有啟發(fā)性的
[C] 專業(yè)而且有趣的
[D] 理論性的和幽默的
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
分析:細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)第四段:The authors avoid a hectoring tone. Their prose is light-hearted and never condes-cending. Amusing (or occasionally frightening) examples make theoretical arguments instantly accessible. 以及文章最后一句:That it manages to make them laugh at the same time is a rare and welcome feat. 即兩位作者沒有使用虛張聲勢的口吻,文字平實,但不粗陋,還具有一定的理論性,而且比較有趣。因此,選項C最為符合。
3. The author of the article uses the example of average number of feet and average income to demonstrate that _____.
[A] to correctly understand the meaning of numbers is sometimes very tricky
[B] people can understand better about statistical data by comparing them with most common phenomenon
[C] the book helps people learn about the secret of numbers through interesting and daily examples
[D] the way of calculating average income is the opposite to that of calculating the average number of feet
3. 文章作者用平均英尺數(shù)和平均收入作為例子,來說明 _____。
[A] 有時候正確理解數(shù)字的含義是很需要技巧的
[B] 人們通過與最常見的現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行比較,就能夠更好地理解統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)
[C] 這本書幫助人們通過有趣且常見的例子學(xué)到了關(guān)于數(shù)字的秘密
[D] 計算平均收入的方法與計算平均英尺數(shù)的方法是相反的
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
分析:推理題。這個例子出現(xiàn)在文章的第四段,作者一開始先說明了這本書的特點(diǎn)是Amusing (or occasionally frightening) examples make theoretical arguments instantly accessible. 后面的例子正是用來說明這句話的,因此只有選項C是正確的。D顯然是錯誤的,而選項A和B則具有較強(qiáng)的干擾性。但是要注意,這兩個選項可以說是該書作者舉例的目的,而不是本文作者用這個例子的目的,這兩個不同的目的要區(qū)分開。
4. Some villages develop high cancer rates through sheer bad luck other than masts because _____.
[A] they could not sense any link between these two phenomena
[B] they can only find some vague correlation between them without solid evidence
[C] there are not enough proofs to demonstrate that mast could raise cancer rate
[D] they could not deduce a reasonable relation of the cause and effect on the concerning issues
4. 一些村民用壞運(yùn)氣而非天線來解釋高癌癥發(fā)病率,因為 _____。
[A] 他們感覺不到這兩種現(xiàn)象之間的聯(lián)系
[B] 他們只能找到二者之間一種模糊的關(guān)系,但缺乏足夠的證據(jù)
[C] 沒有足夠的證據(jù)可以說明天線增加了癌癥發(fā)病率
[D] 他們推導(dǎo)不出相關(guān)問題合理的因果關(guān)系
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
5. According to the authors of More or Less, the main point they want to demonstrate is that _____.
[A] numbers are very difficult to understand
[B] numbers could be cheating in most occasions
[C] numbers can be subtly sensed by intuition
[D] numbers could shape people's minds into reasonable
5. 根據(jù)《或多或少》的作者的觀點(diǎn),他們想要展示的主要論點(diǎn)就是 _____。
[A] 數(shù)字很難理解
[B] 數(shù)字在許多時候都具有欺騙性
[C] 數(shù)字可以依靠直覺微妙地感覺到
[D] 數(shù)字可以使人們變得更加理智
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆
分析:推理題。根據(jù)最后一段第一句:The central problem, as the authors admit, is that numbers can often be deeply counter-intuitive. 即該書的重點(diǎn)在于,說明數(shù)字常和人們的直覺相反,有一定的表象性和欺騙性。因此,答案為B。

對于那些不懂?dāng)?shù)字的人來說,幸運(yùn)的是,幫助就在眼前。一本關(guān)于數(shù)字及如何解讀數(shù)字的書聽起來不像是什么有趣的枕邊讀物,但是在Michael Blastland和Andrew Dilnot的手里,一切卻都恰恰相反。他們兩個人分別是BBC廣播節(jié)目《或多或少》的制作人和播音員。
往后就是一些更難、更微妙的問題了。后半本書中的大部分內(nèi)容都是從聯(lián)系中找因果關(guān)系的問題,這很難。其中一個例子就是所謂的“癌癥群”。某個村莊安裝了移動電話天線,很快,這里的癌癥發(fā)病率就高出了全國平均水平的幾倍。天線是很普通的,而且一些村民就認(rèn)為高癌癥發(fā)病率只是由于運(yùn)氣壞。證明存在某種聯(lián)系非常容易,但是要證明因果關(guān)系就非常難了,不管這種聯(lián)系看起來有多么顯而易見。作者明確地指出,由于醫(yī)生手上病人的死亡率差異很大,即使Harold Shipman(一名英國醫(yī)生,曾殺死至少200名病人)一直受到監(jiān)視,他還是在殺死了幾十個病人后才引起官方注意的。

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