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[高中]全新語法:從屬連詞 易混連詞詞義辨析






1.as,as if/as though


Just as he was speaking there was a loud explosion.正當他說話時,有一大爆炸聲。


Do in Rome as the Romans do.入境隨俗。


As he was such a fool,I refused to listen to him.



Child as he is,he can answer the question.他雖是個小孩,卻能回答這個問題。

Poor as he was,he was above selling his honor at any price.


Try as I would,I couldn’t open it.無論我怎么試,都打不開它。

【提示】 as引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句中也可以用though代替。

Child as/though he is,he can answer the question.他雖是個小孩,卻能回答這個問題。

(5)as if/as though用法相同,可以用虛擬語氣。

How wild his white hair looked as if it had been electrified!


He acts as if he were a fool.他做事像個傻子。

He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.他舉起手,好像要取下帽子。(省略形式)

The boy looked about as if in search of something.



(1)as表示明顯的或已知的原因,語氣比because,since 輕。

As it is cold,I put on my coat.由于天冷,我穿上了大衣。

(2)because表示直接的原因,因果概念強,回答why 提出的問題。

It is because they are in need of help that I am prepared to help them.



Since you insist,I must go now.既然你堅持,那我現(xiàn)在必須走。


We must get rid of carelessness,for it often leads to mistake.


3.because,because of

(1)because引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,回答why 引起的特殊疑問句,用于強調(diào)句型中。

— Why can’t I go? 為什么我不能去?

— Because you are too young.因為你年紀太小。

It was because some people speak ill of him that he got angry.


(2)because of不能引導(dǎo)從句,只能引導(dǎo)名詞、代詞或短語。

He can’t come because he is ill.他因病不能來。(because后接從句)

He can’t come because of his illness.他因病不能來。(because of后接短語)

4.as much as,as many as

(1)as much as接不可數(shù)名詞,表示“總量”和“單位量”的大小。

In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars.事實上,它整整花了我100美元。

We walked as much as 50 miles that day.那天我們整整走了50英里。

(2)as much as表示模糊的數(shù)量,意為“與……一樣多”。

I ate as much as I wanted.我想吃多少就吃多少。

Rest as much as possible.盡可能多休息。

I’ll spend as much as necessary.需要花多少錢,我就花多少錢。

I’m sorry I haven’t done as much as I should.我很抱歉,我做得很不夠。

We can take as much as our buyer can supply.買主能提供多少我們就能要多少。

(3)as many as接可數(shù)名詞,意為“多達……”。

She has as many as seven sisters.她的姊妹有七人之多。

As many as 100 people were killed in the air crash.這次空難中多達一百人喪生。

The civil war in that country lasted as many as 16 years.


The kings of Egypt built as many as 80 pyramids.



(1)as/so far as遠達

I walked as far as the church.我一直走到教堂那么遠。

We didn’t go so far as the others.我們沒有像其余的人那樣走那么遠。

We did not go so far as the bridge.我們沒有走到橋那么遠。

(2)as long as長達

I have been learning English as long as 15 years.我學(xué)英文已有十五年之久。

【提示】 as/so long as 從屬連詞,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,意為“只要,如果”。

I’m happy as long as/so you are happy.


(3)as wide as寬達

The river is as wide as 100 meters.這條河寬達一百公尺。

This window is just as wide as that one.這扇窗戶正好和那扇窗戶一樣寬。

(4)as high as高達

I’ve got a score as high as yours in this test.


What animal can jump as high as a tree? 什么動物能跳得跟樹那么高?

(5)as early as早在

I mailed the letter as early as Friday.我早在星期五就把信寄了。

Colour printing was also invented by the Chinese as early as the 10th century.


(6)as late as遲在

He came home as late as two in the morning.他遲至清晨兩點才回家。

I saw your brother as late as last week.上個禮拜我還看到你哥哥。


1.【安徽】What we expect from you is working hard________hardly working.

A.less than B.rather than C.as well as D.as much as

【答案】B 考查連詞。句意:我們期待你的是努力工作,而非很少工作。less than 少于,不及;rather than 而不是;as well as 也,又,像……一樣;as much as和……一樣,差不多。working hard和hardly working為完全相反的兩個概念,顯然前后為對照關(guān)系。故選B。

2.【北京】Some animals carry seeds from one place to another,________plants can spread to new places.

A.so B.or C.for D.but

【答案】A 考查連詞。本題前半部分講“有些動物把種子從一個地方帶到另外一個地方”,所以導(dǎo)致“植物傳播”。此為表示因果關(guān)系的并列句。故選A。

3.【山東】I don’t really like the author,________I have to admit his books are very exciting.

A.although B.unless C.until D.once

【答案】A 考查連詞。句意:盡管我不得不承認他的書很令人興奮,但是我真的不喜歡這個作者。although 盡管;unless 除非;until 直到……為止;once 一旦。故選A。

4.【浙江】Facing up to your problems________running away from them is the best approach to working things out.

A.more than B.rather than C.along with D.or rather

【答案】B 考查連詞詞組辨析。句意:最好的解決問題的方法是面對你的問題,而不是逃避它們。more than 不僅僅;rather than 而不是;along with 與……一起;or rather 更確切地說。故選B。

5.【四川】Frank insisted that he was not asleep________I had great difficulty in waking him up.

A.whether B.although C.for D.so

【答案】B 考查連詞。句意:盡管我費了好大勁才叫醒弗蘭克,但是他堅持說他沒有睡著。語意上構(gòu)成了一種讓步。故選B。

6.【四川】As is reported,it is 100 years________Qinghua University was founded.

A.when B.before C.after D.since

【答案】D 考查連詞。句意:據(jù)報道,清華大學(xué)建校100年了。It’s+時間段+since 從句,意為“自從……以來……”。故選D。

7.【全國Ⅰ】Try________she might,Sue couldn’t get the door open.

A.if B.when C.since D.as

【答案】D 考查連詞。句意:盡管蘇盡力了,但她沒能把門打開。as表示“雖然”引導(dǎo)狀語從句時,從句的結(jié)構(gòu)為:表語、狀語或部分謂語+as+主語+其他。故選D。

8.【全國Ⅰ】— Someone wants you on the phone.

—________nobody knows I am here.

A.Although B.And C.But D.So

【答案】C 考查連詞。句意:“有人在電話中找你?!薄暗菦]有人知道我在這兒?!备鶕?jù)語境可知此處表示轉(zhuǎn)折。故選C。

9.【山東】Find ways to praise your children often,________you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.

A.till B.or C.and D.but

【答案】C 考查連詞。句意:想方設(shè)法多表揚你的孩子,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)他們會對你敞開心扉。本題為“祈使句+and/or+陳述句”句式結(jié)構(gòu),表示發(fā)生前句假設(shè)的情況,后面的陳述句就會發(fā)生,故要用and。故選C。

10.【山東】He had his camera ready________he saw something that would make a good picture.

A.even if B.if only C.in case D.so that

【答案】C 考查連詞。句意:他準備好了照相機以免他看到什么能指出好照片的東西時而無法拍攝下來。even if 即使;if only 要是……就好了;in case 萬一,以免得;so that 以便,結(jié)果是。故選C。

11.【江西】The house was too expensive and too big.________,I’d grown fond of our little rented house.

A.Besides B.Therefore C.Somehow D.Otherwise

【答案】A 考查連詞。句意:這個房子太貴太大。況且,我已經(jīng)對我們的小租用房越來越喜歡了。根據(jù)前后句判斷出為并列關(guān)系。besides 此外,表并列;therefore 因此,表因果;somehow 無論如何,表轉(zhuǎn)折;otherwise否則,表轉(zhuǎn)折。故選A。

12.【江西】Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or________it is convenient to you.



【答案】A 考查連詞。句意:請打電話給我的秘書安排今天下午的會議,或者在任何你方便的時候。whenever 無論何時;however 然而;whichever 任何一個;wherever 無論哪里。關(guān)系副詞在后句中充當狀語,根據(jù)語境可知是指時間。故選A。

13.【浙江】One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away________my daughter heard cries for help.

A.after B.while C.since D.when

【答案】D 考查連詞。句意:有個星期五,我們正收拾行囊準備外出度周末時,女兒突然間聽到求救聲?!皐as/were doing ...when”為固定句式,表示“正在做……時突然……”。故選D。

14.【遼寧】No matter how________,it is not necessarily lifeless.

A.a desert may be dryB.dry a desert may be

C.may a desert be dryD.dry may a desert be

【答案】B 考查讓步狀語從句。句意:不管沙漠里可能是多么干燥,它也并不一定是沒有生命存在的。固定句式為no matter how/however+形容詞/副詞+主謂,而且在英語中所有的從句都是陳述語序。故選B。

15.【遼寧】He had no sooner finished his speech________the students started cheering.

A.since B.as C.when D.than

【答案】D 考查連詞。句意:他一完成演講學(xué)生們就開始歡呼起來了。no sooner ...than ...=hardly ...when ...一……就……,為固定句型,而且主句的時態(tài)一般為過去完成時。故選D。

16.【遼寧】Bring the flowers into a warm room________they’ll soon open.

A.or B.and C.but D.for

【答案】B 考查連詞。句意:把花兒拿到溫暖的房間里,那么它們很快就會開放??崭袂斑厼槠硎咕浔項l件,而且根據(jù)句意可知前后兩句為順承關(guān)系,故用連詞and。or否則,與前一句構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系;but但是,表轉(zhuǎn)折;for一般用逗號隔開,放在第二句的句首,解釋說明原因。故選B。

17.【陜西】________ all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post.

A.Since B.While C.If D.As

【答案】B 考查連詞。句意:雖然他們中所有的人都是強勁的候選人,但是只能選擇其中的一個來擔當這個職位。since 既然;由于;自從……到;while 當……的時候;雖然;if 如果;as 當……的時候;由于。故選B。

18.【湖南】Jack wasn’t saying anything but the teacher smiled at him________he had done something very clever.

A.as if B.in case C.while D.though

【答案】A 考查連詞。句意:杰克什么也沒有說,但老師卻對著他微笑,好像他做了什么聰明事似的。故選A。

19.【天津】________ regular exercise is very important,it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.

A.If B.As C.Although D.Unless

【答案】C 考查連詞。句意:盡管定期鍛煉是很重要的,但是快要睡覺的時候鍛煉不是一個好主意。if 如果;as 因為,當……的時候,表示“雖然、盡管”時須用倒裝句;although 雖然、盡管;unless 除非。故選C。

20.【上?!縄f a lot of people say a film is not good,I won’t bother to see it,or I’ll wait________it comes out on DVD.

A.whether B.after C.though D.until

【答案】D 考查連詞。句意:如果許多人都說一部電影不好的話,我不會費心去觀看,或者我會等DVD版本的電影出版。whether是否;after 在……以后;though 盡管,雖然;until 直到。故選D。

21.【上海】The police officers in our city work hard________the rest of us can live a safe life.

A.in case B.as if C.in order that D.only if

【答案】C 考查連詞。句意:為了我們能過上安全的生活,我們城市的警察工作很努力。in case 以免,(以防)萬一;as if 好像;in order that 為了;only if 只有。故選C。


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