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[高中]全新語法:動名詞 二、動名詞的句法作用








It is a waste of time doing ...做……是浪費時間

It is no good doing ...做……是沒好處

It is no use doing ...做……是沒用處

It’s fun doing ...做……很有意思

It is worth doing ...值得做……

It doesn’t matter doing ...做……沒有關系

It is no good talking.空談是沒有用的。

It’s fun working for him.為他工作很有意思。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.牛奶打翻了哭也沒有用。

It is a waste of time doing such a thing.做這種事情是浪費時間。

It is worth discussing the problem.討論這個問題是值得的。

It doesn’t matter wasting a little money.浪費一點錢沒有關系。


①It was nice meeting you.見到你真高興! (用于分別時)

②It is nice to meet you.(用于剛剛見面時)

(2)“There is no doing sth.” 句式中作主語,意為“不可能……,無法……”

There’s no denying the fact.這一事實不容否認。

There is no getting over the difficulty.這困難無法克服。

There is no knowing what he will do next.無法知道他下一步要干什么。

There was no telling when she would be back.沒法知道她什么時候回來。

There is no saying how long the rain is going to last.說不準這場雨要下多久。

There is no bearing such rude remarks.如此粗話,叫人根本無法忍受。


His favorite sport is swimming.他喜歡的運動是游泳。

Her job was washing clothes.她的工作是洗衣服。

【提示】 動名詞作主語和表語時要用“平行結構”。

Seeing is believing.=To see is to believe.眼見為實。

It’s easy saying than doing.=It’s easy to say than to do.說易做難。




admit 承認    advise 建議    allow 允許    appreciate 感激

avoid 避免    consider 考慮   delay 耽誤    deny 否認

endure 忍受    enjoy 喜歡     escape 逃脫    prevent 阻止

fancy 想象    finish 完成    forbid 禁止    forgive 寬恕

imagine 想象   keep 繼續(xù)     mention 提及   mind 介意

miss 錯過     permit 允許    postpone 推遲   practise 練習

recommend 建議  resist 抵抗    risk 冒險     stand 忍受

stop 停止     suggest 建議

It was impossible to avoid being affected.要想不受影響是不可能的。

I’ve often considered studying abroad.我經(jīng)常在想出國留學。

She enjoys helping her parents with the housework.她喜歡幫她父母做家務。

Can you imagine living without electricity? 你能想象沒有電的生活嗎?


add to 增加         adapt oneself to 使適應

adjusted ...to 調(diào)整     apply oneself to 致力于

get used to 習慣       can’t help 禁不住

come close to 幾乎      come to 談到

contribute to 有助于;促成  contribute to 有助于

depend on 依靠        devote oneself to 獻身于

do well in 在……方面做得好  dream of 夢想

feel like 打算        get down to開始

give up 放棄         go in for 愛好,喜歡

have an objection to 反對  insist on 堅持

lead to 導致         look forward to 盼望

object to 反對        pay attention to 注意

persist in 堅持       prefer ...to ...比起……更喜歡做

put off 推遲         set about 開始

stick to 堅持        succeed in 成功

The doctor told me to give up smoking.醫(yī)生叫我戒煙。

She burst out crying.她突然哭起來。

They have put off leaving.他們已推遲動身。

I insist on taking a proper trip.我堅決主張進行一次合適的旅行。

I don’t feel like eating anything.我什么也不想吃。

I’m looking forward to seeing him.我盼望著見到他。


I am afraid of hurting her feelings.我怕傷害她的感情。

This is an instrument for measuring speed.這是一種測量速度用的儀器。

They have been used to living in the small village.他們已經(jīng)習慣住在這個小村子里了。

How about going for a picnic? 去野餐怎么樣?


attempt 試圖    begin 開始    bother 麻煩    can’t bear不能忍受

cease 停止     continue 繼續(xù)   hate 憎恨     intend 想要

like 喜歡      love 喜歡     prefer 寧可    start 開始

He likes to sing/singing.他喜歡唱歌。

It has started to rain/raining.開始下雨了。


can’t help to do 不能幫忙做某事        can’t help doing 禁不住做某事

be afraid to do 不敢做某事           be afraid of doing 擔心發(fā)生某事

forget to do 忘記要去做某事          forget doing 忘記做過某事

go on to do 繼續(xù)去做另外一件事情        go on doing 繼續(xù)做同一件事情

mean to do 打算要做某事            mean doing 意味著

remember to do 記住去做某事          remember doing 記得做過某事

regret to do 對要做的事遺憾          regret doing 對做過的事遺憾、后悔

stop to do 停止去做另一件事          stop doing 停止正在或經(jīng)常做的事

try to do 努力、企圖做某事           try doing 試驗、試一試某種辦法

We stopped to have a rest.我們停下來休息了一會。(to have a rest目的狀語)

Don’t stop trying once again.不要停止,再試一次。(trying ...作stop的賓語)

I’m afraid to tell her.我不敢告訴她。(因為害怕“不敢告訴她”)

He is afraid of being scolded.他擔心受責備。(擔心的是“會受到責備”)


This is my recreation,reading novels.這便是我的娛樂,看小說。

His hobby,making model airplanes,is very interesting.



a dancing teacher 舞蹈教師          a smoking room 吸煙室

a walking stick 手杖             a writing desk 寫字臺

a swimming pool 游泳池            drinking water 飲用水

a bathing cap 浴帽              a changing room 更衣室

a waiting room 候診室             an ironing board 燙衣板

a hiding place 藏身處             an operating table 手術臺

building materials 建筑材料          a diving board 跳板

a writing table 寫字臺            reading materials 閱讀材料

a closing speech 閉幕詞            an opening speech 開幕詞

working hours 工作時間            a dancing hall 舞廳

【提示】 動名詞作定語時表示被修飾的名(代)詞的用途。

a smoking room=a room for smoking 吸煙室

drinking water=water for drinking 飲用水


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