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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 12 - TEXT FOUR





Kids heading back to enlightened schools this fall may find nutrition and exercise on the agenda even in math class. In an effort to reverse the alarming increase of obesity in children, some schools have found ways to encourage healthful lifestyle changes without emphasizing the negative—too much body weight. Planet Health, developed by Harvard University researchers and now used in hundreds of schools throughout the country, integrates obesity prevention lessons into the science, math, and social studies curricula, for example. Students come to appreciate the importance of reducing TV time by calculating during math class the amount of their lifetime they've spent in front of the set. In gym, they decide on goals for subbing in physical activity instead.
The program costs only about $15 per student annually, a bargain, considering the payoffs: A 2005 study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that middle-school girls who had Planet Health in their schools were half as likely to purge or use diet pills as those in schools without it. “It really focuses on the positive, and that's why we think it's protective against these dangerous behaviors,” says study author Bryn Austin, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
A second program adopted by 7,000 elementary schools nationwide, the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH), similarly puts the focus on good health habits instead of weight. In class, students use a traffic-light system to identify “go”, “slow”, and “whoa” foods and take breaks to do jumping jacks. In the cafeteria, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk, and whole-grain starches are labeled with green-light tags, and pizza gets a yellow light. Gym activities are designed to keep students constantly moving. “Every kid gets a ball to dribble or a hula hoop; there's no lining up and waiting to take a turn.” says Phil Nader, professor of pediatrics emeritus at the University of California—San Diego, who helped develop CATCH.
A three-year study comparing CATCH schools with others without the program found that CATCH increased the proportion of gym class spent in motion, from 40 percent to 50 percent, and reduced the consumption of fat in schools from 39 percent of total calories to 32 percent. A second study found that the program prevented the growth in number of overweight students that normally occurs from grade 3 to grade 5. CATCH students in El Paso, Texas (with one of the highest obesity rates in the nation), held the line between those grades, but in schools without the program, the share of overweight girls increased from 26 percent to 40 percent and of overweight boys from 29 percent to 39 percent.
Glen Cove Elementary School, near El Paso in Ysleta, was one of the first schools to adopt CATCH, and parents there have learned to eat better and exercise more along with their kids. “We have a day where everyone comes to fly kites and Wellness Wednesdays where family members run around for 20 minutes with their kids,” says physical education teacher Ben Avalos, who brought the program to Glen Cove in 1998. “Parents also tell me their kids have gotten them to throw out the ‘whoa’ foods in the house.” Avalos uses walking sticks, pogo sticks, and Chinese yo-yos in gym class—and nobody relaxes on the sidelines.
1. The study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine shows _____.
[A] that girls who had Planet Health were less obese than those who had not
[B] that girls who had Planet Health were of a healthier lifestyle than those who had not
[C] that girls who had Planet Health were more confident than those who had not
[D] that girls who had Planet Health were more used to control weight in positive means than those who had not
2. The word “whoa” (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means _____.
[A] fast
[B] stop
[C] pause
[D] no
3. In the CATCH, pizza is a kind of _____ food.
[A] dangerous
[B] yellow-light
[C] highly-nutritious
[D] less healthy
4. According to the second study of comparing CATCH schools with others without the program, CATCH students in El Pasco _____.
[A] were not growing weight from grade 3 to grade 5
[B] were prevented from normal weight growth from grade 3 to grade 5
[C] were not growing to over weight from grade 3 to grade 5
[D] were losing weight from grade 3 to grade 5
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of Glen Cove Elmentary School?
[A] The school adopt CATCH in order to change lifestyle of the school children's family.
[B] The school applied CATCH to the school children's parents.
[C] The school wanted to help children to form good health habits with the help of their parents.
[D] The CATCH school children also teach their family how to live healthily.

1. The study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine shows _____.
[A] that girls who had Planet Health were less obese than those who had not
[B] that girls who had Planet Health were of a healthier lifestyle than those who had not
[C] that girls who had Planet Health were more confident than those who had not
[D] that girls who had Planet Health were more used to control weight in positive means than those who had not
1. 發(fā)表于《兒童與青少年醫(yī)學(xué)檔案》上的一項研究說明了 _____。
[A] 參加“健康行星”項目的女孩比沒有參加的女孩瘦
[B] 參加“健康行星”項目的女孩比沒有參加的女孩的生活方式更健康
[C] 參加“健康行星”項目的女孩比沒有參加的女孩更自信
[D] 參加“健康行星”項目的女孩比沒有參加的女孩控制體重的方式更加積極
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
2. The word “whoa” (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means _____.
[A] fast
[B] stop
[C] pause
[D] no
2. whoa這個詞(第三段第三行)最有可能的意思是 _____。
[A] 快的
[B] 停止
[C] 暫停
[D] 不
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆
3. In the CATCH, pizza is a kind of _____ food.
[A] dangerous
[B] yellow-light
[C] highly-nutritious
[D] less healthy
3. 在“兒童健康合作方法”項目中,比薩是一種 _____ 食品。
[A] 危險的
[B] 黃燈的
[C] 有豐富營養(yǎng)的
[D] 不那么健康的
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
4. According to the second study of comparing CATCH schools with others without the program, CATCH students in El Pasco _____.
[A] were not growing weight from grade 3 to grade 5
[B] were prevented from normal weight growth from grade 3 to grade 5
[C] were not growing to overweight from grade 3 to grade 5
[D] were losing weight from grade 3 to grade5
4. 根據(jù)第二項研究,即對比實行CATCH的學(xué)校和未實行該項目的學(xué)校,在El Pasco的CATCH學(xué)生 _____。
[A] 從三年級到五年級體重沒有增加
[B] 從三年級到五年級都沒有在正常范圍內(nèi)增加體重
[C] 從三年級到五年級體重沒有增加至超重
[D] 從三年級到五年級體重減輕了
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
分析:細節(jié)題。第四段提到,一般從三年級到五年級超重學(xué)生的數(shù)量會上升,但該項目卻遏制了這種上升,hold the line的意思為“保持不變”,由此可以推斷,實施了該項目的學(xué)生從三年級到五年級超重的人數(shù)沒有增加,也就是說他們的體重在增長,但是沒有向著超重的方向發(fā)展,而是正常的增長。因此選項C最為符合這個意思。其余三個選項都與這個意思不符合。
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of Glen Cove Elmentary School?
[A] The school adopt CATCH in order to change lifestyle of the school children's family.
[B] The school applied CATCH to the school children's parents.
[C] The school wanted to help children to form good health habits with the help of their parents.
[D] The CATCH school children also teach their family how to live healthily.
5. 關(guān)于Glen Cove小學(xué),下列哪個陳述是正確的?
[A] 該學(xué)校采用“兒童健康合作方法”是為了改變學(xué)校學(xué)生家庭的生活方式。
[B] 該學(xué)校將“兒童健康合作方法”應(yīng)用到學(xué)生家長身上。
[C] 該學(xué)校想通過家長的幫助,讓學(xué)生養(yǎng)成健康的生活習(xí)慣。
[D] 實施了“兒童健康合作方法”的學(xué)校的學(xué)生也教會了他們的家庭如何健康地生活。
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆

參與該項目的每個學(xué)生每年只需要花費約15美元,這是考慮了成本后的一個優(yōu)惠的價格:2005年發(fā)表在《兒童與青少年醫(yī)學(xué)檔案》上的一項研究表明,實施“健康行星”項目的中學(xué)女生服用瀉藥或減肥藥的比例為沒有實施該項目學(xué)校的女生數(shù)量的一半。“該項目關(guān)注好的方面,這也就是為什么我們認為它可以預(yù)防危險行為。”該研究報告的作者,哈佛醫(yī)學(xué)院兒科助理教授Bryn Austin說道。
另一個項目,即“兒童健康合作方法”目前已在全國7,000所小學(xué)中施行,同“健康行星”項目類似,該項目注重良好的健康習(xí)慣而不是體重。在課上,學(xué)生用紅綠燈系統(tǒng)來標示“通行”、“減速”、“停止”吃食物,課間可以玩抓子游戲。在自助餐廳里,水果、蔬菜、低脂牛奶和全麥淀粉類食物都用綠燈標簽標示,而比薩則用黃燈標示。體育館運動的設(shè)計目的,就是要讓學(xué)生一直不停地運動。“保證每個孩子都有球或呼啦圈玩;不需要排隊,也不需要等著輪流玩。”圣地亞哥加州大學(xué)兒科榮譽教授Phil Nader說道,他協(xié)助研發(fā)了“兒童健康合作方法”。
Ysleta市El Paso附近的Glen Cove小學(xué)是最先采用“兒童健康合作方法”的學(xué)校之一,家長們也在孩子的帶動下注意健康飲食、多做運動。“我們確定了一個風(fēng)箏日,每個人都來放風(fēng)箏;還有‘健康星期三’,在這一天家庭成員和孩子們一起跑20分鐘。”體育老師Ben Avalos說道,他于1998年將該項目引入了Glen Cove小學(xué)。“家長也告訴我,孩子們讓他們把家里那些‘停止’食品扔掉。”Avalos在體育課上使用了手杖、彈簧單高蹺和悠悠球讓學(xué)生運動,沒有人在一旁閑待著。

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