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[高中]全新語法:并列連詞 一、簡單連詞的用法








He bought a book and a pen.他買了一本書和一支筆。(連接名詞)

He started to shout and swear.他開始又喊又罵。(連接動詞)

Tom and Mary are singing and dancing at the party.


We were cold and hungry.我們饑寒交迫。(連接形容詞)

I woke up and got out of bed.我醒了就起床了。(連接動詞短語)

He played the piano and she sang.他彈鋼琴,她唱歌。(連接句子)


Solid,liquid and gas are the three states of matter.


Sam enjoys tennis,golf and baseball.薩姆喜愛網(wǎng)球、高爾夫以及棒球。


He coughed and coughed.他咳個不停。

He tried and tried but without success.他試了又試,但沒有成功。


There are books and books.有各種各樣的書。

We waited for hours and hours.我們一直等了好幾個小時。


It moves faster and faster.它動得越來越快。

Your work is getting better and better.你的工作干得越來越好了。

More and more families like to keep dogs as pets.越來越多的家庭喜歡養(yǎng)寵物狗。

Fishing is becoming more and more popular.釣魚變得越來越受歡迎了。


The weather was fine,and we went out for a walk.

the weather being fine,we went out for a walk.(獨立主格結構)


In the classroom there are five people,and the teacher is included.

in the classroom There are five people,the teacher included.(獨立主格結構)


【比較】 他有兩個小孩,都很頑皮。

①He has two children,both of whom are naughty.(whom引導定語從句)

②He has two children,and both of them are naughty.(and連接的并列句)


and all 全都,等等     and so on 等等       and so forth 等等

and that 而且,并且     and therefore 因此,為此  and so 因此,為此



It was a sunny but not very warm day.那一天天氣晴朗,卻不太暖和。

She is American but she lives in England.她是美國人,但住在英國。

【提示】 although不能和but 同時使用。

(2)用于not ...but結構,表示選擇,意為“不是……而是”。

What I want is not this one,but that one.我想要的不是這個,而是那個。

Bamboo is not a tree,but a kind of grass.竹不是一種樹,而是一種草。

(3)用于“Excuse me” “I’m sorry”等句式表示語氣委婉。

Excuse me,but I don’t think that’s quite true.很抱歉,我認為這與事實略有出入。

Sorry,but we’re behind schedule.抱歉,我們落在計劃后了。

I’m frightfully sorry,but I can’t see you today.太對不起了,我今天不能見你。


however 副詞,“可是,然而”,也表示轉折;可置于句首,句末或句中,需要逗號隔開。

However,we need not do that now.可是,我們現(xiàn)在不需要做那個。

He said it was so;he was mistaken,however.他說是那樣的,然而他卻弄錯了。

His friends,however,had other ideas.然而他的朋友們卻另有見解。


all but 幾乎              anything but 決不

but for 除非              nothing but 只是

last but not least 最后但并非不重要   can’t help but 不由得……

not that ...but that ...不是因為……而是因為



The days were short,for it was now December.天短了,現(xiàn)在已是12月了。

He must be in now,for the light in his room is on.



Because it was wet he took a taxi.因為下雨,他叫了一輛出租車。

(because 不能用for 替換。因為for引導的從句不能位于它所解釋的動詞之前)

He stole,not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing.

他偷東西,并不是因為他想要錢,而是他有這種毛病。(because不能用for 替換。因為 for不能位于not,but或任何連詞之后)

— Why did you do it? 你為什么這么做?

— I did it because I was angry.因為我生氣才這么做的。(for不能回答why引導的問句)



Is the radio off or on? 無線電關上了還是開著的?

Would you prefer tea or coffee? 你喜歡茶還是咖啡?

You can come now or you can meet us there later.



Hurry up,or you’ll be late for school.趕快,否則你上學就要遲到了。

Dress warmly,or else you’ll catch cold.穿暖和點,否則你會感冒的。


He was not clever or good-looking.他不聰明,也長得不好看。

He never smokes or drinks.他從不吸煙,也不喝酒。


①They sang and danced.他們既唱歌又跳舞。(肯定句)

②They didn’t sing or dance.他們既沒有唱歌也沒有跳舞。(否定句)


more or less 或多或少    or more 或更多      one or two 一兩個

or rather 更確切地      or else 否則,要不然   or so 大約



The dog was hungry,so we fed it.狗餓了,所以我們喂它。

I got ill so I went to see a doctor.我生病了,因此去看了醫(yī)生。

It was dark,so I couldn’t see what was happening.


Nothing more was heard from him so we began to wonder if he was dead.



So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears.


So what have you been doing today? 那么你今天都干什么了?

So,that is it for today.好,今天就到這里。


and so on/forth 等等    so far 迄今為止    so as to 為了    so ...as to 如此……以致

so/as long as 只要     so that 以便      So what? 那又怎么樣


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