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專八閱讀訓(xùn)練:A Strong Stock Market



  A Strong Stock Market

  The increase in the margin rate from 50% to 70% was not anattempt to stem any rampant speculation on the part of thepublic—actually the market seemed technically quite strong,with public participation essentially dignified—but rather anattempt by the Federal Reserve Board to preserve the soundunderpinnings that existed in the market. Naturally, such amove had a momentarily chilling effect upon prices but if theFRB had been preoccupied with undue speculation, the increase might have been to the 80% oreven 90% level. Such an increases in the margin rate is a confirmation of a strong stock marketand since 19…,such increases have resulted in interim market highs over twelve months later.Obviously, there could be no guarantee that this would once again be the case, but if history isany guideline—and if business and corporate earnings were to continue on the samecourse—continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem more prudentthan pessimism.

  The margin increase underscored the good rise that stocks had enjoyed for the previousyear—and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointed up the fact that therise was mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part. In pastInvestment Letters we have voiced the thought that speciality stocks could outperform thegeneral market from this point. We continue to believe that this could be the case. For example,steel stocks tend to sell at certain fixed price/earnings ratios. Below a certain ratio they areconsidered good value—above a certain ratio, overpriced. If a company produces a uniqueproduct it is far more difficult for market analysis to place a numerical ratio upon the company’searnings. We have also contended in the past Letters that the stock market reflects masspsychology as well as the business outlook. When investors—both the public and theinstitutions—are nervous and pessimistic they definitely hesitate to buy stocks: they seek lowprice/earnings multiples and high yields. These same investors—when they are in an optimisticframe of mind—become for less preoccupied with yields and more wiling to pay a premium(highp/e multiples) for accelerated growth. If the public’s attitude towards the auto industry is anymeasure, then this period seems to have been one of optimism.

  1. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is

  [A] A Time to Sell Stock. [B] A Strong Stock Market

  [C] Raising the Margin Rate [D] Price/earnings Ratio in Steel

  2. When investors are pessimistic what do they do?

  [A] They look to the FRB for help. [B] They buy steel

  [C] They buy automobile stocks. [D] They look for high yields.

  3. Why does the writer believe that speciality stocks could outperform the general market?

  [A] Because analysis have difficulty in deciding upon a fixed price/earnings ratio.

  [B] Because the activity had been limited to blue chips.

  [C] Because the rise was conservative.

  [D] Because of the FRB action.

  4. When investors are optimistic, what do they do?

  [A] They look for accelerated growth. [B] They buy speciality stocks.

  [C] They look for high yields. [D] They are more prudent.


  1. B. 強(qiáng)勁證券市場(chǎng)(強(qiáng)市)。見(jiàn)難句譯注1和第一段第三句:“那種保證金率的增長(zhǎng)有力的鞏固了強(qiáng)勁證券市場(chǎng)。從19……年起,這種增長(zhǎng)導(dǎo)致一年來(lái)股市屢創(chuàng)新高。

  A. 買出股票的時(shí)候。 C. 提高保證金率。 D. 鋼的市盈率。這三項(xiàng)都不對(duì),它們只是文中涉及的方面。

  2. D. 他尋找高業(yè)績(jī)(即公司的產(chǎn)量或投資收益)。見(jiàn)文章倒數(shù)第三句:“當(dāng)投資者——公眾和團(tuán)體機(jī)構(gòu)——緊張而又悲觀時(shí),他們肯定在買進(jìn)股票上舉棋不定;他們尋求低價(jià)格/利潤(rùn)倍數(shù)和高額利潤(rùn)。

  A. 他們尋求聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備委員會(huì)的幫助。 B. 他們買進(jìn)鋼材。 C. 他們買進(jìn)汽車股票。

  3. A. 因?yàn)樵跊Q定定價(jià)/利潤(rùn)比上難以分析。見(jiàn)第二段第二句:“在過(guò)去的投資保證上我們一直表達(dá)了這樣的思想:行業(yè)股票在使用上可能超過(guò)普通股。我們依然相信情況可能就是這樣。舉例說(shuō):鋼股往往在一定價(jià)格/利潤(rùn)比上拋出。低于一定比率,可認(rèn)為股是好價(jià)值,而高于一定比率就是超價(jià)。如果一個(gè)公司就生產(chǎn)獨(dú)一無(wú)二的產(chǎn)品,那市場(chǎng)分析就很難對(duì)公司所得定出數(shù)比。“

  B. 因?yàn)楣墒谢顒?dòng)受蘭籌股所限。 C. 因?yàn)樾星樯仙J?。這兩項(xiàng)見(jiàn)難句譯注3。

  D. 由于聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備基金會(huì)的行動(dòng)。

  4. A. 他們尋求加速的增長(zhǎng)。見(jiàn)文章倒數(shù)第二句:“同樣是這些股民,當(dāng)投資者(對(duì)股市前景)持樂(lè)觀態(tài)度時(shí),他們不太關(guān)注(公司的)業(yè)績(jī)(產(chǎn)值)而愿意以高價(jià)來(lái)購(gòu)買具有高成長(zhǎng)性的股票。”


  1. margin rate 保證金率,邊際比率

  2. rampant 無(wú)約束力,猖獗的,蔓延的

  3. stem 遏制

  4. stem from 滋長(zhǎng),源自

  5. underpin 加強(qiáng)……基礎(chǔ),支持

  6. underpinning 支持物,基礎(chǔ)(建筑物下的)

  7. preoccupy 先占,使專心于,吸引住

  8. undue 過(guò)分的,非法的,不適當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

  9. interim 間歇;暫時(shí)的,間歇的

  10. guideline 方針,指導(dǎo)路線

  11. underscore 在……下面劃線,強(qiáng)調(diào)

  12. point up 加強(qiáng),強(qiáng)調(diào)

  13. bluechip 蘭籌股票

  14. blue-chip 蘭籌的

  15. outperform 在使用上勝過(guò)

  16. overprice 將……標(biāo)價(jià)過(guò)高

  17. numerical ratio 數(shù)率,數(shù)字比率

  18. earnings 收益,利潤(rùn),收入

  19. contend 競(jìng)爭(zhēng),堅(jiān)決主張,爭(zhēng)論

  20. premium 傭金,酬金


  1. The increase in the margin rate from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampantspeculation on the part of the public—actually the market seemed technically quite strong, withpublic participation essentially dignified—but rather an attempt by the Federal Reserve Board topreserve the sound underpinnings that existed in the market.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)析] 是not…but句型,兩個(gè)破折號(hào)中間是插入成分;中插入一個(gè)帶with+N+participle 短語(yǔ)

  [參考譯文] 保證金率從50%增長(zhǎng)到70%,并不是想要遏制群眾方面猖獗的投機(jī),而是聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備委員會(huì)想要保持現(xiàn)存于股市強(qiáng)勁基礎(chǔ)——事實(shí)上股市由于群眾非常莊嚴(yán)的參與——在技術(shù)上看起來(lái)相當(dāng)強(qiáng)勁。

  2. Obviously, there could be no guarantee that this would once again be the case, but if history isany guideline—and if business and corporate earnings were to continue on the samecourse—continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem more prudentthan pessimism.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)析] 復(fù)合句。中間有插入語(yǔ)if clause, 進(jìn)一步說(shuō)明條件。

  [參考譯文] 顯然,不可能保證這種情況再次出現(xiàn)(情況再是這樣)。可是,如果歷史具有指導(dǎo)方針的話——如果商業(yè)和公司的利潤(rùn)仍然保持在同樣軌道上——那么對(duì)股市前景樂(lè)觀似乎要比悲觀更精確些。

  3. The margin increase underscored the good rise that stocks had enjoyed for the previousyear—and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointed up the fact that therise was mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)析] 這句句子內(nèi)有四個(gè)that clause:第一個(gè)that是good rise的定語(yǔ)從句。第二個(gè)和第三個(gè)that都是the fact that句型。但第二個(gè)the fact that中,as long as it was, 指頭一年,pointed up是謂語(yǔ)。第四個(gè)是in that連詞,義:因?yàn)椤?/p>




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