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[初中]全新英語語法14-4 非謂語動詞的用法區(qū)別






14-4 非謂語動詞的用法區(qū)別




To complete the program needs much effort.完成這項計劃需要很大的努力。

Reading is really fun.讀書很有趣。


Is his speaking reasonable?他的發(fā)言有道理嗎?


It is no use doing .../It is no good doing .../It is useless doing .../It is worthwhile doing ...等。如:

It is no use talking your trouble to a man like him.跟他那樣的人談你的煩惱沒有用。


Seeing is believing.眼見為實。


Waving your hand is to say “Good-bye”.揮手就是說“再見”。

Nodding your head is to say “Yes”.點頭就是說“對,是的”。





I want to go swimming this afternoon.今天下午我想要去游泳。

They decided to build a bridge over the river.他們決定在河上面建一座橋。

The letter asked people to give up nuclear weapons.這封信請求人們放棄核武器。

Her parents are planning to have their second child.她父母正計劃要第二個孩子。

I hope to go with you.我希望和你一起去。

My mother refused to go there with us.我媽媽拒絕和我們一起去那里。

My English teacher promised to lend some books to me.我的英語老師答應(yīng)借給我一些書。


后只跟動名詞作賓語的常用動詞有:finish,enjoy,spend,mind,keep,suggest,practice,admit,advise,allow,avoid,consider,discuss,escape,imagine,mention,miss,prevent,put off,give up,insist on,be worth,keep on,look forward to,can't help,be/get used to,can't stand,feel like 等。如:

You shouldn't keep thinking about it.你不應(yīng)老想著這事。

Would you mind opening the window?打開窗好嗎?

Everyone in my class enjoys playing football.我班人人喜歡踢足球。

We only missed seeing each other by five minutes.我們只因差五分鐘而未能見面。

I advise waiting a few more days.我建議再等幾天。

I admit breaking the window.我承認(rèn)窗子是我打破的。

These books are well worth reading.這些書值得讀。

My mother couldn't help smiling when she heard the good news.聽到那好消息,我媽媽情不自禁地笑起來。

My father has given up smoking.我父親戒煙了。

Do you feel like taking a walk?你要不要去散步?

We are looking forward to coming to China.我們期待著來中國。



We began learning/to learn English when we came to junior middle school.我們來初中時才開始學(xué)習(xí)英語。


①begin,start 用于進(jìn)行時態(tài)時,后面的非謂語動詞只用動詞不定式而不用動名詞。如:

He is beginning to work in that company.他即將開始去那個公司工作。


After the talk with his English teacher,he began to like English.跟英語老師談話之后,他開始喜歡英語了。


I forgot to tell you about it.我忘記要告訴你那件事了。

I remembered giving the book to Li Lei,but he said I didn't.我記得我把書給李雷了,但是他說我沒有給。


I hate to go boating today.今天我不想去劃船。

I hate going boating.我討厭劃船。


I didn't mean to bother you.我本不想打擾你。

What he said means going there by air.他說的話意思就是坐飛機去那兒。


I'll try to catch up with my class this term.這一學(xué)期我將盡力趕上同學(xué)們。

Why didn't you try riding a bike to go to school?為什么不試著騎車去學(xué)校呢?

⑥stop,go on等,后接不定式作賓語時表示一種目的,表示停下來或繼續(xù)的目的是要去干另一件事;接動名詞作賓語時,表示停止或繼續(xù)所做的事情,意為“停止干某事或繼續(xù)干某事”。如:

Now stop to listen to me,please.現(xiàn)在請停下來聽我講。

Now stop writing,please.現(xiàn)在請停止寫字。


I need to water the flowers every day.我需要每天給花澆水。

The flowers need watering every day.=The flowers need to be watered every day.花兒需要每天澆水。

⑧can't help后接不定式作賓語時,意為“不能幫忙干”;接動名詞作賓語時,意為“禁不住干,情不自禁干”。如:

I'm very busy now,so I can't help (to)clean the room.我現(xiàn)在很忙,因此不能幫助打掃房間了。

The girl couldn't help crying when she saw her mother again.當(dāng)小女孩再次看到母親時,她情不自禁地哭了起來。

⑨be used to后接不定式時,意為“被用來做某事”;接動名詞作賓語時,意為“已習(xí)慣于做某事”。如:

The wood will be used to make paper.這些木材將被用來造紙。

My parents are used to getting up early.我父母已習(xí)慣于早起床。



What I would suggest is to start work at once.我的建議是立刻開始干。

Our work is serving the people.我們的工作是為人民服務(wù)。

His hobby is collecting stamps.他的愛好是集郵。


The boy was excited at the news.那個男孩為這個消息感到興奮。

The activity is very exciting.那項活動令人興奮。

I'm interested in collecting all kinds of concert tickets.我對收集各種各樣的音樂會門票感興趣。

The film is so interesting.這部電影如此有趣。



I often see him go to the cinema.我經(jīng)常看見他去看電影。

I found a strange person walking nearby our shop all day.我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個陌生人整天在我們商店附近走動。

He spoke slowly to make himself understood better.他說得很慢,讓自己更好地被人理解。

(2)下列動詞只用動詞不定式作賓語補足語,組成“動詞+sb.+to do”結(jié)構(gòu),而不用動名詞或分詞作賓語補足語。

ask sb.to do sth.要求某人干某事      tell sb.to do sth.告訴某人干某事

advise sb.to do sth.建議某人干某事    allow sb.to do sth.允許某人干某事

encourage sb.to do sth.鼓勵某人干某事   expect sb.to do sth.期望某人干某事

help sb.to do sth.幫助某人干某事      wish sb.to do sth.希望某人干某事

warn sb.to do sth.警告某人干某事      want sb.to do sth.想要某人干某事

call on sb.to do sth.號召某人干某事    order sb.to do sth.命令某人干某事

teach sb.to do sth.教某人干某事      force sb.to do sth.強迫某人干某事

My parents don't allow me to swim in the river.我父母不允許我在河里游泳。

Father encourages me to do what I like.父親鼓勵我做我所喜歡的事情。



The teacher made him do the exercises again.老師讓他再做一次練習(xí)。

He often helps me (to)study English in his spare time.他經(jīng)常在課余時間幫我學(xué)英語。





I have a meeting to attend .我有一個會議要出席。

There is a swimming pool in our school.在我們學(xué)校有一個游泳池。

Listen to the singing bird.聽那只鳥在唱歌。

Who is the boy running towards us?朝我們跑來的那個男孩是誰?

The worried mother has been ill for days.憂心忡忡的媽媽病了好幾天了。

Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.大多數(shù)應(yīng)邀參加這次晚會的人是著名的科學(xué)家。



He went to the library to borrow a book.他去圖書館借了一本書。(表目的)

The boy sat at the desk reading a book.那個男孩坐在課桌旁看書。(表伴隨情況)

Seen from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful.從山頂上看去,這個公園顯得更加美麗。(表方式)


1.[上海中考考題] After she finished _____ the story,Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper.

A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading

2.[云南中考考題] The Smiths have decided _____ a house near the sea.

A.buy B.bought C.buying D.to buy

3.[海南中考考題] Bruce practices _____ basketball every day so that he can be a better player.

A.play B.to play C.playing

4.[天津中考考題] I wanted to see the Beijing Opera,so Lingling offered _____ me to watch an opera.

A.took B.takes C.to take D.taking

5.[江蘇蘇州中考考題] Our teacher often advises us _____ the habit of making notes while reading.

A.to develop B.develop

C.to developing D.developing

6.[山東青島中考考題] We have worked so long.Shall we stop _____ a rest?

A.have B.to having C.having D.to have


1.答案:D 句意:Alice讀完這個故事后,為學(xué)校社團(tuán)寫了一篇評論。finish 后的動詞用動名詞,故選D。

2.答案:D 句意:史密斯一家已經(jīng)決定去買海邊的一所房子。decide后接to do不定式,故選D。

3.答案:C 句意:為了成為更好的運動員,Bruce每天練習(xí)打籃球。practice后的動詞用動名詞,意為“練習(xí)干某事”,故選 C.

4.答案:C 句意:我想看京劇,因此玲玲主動提出帶我去看京劇。offer to do sth.意為“主動提出做某事”。故選C。

5.答案:A 句意:我們的老師經(jīng)常建議我們養(yǎng)成閱讀時做筆記的習(xí)慣。advise sb.to do sth.意為“建議某人做某事”。故選A。

6.答案:D 題意:我們已經(jīng)工作很長時間了。我們停下來休息一下好嗎?stop to do sth.意為“停下來去做某事”,stop doing sth.意為“停止做某事”。由句意可知選D。

【語法專練 體驗中考】

1.[江蘇南京] — Have you read the book Jane Eyre ?

— Yes.It's a famous book and really worth _____.

A.to read B.reading C.to be read D.read

2.[廣東考題] Leonardo DiCaprio,a famous American actor,was always expecting _____ an Oscar and finally he made it.

A.to win B.winning C.not to win D.not winning

3.[重慶考題] Taiji is my favorite and I often play it _____ healthy.

A.to keep B.keeps C.keeping D.kept

4.[呼和浩特] — I tried to make Alice _____ her mind but I found it difficult.

— Well,I saw you _____ that when I went past.

A.changed;do B.changes;doing

C.change;to do D.change;doing

5.[上??碱}] I can't tell you what she said.I've promised _____ it a secret.

A.keep B.to keep C.keeping D.kept

6.[遼寧丹東] — You never miss one minute in class.

— You know,we must listen to the teacher carefully _____.

A.take notes B.taking notes C.to take notes D.takes notes

7.[黑龍江齊齊哈爾] We feel like _____ some food and drink because we'll invite some friends _____ in a party.

A.buying,to join B.to buy,joining C.buying,join

8.[吉林考題] Joining a summer camp is a great chance _____ free time with your friends.

A.spend B.spending C.to spend

9.[四川雅安] Our teacher often asks us _____ time.

A.not waste B.don't waste C.not to waste D.doesn't waste

10.[江蘇鎮(zhèn)江] Our country encourages more students _____ football.Now many football clubs have been set up in schools.

A.play B.playing C.to play D.will play

11.[黑龍江綏化] It's our duty _____ our hometown clean and beautiful.We must do something for it.

A.keeping B.keeps C.to keep

12.[甘肅天水] There was so much noise outside that the teacher couldn't make herself _____.

A.hear B.heard C.to hear D.hearing

13.[甘肅蘭州] The fridge doesn't work.Why not consider _____ a new one?

A.buy B.bought C.to buy D.buying

14.[湖北孝感] When you are tired,_____ in the countryside is a wonderful experience.

A.relaxing B.relaxed C.relax D.relaxes

15.[江蘇泰州] — Mr.Ling,I have some difficulty _____ the article.

— Remember _____ it three or four times at least.

A.to understand;reading B.understanding;reading

C.understanding;to read D.to understand;to read


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C


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