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[高中]全新語法:動詞短語 易混動詞詞義辨析









He received a gift from her,but did not accept it.



(1)accomplish 圓滿地完成預計要完成的事情,著重經(jīng)過努力、堅持不懈而達到目的。

常用名詞搭配:aim task purpose mission object journey voyage

The explorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks.


(2)achieve 完成(事情);達成(目的);贏得(名聲)。

常用名詞搭配victory success fame purpose

I achieved all I hoped to do today.我已經(jīng)完成今天我想做的事。


A second child would complete their family.第二個孩子使他們的家更加完美了。

(4)finish“完成,結(jié)束”某項工作時,與complete 同義;finish后跟動名詞作賓語,往往帶有反面的意味,如“用完”、“吃完”等。

He finished writing the letter last night.這封信他是昨晚完成的。

He finished his meal.他吃完飯了。(不可用completed)


(1)announce 指官方或個人公開宣布的,尤指具有新聞性質(zhì)的事情;其后不接雙賓語。

They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper.他們登報宣布了婚期。


He declared the story (to be)false.他斷言那篇報道是假的。


He states his opinion.他陳述了他的意見。

He didn’t state whether the article was true.他沒明言那篇報道是否真實。



He appears to be your friend,but I doubt if he is.



The clock seems to be wrong.這鐘似乎走得不準。


The man looks about fifty.這男人看起來約50歲。



I don’t want to argue about it any more.我不想就這個再進行爭論了。


I’m very sorry for quarrelling with you last night.我很抱歉昨天晚上和你吵架。


The Toms discussed selling the house.湯姆一家商量過賣房子的事兒。



We’ll do all that is required of us.需要我們做的我們都會做好。


She demanded that we (should)give her an immediate answer.




They attempted to master the technique in four weeks.



Without her I couldn’t have managed all these things.沒有她我不可能做完這些事。


He tried to finish his work in time but failed.他試圖按時完成他的工作,但失敗了。



She beat her brother at tennis.她在網(wǎng)球上擊敗了她的兄弟。


win a game/war/battle/bet/race/match/an argument/an election/a fine victory


He struck a match to smoke.他劃了一根火柴點煙。


He’s sure to defeat his opponent in final.他肯定能在決賽中擊敗他的對手。

9.believe,believe in


(2)believe in“信奉,信仰”,表示對某人的信任,對真理、主張、宗教的信仰。

I believe him.(=I believe what he says)我相信他的話。

Do you believe in fairies? 你認為真有仙女嗎?


(1)destroy 常指徹底的、不能或很難修復的“破壞”、“毀壞”,程度較深。

The earthquake destroyed almost the entire city.那次地震幾乎毀滅了整個城市。

The forest was destroyed by fire.森林被火燒毀了。

(2)ruin 指嚴重的以至于不能修復的“破壞”,長期損壞的結(jié)果;可用來表示抽象概念。

The floods ruined many precious paintings.這次水災(zāi)毀壞了很多珍貴的畫。

You’ll ruin your health if you go on like this.這樣下去你會毀了你的身體的。

(3)damage 指程度較小的“破壞”、“損壞”,被破壞的物品可以重新修復。

The storm damaged several houses in the village.暴風雨損壞了這個村子的幾間房子。

The car was only slightly damaged in the accident.這輛車在事故中只受到輕微的損壞。


Who broke the teapot? 誰打破了茶壺?

The boy fell from the tree and broke his leg.這男孩從樹上跌下來,跌斷了腿。



You can choose a book from these.你可以從這些書中選一本。

He chose Miss Lily for his wife.他選擇莉莉小姐作為他的妻子。

(2)select“精選,挑選”,語氣比choose 正式。

We selected some for seeds.我們選了一些做種子。

The boy selected the best things from the shop.男孩從店里精選了最好的東西。


All the people agreed to elect him our chairman.


We elected him monitor of our class.我們推舉他為我班班長。

(4)pick“挑選,挑揀”,是仔細挑剔和苛刻地選擇,常與out 搭配。

Will you help me pick strawberries? 你幫我摘一下草莓好嗎?

Will you pick some apples for me? 你可以為我摘幾個蘋果嗎?



The water in the lake contains salt.這個湖的湖水包含鹽分。

The bowl contains a variety of fruit.碗里裝有各種水果。

This bottle contains two glasses of beer.這個瓶子裝了兩杯啤酒的量。


The health club includes a gym,swimming pool,and locker room.


The list included certain foods children like to eat.



I didn’t realize putting on a play involved so much work.


Painting the classroom involved moving all the desks and chairs out.




sb.pay sb.for sth.

sb.pay+錢+for sth.

sb.pay sb.+錢+for sth.

sb.pay for sth.

I paid him for his service.我付了他的服務(wù)費了。

I paid $10 for the book.我花十美元買的這本書。

I paid him $1000 for the used car.我買他這輛二手車花了一千美元。

Let me pay for the broken window.我來賠打破的玻璃窗的費用。


sb./sth.+takes+時間+to do sth.

It+takes+時間+to do sth.

I took half an hour to get home yesterday.昨天我回家用了半個小時。(主語是人)

Reading the novel took her the whole day.讀這本小說花了她一整天的時間。(主語是某種活動)

How long does it take to go there by train? 坐火車去那里要多少時間?(it作形式主語)


sth.cost (sb.)+錢/時間

It cost (sb.)+錢/時間

sth.cost sb.sth 是某人失去某物

His house cost him a lot of money.他的房子花了他很多錢。

It costs $1000 a year to run a car.使用一輛車每年要花一千美元。

The moment’s stop cost him his lead.那瞬間的停頓使他失去了領(lǐng)先的位子。


sb.+spend+時間/錢+(in)doing sth.

sb.+spend+時間/錢+on sth.

He spent his last years (in)teaching and editing earlier writings.


He spent a lot of money on books while in college.


(5)charge 收費,要價

charge sb.+錢

charge sb.+(錢)+for sth.

charge for sth.

They charged advertisers $5,000 a minute.


He charged me 100 dollars for this coat.這件外套他要了我100美元。

Hotels charge for services.旅館收服務(wù)費。

(6)buy“購買”:buy sth.for+錢

I bought the computer for $600.我花600美元買了這臺電腦。

He bought it for very little money.他買它只花了一點點錢。

【比較】 我六元錢買了一本詞典。

①I bought the dictionary for six yuan.

②The dictionary cost me 6yuan.

③I paid six yuan for the dictionary.

④ I spent six yuan on the dictionary.



The water they had thrown over everything to put out the fire damaged the books.



My feet hurt when I walk.我走路時腳痛。

My little boy fell off a ladder and hurt himself.


She was hurt to find that no one admired her performance.



He injured his left arm in a car accident.在一次車禍中他的左臂受傷了。

In the railway accident 300 people were injured.在那次火車事故中有300人受傷。



The class is divided into four groups.這個班級被分成四組。


The child was separated from his parents.孩子與父母分開了。

16.dress,have on,wear,put on,be in,try on,pull on

(1)dress 及物動詞,后面的賓語是人時,意為“給某人穿衣服”,表示動作,與in 搭配接衣物,被動形式表示狀態(tài)。

She dressed her daughter in a white skirt.她給女兒穿了條白裙子。

The boy is old enough to dress himself.那男孩已長大了,能自己穿衣服了。

She is dressed all in white.她穿一身白衣服。

(2)have on 表示狀態(tài),不用進行時態(tài),賓語為衣帽、鞋襪、眼鏡等。

He has on a red shirt.他穿著一件紅襯衣。

At the Spring Festival,all children have on new clothes.春節(jié)那天,所有孩子都穿上新衣。

(3)wear 表示狀態(tài),可用于進行時態(tài),賓語為衣帽、鞋襪、首飾、眼鏡、胡須等。

He wears an army uniform.他穿著軍裝。

She was still wearing her thick coat.她仍穿著厚外套。

She was wearing a gold ring.她戴著一枚金戒指。

He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes.他戴墨鏡保護眼睛。

Does he wear a beard? 他留胡子嗎?

(4)put on 表示動作,賓語為衣物,反義詞為take off。

It’s cold today.You’d better put on more clothes.


Put on your coat,or you will have a cold.穿上大衣,不然你會感冒的。

(5)be in 表示穿著的狀態(tài),賓語為顏色或衣物的名詞。

The man in blue is our teacher.穿藍衣服的那個人是我們的老師。

There was a girl in red.有位穿紅色衣服的姑娘。

(6)try on 試穿

Mother was trying on a new dress.媽媽正在試穿新衣。

(7)pull on 表示動作,反義詞是pull off,表示不經(jīng)心地、隨便地或匆忙地穿上衣服。

She pulled her clothes on and went to school.她匆匆忙忙地穿上衣服上學去了。



The jacket fits me perfectly.這衣服正合我身。

These shoes don’t fit me.Have you got a larger size?



That haircut suits you.那種發(fā)型很適合你。

The red jacket fits me well,but doesn’t suit me.這件衣服大小正好,但不適合我。

(3)match“相配”,強調(diào)一事物與另外一事物相配,相當于go with。

Your cups match your saucers.您的杯子和茶碟非常相配。

The color of the curtains doesn’t match that of the sofa.



(1)fix“修理,組裝”,指“修理”時與repair 通用。

I had my radio fixed/repaired.我讓人修了收音機。


Your shoes need repairing (mending).你的鞋子需要修理。


He had his house repaired.他讓人修了房子。

19.join in,attend,take part in,join

(1)join in 參加一些小型活動,常用join sb.in (doing)sth.句式。

Everyone joined in the game.每個人都參加了游戲。

They joined me in congratulating you.他們與我一道向您恭賀。

(2)attend 多指出席會議、演講、上學等。

I promised to attend the show.我答應(yīng)去觀看文藝演出。

He decided to attend the meeting.他決定出席這個會議。

(3)take part in一般指參加一些大型的活動、會議等,參加者往往起一份作用。

Will you take part in the English evening? 同我們一起參加英語晚會好嗎?

The Swiss did not take part in the two World Wars.瑞士人沒有參加這兩次世界大戰(zhàn)。


I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永遠也忘不了入黨的那一天。


(1)rob指通過威脅、暴力或武力的“搶劫”行為,常用rob sb.of sth.句式。

The man robbed her of her bag.那個男子搶走了她的手提包。

(2)steal“偷盜”某人的財物,常用steal sth.(from sb.)句式。

Who stole my money? 誰偷了我的錢?

Prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down to men.



(1)seat 及物動詞,意為“使就座;容納”,常用于seat oneself/be seated 句式中;主動式強調(diào)動作,被動式強調(diào)狀態(tài)。

He seated himself at the desk.他自己坐在桌子旁。

They were seated at their desks.他們在桌子邊坐好了。

I seated him in the chair.我讓他在椅子上坐下來。

The dining-table seats 20 guests.這餐桌能坐下20個客人。

【比較】 新會議廳可容納一萬人。

①The new hall can seat ten thousand people.

②The new hall can hold ten thousand people.

③The new hall can admit ten thousand people.

(2)sit 不及物動詞,強調(diào)狀態(tài),sit down 強調(diào)動作。

The old lady is sitting near the stove.老太太坐在火爐旁。

the old lady is seated near the stove.

After standing for so long,it was a pleasure to sit down and rest.




She was shaking with cold.她因寒冷而顫抖。


He was trembling with fear.他因害怕而戰(zhàn)栗。


I shivered with cold.我冷得發(fā)抖。

23.agree on,agree to,agree with

(1)agree with后可接人或what從句,表示“同意某人的意見”;還有“與……一致”之意。

Whom does he agree with,his father or his mother?


We don’t agree with what the teacher has said.


The climate there doesn’t agree with me.那里的氣候不適合我。

(2)agree to 用于“同意、贊同某一計劃、建議、提議、安排、條件”等。

He’s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday.他已經(jīng)同意我們的假日計劃了。

They said they couldn’t agree to such strict terms.他們說他們不同意這樣苛刻的條件。

(3)agree on表示“在某事或某方面取得一致意見”。

We all agreed to build a bridge over the river,but couldn’t agree on where to build it.


Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 我們能不能為下次會議確定一個時間?

24.be known as,be known for,be known to

(1)be known as作為……而聞名

She was well known as an excellent dancer.大家公認她是一位優(yōu)秀的舞蹈家。

(2)be known for 因……而聞名

West Lake is known for its beautiful scenery.西湖以風景優(yōu)美而聞名。

(3)be known to 為……所知,為……所熟知

He’s known to the police as a criminal.在警察眼中他是罪犯。

25.catch fire,set fire to,be on fire

(1)catch fire 不及物動詞詞組,強調(diào)動作,意為“著火”。

The clothes caught fire and were destroyed.衣服著火了,并被燒毀了。

(2)set fire to sth./set sth.on fire 及物動詞詞組,強調(diào)動作,意為“點燃,使燃燒”。

Who set fire to the house? 誰放火燒的房子?

who set the house on fire?

(3)be on fire 表示著火的狀態(tài)。

The old house was on fire.那間老屋著火了。

26.compare ...to,compare ...with

(1)compare ...to表示“把(一物)比做(另一物)”。

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亞把世界比做一座舞臺。

(2)compare ...with表示“把(一物)與(另一物)相比較”。

Compared with western countries,China uses materials very carefully.


【提示】 compared to=compared with,意為“與……相比”。作狀語時可互換。

Compared to/with him,I am a poor man.和他相比,我是個窮光蛋。

27.deal with,do with

(1)deal with“應(yīng)付,處理;論述,涉及”,常與how連用。

How shall we deal with these problems? 我們?nèi)绾谓鉀Q這些問題?

(2)do with“處理,安排,容忍,與……相處”,常與what連用。

What shall I do with it? 我怎樣處理它好呢?

28.insist on,stick to

(1)stick to“堅持(意見、看法、規(guī)則等)”,to為介詞,接名詞或動名詞。

We stick to the point that theory comes from practice.


(2)insist on“堅持干某事”。

The little boy insisted on going with his parents.


29.result in,result from

(1)result in“導致”,強調(diào)某事導致何種結(jié)果,或獲得某種成果。

The strike resulted in the confusion.罷工導致了這場混亂。

(2)result from“起因于”,強調(diào)結(jié)果起因于某事。

The confusion resulted from the strike.這場混亂起因于罷工。

30.run out,run out of

(1)run out“用完”,不及物動詞短語,主語一般是物,用主動形式表示被動含義。

My ink is running out.我的墨水快用完了。

(2)run out of“用完”,及物動詞短語,主語一般是人,多用于完成時和進行時。

I have run out of ink.我的墨水用完了。

I’m running out of ink.我的墨水快用完了。

31.search,search for,in search of


After we had landed,the plane was searched thoroughly.


(2)search for“搜尋,尋找”,強調(diào)為具體目標而去搜查某一對象。

I searched everywhere for the book.我到處找這本書。

(3)in search of為介詞短語,后接“尋找的目標”,常作目的狀語或表語。

I’m in search of a house to let.我在尋找出租的房屋。

They set sail again and headed south and west in search of a new land.



1.【安徽】Shakespeare’s writing is still popular today.It has really________the test of time.

A.failed B.stood C.taken D.conducted

【答案】B 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:莎士比亞的作品今天依舊很受歡迎,它經(jīng)受住了時間的考驗。根據(jù)前一句可推知,后一句意為“莎士比亞的作品經(jīng)受住了時間的考驗”。stand the test of time經(jīng)受住時間的考驗。fail the test of time未能經(jīng)受住時間的考驗。故選B。

2.【福建】It is widely acknowledged that students should be________in terms of overall quality.

A.supported B.matched C.evaluated D.controlled

【答案】C 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:(大家)普遍認為學生們應(yīng)該得到全面的評價。support 支持,支撐,撫養(yǎng);match 使相配,比得上;evaluate 評價,評估;control 控制,抑制,管理。故選C。

3.【江蘇】Top graduates from universities are________by major companies.

A.chased B.registered C.offered D.compensated

【答案】A 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:大學里的優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生受到大公司的青睞。chase 追逐,追求;register 登記,注冊;offer 提供,提議;compensate 補償,賠償。根據(jù)語境可知A項正確。故選A。

4.【江蘇】Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to________the soul of Qu Yuan.

A.remember B.remind C.recover D.recall

【答案】D 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:傳說,端午節(jié)的緣由是為了召喚屈原的靈魂。remember 記得;remind 提醒;recover 恢復;recall 召喚,召回。根據(jù)語境可知D項符合語境。故選D。

5.【江西】I don’t believe what you said,but if you can prove it,you may be able to________ me.

A.convince B.inform C.guarantee D.refuse

【答案】A 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我不相信你所說的,但是如果你能證明,你也許能夠說服我。convince 說服;inform 通知;guarantee 保證;refuse 拒絕。故選A。

6.【天津】My parents always________great importance to my getting a good education.

A.have B.attach C.accept D.pay

【答案】B 考查動詞搭配。have 有;attach 黏附;attach great importance to 認為……重要;accept 接受;pay 付款。句意:我父母非??粗氐囊稽c,就是我必須接受良好的教育。故選B。

7.【浙江】Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head,but I tried to________the pain,believing that it would go away sooner or later.

A.share B.realize C.ignore D.cause

【答案】C 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:上星期一只網(wǎng)球擊中了我的頭,但我沒把疼痛放在心上,因為我相信這種痛苦遲早會過去的。根據(jù)句意知,此處用ignore,表示“忽略,忽視”。share 分享,分擔;realize 認識到;cause 導致。故選C。

8.【浙江】No matter how carefully you plan your finances,no one can________when the unexpected will happen.

A.prove B.imply C.demand D.predict

【答案】D 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:無論你對自己的財務(wù)計劃得多么周密,沒有人能預測到什么時候會發(fā)生意外。根據(jù)句意知,此處用predict,表示“預料,預測”。prove 證實,證明;imply 隱含,暗示;demand 要求。故選D。

9.【安徽】Terry,please________your cellphone when grandma is talking to you.

A.look up from B.look into C.look back on D.look through

【答案】A 考查動詞短語。句意:特里,祖母和你說話時,不要看著手機。look up from 從……抬頭往上看;look into 調(diào)查;look back on 回顧,回頭看;look through 仔細檢查。故選A。

10.【安徽】When the sports hero________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms.

A.turned up B.left off C.moved on D.got away

【答案】A 考查動詞短語。句意:當那位體育明星出現(xiàn)在我們聚會上時,人們張開雙臂歡迎他。turn up 出現(xiàn),露面;leave off 停止,戒掉;move on 出發(fā),離開,繼續(xù)前進;對……采取行動;get away 逃離,出發(fā)。故選A。

11.【全國大綱卷】Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music,but she________it with hard work.

A.goes back onB.takes away from

C.makes up forD.catches up with

【答案】C 考查動詞短語。句意:卡羅琳沒有音樂天賦,但她用努力學習彌補了她的不足。此處make up for意為“彌補”。故選C。

12.【福建】As a grass-roots singer,she reads everything she can________concerning music,and takes every opportunity to improve herself.

A.catch sight of B.get hold of C.take charge of D.make mention of

【答案】B 考查動詞短語。句意:作為一名草根歌手,她閱讀她能得到的與音樂相關(guān)的所有資料,并且利用每一次機會去提高自己。catch sight of 看見,發(fā)現(xiàn);get hold of 把握,抓住,得到;take charge of 負責,接管;make mention of 提到,提及。故選B。

13.【江蘇】— Dad,I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.

— I see.I’ll go right away and________.

A.pay him back B.pay him off C.put him away D.put him off

【答案】B 考查動詞短語。句意:“爸爸,我認為Oliver不是這項工作的合適人選。”“我明白了,我現(xiàn)在就付清工資解雇他。”pay back 償還,報答;pay off 還清,付清工資予以解雇;put away 處理,放好;put off 推遲,延期。故選B。

14.【江西】Anyway,we’re here now,so let’s________some serious work.

A.come up with B.get down to C.do away with D.live up to

【答案】B 考查動詞短語。句意:不管怎么說,我們都已經(jīng)在這兒了,那就干點正事吧。come up with 想起;get down to 著手做;do away with 廢除;live up to 實行,不辜負。故選B。

15.【陜西】Ralph W.Emerson would always________new ideas that occurred to him.

A.set off B.set about C.set up D.set down

【答案】D 考查動詞短語。句意:Ralph W.Emerson總是記下出現(xiàn)在他頭腦中的新想法。set off意為“出發(fā),動身”;set about意為“開始,著手”,后跟動詞v.-ing形式;set up意為“設(shè)立,建立”;set down意為“記下,寫下”。故選D。

16.【天津】The two countries are going to meet to________some barriers to trade between them.

A.make up B.use up C.turn down D.break down

【答案】D 考查動詞短語。句意:兩個國家將舉行會面以掃除兩國之間的貿(mào)易障礙。make up 組成,構(gòu)成;編造,虛構(gòu);和解;use up 用完;turn down 拒絕;關(guān)?。籦reak down 掃除(障礙),清除(困難)。根據(jù)句中的關(guān)鍵詞barriers,可知是掃除障礙,故選D。

17.【浙江】How could you________such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months?

A.turn off B.turn in C.turn down D.turn to

【答案】C 考查動詞短語。句意:你已經(jīng)失業(yè)好幾個月了,怎么還要拒絕這么好的工作呢? turn down表示“拒絕”,符合語境。turn off 關(guān)掉;turn in 轉(zhuǎn)入,上交;turn to 轉(zhuǎn)向。故選C。

18.【湖北】Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to________our school’s campaign “Help the Needy”,which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.

A.sponsor B.launch C.organize D.plan

【答案】A 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:兩名律師捐贈了五萬美元來資助我校的前任校長在三年前發(fā)起的“幫助有需要的人”這一運動。sponsor 資助,贊助;launch 發(fā)射;organize 組織;plan 計劃。捐錢當然應(yīng)該是“資助”,故選A。

19.【湖北】Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and________every page of my draft.

A.approved B.quoted C.polished D.folded

【答案】C 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:最后,我要感謝我的導師,他為我的論文提供了很多建議和看法并且潤色了我的每一頁草稿。approve 同意;quote 引用;polish修改,潤色;fold 折疊。故選C。

20.【湖北】Walking alone in the dark,the boy whistled to________his courage.

A.hold up B.keep up C.set up D.take up

【答案】B 考查動詞短語。句意:獨自一人在黑暗中走,那個男孩吹口哨給自己壯膽。hold up 舉起;耽擱,延遲;keep up 保持,維持;set up 建造,創(chuàng)立;take up 占據(jù),開始從事。keep up one’s courage 保持勇氣,鼓起勇氣。故選B。


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