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[高中]全新語法:形容詞的比較級 三、形容詞的“超過”比較







(1)than 句式中必須用比較級

People in the country are happier than people in the city.鄉(xiāng)下的人們比城市的人們更快樂。

It is colder this year than (it was)last year.今年比去年冷。

Sue is more beautiful than Jane.蘇比珍更美。

The computer is more expensive than the typewriter.計算機比打字機貴。


①Which is the more useful (metal),iron or gold? 鐵和金,哪一個比較有用些?

②Iron is the more useful (metal)of the two.鐵是兩者中比較有用的。


a bit,a lot,a great deal,a little,by far,even,far,much,rather,slightly,still,yet,


The room is a bit larger than that one.這個房間比那個稍大一點.

This is a great deal better than that.這個比那個好多了。

They’re a little better now.現(xiàn)在他們稍好一點兒了。

It’s slightly colder today than it was yesterday.今天比昨天稍冷一點。

Today was even colder than yesterday.今天比昨天還要冷。

Let’s go by car.It’s much cheaper.咱們開車去。這樣便宜得多。

He is fat,but his brother is still fatter.他很胖,但他哥哥更胖。

China is one-sixth larger than the United States.中國比美國大六分之一。

This restaurant is rather more expensive than that.這家餐廳比那家貴得多。

There are far more people than we expected.人比我們預(yù)計的多得多。

She is by far the better actress.她是個更好的女演員。



②very不能修飾比較級,但much和very much可以;

③by far 可以修飾比較級和最高級,前置時要在定冠詞之前。

2.“more ...than”句式,意為“是……而不是……;與其……不如……”

She is more wise than diligent.與其說她勤勉不如說她聰明。

I was more disappointed than discouraged.我是失望,而不是泄氣。

He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.他是短跑健將,而不是游泳選手。

I am more frightened than hurt.我嚇壞了但沒有受傷。


no better than=as bad as 與……一樣不好

no earlier than=as late as 與……與一樣遲

no faster than=as slow as 與……一樣不快

no taller than=as short as 與……一樣不高

He is no cleverer than her.他與她一樣不聰明。

He’s no richer than a beggar.他窮如乞丐。

He is no taller than me.他同我一樣不高。

His English is no better than mine.他的英語同我的英語一樣不好。

You are no more careful than he is.你和他一樣不仔細。

He is no more generous than John.他和約翰一樣不大方。


①I have no more than ten dollars.我只有10塊錢。(no more than 僅僅)

②I have not more than ten dollars.我最多也不過10塊錢。(not more than不超過)

4.“the+比較級,the+比較級”句式,意為“ 越……就越……”。

The older we grow,the poorer our memory will become.年齡越大,記憶力越差。

The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make.


The more I learn,the less I feel I know.學(xué)而后知不足。

The better the boy (is),the more I like him.這男孩愈好,我愈喜歡他。

The colder the weather (is),the more comfortable my life (will be).


The more haste,the less speed.欲速則不達。

More profit and less honor.舍名逐利。

The sooner,the better.事不宜遲。

The more you have,the more you want.擁有愈多,欲望愈高。

The more you beat iron,the harder it grows.鐵不煉不成鋼,玉不琢不成器。



She is growing fatter and fatter.她越來越胖了。

Things are getting better and better every day.情況一天天好起來。

The days are getting longer and longer.白天越來越長了。


It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job.找工作越來越困難了。

English is becoming more and more important.英語越來越重要了。

One reason is that the tickets are more and more expensive.原因之一是票價越來越高。


be senior to 比……年齡大(類似于be older than)

be junior to 比……年輕(類似于be younger than)

be superior to 比……優(yōu)秀(類似于be better than)

be inferior to 比……差(類似于be worse than)

I am five years senior to Jane.我比簡大五歲。

Jane is five years junior to me.簡比我小五歲。

This computer is superior to the one you bought.這臺電腦比你買的要好。

This photo is inferior to that one.這張照片比那張差。


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