Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him?
I would have he following suggestions, first off, he should plan things ahead and do things as early as possible. For example, if you have an appointment with a friend, try to be 10 or 15 minutes early and use the time for a specific activity, such as writing notes to people, reading a novel, or catching up with friends on the phone. This strategy can help convert dreaded wait time into time that is productive and pleasurable, and this gives one an incentive to be on time.
When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents; others prefer to go to their friends. Which one do you prefer?
When I need advice I usually prefer to go to my parents, specifically, I go to my mom. Although my friends can sometimes offer good advice too, my mom would always know how to help me through a situation. She has a lot of life experience because she’s older and she’s already experienced a lot of the problems that I’m experiencing now. For example, she knows more about things such as finances or taxes, that I have no experience in. And, because she’s my mom, I can always trust that she has my best interests at heart, and basically I know that my mom will always try to give me the best advice possible, and that’s not always a guarantee if you’re talking to someone you just met.